Curriculum Paper and Classroom Guidelines General Biology ...


Honors Biology

Curriculum Paper and Classroom Guidelines

Instructor: Joshua Eck, Copley High School

E-mail: joshua.eck@copley-

Phone: 330-664-4999 ext. 527610

Room: 142


Course Description: The purpose of this course is to provide an in depth study of nature and the continuity of life. The course will explore scientific methods, data-collecting techniques, and prepare students for the Ohio Graduation Test. This course can also be used as a precursor for AP Biology.

The focus may include but is not limited to classification of organisms, cells, biochemical processes, ecology, evolution, and genetics.

Materials: Textbook (covered), 1- 3-ring binders (2”), loose leaf notebook paper, pens, pencils, colored pencils.

ONLINE BOOK info: (you will get a hard copy your first day of school)

Campbell, Concepts and Connections, 6e:

1. Register at access

2. Enter the first 6 letters of your code below

3. Click on Covered Titles to Select Discipline and Title

4. Choose Student Registration

5. Accept - Pearson License Agreement

Access Information –

* Create username & password

* Enter the Student Access Code below:


A. Account Information – complete your name & school information

B. Confirmation & Summary – link to login and join a class

Should you have any difficulties, please send an email to our e-communication team at phwebaccess@.

Log in to book here:

For your convenience, visit our 24/7 website for technical assistance at .

My expectations of you:

1. Attend class prepared to work.

2. Follow all school policies.

3. Participate in class discussions.

4. Contact me after an absence to receive the material missed in class.

5. Respect yourself, others, and school property.

6. Be in your assigned seat and prepared for class when the bell rings.

7. You will be dismissed from class by the teacher. Do not line up in front of the door.

8. Keep all your notes, handouts and labs in a class notebook or three-ring binder for easy reference. Random notebook checks will take place to ensure that you are keeping up with the assignments.

9. All written assignments must be typed, or completed in pen (no red ink). Work submitted in pencil will not be accepted for credit (exception: diagrams). Please see me to arrange for computer access. All work must be neatly done, paper edges trimmed, and writing legible. If I cannot read you handwriting, I will not grade your paper.

Classroom Rules: In addition to the rules, regulations and ethics in your student handbook, you will need to abide by the following rules:

1. Written assignments must be neatly done and typed.

2. No bonus points/curve will be given for tests not taken on the scheduled test date.

3. It is your responsibility to obtain make-up work and set up a date to make up tests or

quizzes. I will only ask for make-up work after school, NOT before, during or after


4. There will be absolutely NO RE-TAKE of tests and quizzes.

5. Tests and quizzes must be made up within THREE days of the original test/quiz day.

After this time, grade will be a minimum F (56%).

6. Acceptance of late homework: If you turn in the assignment one day late you will receive 75% credit, two days late you will receive 50% credit, three or more days late you will receive no credit (these rules applies to all assignments). No extension on long-term projects. Credit for late projects or assignments will be lowered one letter grade.

7. Although lab activities may be performed in small groups, all students must submit an

individual lab report.

8. Homework is due at the BEGINNING of the class period.

9. There will be NO MAKE-UP for labs that contain consumable materials or special


10. Cheating and plagiarism will result in failure of the assignment and office referral.

11. There will be NO EXTRA CREDIT work given in this class.

12. It is my responsibility to keep my parents informed of my grades and my progress in


13. It is your responsibility to ask for extra help when needed.

14. Any electronic device seen in the classroom in use or otherwise without teacher permission will be confiscated and given to the office. NO EXCEPTION.

15. Disruption of student learning, disrespect, and defiance will not be tolerated. Breaking any of the school or classroom rules will result in disciplinary action. Please be on your best behavior so we can all gain a positive experience in class.

16. No eating in class.


First violation - Verbal warning.

Second Violation - After -school detention and/or parental notification.

Third Violation - Referral to administrative staff.

Grades: Grades will be based on a variety of methods listed below. All assignments will be weighted.

Classwork/ Homework (10%): Your classroom assignments will be due during class. If you are unable to finish an assignment the teacher will use their discretion to allow more time to finish. All assigned homework will be given a due date.

Labs/Projects (30%): Students will be allowed to work with each other for specific assignments. It is each student’s responsibility to participate equally within the group. A severe grade reduction will result for any student not cooperating with the group.

Assessments (60%): Tests and quizzes.

Make up policy: If you are absent due to illness or family emergency, it must be approved and excused by the office. It is the student’s responsibility to receive make-up work when returning to class. The teacher will assign a new date due upon return to school. Make up tests/quizzes/labs will be made up during study hall, my conference period, or before or after school. The file cabinet has most of your make up work. Please check this when you return. If you are out for more than one day, it will be helpful to request your work through e-mail and have someone pick it up for you.

Tardies: If a student is tardy in the morning, he/she must get a pass from an administrator in the office (See student handbook). If a student is not in his/her assigned seat when the bell rings to begin class he/she is considered tardy. If the tardy is 5 minutes or more, a discipline referral to the administrator will follow. Less than 5 minutes, the following actions will be taken:

1-2 tardies-warning

3-4 tardies-detention

5 or more tardies- referral to the office as a habitual offender

*For tardies less than 5 minutes, the count starts over each 9 weeks

Technology: Only approved technology will be allowed when I designate it appropriate. I have the right to not allow technology at any given time. Appropriate technology includes laptop computers, tablets, iPads, and music players. Cell phones are NOT permitted.

Passes: Assume there are no passes given during class time. Use your time between classes wisely. I will use my discretion to issue a pass only if all work is complete and up to date.

Online Website: I will be experimenting with Edmodo this year and you will need to create an account to view it. I will not be able to see any of your personal information so make sure you save your username and password. I will be locking the group after the first week of school and you must join by then. In addition to receiving e-mail alerts about the class, you can enter your phone number to receive updates via text or by downloading the Edmondo app.


Group Code: See dry erase board for access code.___________________________

Course Schedule

|Week(s) |Chapter(s) |Topic(s) |

|First Semester |

|1 |1 |Introduction Study of Life |

|2-10 |36, 37, 38 |*Diversity and Interdependence of Life |

| | |*Ecosystems |

| | |*Homeostasis |

| | |* Carrying capacity |

| | |* Equilibrium and disequilibrium |

|11-14 |2 |Chemistry in Biology |

|15-18 |4, 5, 6, 7, 8.11 |*Cells |

| | |*Cell structure and function |

| | |*Structure, function and interrelatedness of cell organelles |

| | |*Eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells |

| | |*Cellular processes |

| | |*Characteristics of life regulated by cellular processes |

| | |*Photosynthesis, chemosynthesis, cellular respiration |

| | |*Cell division and differentiation |

|19 |Semester Exam |Chapters 1, 36-38, 2, 4-8.11 |

|Second Semester |

|1-9 |8.12-8.24, 9, 10, 12 |Heredity |

| | |*Cellular genetics |

| | |*Structure and function of DNA in cells |

| | |*Genetic mechanisms and inheritance |

| | |*Mutations |

| | |*Modern genetics |

|10-14 |13, 14, 15.1-15.13 |Evolution |

| | |*Mechanisms |

| | |*Natural selection |

| | |*Mutation |

| | |*Genetic drift |

| | |*Gene flow (immigration, emigration) |

| | |*Sexual selection |

| | |*History of life on Earth |

| | |Diversity of Life |

| | |*Speciation and biological classification based on molecular evidence |

| | |*Variation of organisms within a species due to population genetics and gene frequency|

|14-18 |15.14-15.19, 16, 17, 18 |Diversity and Interdependence of Life |

| | |*Classification systems are frameworks created by scientists for describing the vast |

| | |diversity of organisms indicating the degree of relatedness between organisms. |

|18 |Semester Exam |Chapters 8.12-8.24, 9, 10, 12-18 |

Parent/Student Signature

You and your parent/guardian must sign below indicating that you have read and understand what is expected during our time together. The guidelines must go into your notebook for reference. TEAR OFF THIS PAGE AND RETURN THIS PAGE! KEEP THE PREVIOUS PAGES IN YOUR NOTEBOOK.

Student: Parent:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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