
3120189165100Syllabus: Biology Honors.Instructor: Melina Ribeiro, PhDRoom number: 221Email: mribeiro@Book: Person Miller and LevineISBN-13: XXXXXXISBN-10: XXXXXX The goal of Honors Biology is to be equivalent to an introductory biology course. The honors biology course differs from the usual high school course in respect to the range and depth of topics covered, the laboratory work done by students, and the time and effort required. Honors Biology is structured around concepts such as evolution, energy, reproduction, genetics, and ecological interactions, cellular functions as well as biochemistry.Q1Q2Q3Q4EcologyEvolutionCellular FunctionsHuman BodyCellsCells (cont.)Genetics and Molecular GeneticsBiochemistryMaterials:Science journalInteractive online textbook mentioned above.iPads (iPads are required for every class). Lab coat (Lab coats can be purchased from Amazon).Lab fee $ 10.00*Students are required to bring their lab coats when conducting experiments. If a student fails to bring his/her lab coat, the student will NOT be able to participate in the experiment that day. It is strongly recommended that each student brings his/her lab coat to science class every day. Please remember to label your lab coat. The lab coat does not have to be embroidered. Please understand that additional materials may be requested during the school year. Grading Policy: 50% Test20% Quizzes10% Homework20% Labs and class workAcademic Grades:A: 90 – 100% OutstandingB: 80 – 89% GoodC: 70 – 79% SatisfactoryD: 60 – 69% Minimal; improvement neededF: 0 – 59% Unsatisfactory Conduct and Effort: All students are expected to behave professionally at all times and adhere to the DDCUS Parent/Student Handbook expectations and the Miami Dade County Public Schools Code of Conduct. Respect is our number one rule in class. Students are expected to respect their teacher, classmates, and others. Students are also expected to respect classroom and school property. Students are held accountable for their actions and have to be prepared for appropriate consequences. Responsibility is also crucial in our classes. Students are responsible for bringing the required materials to class (journal, pencils, pens, lab coat, and additional requested materials) and for turning in their classwork/homework on time. In case of an absence, students are responsible for obtaining and completing any missed work. Students are also expected to give their best effort in every class. They should be actively engaged in class. Technology Policy: All students are expected to adhere to the DDCUS Technology Use Policy described in the Parent/Student Handbook. The use of personal cell phones is not allowed inside the classroom unless previously approved by your teacher.iPads are required for every class. Please remember to charge your iPads the night before. In addition, respectful online discussions are expected from every student.Absences:In case of an absence, students are responsible for obtaining and completing any missed work. If makeup quizzes/tests are offered, students are responsible for showing up on time to complete them. *** Please note that Syllabus are subject to change. If changes are made, they will be announced in class.***Please keep this syllabus for your information and fill in, sign, and return the next page by August 22nd / 23rd 2019. ***DDCUS – 8th and 9th grade Biology Honors Biology SyllabusDear Parent/Guardian(s):Welcome to Dr. Ribeiro’s Honors Biology Class!Please read the Science Syllabus with your child and make sure you understand what is expected from him/her to ensure the success in this class. I look forward to working with your child this school year!Sincerely,Dr. RibeiroI have read and understood expectations and guidelines described in Dr. Ribeiro’s Syllabus. Student Name:_________________________ Student Signature:______________________Parent Name:__________________________ Parent Signature:_______________________Date:_______________________________Please fill in, sign, and return by August 22nd / 23rd 2019. ................

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