• Your grade will be based on a point system where you accumulate points throughout the marking period. You can determine your current average by dividing the number of points you have earned by the possible number of earned points.

• A letter grade will be assigned from this percentage according to the scale published in your student handbook. I do not automatically round percentage grades, though I may choose to round based on effort and positive participation.

Components of each marking period grade:

Quizzes (20-50 points): These will be announced and will cover 2-4 sections. Quizzes will be collected

after the chapter test is given.

Chapter Tests (100 points): These will cover the entire chapter. Extra time will not be given unless an

IEP or 504 plan requires it. Test corrections, when assigned, will be mandatory and will be a 10 point

homework assignment. An explanation of what is expected for test corrections will be distributed later.

All chapter tests will be collected and kept by me.

Homework (2 points each): This is not optional. You will either receive 2 points or 0 points. Either

you did it, or you did not. I check all homework assignments.

Other: Group work, investigative projects, ….Points will vary, but will be announced. There will be a

cumulative final exam at the end of the year. It will count for 10% of your final grade.

Extra Credit: Math League Contests


• Come to class prepared with a notebook, pen or pencil, covered book, and calculator (replacement batteries after September 30 are your responsibility). If you do not have your calculator on the day of a test or quiz, you will be charged one point for a loaner.

• Come to class on time. If you need to go to the bathroom, ask at the beginning or end of the period.

• Have notebooks that contain dated notes, homework with section numbers, handouts, and quizzes.

• Come to class everyday with your ID.

• Be responsible for getting missed notes and homework from someone in your class when you are absent and showing the homework to me within the same number of days that you are absent.

• Be responsible for making up missed quizzes and tests within the same number of days you were absent, i.e. Absent just the day of a test? Take the test the day you return!

• Be responsible if you miss class because of a school-related reason. Please inform me before hand, show me the work on the day it is due and be prepared for the next class.

• Actively contribute on a daily basis by paying attention, asking questions, offering alternative solutions, participating fully in activities and assisting your neighbor when possible.

• Be responsible for your own learning and achievement. Seek help as soon as you need it. Please check with me before showing up for extra help.

• Treat yourself, your classmates, and your teacher with respect and courtesy. This includes, but is not limited to, appropriate language, not calling out answers, no food (water allowed), no hats, no hoodies, not leaving until dismissed, etc.

• Cell phones are allowed in the hallways and in the cafeterias. In my classroom, cell phones are not allowed unless I specifically tell you to take it out. I will take it if it rings during class.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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