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TEACHER’S COMMUNICATIONSSECONDARY IV(May 4th to May 8th)Mr. D’Avignon’s FSL groupHello everyone, This week, you can try to complete the activity which is proposed by the MEES (Haiku-iser notre nouvelle réalité) All the instructions are provided. An alternative is to write a 100-150 word text on what you have been doing to remain stress free and busy during this pandemic. Either way, pay attention to spelling. In order to create an opportunity to communicate in French, you may also choose to discuss the content of your text with a member of your family.Please contact me ( if you have any questions.Meanwhile, stay safe. Mr. D’Avignon.Mme Poidvin - FSLenrichiBonjour chers élèves,J’espère que vous vous portez tous très bien.Cette semaine, on vous propose une petite activité de poésie! Pourquoi pas? Rien de mieux que de rédiger des poèmes pour exprimer toute la gamme d’émotions que vous devez ressentir en ce moment.J’ai bien h?te de lire vos poèmes,Prenez soin de vous,Mme PoidvinMme Marcil - Fran?ais langue d’enseignementBonjour chers élèves. L’activité proposée cette semaine ? Raconte-moi l’amitié ? vous permet de vous exercer à rédiger des phrases interrogatives. Vous pouvez me l’envoyer par courriel. En grammaire cette semaine : Les accords : L’accord du déterminant et de l’adjectif + L’accord du verbe.Tactique : p. 112 à 119 ( ).Bonne semaine! ? Mme Marcil ( )Mrs. Butler ERCHi everyone!I hope you’re all well! Thank you to everyone who has written to me or shared your work with me! This is a great opportunity to show me what you’re learning, and I really just love hearing from you! This week’s learning activity challenges us to think about how obedient we are, and how obedience works in a society. They’ve related it mostly to these times of isolation, but I’d also like you to think about life in more general terms. Why do some of us follow rules and others choose not to? Can you relate? Where do you fall on that spectrum? I really encourage you to research it a bit, give it some thought, and share what you learn with me. You can write your reflection, you can record a video or audio piece, you can do an art piece and send me a picture of it, or any other way you can think of to share with me. Most important, is that you do it and share it!!Take care, stay safe, and hang in there! I miss you!Mrs. ButlerMs. D’Andrea MathHi class!This week the MEES kit Activity includes content we would have covered in the last chapter of the year, statistics. Therefore, you do not need to complete it. If you are curious and would still like to give it a try than you can check out the free resource Math Help Services: You can login and check out Chapter 7. You can watch videos explaining the concepts you need to solve the question in Lessons 59, 60 and 65.Instead of completing the MEES activity, you can complete another practice exam posted to my website. Keep in mind we have not covered all the content for the year so be sure to read carefully. Right next to the link for the exam, I post which questions to try based on content we have already covered.Remember, if you have any questions or want additional practice you can always email me!Stay Safe!Ms. D’AndreaMs.Neville - ELAHey Sec 4s,I hope everyone is staying safe and doing alright. This week’s assignment is quite interesting and calls for some very creative writing. Make sure to send me your work! Also, I have sent a new reading assignment on and , if you are interested. Remember, you can always contact me with any questions you have or feedback you need along the way.Take care,Ms. NevilleMr. Languay – Science STHey everyone,I hope you’re all doing well. This week’s assignment is a good review of the hydrosphere and atmosphere. Make sure to use the notes uploaded to google classroom to review the concepts before doing the experiments. Pages 13-29 in the end of year review can also help you review these topics. If you need help, would like more activities or just want to chat you can always send me an email!Stay safe,Mr. Languay (daniel. Webb- Science AST/ST/STEHello students,Hopefully you are all keeping your minds sharp! AST: This week’s activity does not relate to the AST program. You can consider this a week off for you, but if you would like an individualized task targeted to an area you wish to improve upon, email me ( and I will send you something.(or if you would just like to say hi!) Remember, this is a chance for you to improve your mark by getting a second chance on any topic you may have struggled with! Take advantage! ST/STE: This is material we had not yet covered, but I urge you to give it a try, as it is an important and relevant topic. If you need help with it, would like an alternate assignment targeted to an area you wish to improve upon, or would simply like to chat, you can always send me an email. Remember, this is a chance for you to improve your mark by getting a second chance on any topic you may have struggled with! Take advantage! Keep active and stay safe,Mr. Webb ( Education - Mr. DixonHello Sec. 4's,I hope you are all doing well at home, enjoying the nice weather, and hopefully incorporating some physical activity in your weekly routine. This week, three separate workouts are proposed. Give them a try when you have a chance. As well, since you have completed our CPR unit last year, I am providing a link from the Heart and Stroke foundation of Canada. It outlines a few CPR modifications that should be implemented during a pandemic. Take care and stay safe!. Edgar - DramaHey all you lovely St. John's Knights!I hope you are all doing well; not too bored and stir crazy! Just like I make you warm up in drama by doing levels of movement through silly actions using all parts of your body; I want you to be doing this to 1 or 2 songs per day. One - it will keep you healthy (mind and body) and two - I don't want you all so stiff that you can't play different types of characters! So start by isolating different parts of your body to get them moving; thumbs and fingers, hands, arms, shoulders, head, waist, bum, knees, ankles, toes....etc. See how many ways you can move each part separately and then slowly add each body part one at a time until every single part of you is moving! Remember the game Maestro? Ha Ha HaAnyways on a separate note - I have found a cool little lesson on this week on making costumes out of recycled material. Can you take a character's description and create something usable for the stage? There are many careers in the art world - costume design being one of them. Take a look at this link, grab some recycled materials and get started! Feel free to send me a pic of anything you create! Have fun! Secondary 4-Week 5Hi everyone!Thanks again to those of you who keep sending me pictures of your work! I love receiving them and sharing them with my family!This week there is no proposed visual art activity, there is a dance one however, and I am sure you guys have all that covered in the TIK TOk videos you are already making. Sketchbook: whether or not you have your sketchbook, you can still do a sketchbook assignment for me if you are feeling up to it. This week’s theme will be “April Showers bring May Flowers”. Remember draw whatever that theme means to you and answer the reflection questions:How does your drawing relate to the theme.Are you happy with it? Why or why not?Erophili.demopoulos@rsb.qc.caHistory Secondary 4-Week 5Hi Everyone!I hope you are doing well. This week’s activity examines the BNA Act. Follow the instructions provided in the educational kit. You can also 1) Complete the online quizzes on the textbook website. 2) Work on the questions that I posted on google classroom for Chapter 1 (all parts).If you have any questions, please email me. You can also submit your work by “handing it in” on google classroom or email me.Mrs. Perrimelissa.perri@rsb.qc.caMath SN Mr. MorleyCorrelation and linear regression. The topic we were going to start just as we were sent home. Not difficult but explanation is necessary. I will post on Google classroom and provide some vids for your consumption. Basically, we want to be able to predict the strength of two variables having some sort of link, like for example: The relationship between washing your hands and catching the Corona virus. In this case you would have a negative relationship (more washing, less chance of contracting virus). This would not be a perfect relationship though and this is where the correlation aspect comes into play. Scatter plot, mean, median and linear function are all involved in this process.It is an easy topic but one we have not seen as a whole yet. We know all the parts though.Stay safe. Stay home.Mr. MorleySec. 4 ELA – Mr. BoudreauHello Sec. 4’s,I hope you’re all safe and surviving. This week’s MEES assignment involves some creative writing that looks both internally and externally. It also exposes you to some realities of kids from all over the world. These photos are really powerful. I don’t think it’s possible to see these and not react in some way. As always, send me whatever you create.Stay safe!Mr. Boudreau ................

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