English IV HonorsMrs. Ray mrsray@Course Description Course PhilosophyThis course involves a survey of classic British Literature. Our concerns are the analysis of literature in light of the critical approach which examines literature according to the writer’s use of figurative devices such a symbols, metaphors, theme, structure, language, and more. Research and projects as well as group assignments are an integral part of this course. In addition, writing will also be stressed, with particular emphases on analysis of literature based on the student’s supportable opinions and perceptions. Self-organization and responsibility are required for success. Expect frequent informal free writing as well as formal writing assignments will include but not be limited to essays, abstracts, research papers, discussions, and creative endeavors. A major part of the course content will be shared through class discuss so consistent punctuality and attendance is paramount.English 12 Honors is designed to enable the student to master skills necessary for success in college. Class activities, homework, reading and written work are purposefully assigned to demand that the student engage in higher levels of thinking—application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. You will use these skills in future classes requiring reading as a basis for learning and in the workforce. How well you problem solve in words and actions, communicate both verbally and in writing, will help determine your success.Academic ExpectationsYou are expected to prepare for each class by reading the assigned work alertly, curiously, and critically—that is, in a way that generates meaningful questions and ideas about the reading that you bring to class and make part of our discussion. Your task is not learn set interpretations, but to come up with your own. So be prepared!The required materials include: an organized notebook, paper, pen and pencil, required novels, and independent thinking and learning.Achievement of required objectives is measured by: regular written assignments, class participation, oral reports and presentations, class work and homework, quizzes and exams.Behavioral ExpectationsClass attendance is necessary for successful completion of this course. It is your responsibility to find out what was done in class if you are ever absent. Unexcused absences will result in the inability to make up work. Be sure to turn in an absentee admit to the office to excuse your absence. In an effort to prepare you for college and/or the workforce, with the exception of excused absences, no late work will be accepted; all assignments must be turned in by the deadline—accept it and move on.As graduation approaches in the second semester, be especially mindful of your attendance and work—you do not want to end up on the senior failure list. Be sure to meet with all requirements so you may enjoy your senior year.Respect for opinions and scholarship of others is a must, both in this class and in life. We will learn much from each other, but it must follow respect. Academic integrity is important as well—Emerson states in his essay “Self-Reliance” to trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. In essence, trust your instincts and do your own work!Grading ScaleA100-904.00-3.50B89-803.49-2.50C79-702.49-1.50D 69-601.49-1.00F59-0.99-0Textbook: McDougall Littell British LiteratureOther readings: Selected excerpts from Beowulf (textbook) Selected excerpts from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales (textbook)Shakespeare’s Hamlet—student purchaseShakespeare’s Othello—student purchase Poetry (textbook and teacher provided materials)Things Fall Apart—students purchase ................

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