Butter MakingYou can make your very?own butter at home!?All you need is one simple ingredient and a little patience and you could be eating the most delicious butter you’ve ever made.?Materials:Heavy creamJar with a lidDirections:1. It’s best if you let the heavy cream warm up to room temperature before starting. The colder the cream is the longer it takes for the butter to form.?2. Fill your jar with enough cream to leave a little bit of room. Seal the jar really tight and start shaking.?3. You’re going to?be shaking for a while so it’s good to take turns. If your arms start to get tired, take a little break and then get back to shaking.?4. First, the cream will start to get thick, like a yogurt. Take a peak when its starts to sound less sloshy in the jar.?5. Your butter is ready when you have a solid little ball swimming in what looks like thin milk. This is called whey or buttermilk.?6. Use your homemade butter on whatever you like. Refrigerate anything that’s left. This butter won’t last as long so be sure to use?it?in the next 2 to 3 days. Enjoy!?Toy ParachuteSend your toys skyward and watch them slowly drift down on a cushion of air. Make mini parachutes for your toys and test your engineering skills.?Materials:StringPaper, cloth scraps, newspaperTapePaper ClipsScissorsDirections: 1. Cut your cloth or paper to a square just the right size based on the size and weight of the toy. Bigger, heavier toys will need large parachutes, while small, light toys can use smaller parachutes.?2. Tape a paper clip to each of the 4 corners so that the paper clip sticks out.?3. Tie a separate string to each paper clip and then tie all four strings to your toy.?4. Find a safe place to throw your toy high into the sky and let it take flight. Be very careful not to stand under it in case the parachute malfunctions.?5. If everything goes correctly, your toy should fall safely back to earth. If it doesn’t work right, think about?what you could do to improve your design and head back to the drawing board.?Pasta NecklaceThis fun craft can really inspire your child’s creativity and help with fine motor skills. It’s easy and uses materials typically found around the house.?? INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Materials: String or ribbonTube-shape pastaMarkers or paintDirections:1. Have your child start by coloring or painting the pasta they want to use to make a necklace. Markers will let them get right to it, while they’ll have to wait a bit if you use paint.?2. Your child can place their?pasta?onto a string.?You can temporarily tie something to the end of the string to keep the pasta from falling off.?The smaller the pasta the bigger the challenge. Use larger noodles for younger kids while trying some smaller ones for kids who might be up to the challenge.?3. When all the pasta is on the necklace, tie the string so it fits over their head so it can be easily removed.?Magnetic Craft SticksHave your kids help you make these colorful and crafty magnetic stick they can use. These sticks can be used to make shapes or letters and are a fun toy to play with.?Materials:Craft sticksSelf-adhesive magnet stripsMarkers, crayons, paint, or food coloringDirections:1. Start by having your kids color the craft sticks you’ll be using. A neat trick you can use for wood is to let them soak in a colored water bath using food coloring. After they’ve dried you can use them as is or add your own decorations.?2. Have your child help you stick pieces of adhesive magnetic strip to each stick. Depending of the adhesive and the magnet you may want to use more than one and you may want to add a dab of glue.?3. Once the magnets are secure, they can be used on any magnetic surface to create shapes, letters and anything else your child can imagine.?Floating Arm TrickIf you’re bored and want to try a really cool trick, all you need is a doorway! This trick is really cool and it has to do with how your muscles work. Try it out and see what you think!?Materials:DoorwayDirections:1. Stand in the door way as if you were to walk through it.?2. With your arms starting at your sides, slowly move your arms out until the backs of your hands are touching the doorway.?3. Keeping your arms straight, use your strength to press the backs of your hands into the doorway. Do this for about 30 seconds.?4. After the 30 seconds have passed, completely relax your arms and step out of the doorway.?5. If you’ve done it correctly and are completely relaxed, your arms will feel like they want to rise all on their own. Scientists call this?Kohnstamm?phenomenon. It has to do with how your brain and your muscles communicate with each other.? ................

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