Mrs. Victor Week 2 (March 23rd – March 27th) First Grade Plan*Suggested activities to be completed each day for the week. Choose from these suggestions to pick the ones you want to do!**Suggested MINIMUM minutes for each subject area are listed in the first boxes Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Reading**30 min.*Daily Comp. Read next passage and do Mon. activity*Lexia**Select an AR book to read this week.*Vocab. Word: garment-a piece of clothing*Daily Comp. Reread and do Tues. activity*Razkids*Vocab. Word: scowl-an angry frown+Have a parent log you on to YouTube. Search for “Animals in Winter Read Aloud.” This is one of the Informational texts from our animal unit. Listen to the story be read. Analyze the pictures (there are some diagrams). After you’ve listened to the story, select two animals from the story and tell an adult about how those animals prepare or live through winter.*Daily Comp. Reread and do Wed. activity*Vocab. Word: prance-to move around happily and proudly*Reread the AR book you chose (Unless it is a chapter book.)*Lexia*Daily Comp. Reread and do Thurs. activity* Good Night Nordonia*Vocab. Word: thoughtful-to think about other people’s feelings and needs*Using the AR book you have been reading this week either write down or tell an adult about the:CharactersSettingProblemSolution*Daily Comp. Reread and do Fri. activity*Reread AR book and take the quiz*Tell someone about your favorite garment (Use adjectives to describe what it looks like AND tell why you like it so much.)Math**30 min.**Practice the math facts***watch a video on addition and subtraction fact families*Choose your websiteWriting **20 min.*Write at least a sentence about what you did today in your writing journal.*Use your spelling words in sentences.*Handwriting Book*Staple some blank papers together. Start writing a book about your first week of being taught at home. Tell what you like about it. Tell what you did. It is your story to tell so be creative and write as much as you want.*Write a sentence about your day*Handwriting book*Read a story and write a few sentences about the main character*Work on your Homeschooled story!*Write a sentence about your day*Handwriting book*Write more in your book about your first week of working at home.*Write a sentence about your day*Handwriting book*Read a story and write about the problem/solution in the story*Add pictures to your story about working at home.*Write a sentence about your day*Use the 4 vocab. words for this week in sentences.*Create a cover for your book. Don’t forget to include a title and the author/illustrator’s name! Spelling**10-15 min.*Unit 23 p. 137-138*Spelling City*Unit 23 p. 139*Rainbow spelling (Use different colors to write your words.*Unit 23 p. 140*Spelling steps*Unit 23 p. 141*Spelling City*Write 5 of your spelling words in sentences that you make up!*Unit 23 p. 142*Spelling testScience/S. Studies**10-15 min.*Brainpopjr (economics for 1st grade) Needs and Wants*Acellus (Go to victor ss*Imagine that you just earned $100. Write a paragraph telling what you would do with the money. Would you save some? Spend it all? What would you buy with it? (Think about things that you NEED first.*YouTube (Have mom or dad search for 1st and 2nd grade Economics lesson by Homeschool Pop. The lesson is called “Producers and Consumers.” Watch the short video. Then, write in your journal about a time when you were a consumer and bought something.*YouTube (Have an adult log into YouTube and search for the title “Producers and Consumers – Social Studies for Kids – Kids Academy.) Watch the short video. *Special activities and family bonding activities are encouraged throughout the week as well. I would love to see pictures if you want to send them to me throughout the time off! ................

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