➢ Go to periodic-chart-elements

➢ Label periods 1-7 on your periodic table.

➢ Label groups 1-18

➢ Place the atomic number in each box on the table along with the symbol.

➢ Designate in the key in the lower left corner, the color being used for each of the different areas of the periodic table.

➢ Draw a black zigzag line between the following elements: start in the left corner or the B box – draw a line down to meet Al – go across to Si – down to Ge – across to As – down to Sb – Across to Te – down to Po – across to At and down to the bottom line of the table – You should have a zigzag line of division.

➢ Lightly color in the areas that correspond to metals,

metalloids(semimetals), non – metals, noble /inert gases, lanthanides / actinides according to the key you have established.

➢ Be very accurate.

➢ Fill in the data table on the following page by clicking on the links on the web site. Select the specific element from the drop down menu and copy the necessary data to the data table for each listed element.

Some periodic table background information:

✓ Periods are horizontal rows on the periodic table.

✓ Period 1 has hydrogen and helium. Electrons in period 1 are only in one principal energy level. “Valence” electrons are in the first principal energy level.

▪ What are valence electrons? Write your answer in the space below.

✓ Groups: are vertical columns (families). Groups run 1-18. Elements in a group have similar properties (react similarly in a chemical reaction), because the outermost (last) principal energy level of each element in the group has the same number of valence electrons.

o Group 1 – have 1 valence electron; 1 in the last principal energy level

o Group 2 – have 2 valence electrons; 2 electrons in the last principal energy level.

o Group 17 – have 7 valence electrons; 7 electrons in the last principal energy level.

o How many would you predict for

• Group 13 -

• Group 14 -

• Group 15 -

• Group 16 -

• Group 18 -

✓ Metals, NonMetals, Metalloids and Noble Gases

o All elements to the left of the zigzag line are metals

o All elements touching the zigzag line are metalloids – they have both properties of metals and non metals.

o All elements to the right of the zigzag line are non metals except group 18 which are noble gases.

✓ Most active metal – bottom left corner (Fr)

✓ Most active non metal – upper right corner (F)

✓ In the same period – elements become less active as you move from left to right. So Na is more active than Mg …

➢ Once your data table is complete, graph the following data for period 3 as recorded on your data table. Label X axis atomic # and Y axis with the variable as listed below.

➢ Atomic # vs electronegativity

➢ Atomic # vs atomic radius

➢ Atomic # vs ionic radius

➢ Atomic # vs ionization energy

➢ Repeat the same graphs but use data from group 1 elements that appear on your data table only (H, Li, K, Rb, Cs, Fr)

➢ What trends do you see with each of the graphs as you go across a period and/or down a group?

✓ Define electronegativity, ionization energy, ionic radius, atomic radius.

Finally pick 10 elements from the list on the data table and briefly describe any health and environmental effects of the element. This can be written as a bulleted list under each topic (health / environment).


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