|1 | |Name of the candidate and address |Dr. PALLAVI UPPIN |

| | | |P.G. STUDENT, |




| | | |GULBARGA – 585105. |


| | | |585105 |

|3 | |Course of the study and subject |M.D(HOMOEO) MATERIA MEDICA |

|4 | |Date of admission to the course | 10-10-2012 |



|6 | |Brief resume of the intended work | |

| |6.1 |Need for the study | PHARYNGITIS comes from the greek word Pharynx |

| | | |Pharanx meaning Throat and the suffix –Itis means Inflammation. |

| | | |Therefore, it is an inflammatory condition of throat especially back |

| | | |of the throat( Pharynx). It is most common cause for sore throat. |

| | | |Regardless of age, gender, among all others, the affections of |

| | | |pharyngitis constitute one of the most frequent reason for visiting |

| | | |the doctor. |

| | | |Around 30 million people are affected by Pharyngitis annually. |

| | | |Pharyngitis is classified into Acute pharyngitis is characterized by |

| | | |sudden onset and typically a relatively short course. Again acute is |

| | | |of catarrhal and purulent or ulcerative depending of the virulence of|

| | | |causative agent and immune capacity of the affected individual. |

| | | |Chronic pharyngitis is characterized by gradual onset and typically a|

| | | |relatively long duration. It is of catarrhal and hypertrophic or |

| | | |atrophic type. |

| | | | |

| | | |Cause: |

| | | |Direct contact with the infected person. |

| | | |Infectious cause: |

| | | |Virus are the most common causes 90% in |

| | | |adults, 60%-75% in children and include |

| | | |rhinovirus, adenovirus, para-influenza |

| | | |virus, herpes simplex virus, Epstein-Barr |

| | | |virus, cytomegalovirus. |

| | | |Bacteria: |

| | | |Group A β-hemolytic streptococci, Group C |

| | | |streptococci, Group G streptococci, |

| | | |Corynebacterium diphtheria, |

| | | |Aranobacterinum haemolytium, Neisseria |

| | | |gonorrhea,Yernisia enterocolitica. |

| | | |Fungi: |

| | | |candida may be found in immune- |

| | | |compromised individuals. |

| | | |Non-infection cause: |

| | | |Irritants, pollutants, chemical substances, |

| | | |smoking(both active and passive. |

| | | |Allergies: |

| | | |dust, certain food and drinks, pollen grains, etc. |

| | | |According to Allopathic school of medicine: they manage by advising |

| | | |bed rest, give symptomatic treatment mainly in viral infections, give|

| | | |analgesics, antibiotics preferably pencillin or erythromycin. Mouth |

| | | |washes, cough suppressants like codeine phosphate linctus. |

| | | |It is rather difficult to reverse the chronic changes once they have |

| | | |set in However, the symptoms can be elevated to a greater extent, |

| | | |primary etiological factors should receive proper treatment. |

| | | |Advices given: to avoid alcohol, smoking, exposure to irritants, |

| | | |spicy food, direct contact with infected person. |

| | | |Most of the Allopathic drugs have side effects and there is a chance |

| | | |of recurrence after end of the treatment, but in Homoeopathy complete|

| | | |system of medicine aims is to promote general health, by reinforcing |

| | | |the body’s own natural healing capacity. |

| | | |Homoeopathy means similar to the suffering the remedies used to treat|

| | | |sick people are actually capable of producing similar set of symptoms|

| | | |in a healthy person, homoeopathic remedies act at a level of energy, |

| | | |so we don’t treat for pharyngitis but, the person as a whole. |

| | | |Homoeopathy has much to offer in this condition, not only in the |

| | | |active phase of illness where it acts by providing prompt relief of |

| | | |the symptoms but is also capable of checking the further |

| | | |predisposition to these conditions in sensitive individuals |

| | | |Homoeopathy can boost the immune system to fight out the disease and |

| | | |to prevent sickness in the future, so number of people’s are |

| | | |diverting towards homoeopathy to boost up their immune system in |

| | | |order to fight the disease naturally. |

| | | |So, Homeopathic system is a safe, rapid, gentle and permanent cure |

| | | |for pharyngitis. |

| | | |It’s an effort, to see the utility of homoeopathic medicine in |

| | | |pharyngitis |

| | | |Hence I want to make an effort in dissertation on this topic. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |6.2 |Review of literature |Acute pharyngitis: |

| | | |Acute inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa is an accompanying |

| | | |feature of many local and systemic diseases. |

| | | |Membranous pharyngitis |

| | | |Various diseases local or systemic are associated with membrane |

| | | |formation in the pharynx. |

| | | |Chronic pharyngitis: |

| | | |Chronic inflammation of the pharynx may be due to non-specific or |

| | | |specific lesions. |

| | | |Chronic non-specific pharyngitis. |

| | | |Chronic specific pharyngitis. |

| | | |REF NO. 1 |

| | | | |

| | | |Acute pharyngitis |

| | | |Etiology: it is very common and occurs due to varied etiological |

| | | |factors like viral, bacterial, fungal or others, viral causes are |

| | | |more common for acute pharyngitis. |

| | | |Acute streptococcal pharyngitis had received more importance because |

| | | |of It’s etiology in rheumatic fever and post-streptococcal |

| | | |glomerulonephritis. |

| | | |Chronic pharyngitis |

| | | |It is a chronic inflammatory condition of the pharynx. |

| | | |Chronic pharyngitis is of 2 types |

| | | |Chronic catarrhal pharyngitis |

| | | |Chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis Atrophic pharyngitis |

| | | |It is a form of chronic pharyngitis often seen in patients of |

| | | |atrophic rhinitis. Pharyngeal mucosa along with its mucous glands |

| | | |shows atrophy. |

| | | |REF NO. 2 |

| | | |The pharynx |

| | | |Acute catarrhal pharyngitis |

| | | |This is not well defined affection it is usually accompanied by acute|

| | | |rhinitis on one hand and laryngitis on the other hand. The tonsils |

| | | |often participate in the inflammation |

| | | |Acute septic pharyngitis |

| | | |This term includes a series of severe infective inflammation |

| | | |oedematous, phlegmonous and gangrenous. Pharyngitis, laryngitis, and |

| | | |Ludwig’s Angina. |

| | | |Chronic Pharyngitis |

| | | |Etiology: Chronic Pharyngitis is usually secondary to chronic |

| | | |infections in the nasal sinuses, tonsils, or teeth. |

| | | |REF NO. 3 |

| | | | |

| | | |Acute Pharyngitis |

| | | |Acute sore throat is the term employed. It is an acute inflammation |

| | | |of the mucous membrane lining the pharynx and frequently a part of |

| | | |a general inflammation affecting the nose and larynx |

| | | |Homoeopathic remedies for management of pharyngitis |

| | | |Aconite 3x : the invasion is sharp, with active systemic reaction |

| | | |indicated by fever or repeated attacks of chills. |

| | | |Apprehensiveness and sense of impending severe illness. |

| | | | |

| | | |Apis 3x: constricting, burning, and stitching pains. The local |

| | | |condition presents marked oedema. The mucous membranes are shiny and |

| | | |puffed. |

| | | |Chronic Pharyngitis |

| | | |This is simple catarrhal, granular or lateral hypertrophy of the |

| | | |pharyngeal mucous membrane. |

| | | |Ars.iod 2x: follicular and glandular enlargement, the mucous membrane|

| | | |between the area of hypertrophy in anaemic. |

| | | |Atrophic Pharyngitis: |

| | | |This condition is characterized by abnormal dryness of pharynx and is|

| | | |observed particularly in individual who are anaemic or debilitated, |

| | | |in diabetics and those afflicted with tuberculosis and contracted |

| | | |kidneys. |

| | | |Homoeopathic, china tincture and the iodide of arsenic 2x are |

| | | |frequently indicated because of the type of patient condition with |

| | | |which atrophic pharyngitis is frequently associated. |

| | | |REF NO. 4 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Acute Pharyngitis |

| | | |The character and severity of the symptoms depends on the cause and |

| | | |nature of the attack`. |

| | | |Amm – Carb : when swallowing there is sensation of foreign body in |

| | | |the throat. |

| | | |Sore throat as if something is stitching in it, especially in the |

| | | |morning and in the evening. putrid sore throat. |

| | | |Chronic follicular pharyngitis |

| | | |Calc-Carb : sore throat as if from a plug or a swelling in the |

| | | |gullet. |

| | | |Constriction in the throat and cramp like contraction of the gullet. |

| | | |Affection in the throat after straining the back, hawking up of |

| | | |mucus. |

| | | |Atrophic pharyngitis |

| | | |Sabadilla : |

| | | |Pain in the throat as if caused by a plug or an internal swelling |

| | | |during deglutition. |

| | | |Dryness in the throat. |

| | | |REF NO. 5 |

| | | | |

| | | |Aesculus Hippocastanum |

| | | |I have used with very good results in coryza and sore throat. |

| | | |Sensation of rawness, sensitive to inhaled cold air, in the throat it|

| | | |has the same sensation of a rawness, both in acute and in chronic |

| | | |follicular pharyngitis to which it is often a good remedy. |

| | | |Phytolococca Decandra |

| | | |I have done some good work with this remedy in follicular |

| | | |pharyngitis, especially when in public speakers the voice gave out |

| | | |from over work and there was much burning in the throat as of a hot |

| | | |substance there in this kind of sore throat I have the best success |

| | | |with the remedy very high. |

| | | |REF NO. 6 |

| | | | |

| | | |Kali- Bichromium |

| | | |We find kali- bichromium indicated in the forms of inflammation of |

| | | |the throat other then diphtheritic, thus it is called for in |

| | | |follicular pharyngitis, the follicles of the throat becomes |

| | | |hypertrophied and looks like little tubercles on the pharyngeal |

| | | |walls. |

| | | |Kali-carbonicum : |

| | | |It acts causing a quite a series of catarrhal symptoms. There is a |

| | | |sticking sensation in the pharynx, as from a fish bone lodged there, |

| | | |whenever the patient becomes cold. |

| | | |REF NO. 7 |

| | | | |

| | | |Laryngitis and pharyngitis |

| | | |Wyethia Helenoides |

| | | |Excellent remedy for pharyngitis characterized by constant irritation|

| | | |in the pharynx that makes the person clear the throat like crazy, |

| | | |this does not bring any relief of the patient. |

| | | |The pharynx feels dry and swollen constant tickling in the |

| | | |epiglottis, this leads to coughing. |

| | | |It is useful for Pharyngitis in school teachers, singers and other |

| | | |professional who use to do lots of public speaking. |

| | | |REF NO. 8 |

| | | | |

| | | |Pharyngitis |

| | | |Acute sore throat is the form given to pharyngitis. It is |

| | | |inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the pharynx and is |

| | | |frequently a part of general inflammation affecting the nose and |

| | | |larynx. It is seen as a part of general acute upper respiratory tract|

| | | |infection so called general cold. |

| | | |REF NO. 9 |

| | | | |

| | | |Complete and permanent cure of Pharyngitis. |

| | | |Treatment: |

| | | |Most sore throat are caused by viruses. Antibiotics do not help. The |

| | | |best treatment is any condition is to build your immune system up. |

| | | |This in far superior to looking to kill off bacteria. The bacteria |

| | | |aren’t the course of the malady, your immune system is compromised. |

| | | |There are many homoeopathic medicine which treat a throat. |

| | | |REF NO. 10 |

| |6.3 |Objective of the study | |

| | | |To study and assess the efficacy of homeopathic medicines in treating|


| | | | |

| | | |To evolve the group of remedies commonly indicated in the management |

| | | |of PHARYNGITIS. |

|7 | |Material and methods | |


| |7.2 |Method of collection of data including |By interrogations of the individual cases |

| | |sampling procedure if any |By physical examination of the patient and routine lab investigation.|

| | | |Sample size- 30 cases are to be studied. |

| | | |Sampling procedure- samples collected using the simple random |

| | | |sampling technique. |

| | | |Data analysis by chi squire test. |

| | | |Inclusive criteria- |

| | | |Patients of all age group |

| | | |Both Sexes |

| | | |From all socio-economic status |

| | | |Exclusive criteria- |

| | | |Rheumatic fever |

| | | |Glomerulonephritis |

| | | |Tonsillitis |

| | | |Sinusitis |

| | | |Specific infection of pharynx like Tuberculous, syphilis, lupus |

| | | |vulgaris. |

| | | |Peritonsillar abscess |

| | | | |

| | | |Duration of study |

| | | |1-05-2013 to 30-04-2015 |

| |7.3 |Does this study requires any |The study requires the following investigations to be conducted on |

| | |investigations or interventions to be |patients. |

| | |conducted on patients or other humans |Complete blood count. |

| | |or animals? |Throat swab for smear culture |

| | |If so please describe briefly |X-rays ( if required) |

| |7.4 |Whether ethical clearance has been |Yes, the ethical clearance has been obtained from institution. |

| | |obtained from your institution in case | |

| | |of 7.3 | |

|8 | |List of references |Ref No.1 |

| | | |Dr.Mohammad Maqbool |

| | | |Suhail Maqbool |

| | | |Text Book Of Ear, Nose And Throat Diseases. |

| | | |Chapter 46 |

| | | |11th Edition |

| | | |Jaypee Brothers |

| | | |Page No. 279-281 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Ref No.2 |

| | | |Dr. P.L. Dhingra |

| | | |Diseases Of Ear, Nose And Throat |

| | | |4th Edition |

| | | |Elsevier Indian Pvt Ltd |

| | | |Chapter No. 49 Acute And Chronic Pharyngitis |

| | | |Page No. 236-238 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Ref No.3 |

| | | |Dr.Price’s Textbook Of The Practice Of Medicine |

| | | |12th Edition The English Language Book Society And Oxford University |

| | | |Page No. 613, 614 And 848, 849 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Ref No.4 |

| | | |Dr.Joseph V.F. Clay |

| | | |Homoeopathic Treatment Of Diseases Of The Nose And Throat |

| | | |B.Jain Publisher’s Reprint Edition 1998 |

| | | |Page No. 113 – 120 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Ref No.5 |

| | | |Dr.P. Sivaraman |

| | | |Ear, Nose And Throat |

| | | |Troubles Cured With Homoeopathy |

| | | |B.Jain Publisher’s Pvt Ltd |

| | | |Reprint Edition 1997 |

| | | |Page No.270-273,14,43,205 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Ref No. 6 |

| | | |Dr E.B. Nash. MD |

| | | |Leaders In Homeopathic Therapeutics. |

| | | |B. Jain Publications |

| | | |Reprint Edition - 2000 – 01 |

| | | |Page No. 181 , 447 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Ref No. 7 |

| | | |Dr. E.A. Farrington MD |

| | | |Clinical Materia Medica |

| | | |B. Jain Publications |

| | | |4th Edition |

| | | |Reprint Edition- 1994 |

| | | |Page No. 722, 730, 740 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Ref No.8 |

| | | |Dr. Farokh J.M. |

| | | |The Homoeopathic Heritage |

| | | |Bringing Classical And Contemporary Homoeopathy Together |

| | | |Vol No. 35 |

| | | |Common Ent Problems In My Practice |

| | | |Page No. 10 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Ref No. 9 |

| | | |Homoeopathy For All |

| | | |Vol. 4 No.45 Sep 15 2003 |

| | | |Diseases Of Nose And Throat In Children’s |

| | | |Page No. 41 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Ref No. 10 |

| | | | |

| | | |sheryna.in/Complete-And-Permanent-Cure-Of-Pharyngitis-Wit... |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|9 | |Signature of candidate | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|10 | |Remarks of guide | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|11 | |Name and designation of (in block |Dr. MAHADEV PASAR |

| | |letters) |M.D. (Homoeo) |

| | | |Prof. Of Materia Medica Dept |

| | | |Hke’s Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital Gulbarga. |

| |11.1 |Signature | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |11.2 |Co-guide (if any) | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |11.3 |Signature | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |11.4 |Head of the department |Dr. RAJESHWARI. K |

| | | |M.D. (Homoeo) |

| | | |Prof. & H.O.D Department Of Materia Medica, |

| | | |H.K.E’S Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital Gulbarga |

| |11.5 |Signature | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |12 |Remarks of the chairman and principal | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |12.1 |Signature | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


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