
Dear parent/carer We hope you are all safe, well and hopefully have enjoyed as much of the sunshine as you can. Following the governments advice we have put in new procedures/measures to keep the setting as safe as possible. We understand this is a very worrying time and we will be putting in all methods and practices where possible to ensure that Greenshoots is safe. However, due to the unpredictability of the COVID-19 virus, although we are taking extra measures, we cannot guarantee that anyone who enters our premises will be in a Covid-19 free environment. Below are some safety measures you will need you to adhere to in order to help keep the setting as safe as we all possibly can. I understand that it is NOT possible to socially distance young children from each other within the setting. I understand that if my child needs care, comfort or first aid they will receive this from a member of staff.I understand a member of staff may use PPE when my child requires comfort, intimate care or first aid.I understand that my child and any of their household family members should be symptom free of any illness, and their temperature may be taken throughout the day with a non-contact thermometer. I understand that if my child shows symptoms in the setting, they will be isolated away from others, and will need to be collected immediately within 30 minutes of the phone call. Staff may wear PPE when waiting with my child. If a child at Greenshoots is symptomatic I understand that I will need to follow the directions given by the pre-school if further action is required. If you or anyone in your family becomes unwell with a new continuous cough, temperature or loss of smell and taste, then the whole family will need to isolate for 14 days in line with government guidance. I will access a test as soon as possible. I will ensure my emergency contacts are up to date and I am able to collect my child in the event of an emergency or if they become ill. I will ensure washing hands will be encouraged at home as much as it will be in pre-school. I understand that there must be only 1 parent dropping off and picking up my child from the setting. I am aware that I will need to drop my child off at the normal entrance but not enter the playground. A member of staff will collect my child and take them to the pre-school. I will ensure that my child does not bring any toys or comforters into the setting, and I understand that no bikes, buggies or other items from home will be stored at the setting. You will provide your child with a bag with spare clothes which will stay on their peg in the setting unless the staff gives it back to you for re-stocking. I will dress my child in clothes that is easier for them to manage independently. I understand that if I need to speak to Greenshoots I will do so by email or phone call so that there is no cause to remain at the entrance and risking overcrowding at the gate. I confirm I will socially distance from other parents at the gate and be respectful of the times I am given for drop off and pick up times. If I do not do this I will be asked to leave immediately. If I am providing a packed lunch for my child I will do so with a plastic lunch box which can be easily wiped in the setting and before going back home. I will put on all-day sun cream on my child before they enter the setting ( If needed) , as I understand my child will be playing outside for the majority of the day (we will be using our big parasol as much as possible and activities will be placed in the shaded areas). - I am satisfied the pre-school have taken every precaution possible to protect my child and return them at my own risk. -I understand that if the pre-school is unable to manage due to staff shortage and illness it may need to close on a temporary basis. I also understand that if a local lockdown is declared then children may need to be prioritised for attendance and will be put into small consistent bubbles. -I can confirm that my household family have not been on holiday to any of the places that are on the self-isolation list outlined by the government in the last 2 weeks. .I confirm I have read and will adhere to all safety measures and practices put in place by Greenshoots Pre-school and I understand why these measures are in place and that the setting cannot be held responsible if my child becomes ill with Covid-19. Parent:Signed ……………………………………………………………… Print …………………………………………………..Date ……………………………. ................

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