Veterans Affairs

5. PROJECT NO.CODE7. ADMINISTERED BY2. AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION NO.CODE6. ISSUED BY8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR4. REQUISITION/PURCHASE REQ. NO.3. EFFECTIVE DATE9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO.9B. DATEDPAGEOF PAGES10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT/ORDER NO.10B. DATEDBPA NO.1. CONTRACT ID CODEFACILITY CODECODE Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods:The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of OffersE. IMPORTANT:is extended, (a) By completing Items 8 and 15, and returning __________ copies of the amendment; (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted; or (c) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR AC- KNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAYis not extended.12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA(REV. 10-83)is required to sign this document and return ___________ copies to the issuing not,A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A.15C. DATE SIGNEDB. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT/ORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103(b). RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date specified.C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF:D. OTHERBYContractor16C. DATE SIGNED14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION16B. UNITED STATES OF AMERICAExcept as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect.15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER16A. NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER15B. CONTRACTOR/OFFERORSTANDARD FORM 30 NSN 7540-01-152-8070PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLEPrescribed by GSA - FAR (48 CFR) 53.243(Type or print)(Type or print)(Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible.)(No., street, county, State and ZIP Code)(If other than Item 6)(Specify type of modification and authority)(such as changes in paying office, appropriation date, etc.)(If required)(If applicable)(SEE ITEM 11)(SEE ITEM 13)(X)CHECKONE13. THIS ITEM APPLIES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTS/ORDERS,IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT/ORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14.11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONSAMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION/MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT(Signature of person authorized to sign)(Signature of Contracting Officer)112A00002NONE0069DGreat Lakes Acquisition Center (GLAC)Department of Veterans Affairs115 S 84th Street, Suite 101Milwaukee WI 53214-14760069DDepartment of Veterans AffairsGLAC - Southern Tier3001 Green Bay RoadBldg. 1, Room 326North Chicago IL 60064-3048To all Offerors/Bidders VA69D-15-Q-121801-22-2016 XXX11The purpose of this amendment is to provide answers to questions, changes to the Statement of Work (SOW), andprovide a revised SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND PRICING. The Statement of Work is revised to reflect changes to parapraphs1.4 and 2.9; and add paragraph 5.4 (see attached continuation page for SOW changes). The period of performance has beenchanged to reflect a 5-month base period and four 1-year options to extend services. A revised SCHEDULE OF SERVICES ANDPRICING is provided (see attached continuation page). The date and time for receipt of offers remains March 4, 2016 at11:00 AM CST. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. END OF AMENDMENT. Kurt KramerContracting OfficerRFQ:VA69D-15-Q-1218 Valet Services at Hines VAH, Jesse Brown VAMC, Lakeside CBOC and Lovell, FHCC.Q1:Does Jesse Brown VAMC require an employee at the podium at all times?A1:Yes. This facility requires an employee at the podium at all times. The SOW has been amended to reflect this change, see SOW paragraph 5.4 (added).Q2:May we receive last year’s annual costs associated with the valet operations at Jesse Brown VAMC, 820 Damen Ave., Chicago, IL; Lakeside CBOC, 211 East Ontario Street, Chicago, IL; Edward Hines VAH, 5000 S. 5th Ave., Hines, IL; and Lovell, FHCC, 3001 Green Bay Road, North Chicago, IL?A2:The following annual costs are provided for the period from January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015: Hines VAH – $379,879.88Jesse Brown VAMC – $157,887.12Lakeside CBOC - $138,230.40Lovell, FHCC - $214,505.40Q3:May we receive a copy of the lease(s) agreement(s) between the VA and the owner of the garage supporting the Jesse Brown VAMC, 820 Damen Ave., Chicago, IL?A3:A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request would need to be completed and submitted to obtain a copy of the lease agreement. The lease agreement is between the VA and MedPark Management Inc.Q4:May we receive a copy of the agreement or license agreement between the VA and Standard Parking for the VA’s use of the Erie Ontario Garage in support of the valet operations at the Lakeside CBOC, 211 East Ontario Street, Chicago, IL?A4:A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request would need to be completed and submitted to obtain a copy of the lease agreement. The lease agreement is between the VA and Northwestern University. Q5:Please verify the number of parking stalls reserved for valet use at Jesse Brown VAMC, Hines VAH, and Lovell FHCC:A5:The approximate number of parking spaces at each facility is provided:JB VAMC - 150Hines VAH - 86Lovell FHCC – 75Lakeside CBOC - 40Q6:Is there a lease with the current owners of the parking structure at both the JB and Lakeside facilities with regards to valet parking?A6:There is no lease between the current Contractor providing valet services and the parking structure. The lease is between the VA (lease) and Northwestern University (lessor)Q7:Is there a point of contact at the VA for getting the lease agreement for the permit application process?A7:Leasing information required for the permit application process will be provided upon award.Q8:Will the VA provide the operator with storage area for operating supplies (Uniforms, Traffic cones, Go-Jacks, etc.)? If so, provide the size detail and location. A8:Reference SOW, paragraph 1.3, “Location of any Contractor furnished equipment must be approved by the COR, prior to commencement of services.”Q9:Could the operator provide a shed/office for the onsite manager office and storage? This will be located on a pre-approved area. Would the VA provide this shed with electric power for lighting, radios, computer, A/C, etc.? A9:The Government is not offering a shed or office for the onsite manager and storage. Reference SOW, paragraph 1.3. Currently, the podium, signage, and cones are staged in areas, designated by the COR, at each facility during off hours.Q10:What is the policy when the valet parking is full?A10:In the event the parking lot is full, valet has used general parking spaces as a temporary solution. From there, cars are relocated into valet designated areas as space becomes available.Q11:What is the last 12 months contractual price? (FOA)A11:See response given for Q2.Q12:What is the last 5 years, or years the current operator has been in place, contractual price? (FOA)A12:See response given for Q2. The level of effort would be too burdensome to calculate prior year costs.Q13:What is the last 1-month’s contractual price? (FOA)A13:See response given for Q2.Q14:Can the operator number the valet parking spaces? HOA14:All recommendations for changes shall be addressed in writing by the Contractor to the COR, see SOW paragraph 2.9 (revised). Q15:Can you provide the past results of the 10-minute performance requirement for the last 12 months from the current operator?A15:The Contractor has met or exceeded the contract’s requirements.Q16:How many complaints have been filed against the current operator over the last 12 months?A16:No major complaints have been validated.Q17:What are the current problems and issues with the valet parking?A17:There currently are no known problems or issues relevant to this solicitation.Q18:The valet hours are posted in the RFP. What time do we stop taking vehicles, please list each location as the times differ at some, to be valeted?A18:The hours of operation for valet services at each facility can be found the SOW, paragraph 3.1.Q19:In the RFP, it states the employees must go through orientation. How long is the orientation? How will new employees after the contract has started be addressed i.e. do they have to go through the orientation prior to working?A19:Orientation is less than 4 hours. See SOW, paragraph 6.1.Q20:Please confirm that the current pay rate for the attendants is and benefits pay rate.A20:I am not privy to the pay rates of the individuals providing valet services.Q21:How long has the current operator been here?A21:The current operator has provided valet services since July 2012.Q22:From the current Valet Operator, what valet items will stay with the hospital and transfer to the new contract i.e. booth, podium, key boxes, etc?A22:The podiums are the property of the Government. The key box is an integrated feature of the podium. Yes, the podiums will be available to the new Contractor. Q23:Is there any upcoming construction in any parking spaces? If so, please provide detail.A23:There are no known construction projects in any parking spaces at this time.Q24:Please provide a list of all questions and answers.A24:All questions and answers will be provided through an amendment to the solicitation.Q25:Please provide a list of vendors that attended the walk though.A25:A list of vendors who attended the site visit is provided through an amendment to the solicitation.Q26:How many keys are turned over at the end of the day to the VA police or security? Please provide the last 6 months of data.A26:The number of keys turned over to the VA police at the end of the day may vary. On average, there are no more than 10 sets of keys per week. There may be days 1 or 2 sets of keys are turned over; there are days no keys are turned over to VA Police. The numbers are low.Q27:How much notice will be provided prior to the contract start date?A27:Our intent is to provide the awardee 30 days of notice.Q28:How were the car counts for the number of valeted cars determined in the RFP?A28:Car counts were determined from monthly reports provided by the current Contractor.Q29:The RFP states the employee’s background is a Flash Badge Processing Requirement. Can you provide detail on what that entails and who costs it is and the length of time it takes to have the checks processed? Also if it is the operator’s costs how much is it?A29:Yes, there is a fee for Flash Badge Processing. The fee for fingerprinting can range between: $25-$175, per individual. The cost is dependent on the amount of information obtained during the background check process. Q30:On page 35 it states that it is a Non Displacement Workers Requirement for the contract. This will have an impact on the financial obligations so can you provide the following: Name of employee, current pay rate and current vacation time and start date at each contract.A30:No, the Government will not provide this information during the solicitation process. See FAR 52.222-17 for additional guidance. Q31:Can we email our proposals or do you require hard copies?A31:Email responses to the solicitation are not authorized. Reference section E.2 GENERAL INSTRUCTION TO OFFERORS of the solicitation for instructions to deliver responses.Q32:Due to the segregated parking ie valet and self-parkers if a self-parker causes damage to a valet vehicle and it was not the fault of the contractor who is responsible for the damage?A32:The party found to be at fault for the damage would assume responsibility. Q33:Jesse Brown VAMC - Please confirm the number of available valet spaces as the RFP differs from the spaces in the walk through.A33:See response given for Q5.Q34:Jesse Brown VAMC – It was mentioned that the number of valet spaces might increase which will have an impact on the operations and costs. Can you provide detail on this including the location?A34:Any change affecting cost of the contract would be addressed by a modification providing an equitable price adjustment.Q35:Jesse Brown VAMC – Do the valet attendants use an access card to enter and exit the garage? If not what mechanism is in place? Please detail the ingress and egress process.A35:The valet uses an access card (key card).Q36:Jesse Brown VAMC – Please confirm that the valet is supposed to ask for a Valet ID as the current operator was not performing this function.A36:In accordance with the solicitation’s statement of work, the attendant “shall greet every vehicle that pulls up to the valet parking area and ask the driver FOR THE PATIENT’S VA HEALTH CARD IDENTIFICATION.” Reference SOW, paragraph 2.1Q37:Lakeside CBOC – How many spaces are allowed outside of the building for the valet cars?A37:There is a loading zone directly outside the building. Technically, this is a loading zone and there is no parking. Parking on Ontario Street is prohibited. Q38:Lakeside CBOC – What is the process if the current garage is full and cannot take any of the valet cars?A38:There is a secondary garage (also Standard Parking) adjacent to the primary garage. This is used if the primary garage is full. We have not experienced a situation when BOTH garages were full. Q39:Lakeside CBOC – Who signs and is responsible for the contract for the offsite garage (Standard Parking?)A39: The Department of Veterans Affairs is entered into a lease agreement which provides offsite parking.Q40:Lakeside CBOC – Who is responsible for paying the parking fees for Standard Parking? If the operator what is the costs?A40:The Department of Veterans Affairs pays the parking fees.Q41:Lakeside CBOC – Who is responsible for obtaining the valet parking area permits, for the street and the signs outside of the building and if the operator what is the costs? Also who holds the permit for this?A42:The Contractor is responsible for obtaining a Valet Parking Operator license certificate issued by the City of Chicago for operations at: Jesse Brown VAMC and Lakeside CBOC. The last known cost for these licenses are $600.00 each. Reference SOW, paragraph 4.1 (c). Q42:Lakeside CBOC – When does the lease/contact expire for the offsite garage? What happens if the contract is terminated from the offsite garage, Standard Parking, during our contract with the VA term?Q42:The current lease expires in 2017. In the unlikely event the lease/contract is terminated or not renewed, a modification to the valet services contract would be performed to address any issues.Q43:Lakeside CBOC – Who is responsible for maintaining the area in front of the building ie snow removal, and who is liable for any incidents in this area ie slip and fall?Q43:The landlord is responsible.Q44:Lovell, FHCC – Can we segregate the spaces for valet parking on the 4th level of the garage for valet only?Q44:At this time, there is no plan to segregate spaces on the 4th deck of the parking garage. Paragraph 2.9 of the SOW is revised to address recommendations / changes. Q45:Lovell, FHCC - Does the wooden podium stay with the hospital for the new contact?Q45:Yes. The wooden podium is the property of the VA.Q46:Hines VAH - Does the podium that was located in the lobby transfer to the new contractor?A46:Yes. The wooden podiums are the property of the VA.Q47:Hines VAH - How long will the construction at the main entrance (In the driving circle) remain as a hinder to the traffic?A47:The phase of construction at the main entrance area is scheduled to be completed in October 2016.Q48:Hines VAH - There were several non-valet cars parked in the valet parking lot-how is this enforced?A48:The VA police issue tickets to non-valet cars parked in designated valet parking areas.Q49:Hines VAH - Do the barricades that were located in the valet parking lot transfer to the new contractor?A49:The barricades seen during the site visit are VA property. Yes, they will continue to be used during the new contract.Q50:Hines VAH - Who is allowed to park in the handicap spaces in the valet parking lot?Q50:Authorized handicapped vehicles can park in marked handicapped parking. (may or may not be valeted vehicles)Q51:Hines VAH - Can we put a storage shed/small trailer in the valet lot to store supplies for the operation? Will the hospital provide electric for us at this site if approved?A51:See response given for Q9.Q52:Hines VAH - Any other construction projects planned that might hinder the valet parking and/or take away parking spaces.A52:No construction projects which may hinder valet parking are known at this time.Q53:What are the current & historical volumes? ?Can you provide 12 months of daily volume by site?A53:See SOW, paragraph 1.1Q54:What are the current wait times?A54:Current wait times are less than 10 minutes.Q55:Have you experienced issues or complaints regarding? ?If so, which sites and what were the issues or complaints?A55:See response given for Q16.Q56:What action is expected if the assigned spaces for valet use are full?A56:At the Lakeside CBOC, a second garage is available. At the Lovell FHCC, cars are parked in front of the facility and relocated to designated valet parking as space becomes available. At the Hines VAH, cars parked in the adjacent lot and relocated to designated valet parking as space becomes available. At Jesse Brown VAMC, cars are admitted to the garage as space becomes available.Q57:Are there plans to modify the parking at any location? If so, please describe.A57:Currently, no approval has been received from VA leadership expanding designated parking areas for valets.Q58:What action is expected during inclement weather? Can we close when driving conditions are unsafe?A58:The COR at each facility will address any conditions as a result of inclement weather. Although we are susceptible to adverse weather conditions, we have never experienced a closure or suspension of valet services due to weather. Q59:What action is expected if a patient ID card, appointment letter, or other validation is not provided?A59: See response given for Q36.Q60:Given the operating hours exceed 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week, is the use of multiple supervisors acceptable to meet the "full time supervisor that must be on site during all hours of operation" requirement?A60:Yes. See SOW, paragraph 2.7 for additional guidance.Q61:What are the contract numbers for the current valet parking operations? What are the latest monthly/annual costs?A61:See response given for Q2.Q62:What companies currently perform the valet services?A62:Vetpride Services, LLC.Q63:What is your standard for being fluent in English? How is that determined?A63:Able to speak, read, listen, understand and communicate easily using the English language. The Contractor shall only provide employees meeting the qualification standards outlined in the SOW. Q64:Will the contents of the pre-work orientation be provided in writing to ensure the information is communicated to all employees effectively?A64:Yes. Information can be provided in writing or electronic format to the Contractor.Q65:How many special events are expected? ?How many extra vehicles at each? ?How many extra work hours are required? ?Will the VA modify the contract to cover the extra work or provide supplemental payments to cover the extra labor hours?A65:The current number of events expected is unknown. The number of extra vehicles as a result of the special event is also unknown. Past events have not effected valet services, since we are providing valet services only to veteran beneficiaries Q66:Why are you not accepting email proposals, which have been accepted by dozens of other similar solicitations?A66:There are many factors that went into the decision to not authorize email responses. The varying file size of offerors’ responses is just one of those factors.Q67:After posting answers to these questions, will you extend the due date by a week to allow for time to update proposals and send physical documents? ?(Postal service can take 4-5 days.)A67:The original due date has changed from 2/19/16 to 3/4/16.Q68:Jesse Brown VAMC - When do you anticipate adding more valet spaces?A68:See response given for Q57.Q69:Jesse Brown VAMC - What is being done to eliminate self-parking in valet-designated areas?A69:The VA Police issue tickets to non-valet vehicles parked in designated valet parking areas.The Statement of Work (SOW) is amended to reflect the following changes:Paragraph 1.4 changed to read: Location of the parking lots for which the Contractor shall be responsible and the estimated number of parking spaces available are as follows: VA HINES – 5000 S. 5th Ave., Hines, IL 60141: Approximately 150 spaces in the Main Patient/Visitor Lot at Building #200. This lot will be used for both valet-parked vehicles and patient/visitor self-parked vehicles.VA JESSE BROWN – 820 S. Damen Ave., Chicago, IL 60612: Approximately 86 spaces in the Main Patient/Visitor Lot. This lot will be used for both valet-parked vehicles and patient/visitor self-parked vehicles.LAKESIDE CBOC – 211 East Ontario Street, Chicago, IL 60611: The parking lot (Standard Parking) is located at 321 East Erie Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611, which is approximately two blocks away from Lakeside CBOC. There are approximately 40 spaces for valet parked vehicles.FHCC – 3001 Green Bay Road, North Chicago, IL 60064: Approximately 75 spaces in the Main Patient/Visitor Parking Garage (4th level) located adjacent to the Valet desk at the front entrance to the Lovell, Federal Health Care Center (FHCC). ?The parking garage will be used for both valet- parked vehicles and patient/visitor self-parked vehicles. Paragraph 2.9 changed to read: “The Contractor shall not make alterations to the parking lot line striping. If line-striping changes are desired, the Contractor shall make a recommendation in writing to the COR. If the recommended changes are approved by the COR, the VA will accomplish the re-striping. The Contractor shall make no changes or alterations to any Government property. The Contractor shall make ALL recommendations in writing to the COR.”Added paragraph 5.4. The Contractor shall ensure an employee is located at the podium at all times at the Jesse Brown VAMC location.Section B.3 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND PRICE has been revised to change the Period of Performance (POP) dates. Please use the revised SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND PRICE in your response. B.3 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND PRICEBASE PERIOD: May 1, 2016 through September 30, 2016CLINDESCRIPTIONQTYUNITUNIT PRICETOTAL PRICE0001Valet Parking Services at Lovell, FHCC in North Chicago, ILMonday - Friday 7:00am - 5:00pm for VA beneficiaries.5MO$______________$_______________0002Valet Parking Services at Hines VA Hospital in Hines, ILMonday - Friday 6:30am - 6:00pm for VA beneficiaries.5MO$______________$_______________0003Valet Parking Services at Jesse Brown VAMC in Chicago, ILMonday - Friday 6:30am - 6:00pm for VA beneficiaries.5MO$______________$_______________0004Valet Parking Services at Lakeside CBOC in Chicago, ILMonday - Friday 7:00am - 4:30pm for VA beneficiaries.5MO$______________$_______________TOTAL PRICE FOR BASE PERIOD: $__________________OPTION YEAR 1: October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017CLINDESCRIPTIONQTYUNITUNIT PRICETOTAL PRICE1001Valet Parking Services at Lovell, FHCC in North Chicago, ILMonday - Friday 7:00am - 5:00pm for VA beneficiaries.12MO$______________$_______________1002Valet Parking Services at Hines VA Hospital in Hines, ILMonday - Friday 6:30am - 6:00pm for VA beneficiaries.12MO$______________$_______________1003Valet Parking Services at Jesse Brown VAMC in Chicago, ILMonday - Friday 6:30am - 6:00pm for VA beneficiaries.12MO$______________$_______________1004Valet Parking Services at Lakeside CBOC in Chicago, ILMonday - Friday 7:00am - 4:30pm for VA beneficiaries.12MO$______________$_______________TOTAL PRICE FOR OPTION YEAR 1: $__________________OPTION YEAR 2: October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018CLINDESCRIPTIONQTYUNITUNIT PRICETOTAL PRICE2001Valet Parking Services at Lovell, FHCC in North Chicago, ILMonday - Friday 7:00am - 5:00pm for VA beneficiaries.12MO$______________$_______________2002Valet Parking Services at Hines VA Hospital in Hines, ILMonday - Friday 6:30am - 6:00pm for VA beneficiaries.12MO$______________$_______________2003Valet Parking Services at Jesse Brown VAMC in Chicago, ILMonday - Friday 6:30am - 6:00pm for VA beneficiaries.12MO$______________$_______________2004Valet Parking Services at Lakeside CBOC in Chicago, ILMonday - Friday 7:00am - 4:30pm for VA beneficiaries.12MO$______________$_______________TOTAL PRICE FOR OPTION YEAR 2: $__________________OPTION YEAR 3: October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019CLINDESCRIPTIONQTYUNITUNIT PRICETOTAL PRICE3001Valet Parking Services at Lovell, FHCC in North Chicago, ILMonday - Friday 7:00am - 5:00pm for VA beneficiaries.12MO$______________$_______________3002Valet Parking Services at Hines VA Hospital in Hines, ILMonday - Friday 6:30am - 6:00pm for VA beneficiaries.12MO$______________$_______________3003Valet Parking Services at Jesse Brown VAMC in Chicago, ILMonday - Friday 6:30am - 6:00pm for VA beneficiaries.12MO$______________$_______________3004Valet Parking Services at Lakeside CBOC in Chicago, ILMonday - Friday 7:00am - 4:30pm for VA beneficiaries.12MO$______________$_______________TOTAL PRICE FOR OPTION YEAR 3: $__________________OPTION YEAR 4: October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020CLINDESCRIPTIONQTYUNITUNIT PRICETOTAL PRICE4001Valet Parking Services at Lovell, FHCC in North Chicago, ILMonday - Friday 7:00am - 5:00pm for VA beneficiaries.12MO$______________$_______________4002Valet Parking Services at Hines VA Hospital in Hines, ILMonday - Friday 6:30am - 6:00pm for VA beneficiaries.12MO$______________$_______________4003Valet Parking Services at Jesse Brown VAMC in Chicago, ILMonday - Friday 6:30am - 6:00pm for VA beneficiaries.12MO$______________$_______________4004Valet Parking Services at Lakeside CBOC in Chicago, ILMonday - Friday 7:00am - 4:30pm for VA beneficiaries.12MO$______________$_______________TOTAL PRICE FOR OPTION YEAR 4: $__________________AGGREGATE TOTAL PRICE FOR BASE PERIOD AND ALL OPTION YEARS: $____________________ ................

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