About Me

Career Consultation Student SurveyType in your answers.About MeNameCity, StateYour age and grade Type of high school (public, private, homeschool)Mom’s Name and VocationDad’s Name and VocationSibling ages (if applicable, college majors & careers)High School Course ReviewOn a 3-point scale, mark each subject that you studied:123**blankDislikedAverageLikedFavoriteHaven’t studiedMath3Algebra IGeometryAlgebra IIStatisticsPrecalc/CalculusSciencePhysicalBiologyChemistryEnvironmentalPhysicsAstronomySocial StudiesHistory – US, World, AncientGovernmentPsychologyEconomicsEnglishGrammarEssay WritingResearch WritingCreative WritingLiteratureSpeechElectivesPerforming Arts – MusicPerforming Arts – TheaterLanguagesComputer TechnologyHealth / NutritionOther: Other: High School activities, hobbies, teams that you most enjoyed.Your Work / Volunteer ExperienceCurrent Job (can be paid employment, volunteer, projects, internship)Position or Job TitleFocus: People or DTI *What do you most enjoy about it?What do you least enjoy about it?Best Job you Have had (can be paid employment, volunteer, projects, internship)Position or Job TitleFocus: People or DTI *What was it that you most enjoyed? (certain tasks, types of work, environment, how you were supervised)Least Favorite Job (can be paid employment, volunteer, projects, internship)Position or Job TitleFocus: People or DTI *What about it did you dislike?Dream Job If education, location, opportunity, or money were not an issue, what would you like to do?Your Dream JobInstructionsPeople or DTI People – or – Data, Things, Ideas: what did this job focus on?People: Care, services, leadership, sales Data: Facts, numbers, files, business proceduresThings: Machines, tools, living things, and materials such as food, wood, metal Ideas: Knowledge, insights, theories, new ways of saying or doing something Your PlansWhat are your current plans for the first year or two following high school graduation? School, job, place to live, pursuits, interests, etcDid you miss anything? Please don’t leave any questions blank. ................

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