Banning Homework Novice Packet


Resolved: Homework should

be banned.


This packet contains resources that students can use to prepare for the Novice Debate Division within the Houston Urban Debate League (HUDL).

Inside the packet, you will find a Novice Format overview sheet that outlines the times and order of speeches. There are also a number of articles for both the Pro and Con side of the following debate topic:

Resolved: Homework should be banned.

The articles found in the packet are only a starting point. Students should conduct additional research and think about the topic and how it applies to their own experiences.

Novice Division Format

Constructive Speeches Pro 1st Speaker 4 minutes The 1st speaker from the pro team should present their pre-written case.

Prep Time

1 minute Prepare for the next speech and talk with your partner.

Con 1st Speaker 4 minutes The 1st speaker from the con team should present their pre-written case.

Prep Time

1 minute Prepare for the next speech and talk with your partner.

Pro 2nd Speaker 4 minutes The second speaker from the pro team needs to respond and attack their opponent's case.

Prep Time

1 minute Prepare for the next speech and talk with your partner.

Con 2nd Speaker 4 minutes The second speaker from the con team needs to respond and attack their opponent's case. They should also respond to the opponent's attacks if they have time.

Prep Time

1 minute Prepare for the next speech and talk with your partner.

Rebuttal Speeches: New evidence, but no new arguments may be presented.

Pro 1st Speaker 3 minutes Find a way to explain issues in the light of all that has happened so far

without speaking too rapidly. This means that a limited number of issues can

be addressed.

Prep Time

1 minute Prepare for the next speech and talk you're your partner.

Con 1st Speaker 3 minutes Find a way to explain issues in the light of all that has happened so far without speaking too rapidly. This means that a limited number of issues can be addressed.

Prep Time

1 minute Prepare for the next speech and talk you're your partner.

Pro 2nd Speaker 3 minutes This frames, with clarity, why your team has won the debate. Before this speech, ask, "If I were judging this round, what would I be voting on?"

Prep Time

1 minute Prepare for the next speech and talk with your partner.

Con 2nd Speaker 3 minutes This frames, with clarity, why your team has won the debate. Before this speech, ask, "If I were judging this round, what would I be voting on?"

There will be no crossfire, POIs or CX, just straight arguments.



ducation Week' log > Finding Common Ground

The Homework Debate

. Peter DeWitt on Feruar 25, 2012 10:38 AM

The Homework Debate Finding Common Ground Education Week

Wh do teacher elieve that homework i o important? I it reall important at all? Do teacher elieve that whatever the teach i o extraordinar that tudent mut continue to work on aignment at home a well a chool? Or, are adminitrator making top-down deciion that homework mut e a part of a tudent' nightl practice? I homework eing ued to teach tudent time management technique? Whatever the reaon, homework till continue to e a hot topic among educator and parent.

Like an good deate, the one over homework ha valid point on oth ide. When done correctl, homework can e an extenion of chool where tudent continue to work on project from home that the egan in the claroom. ome aignment are o engaging to tudent that the want to continue doing reearch when the go home. It can alo provide parent with important inight into what their children are doing in the claroom.

Unfortunatel, if homework i an evening of workheet it can e a chore more than a learning experience. ome educator end home homework ecaue it i what the have alwa done. It' important to keep in mind that the homework that i ent home provide parent a window into their claroom. If teacher are ending home workheet or other homework that i more oring than engaging, the parent ma think their child' claroom provide the ame experience during the da.

For tudent who truggle with chool, homework can e an extenion of the agon the feel on a dail ai. When a tudent truggle during the da, that truggling doen't magicall diappear when the get home. ometime their parent truggle a well, and the cannot provide aitance to their child. Homework can act a a reminder of what the do not know and it' eaier to not complete the homework than it i to complete it. Aking tudent to do more of the ame will not make them etter at it.

The Homework Routine When I egan teaching, m principal made claroom teacher give homework aed on the tudent' grade (kindergarten wa ten minute, firt grade wa twent minute, etc.). I taught firt grade o we had to give aout twent minute of homework ever night. Twent minute wa ea, after all it wa important for tudent to review what we did during the da. Unfortunatel, I found out week later that ome tudent truggled for an hour each night with the homework that wa uppoed to e twent minute. Other tudent got through it on the u and never had to complete it at home.

Parent didn't want to tell me that their child wa truggling with homework ecaue that could potentiall mean that there wa omething wrong with their child. A much a I aked parent to write a note on top of the paper if their children ecame frutrated, the did not follow that direction.

We alo had to give homework packet for vacation. When the tudent left for holida, winter or pring reak, the left with a packet of workheet and a journal. After a few ear of thi practice a parent, who alo happened to e a teaching aitant, told me he would not allow her child to complete the aignment ecaue that wa their pecial time with one another. he aured me that the did other tpe of educational work together, and the chool need not end anthing home.

Other parent were not a honet ut the were ver avv. The tudent went all vacation without doing anthing and then two da efore the went ack to chool the at down to complete the packet. I would hang a lot of it up on the wall ecaue I wanted it to eem relevant, ut even I felt it wa merel u work to do during the week.

On the other end of the pectrum, there are time when parent get mad at educator for not giving their children enough homework. Thoe parent elieve homework prepare their children for the future. The alo ak for extra workheet if their child i high achieving. That can potentiall add to a child' dilike of chool.

In the nd Homework uccum to outide influence. Teacher and tudent ma control their claroom environment ut the do not control the home environment of their tudent. What ma e ea to complete during the da ma e a chore for the tudent at home. Teacher and adminitrator need to undertand that the point of giving homework i not a routine, ut relevant practice for what their tudent are doing in the claroom.



The Homework Debate Finding Common Ground Education Week

Homework, if given at all, need to e engaging for a tudent. If the tudent i the onl one completing it at home, then it hould certainl e

tudent-centered ecaue that will increae the likelihood that it will get done at all. The point, however, i to not give tudent omething to

do at night a u work, ecaue the can find their own engaging activitie which can e more important to their development than


Thing to Rememer:

The ame homework aignment can take a hort or long period to complete depending on the ailit of the tudent

Not all home environment are conducive for completing homework

tudent who truggle in chool will continue to truggle on homework. The magic of a higher reading ailit or math ailit doen't happen when the walk in their houe

Jut ecaue the teacher or parent had homework when the were ounger doen't mean the tudent have to have homework a well. If educator want tudent to change with the time, their aignment have to change with the time a well.

Tet prep hould never e given for homework. It' oring and end the meage that all the chool think aout i achieving high mark on a tet.

ometime parent want to help their children with homework ut ma not know the "right" wa or newet wa of doing it, which could e counterproductive to getting it done correctl.

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Categorie: Claroom nvironment Homework Parental Involvement chool Communit





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The Homework Mth

enior editor Gar tager talk with Alfie Kohn aout hi new ook, The Homework Mth: Wh Our Kid

Gar tager -- Ditrict Adminitration, Dec 2006 12/1/2006

Wh write a ook aout homework?

I'm alwa facinated-and more than a little ditured-when our practice are completel out of tep with what the data a. Homework, I dicovered, i a tunningl clear example of that, ecaue more and more of it i eing piled on ounger and ounger children, even a reearch continue to find aolutel no enefit to making kid do more academic aignment at home after pending ix or even hour in chool. I wrote the ook, firt, to make it more difficult for anone to claim with a traight face that "tudie how homework i effective" or "homework teache kid good tud kill"; and econd, to tr to figure out wh homework would continue to e aigned and accepted in the aence of evidence that it doe much good.

How doe thi ook relate to our previou work?

Well, the ame aic quetion run through a lot of what I write: "If we a we want thi (for kid), then how come we're doing that?" I pent a ingle page on homework in an earlier ook [The chool Our Children Deerve] and decided recentl that the topic warranted a ook of it own.


What advice would ou give a chool leader regarding homework?

Take erioul all the lovel rhetoric we repeat aout the need to do what' et for kid. e willing to quetion the conventional widom, challenge traditional practice, and take ome flack for doing o. e guided what the reearch a, not preure from



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