CV, Nov 94

Academic Training:

1973 B.A. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY; Magna Cum Laude, Comparative Literature–concentrationGreek Classics

1976 P.A. Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT

1984 M.D. Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY

Postdoctoral Training:

1984–87 Resident, Internal Medicine, Yale–New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT

1998 Clinical Teaching Facilitator-Training Program, Stanford Faculty, Development Program. One month training to become facilitator for Clinical Teaching Seminars, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA

2006 Harvard Macy Institute Leaders in Education Program. International course in educational leadership for Chairs, Deans, Chiefs and Education Directors, Boston, MA

2007 AAMC Executive Development Seminar for Associate Deans/Department Chairs. Fort Lauderdale, FL

2008-2009 Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA,

Academic Appointments:

1987–1989 Instructor in Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine

1989–1996 Assistant Professor of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine

1996–2000 Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine

2000–2010 Associate Professor of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine

2007-2011 Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Boston University School of Medicine

2010-present Professor of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine

Hospital Appointments:

1987–88 Staff physician, Primary Care Clinic, Southeast Asian Refugee Clinic and Travelers’ Clinic, Yale–New Haven Hospital

1988–89 Attending physician, in Geriatrics and Extended Care, West Haven Veterans Administration Hospital, West Haven, CT

1989–94 Staff physician, Section of General Internal Medicine, Primary Care Center, Boston City Hospital

1989–95      Staff physician, Geriatrics and Home Care, Boston City Hospital

1994–present Attending physician, Boston Medical Center

Honors By Domain:

Teaching and Mentorship

1995 Clinician Educator of the Year Award, Society of General Internal Medicine, New England Region, for “Distinction in medical education”

1998 Winner, 1998 Metcalf Cup and Prize for Excellence in Teaching. The highest teaching award for all 3,800 faculty in the combined schools at Boston University honors “scholarship, dedication, and commitment to students.”

2004 Finalist, Robert Dawson Evans Special Recognition Teaching Award, Department of Medicine, Boston Medical Center

2004 Mentorship Award, Society of General Internal Medicine. One of three mentor-mentee pairs nationally. Mentee: Elizabeth Lindenberger, MD

2005 Robert Dawson Evans Special Recognition Teaching Award, Department of Medicine, Boston Medical Center. In recognition of special contributions to the teaching mission of the Department of Medicine over time

2011 Dennis W. Jahnigen Memorial Award, given annually to an AGS member who has provided outstanding leadership in advancing geriatrics education in health professions schools

Education and Scholarship

1984 Lange Book Award, for scholarship in medical school

1984 Alpha Omega Alpha

2006 Best Oral Paper in Medical Education, National Meeting, American Geriatrics Society. Chicago.

Clinical Service and Patient Care

1984 Edward Weinstein Memorial Award, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. In recognition of scholarship and dedication to patients.

1987 Stephen R. Shell Memorial House Staff Award, Yale University School of Medicine. In recognition of “uncompromising commitment to general internal medicine and best interests of Yale house staff and patients.”

1999 Citation in “The Guide to Top Doctors: 1999 Edition,” published by the Center of the Study of Services, Washington, DC

2001 Co-recipient, Harry Dow Award from Central Boston Elder Services. For leadership in caring for Boston’s elders and commitment to the concept of aging in place through the provision of home visits through Boston University Geriatric Services.

2010 “Boston’s Top Docs” in Geriatrics in Boston Magazine. December 2010

2011 “Boston’s Top Docs” in Geriatrics in Boston Magazine. December 2011

Committee Work and Community Service

2005 Elected to Fellowship, American Geriatrics Society

2005 Outstanding Committee Member Award, American Geriatrics Society

2006 Boston Partnership for Older Adults, Health Care Committee. Certificate of Recognition.

2011 Elected to Board of Directors, American Board of Internal Medicne (ABIM)

2011 Elected to Chair, Geriatrics Subspecialty Board, ABIM

Licenses and Certification:

1987 Massachusetts License Registration No. 71035

1987 Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine

1992 Added Qualifications in Geriatric Medicine, ABIM

2002 Board Certification, Geriatric Medicine, ABIM

Departmental and University Committees:

Boston University

2000 Metcalf Teaching Award Committee, Boston University

Boston University Medical Campus

2009 BUMC Mentoring Task Force, Co-Chair

Boston University School of Medicine Committees

1991–1996 Curriculum Committee, Member

1994–2007 Education Committee, Section of Geriatrics, Chair

1997–1999 Robert Wood Johnson Generalist Physician Initiative, Steering Committee

1997–2004 Massachusetts Medical Society Awards Committee, Member

2003 Curriculum Committee, Member

2004–2007 R-25 Cancer Prevention and Control Advisory Committee, Member

2004–2007 Mission and Goals Working Group, Boston University School of Medicine. Reports to the Medical Education Committee. Wrote educational mission and institutional goals, Member

2006 and 2007 Annual John McCahan Medical Education Day. Boston University School of Medicine. June 19, 2006, and June 21, 2007, Chair and Founder

2007-2011 Chair, Medical Education Committee, Governance of entire BUSM curriculum

2007-2011 Vice Chair, Executive Committee BUSM

2007-2011 Chair, Committee on Committees BUSM

2002–2007 American Geriatrics Society Student Chapter, BUSM, Faculty Advisor

2009-2010 Student Interest Group in Medical Education, BUSM, Faculty Advisor

Boston University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine Committees

2002-2007 Ad Hoc Committee to Assess the Academic Status of Women Faculty in the Department of Medicine, Member

2002-present Faculty Awards Committee, Member

2004 Steering Committee, Promoting Excellence in Teaching, The PET Program

2005-present The Leah M. Lowenstein Women in Medicine Caucus, for the promotion of women’s professional development in Medicine, Member

2007-present Faculty Development and Diversity Committee, Committee’s Objective: to promote faculty recruitment, retention, and promotion, Member.

Boston Medical Center Committees

1992–1996 Ambulatory Services Committee, Boston City Hospital

1994–2009 Internship Selection Committee, Boston University Residency in Medicine

1996–1997 Evaluation Committee, Boston University Residency in Medicine

1998–2009 Graduate Medical Education Committee, Boston Medical Center

1999 Restraints Task Force, Boston Medical Center

2002–2004 Elected Representative, Medical Management Council and Medical Executive Committee, Boston Medical Center

2004–2009 Elected to Board of Directors, Evans Medical Foundation

Teaching Experience and Responsibilities:

Selected Educational Leadership and Teaching Activities

1987–88 Preceptor for Yale medical house staff: weekly Primary Care Clinic, Yale-New Haven Hospital

1987-88 Preceptor for 4th year medical students, Yale University School of Medicine: weekly Primary Care Clinic, Yale-New Haven Hospital

1988–89 Attending for Yale medical house staff: weekly longitudinal clinic, Nursing Home Care Unit, Rehabilitation Unit, Geriatric Evaluation Unit; West Haven Veterans Administration Hospital

1989–1994 Adult Walk-In Clinic attending, Medicine Consultation Service attending

1989–1994 Introduction to Clinical Medicine I

1989–2000 Organize weekly pre-clinic conference in Primary Care Center, deliver talks

1989–2001 Preceptor for medical residents, Primary Care Clinic (weekly)

1989–present Preceptor for 4th year medical students at Boston University School of Medicine doing Home Care rotation

1989–2008 Ward attending, Boston City Hospital/Boston Medical Center

1989–present Preceptor for medical residents on outpatient Geriatrics rotation (weekly)

1989–2010 Preceptor for medical residents, 1-year longitudinal rotation on Home Care service

1992–1998 Preceptor for medical resident, Geriatric Assessment Center

1994 Developer, Geriatrics curriculum for rotation in Geriatrics for medical residents, Boston University Residency in Medicine

1994–1998 Co-developer and facilitator, curriculum for medical house staff, “Resident Leadership and Teaching Skills”

1994–1998 Preceptor for Geriatrics fellow, Geriatric Assessment Center (weekly)

1994–present Preceptor for Geriatrics fellow, Home Care rotation (house calls and weekly meetings)

1997 Meeting Chair, Caring for Communities: Opportunities and Challenges in Primary Care, Annual Meeting, New England Regional Society of General Internal Medicine. Ashland, MA. December 5, 1997

1998 Meeting Co-chair, Physician as Advocate, Annual Meeting, New England Regional Society of General Internal Medicine. Sturbridge, MA. December 11, 1998.

1999–present Invited Course Director and Expert Faculty, Physician Leader Training for Practicing Physician Education Project in Geriatrics. Annual Meetings of American College of Physicians 2000–2006 and American Association of Family Practice 1999–2001

2003–2004 Program Director, Summer Institute in Geriatrics, sponsored by Boston University School of Medicine and the American Geriatrics Society with funding from the National Institute on Aging.

2004–2008 Co-director, Summer Institute in Geriatrics, sponsored by Boston University School of Medicine and the American Geriatrics Society with funding from the National Institute on Aging.

2005–2007 Director, Facilitator Training. Practicing Physician Education Program. Comprehensive Geriatrics Education Project. Boston.

2005–present Course Developer and Director, Chief Resident Immersion Training in Geriatrics, Chatham, MA, May 20-22, 2005; May 19-21, 2006; May 11-13, 2007 and yearly through present

Stanford Faculty Development Program

1999–present Facilitate seven-week Clinical Teaching Seminars yearly: March–April 1999, September–October 1999, September–October 2000, October–November 2001, September–November 2002, September–November 2003, October–December 2004, November–December 2005, September–November 2006, October–December, 2007, Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2010, Fall 2011, Boston University School of Medicine

Major Administrative Responsibilities:

1988–89 Medical Director, Hospital-Based Home Care Program, West Haven Veterans Administration Hospital, West Haven, CT

1990–91 Assistant Director, Inpatient Geriatrics Program, Boston City Hospital

1992–94 Medical Director, Geriatric Assessment Clinic, Boston City Hospital

1994–98 Director, Geriatric Assessment Center, Boston University Medical Center Hospital and Boston City Hospital (now Boston Medical Center)

1994–2007 Education Director, Geriatrics Section, Boston University Medical Center

1997–2008 Program Director, Geriatrics Fellowship, Boston University Medical Center. ACGME reaccreditation in 2005 with commendation and without citations.

1998–present Co-director, Center of Excellence in Geriatrics Faculty Development Program, Boston University Medical Center

2003–2007 Director, Boston University Medical Center Comprehensive Geriatric Education Project

2007–2011 Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Boston University School of Medicine

2007–2011 Director, Office of Medical Education, Boston University School of Medicine.

Other Professional Activities:

Professional Societies: Memberships and Offices

Professional Societies

1987–present Society of General Internal Medicine

1989–present American Geriatrics Society (Fellow)

1990–present American Academy of Home Care Physicians

2001–2008 Association of Directors of Geriatric Academic Programs

Major Committee Assignments:

National Committee Work

1990–present Geriatrics Interest Group, Society of General Internal Medicine

1991–2007 Teachers Committee, American Geriatrics Society

1991–1995 Ethnogeriatrics Interest Group, American Geriatrics Society

1996–1998 Chair, Society of General Internal Medicine New England Region (elected)

1998 Nominations Committee, Society of General Internal Medicine

1998–2010 Education Committee, American Geriatrics Society (outstanding committee member award)

1999 Invited Member, Home Care Domain Definition Task Force, Institute for Clinical Evaluation

2000 Society of General Internal Medicine, Regional Task Force

2000 Co-chair, Special Populations/Geriatrics Workshops, Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting

2002–2005 Member, Improving Doctoring for Elderly Americans (IDEA) Task Force, liaison between Society of General Internal Medicine and the American Geriatrics Society promoting Geriatrics in general internal medicine

2003–2004 American Board of Internal Medicine/Intraining Exam Question Review Subproject, Society of General Internal Medicine/John A. Hartford Foundation (resulted in Geriatrics subscore added to Intraining Exam)

2003–2005 American Board of Internal Medicine, Self-Evaluation Program, test-writing committee for Recent Advances in Geriatrics

2003–2008 Steering Committee, Fellowship Directors Interest Group, Association of Directors of Geriatric Academic Programs

2004–present Member, Geriatric Fellowship Subcommittee, American Geriatrics Society

2004–2005 Chair, National Retreat and White Paper on Practicing Physician Education, Society of General Internal Medicine

2004–2005 Member, Strategic Planning Committee, American Geriatrics Society

2006 Reviewer, Society of General Internal Medicine, Geriatrics Workshops

2007-present Elected member, American Board of Internal Medicine Subspecialty Board in Geriatric Medicine.

2011 Elected to the Board of Directors, American Board of Internal Medicine

2011 Elected to Chair, Geriatrics Subspecialty Board, ABIM

Other Professional/Advisory Board Activities

1976–78 Physician’s Associate (Medicine), Community Health Care Center Plan, New Haven, CT

1979–80 Physician’s Associate (Medicine), West Haven Veterans Administration Hospital, West Haven, CT

1980 Physician’s Associate (Medicine), Riker’s Island Infirmary, Women’s House of Detention, Montefiore Hospital, Bronx, NY

1993–1999 Physician member, Retirement Board Indemnification Panel, City of Boston

2002–2004 Elected Representative, Medical Management Council and Medical Executive Committee, Boston Medical Center

2003 Member, External Advisory Board, Lasell College Center for Research on Aging and Intergenerational Studies, Newton, MA

2004–2009 Member, Professional Advisory Board, Visiting Nurse Association of Boston

2006 Expert Consultant, “Improving the Care of Older Adults by Practicing Generalist Physicians,” sponsored by the Society of General Internal Medicine and supported by Merck Institute of Aging and Health

2006 Member, Advisory Board of Macy Care of Vulnerable Elders Project at American Board of Internal Medicine

Other National, Regional and Local Committees and Boards

1992–93 Long Term Care Advisory Committee, Department of Health and Hospitals, Boston

1993 Advisory Committee, Multicultural Memory Loss Awareness Program of Alzheimer’s Association and Hebrew Rehabilitation Center

2003 Member, External Advisory Board, Lasell College Center for Research on Aging and Intergenerational Studies, Newton, MA

2004–2009 Member, Professional Advisory Board, Visiting Nurse Association of Boston

2004–2007 Member, Health Care Committee, Boston Partnership for Older Adults

2005–2006 Expert consultant, Home-based Primary Care Quality Initiative. Mount Sinai Medical Center Visiting Doctors Program. New York.

2007–present Board Member, Center for Community Health, Education, Research, and Service Inc., Boston.

Current Other Support:

2007–2011 PI: Levine. John A. Hartford Foundation. Chief Resident Immersion Training National Demonstration. Total amount: $0.3 million to BUMC. 10%

2007–2012 Co-PI: Levine. John A. Hartford Foundation, Center of Excellence in Geriatrics. $750,000.

2008–2012 Donald W. Reynolds Foundation, University of Pennsylvania and University of Massachusetts.

2011–2015 PI Levine. Hearst Foundations. Chief Resident Immersion Training in the Care of Older Adults dissemination $2.2 million

2011-2015 PI Levine. Donald W. Reynolds Foundation. Chief Resident Immersion Training in the Care of Older Adults dissemination $1 million

Past Other Support:

1998–2003 Co-PI: Levine. John A. Hartford Foundation. Enhancing Geriatric Care Through Practicing Physician Education. Total: $1.9 million.

2000–2005 5 DO1 HP00007. PI: Levine. Bureau of Health Professions. Geriatric Medicine, Dentistry and Psychiatry Fellowship at Boston University. Total: $2.9 million.

2001–2004 PI: Silliman. John A. Hartford Foundation. Center of Excellence in Geriatrics.

2001–2006 1 P30 AG13846 PI: Kowall. National Institutes of Health. Alzheimer’s Disease Core Center Grant. Total: $4,453,871.

2002–2006 5 U13 AG20109 PI: Silliman. National Institutes of Health. Summer Institute in Geriatric Medicine. Total: $131,985.

2002–2003 Co-PI: Levine. Merck Institute of Aging and Health. Enhancing Geriatric Care Through Practicing Physician Education. Total: $120,000.

2002–2005 PI: Levine. American Society of Clinical Oncology, John A. Hartford Foundation. Geriatric Oncology Fellowship Training Grant. Total: $300,000.

2002–2005 Co-PI: Levine. Merck Institute of Aging and Health/Sarasota Memorial Hospital. Enhancing Geriatric Care Through Practicing Physician Education (previously funded by the John A. Hartford Foundation, 1998–2002). July 2003 -  June 2006.  Total was $72,968.

2003–2008 PI: Levine. Donald W. Reynolds Foundation. BUMC Comprehensive Geriatric Education Project. $1,995,358 through 10/07; no cost extension through 10/08. 30%

2004–2007 2003-0202 Co-PI: Levine John A. Hartford Foundation. Center of Excellence. $90,900 (current year, direct costs). Total: $300,000.

2005–2007 5 DO1 HP00007. PI: Levine. Bureau of Health Professions. Geriatric Medicine, Dentistry and Psychiatry Fellowship at Boston University. Total: $3.1 million.

2007–2010 6 DO1HP08796 PI: Levine. Bureau of Health Professions. Geriatric Medicine, Dentistry and Psychiatry Fellowship at Boston University. $2,976,644. 25%.

Invited Lectures and Presentations:


May 20, 1999 Improving Clinical Teaching in Geriatrics. Annual Meeting, American Geriatrics Society. Philadelphia.

Sept., 1999 Expert Faculty. Practicing Physician Education Project. Annual Meeting, American Association of Family Practice. Orlando, Florida.

April 11, 2000 Expert Faculty. Practicing Physician Education Project. Annual Meeting, American College of Physicians. Philadelphia.

Sept. 20, 2000 Expert Faculty. Practicing Physician Education Project. Annual Meeting, American Academy of Family Practice. Dallas.

March 27, 2001 Project Leader. Practicing Physician Education Project. Annual Meeting, American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine, Atlanta.

April 12, 2001 Grand Rounds. Home Care. University of Connecticut Medical School, Farmington, CT [correct?].

May 3, 2001 Moderator. Geriatric Office-based Assessment: A Practical Approach for the Primary Care Clinician. Annual Meeting, Society of General Internal Medicine. San Diego.

May 10, 2001 Meet the Expert. Practicing Physician Education Project: Training the Trainer. Annual Meeting, American Geriatrics Society. Chicago.

May 10, 2001 Strategies for Developing a Geriatrics Curriculum. Annual Meeting, American Geriatrics Society. Chicago.

May 11, 2001 Clinician Educators in Academic Geriatrics: Current Status and Future Directions. The Clinician-Educator: A University Perspective on Guidelines and Criteria for Advancement. Annual Meeting, American Geriatrics Society. Chicago.

Oct. 3–4, 2001 Practicing Physician Education Project. Annual Meeting, American Academy of Family Practice, Atlanta.

April 9, 2002 Project Leader. Practicing Physician Education Project. Annual Meeting, American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine. Philadelphia.

April 12, 2002 Office-based Geriatric Assessment. Annual Meeting, American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine. Philadelphia.

May 7, 2002 Grand Rounds Speaker. Elder Care in the New Millennium: There’s No Place Like Home. Latchney Memorial Lecture. University of Rochester. Rochester, New York.

May 9, 2002 Creating a Portfolio for Academic Advancement as a Clinician Educator. The Clinician Educator in Academic Geriatrics. Annual Meeting American Geriatrics Society. Washington, D.C.

Oct. 19, 2002 Practicing Physician Education in Geriatrics. Annual Meeting, Reynolds Awards Recipients. New York.

April 2, 2003 Project Leader. Physician Leader Training for the Practicing Physician Education Project. Annual Meeting, American College of Physicians. San Diego.

April 3, 2003 Falls Toolkit Presentation. Office-based Geriatric Assessment. Annual Meeting, American College of Physicians. San Diego.

May 3, 2003 Musculoskeletal Problems and Immobility in Older Adults: Enhancing Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches for Primary Care Practitioners. Annual Meeting, Society of General Internal Medicine. Vancouver, British Columbia.

May 15, 2003 The Importance of Mentors in Academic Geriatric Career Development. Academic Advancement as a Clinician Educator. Annual Meeting, American Geriatrics Society. Baltimore.

May 16, 2003 Successful Teaching Strategies in Home Care. Faculty Development for Home Care in Residency Training. Annual Meeting, American Geriatrics Society. Baltimore.

Sept. 18, 2003 Mentorship for Clinician Educators in Geriatrics. Annual Meeting, Reynolds Foundation Award Recipients. New York.

Oct. 3, 2003 Home Visits to Meet the General Competencies. Annual Meeting, Association of Program Directors of Internal Medicine. Washington, D.C.

April 21, 2004 Project Leader. Physician Leader Training. Practicing Physician Education Project. Annual Meeting, American College of Physicians. New Orleans.

April 22, 2004 Falls in the Elderly. Annual Meeting American College of Physicians. New Orleans.

May 13, 2004 Generalists Teaching Geriatrics: Assessment of the ACGME Systems-based Practice Competency. Annual Meeting, Society of General Internal Medicine. Chicago.

May 20, 2004 Enhancing Geriatric Care for Practicing Physicians: Phase II. Annual Meeting, American Geriatrics Society. Las Vegas.

May 20, 2004 Moderator. Model Geriatric Programs: Practicing Clinician Education Materials and Methods Swap. Annual Meeting, American Geriatrics Society. Las Vegas.

Sept. 30, 2004 Chief Resident Immersion Training in Geriatrics. Annual Meeting, Reynolds Foundation Award Recipients. New York.

Oct. 1, 2004 Moderator, Educational Program Evaluation: Fundamentals. Annual Meeting, Reynolds Foundation Award Recipients. New York.

Oct. 1, 2004 Importance of Evaluation: Using External Evaluators. Annual Meeting, Reynolds Foundation Award Recipients. New York.

April 14, 2005 Geriatric Assessment: Falls in Older Adults. American College of Physicians. San Francisco.

May 13, 2005 Moderator. Determining the Worth of Value of Your Education Programs—Evaluation Lessons Learned. Annual Meeting, American Geriatrics Society. Orlando, Florida.

April 5, 2006 Course Director. Physician Leader Training. Annual Meeting, American College of Physicians. Philadelphia.

April 6–8, 2006 Tool Kit Facilitator. Geriatric Assessment: Falls in the Older Adult. Annual Meeting, American College of Physicians. Philadelphia.

April 6–8, 2006 Tool Kit Facilitator. Geriatric Assessment: Pain Management in Older Adults. Annual Meeting, American College of Physicians. Philadelphia.

May 3, 2006 Preparing for Your Role as Geriatrics Fellowship Director: Preparing for a Successful Residency Review Committee Site Visit. Precourse at Annual Meeting, American Geriatrics Society. Chicago

May 4, 2006 Geriatric Training for Physicians, Dentists, and Behavior/Mental Health Professions. in Three Interdisciplinary Geriatric Education and Training Programs through the Bureau of Health Professions. Annual Meeting, American Geriatrics Society. Chicago.

May 6, 2006 Academic Advancement as a Clinician Educator: Mentorship. Annual Meeting, American Geriatrics Society. Chicago.

Nov. 18, 2006 Combined Inpatient-Outpatient Morning Report: Broadening the View. Annual Meeting, Gerontological Society of America. Dallas.

May 2, 2007 When Fellows Have Trouble: What Can You Do? Fellowship Directors’ Precourse. Annual Meeting, American Geriatrics Society. Seattle.

May 4, 2007 Academic Advancement as a Clinician Educator: Teaching Skills Workshop – The One Minute Preceptor. Annual Meeting American Geriatrics Society. Seattle.

May 5, 2007 Geriatrics Jeopardy. Annual Meeting, American Geriatrics Society. Seattle.

June 28, 2007 Recruitment and Retention of Physicians. Presented to Institute of Medicine Task Force on Care of Older Adults. San Francisco.

Feb. 26, 2008 Keynote Speaker, plenary session. Serving an Aging Society. HRSA All-Grantee Meeting. Washington, D.C.

April 30, 2009 American Geriatrics Society: How to Start and Manage a House Calls Program in An Academic Institution with A Focus on Teaching Trainees. Chicago, Ill

May 1, 2009 Effective mentoring: Maximizing the role of the clinician educator and clinical investigator.

Oct. 22, 2009 Donald W. Reynold’s Annual Meeting: “Your Career – Where Are You, Where Are You Going: Getting Promoted, Getting A Mentor, Personal Wellness.” Las Vegas, NV

Oct. 2011 Donald W. Reynold’s Annual Meeting, St.Louis. Workshop Leader, Fundraising

Oct. 2011 Donald W. Reynold’s Annual Meeting, St.Louis, Meet-the-Professor

Oct. 2011 Donald W. Reynold’s Annual Meeting, St.Louis, Facilitator, Methods to Madness

Invited Lectures/Workshops/Presentations: Regional/Local

June 1994 “Clinical Medical Assessment of Elder Abuse and Neglect,” in Forum on Elder Abuse: Another Dimension of Domestic Violence, Boston Department of Health and Hospitals.

June 6, 1995 Case Conference: Elder Abuse, Malden Hospital. Malden, MA.

Sept. 27, 1995 Health Care Proxy and the Patient Self Determination Act, HIV Conference Series, Boston City Hospital. Boston.

May 27, 1999 Geriatric Case Conference. Lawrence Memorial Hospital. Medford, MA.

Dec. 5, 1999 Geriatric Home Care Workshop. Multicultural Medicine: A Clinical Course for Primary Care and Mental Health Practitioners. Harvard Medical School. Cambridge MA

March 1, 2002 Clinical Challenges in Home Care. Harvard Geriatrics Review Course. Boston.

Feb. 28, 2003 Clinical Challenges in Home Care. Harvard Geriatrics Review Course. Boston.

Feb. 27, 2004 Clinical Challenges in Home Care. Harvard Geriatrics Review Course. Boston.

July 27, 2004 Clinical Challenges in Home Care. Harvard Geriatric Education Center presentation for visiting Korean physicians. Harvard Medical School. Boston.

March 4, 2005 Clinical Challenges in Home Care. Harvard Geriatric Review Course. Boston.

March 7–8, 2005 Program Director and Chair, National Retreat on Improving Care of Older Adults by Practicing Physicians. Sponsored by the Society of General Internal Medicine and the Merck Institute of Aging and Health. Atlanta, GA.

March 24, 2005 Home Care for the Elderly. Quincy Medical Center. Quincy, MA.

July 13, 2005 Clinical Challenges in Home Care. Visiting Professors from Korea. Harvard Geriatric Education Center. Boston.

March 3, 2006 Clinical Challenges in Home Care. Harvard Geriatric Review Course. Boston.

March 23, 2006 Public Health Leadership Forum: Disparities in the Elderly. Sponsored by the Massachusetts Medical Society and Harvard School of Public Health. Boston.

May 24, 2006 Care at Home for Older Adults with Dementia: It Takes a Village! Alzheimer’s Disease Center Research Seminar. Boston University Medical Center. Boston.

June 19, 2006 Effective Feedback: You can do it! First Annual John McCahan Medical Education Day. Boston University School of Medicine. Boston.

July 13, 2006 Clinical Challenges in Home Care. Visiting Professors from Korea. Harvard Medical School. Boston.

Dec. 1, 2006 Home Sweet Home: A Major Site of Health Care. Medical Grand Rounds. Boston Medical Center. Boston.

Dec. 5, 2006 Falls in the Elderly. Medical Grand Rounds. Exeter Hospital. Exeter, New Hampshire.

Dec. 22, 2006 Home Sweet Home: A Major Site of Health Care. Medical Grand Rounds. Tufts–New England Medical Center. Boston.

March 2, 2007 Clinical Challenges in Home Care. Harvard Geriatrics Review Course. Boston.

Feb. 29, 2008 Clinical Challenges in Home Care. Harvard Geriatrics Review Course. Boston.

Feb. 28, 2009 Clinical Challenges in Home Care. Harvard Geriatrics Review Course. Boston.

March 5, 2011 Clinical Challenges in Home Care. Harvard Geriatrics Review Course.

Peer-Reviewed Presentations/Lectures/Workshops: National

|January, 1993 |Workshop coordinator: “Hospital-Based Home Care: An Interdisciplinary Model for Patient Care and Residency |

| |Training,” Society of General Internal Medicine Regional Meeting, Boston (January), |

|April, 1993 |Workshop coordinator: “Hospital-Based Home Care: An Interdisciplinary Model for Patient Care and Residency |

| |Training,” National Meeting, Washington, D.C. |

|April 1994 |“Home Care Survey of Residency Programs in Internal Medicine and Family Practice,” Society of General Internal |

| |Medicine National Meeting. Washington, D.C. |

|May 3, 1995 |Co-Coordinator: Task Force on Geriatric Medicine (Interest Group): Curriculum Guidelines for Residency Training|

| |in Home Care and Ambulatory Medicine, presented at National Meeting, Society of General Internal Medicine. San |

| |Diego. |

|May 3, 1995 |Skills Training Workshop Coordinator: “Falls and Gait Evaluation in the Elderly,” Pre-course in Geriatrics, |

| |Annual Meeting, Society of General Internal Medicine. San Diego. |

|May 2, 1996 |Skills Training Workshop Coordinator: “Falls in the Elderly,” Pre-course in Geriatrics, Annual Meeting, Society|

| |of General Internal Medicine. Washington, D.C. |

|May 9, 1997 |Education Swap. Teachers’ Committee, Annual Meeting of American Geriatrics Society. Atlanta. |

|May 10, 1997 |Hospital-Based Home Care: Integrating Medical Student and Residency Training in Geriatrics into an |

| |Interdisciplinary Model of Patient Care. Annual Meeting of American Geriatrics Society. Atlanta. |

|Sept. 20, 1997 |House Calls 101: Teaching Geriatrics in the Community. Teaching Internal Medicine Symposium. Chicago. |

|May 7, 1998 |Academic Home Care: Nuts and Bolts. Annual Meeting of American Geriatrics Society. Seattle. |

|May 5, 2000 |Elder Abuse. Workshop facilitator for Violence Across the Spectrum Workshop. Annual Meeting Society of General |

| |Internal Medicine. Boston. |

Peer Reviewed Presentations/Lectures/Workshops: Regional and Local

|March 8, 2002 |Geriatrics Office Assessment for Primary Care Physicians. New England Regional Meeting, Society of General |

| |Internal Medicine. Boston. |

Other Lectures/Workshops/Presentations: Regional and Local

|October. 1994 |Skin Disease in the Elderly, Geriatrics Grand Rounds. Boston University School of Medicine. |

|April, 1995 |Introduction to Clinical Medicine I (BUSM) – Organizer and Presenter of Plenary Session on Aging. |

|May 15, 1995 |Geriatric Lecture Series: Elder Abuse and Neglect. Boston City Hospital |

|March, 1996 |Physician Competency in End-of-Life Care, Geriatrics Conference Series. Boston University School of Medicine. |

|April 11, 1996 |Introduction to Clinical Medicine I: The Aging Patient. Boston University School of Medicine. |

|June 3, 1996 |Home Care for the Elderly. Primary Care Lecture Series. Boston City Hospital. |

|Nov. 18, 1996 |Elder Abuse and Neglect. Boston Medical Center. |

|Jan. 10, 1997 |Skills Retraining in General Medicine. Geriatrics for General Internists: Falls, Dementia, Delirium and |

| |Incontinence. Boston University School of Medicine. |

|June 16, 1997 |Falls in the Elderly. Primary Care Lecture Series. Boston Medical Center. |

|July 28, 1997 |Moderator, Multidisciplinary Case Conference. Summer Institute in Geriatrics. Boston University School of |

| |Medicine |

|March 13, 1998 |Skills Retraining in General Medicine. Geriatrics for Generalists: Falls, Dementia, Delirium and Elder Abuse. |

| |Boston University School of Medicine. |

|Spring, 1999 |Skin Disease in the Elderly. Primary Care Lecture Series. Boston University School of Medicine. |

|March, 1999 |Skills Retraining in General Medicine. Geriatrics for Generalists: Falls, Dementia, Delirium and Elder Abuse, |

| |Boston University School of Medicine |

|May 26, 1999 |Elder Mistreatment. Boston Medical Center. |

|July 26, 1999 |Moderator, Multidisciplinary Case Conference. Summer Institute in Geriatrics. Boston University School of |

| |Medicine. |

|October 1, 1999 |Skills Retraining in General Medicine. Geriatrics for Generalists: Falls, Dementia, Delirium and Elder Abuse, |

| |Boston University School of Medicine. |

|July, 2000 |Moderator, Multidisciplinary Case Conference. AGS-sponsored Summer Institute in Geriatrics. Boston University |

| |School of Medicine. |

Boston University School of Medicine and Department of Medicine Talks

Available upon request.

Have given weekly to monthly talks from 1989 to the present

Scholarly Interests

Development and evaluation of multi- and interdisciplinary Geriatrics curricula and programs for medical students, residents, fellows, faculty, and practicing physicians

Development and evaluation of home care curricula

Faculty Development

Medical Education

Mentorship and Advising Activities

AGS one-to-one mentorship program

|2003 |Elizabeth Lindenberger, MD |See below under Geriatric Academic Career Award |

|2004 |Don Scott, MD |University of Chicago. |

| | |Now Chief, General Internal Medicine, University of Southern |

| | |Illinois |

|2005 |Ursula Braun, MD |Baylor College of Medicine. |

|2006 |Hyai Y. Cheng, MD |Columbia University Medical Center. |

|2008 |Gwendolyn Buhr, MD |.Duke University Medcial Center |

|2009 |Kelly Campbell, MD |University of Chicago |

Geriatric Academic Career Award mentor, 2004-present

|2003 |Jeremy Boal, MD |Vice Chair for Strategic Planning, Mount Sinai School of |

| |North Shore LIJ Health Care System |Medicine. |

| | |Collaborated on development of home visit program at Mount Sinai|

| | |Hospital |

| | |CMO, LI Jewish Hospital |

|2004 |Elizabeth Lindenberger, MD |AGS one-on-one mentor. |

| |Bronx VAMC, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, |Helped with job search |

| |Assistant Professor of Geriatrics and |Dr. Lindenberger and I were awarded a Society of General |

| |Palliative Care |Internal Medicine Mentor-Mentee Award in May 2004 |

| | |National VA ALS Task Force, developed national VA ALS guidelines|

| | |Co-director, New York consortium of GECs 6-month CME program |

|2007 |Serena Chao, MD. |Fellow, now colleague |

| |BUSM, Assistant Professor of Medicine |Program Director of Geriatrics Fellowship, BMC Geriatrics |

| | |Fellowship. |

| | |Involved in developing Chief Resident Immersion Training Program|

| | |and undergraduate curriculum as part of BMC Reynolds Foundation |

| | |Activities. |

National mentoring

|Period |Mentee |Mentoring domains |

|Boston University Geriatric Section, Center of Excellence in Geriatrics – Faculty Development Program |

|1998 |Kalli Varaklis, MD |Geriatric, Gynecology |

|1998-1999 |Avra Goldman, MD |Clinician educator, |

| | |Family Medicine and home care |

|1999-2000 |Lisa Norton, MD |Geriatrics education, Geriatrics |

|2000-2001 |Rose Duver, MD |Clinician educator, |

| | |General Internal Medicine |

|2000-2001 |Sarah Lovinger, MD |Clinician educator, |

| | |General Internal Medicine |

|2001-2002 |Julie Crosson, MD |Clinician educator, |

| | |General Internal Medicine |

|2002-present |Laura Goldman, MD |Clinician educator, |

| | |Family Medicine |

|2003-2005 |Tracy Wilson, MD |Clinician educator, Urology, |

| | |Geriatrics Education for Specialty Residents, Grantee |

|2004-2005 |John Stram, MD |Clinician educator, Otolaryngology |

|2004-2005 |Feng Wang, MD |Clinician educator, |

| | |Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation |

|2005-2006 |Michael Rosenblum, MD. Baystate Medical Center.|Faculty Mentor in Center of Excellence. Assisted in development |

| | |of home care program at Baystate. |

|2005-2006 |Myron Siu, MD. |Faculty Mentor in Center of Excellence in Geriatrics. Assisted |

| |New England Medical Center. |in internal medicine residency curriculum development. |

|2006-2007 |Nila Radhakrishnan, MD |Hospitalist, Internal Medicine |

| | |Vice Chair, Inpatient Medicine |

|2006-present |Susan Liang, MD |Clinician Educator, Ophthalmology |

| | |Geriatrics for Specialty Residents grantee |

| | |Longitudinal Mentoring, as below |

|2008-present |Donna Syracuse-Lee, MD |Clinician Educator, Ophthalmology |

Longitudinal Mentoring

|2000-present |Reena Karani, MD, |Director of the Clinical Curriculum and Assessment for the Mount|

| |Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Associate |Sinai School of Medicine and Co-Director of the Integrated |

| |Professor of Medicine |Internal Medicine-Geriatrics Medical Student Clerkship |

| | |Geriatric Academic Career Award |

|2000-present |Linda V. DeCherrie, MD. Mount Sinai School of |Internal medicine resident and chief resident graduate of Boston|

| |Medicine, Assistant Professor of Medicine |Medical Center 2003. |

| | |Collaborating on fellowship research project in home care. |

| | |Geriatrics Fellow, Mount Sinai School of Medicine |

| | |Faculty, Mount Sinai School of Medicine |

|2002-2007 |James Wallace, MD. |Internal Medicine, Boston Medical Center |

| |Monroe Medical Associates, Tinley Park, IL |Geriatric Oncology Fellow, University of Chicago.. |

|2001-present |Matthew L. Russell, MD |Clinician Educator, Geriatrics, and Palliative Care |

| |Assistant Professor, BUSM |GACA Recipient. |

|2003-present |Andrew B. Rosenzweig, MD |Resident, Boston Medical Center. |

| |Abington Howpital, PA |Entered Geriatrics fellowship at University of Pennsylvania in |

| | |July 2006. |

|2004-present |Sonal Mehta, MD. |Internal Medicine, Intern, Boston Medical Center |

| |Assistant Professor of Medicine, New York |Resident, NYU Residency Program in Medicine |

| |Presbyterian-Weill Cornell Medical Center. |Entered Geriatrics fellowship at Cornell Weill College of |

| | |Medicine in July 2006. |

|2008-present |Ariel Hirsch, MD |Radiation Oncologist medical educator. BUSM |

| |Director of Education, Department of Radiation |Recipient, RSNA Research & Education Foundation, Education Seed |

| |Oncology |Grant application, #ESD0906, Integration of Radiation Oncology |

| | |into the Undergraduate Medical Curriculum |

| | |Harvard Macy Scholar, Education in the Health Professions |

| | |Co-chair Professionalism Work Group |

| | |Oncology Module director, Disease and Therapy |

|2008-2009 |Ruben Azocar, MD |Clinician Educator, Residency Program Director, Anesthesiology, |

| |Program Director, Anesthesiology Residency, |BUSM |

| |BUMC |Helped develop Anesthesia Resident Curriculum, Preparing for |

| | |Submisssion of Geriatrics Specialty for Resident Grant |

| | |Submission |

|2008-present |Samuel Frank, MD |Career counseling in clinical education |

| |Department of Radiology | |

Boston University School of Medicine mentoring

|2006 |David Yao. MD |BUSM graduate 2006. |

| | |Past president of the BUSM Chapter of the American Geriatrics |

| | |Society and the Geriatrics Interest Group. |

| | |Urology resident at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. |

Faculty, Academy of Advisors, Boston University School of Medicine-for 4 years or longer

|Graduating Class |Student |Role |

|2007 |Luzamar Dhindsa-Casteneda. MD |Career counseling in Geriatric medicine and current president |

| | |of the BUSM Chapter of the American Geriatrics Society and the|

| | |Geriatrics Interest Group. |

|2007 |Akshal Patel. MD |Advisor |

|2007 (current) |Henry Hyun. BUSM, MD-PhD |Advisor |

|2007 |Sarah Wise, MD |Advisor |

|2008 |Anne Eapen, MD |Advisor |

|2010 |Christopher D’Ardenne |Advisor |

|2010 |Scott Glazier. |Advisor |

|2010 |Christine Higham |Advisor |

|2010 |Rebecca Scudiere Blumhofer |Advisor |

|2012 (current) |Catherine Sullivan |Advisor |

|2012 (current) |Zi Huang |Advisor |

|2012 (current) |Andrew Colucci |Advisor |

|2012 (current) |David Cleary |Advisor |

|2013 (through 2011) |Laura Bresler |Advisor |

|2013 (current) |Xi Chen |Advisor |

|2013 (current) |Sandra Hsu |Advisor |

|2013 (current) |Abhinav Vemula |Advisor |

|2014 (current) |Michael Wasserman |Advisor |

|2014 (current) |Alison Kimball |Advisor |

|2014 (current) |Joshua August |Advisor |

|2014 (current) |Claudia Sotillo |Advisor |

|2015 (current) |Sweta Bodepudi |Advisor |

|2015 (current) |Michael Dombek |Advisor |

|2015 (current) |Christopher Xiao |Advisor |


Original, Peer Reviewed Articles:

1. Katz JN, Lipson SJ, Chang LC, Levine SA, Fossel AH, Liang MH. Seven- to 10-year outcome of decompressive surgery for degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis. Spine (Phila Pa 1976 ) 1996;21:92-8.

2. Dunzendorfer T, Lee VW, Levine S, Morenas AD, Beazley RM, Chipkin S. Refractory constipation and megacolon in MEN 2b. Dig Dis Sci 1996;41:2233-7.

3. Sullivan GM, Boling PA, Ritchie C, Levine S. Curriculum recommendations for resident training in home care. J Am Geriatr Soc 1998;46:910-2.

4. Levine SA, Boal J, Boling PA. Home care. JAMA 2003;290:1203-7.

5. Levine SA, Caruso LB, Vanderschmidt H, Silliman RA, Barry PP. Faculty development in geriatrics for clinician educators: a unique model for skills acquisition and academic achievement. J Am Geriatr Soc 2005;53:516-21.

6. Harvey RM, Horvath KJ, Levine SA, Volicer L. Models of physician education for Alzheimer's Disease and dementia: Practical application in an integrated network. Clinical Gerontologist 2005;29:11-23.

7. Thomas DC, Johnston B, Dunn K, Sullivan GM, Brett B, Matzko M, Levine SA. Continuing medical education, continuing professional development, and knowledge translation: improving care of older patients by practicing physicians. J Am Geriatr Soc 2006;54:1610-8.

8. Levine SA, Brett B, Robinson BE, Stratos GA, Lascher SM, Granville L, Goodwin C, Dunn K, Barry PP. Practicing physician education in geriatrics: lessons learned from a train-the-trainer model. J Am Geriatr Soc 2007;55:1281-6.

9. Katz JN, Kessler CL, O'Connell A, Levine SA. Professionalism and evolving concepts of quality. J Gen Intern Med 2007;22:137-9.

10. Goldman LN, Wiecha J, Hoffman M, Levine SA. Teaching geriatric assessment: use of a hybrid method in a family medicine clerkship. Fam Med 2008;40:721-5.

11. Levine SA, Chao SH, Brett B, Jackson AH, Burrows AB, Goldman LN, Caruso LB. Chief resident immersion training in the care of older adults: an innovative interspecialty education and leadership intervention. J Am Geriatr Soc 2008;56:1140-5.

12. O'Sullivan P, Chao S, Russell M, Levine S, Fabiny A. Development and implementation of an objective structured clinical examination to provide formative feedback on communication and interpersonal skills in geriatric training. J Am Geriatr Soc 2008;56:1730-5.

13. Oates DJ, Norton LE, Russell ML, Chao SH, Hardt EJ, Brett B, Kimball P, Levine SA. Multisite geriatrics clerkship for fourth-year medical students: a successful model for teaching the Association of American Medical Colleges' core competencies. J Am Geriatr Soc 2009;57:1917-24.

Book Chapters

1. Levine SA and Barry PP. Home Care. In Cassel (ed), Geriatric Medicine. Fourth Edition. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 2003

2. Levine SA and Barry PP. The Geriatric Patient. In Noble J (ed), Primary Care and General Medicine. Third edition. St. Louis, MO: Mosby, 2001

3. Barry PP and Levine S. Home Care and Medical Education: The Boston University Experience. In Michel J-P, Rubenstein LZ, Vellas BJ, Albarede JL eds. Facts, Research and Intervention in Gerontology: Geriatric Programs and Departments Around the World. Springer, 1998

4. Levine SA, Barry PP, Eskew A. The Geriatric Patient. In Noble J (ed.), Primary Care and General Medicine. Second edition. St. Louis, MO: Mosby 1996

Peer-Reviewed Abstracts

Dodd KA, Levine SA. A Case of Very Late Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis. J Amer Geriatr Soc. 2007;55 (4) S24

Chao S, Brett B, Wiecha J, Norton L, Doyle J, Ackerman K, Cao X, Levine S. Comparison of Online Curriculum to Lecture Format in Teaching Delirium to 4th Year Medical Students. J Amer Geriatr Soc. 2007;55 (4): S182

1. O’Sullivan PN, Chao S, Russell M, Levine S, Fabiny AR. Development and Implementation of OSCEs to Teach and Provide Formative Feedback in Communication and Interpersonal Skills to Trainees in Geriatrics. Annual Meeting American Geriatrics Society. J Amer Geriatr Soc. 2007;55 (4): S133

Levine SA, Chao S, Jackson A, Goldman, L, Burrows A, Caruso LB. Chief Resident Immersion Training in Geriatrics (CRIT). Annual Meeting American Geriatrics Society. Chicago. J Am Ger Soc. 2006; 54:S1. Presented at paper session on May 3, 2006

2. Caruso LB, Burrows A, Wiecha J, Cao X, Levine SA. Web-based Tutorial in Evidence-based Medicine. Annual Meeting American Geriatrics Society. Chicago, May 3, 2006

3. Chao S, Wiecha J, Norton L, Doyle J, Ackerman K, Cao X, Levine SA. Online Curriculum in Delirium and Dementia for 4th Year Medical Students. Annual meeting American Geriatrics Society. Chicago. May 3, 2006

4. Levine SA, Stratos G, Robinson B, Renick NL, Barry PP. Practicing Physician Education in Geriatrics: Success with a train-the-trainer model. Annual Meeting American Geriatrics Society. Washington, May 11, 2002

5. Kim LC, Silliman RA, Levine SA. Elder mistreatment in the home care population. American Geriatrics Society, Philadelphia, May 20, 1999

6. Hardt EJ, Budlong LA, Levine SA, Wohlgemuth C, Kornetsky D, Witzburg RA. Length of stay and disposition from a newly developed acute inpatient geriatric program. Clinical Research, April 1991


Young M, Fabrizi CF, Levine SA. An Unsusual Case of Weight Loss. Annual Meeting American Geriatrics Society. Orlando, May 14, 2010

Young M, Chao S, Parker V, Levine SA. Impact of a Post-Hospitalization patient Visit on Residents’ Dsicarge Planning Skills. Annual Meeting American Geriatrics Society. Orlando. May 14, 2010

1. Nowak E, Levine SA. Fragile X Associated Tremor Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS): An Unusual Syndrome in the Differential Diagnosis of Falls. Annual Meeting American Geriatrics Society. Orlando. May 14, 2010

Levine SA, Chao S, Jackson A, Goldman L, Burrows A, Caruso LB. Chief Resident Immersion Training in Geriatrics. Evans Medical Days. Boston University School of Medicine. November 2, 2006

Levine SA, Chao S, Jackson A, Goldman, L, Burrows A, Caruso LB. Chief Resident Immersion Training in Geriatrics (CRIT). First Annual John McCahan Medical Education Day. Boston University School of Medicine. June 19, 2006

Levine SA, Chao S, Jackson A, Goldman, L, Burrows A, Caruso LB. Chief Resident Immersion Training in Geriatrics (CRIT). Annual Meeting American Geriatrics Society. Chicago. May 3, 2006

2. Caruso LB, Burrows A, Wiecha J, Cao X, Levine SA. Web-based Tutorial in Evidence-based Medicine. Annual Meeting American Geriatrics Society. Chicago, May 3, 2006

3. Chao S, Wiecha J, Norton L, Doyle J, Ackerman K, Cao X, Levine SA. Online Curriculum in Delirium and Dementia for 4th Year Medical Students. Annual meeting American Geriatrics Society. Chicago. May 3, 2006

4. Levine SA, et al. Comprehensive Geriatric Education Project at Boston University Medical Center. Annual Meeting Reynolds Foundation Award Recipients. New York. September 29, 2005

5. Levine SA, et al. Comprehensive Geriatric Education Project at Boston University Medical Center. Annual Meeting Reynolds Foundation Award Recipients. New York. October 1, 2004

6. Levine SA, Stratos G, Robinson B, Renick NL, Barry PP. Practicing Physician Education in Geriatrics: Success with a train-the-trainer model. Annual Meeting American Geriatrics Society. Washington, May 11, 2002

Other Educational Contributions

1. Levine SA. Question author. American Board of Internal Medicine. Self-assessment Program Module. Recent Advances in Geriatric Medicine. 2004

2. Levine SA. Question author. In Cobbs E, Duthie E, and Murphy J (eds.), Geriatrics Review Syllabus: A Core Curriculum in Geriatric Medicine-Fourth Edition. New York, NY: American Geriatrics Society 1999

3. Sullivan GM, Boling P, Ritchie C, Levine S. Curriculum Recommendations for Resident Training in Home Care. Society of General Internal Medicine Task Force on Geriatric Medicine. Presented at the American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, May 1995.

4. Levine SA and Barry PP. Older Women’s Health. In Henrich JB (ed.) Selected Women’s Health Curricula: A Guide to Integrating Women’s Health and Gender-Related Issues Into Undergraduate Medical Education. In Response to Congressional Mandates on Women’s Health Education and Training in Medical Schools. Submitted to the Office of Research on Women’s Health, National Institutes of Health, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Health Resources Services Administration. Washington, DC, April 1, 1995.

Broadcast and Print Media

1. Featured on Chronicle, WCVB-TV. Focus on Boston University Geriatric Services Home Care Program. September 2004

2. Quoted in ACP Observer. Prescribing DME? Tips to help keep patients safe. March 2005.

3. Quoted in ACP Observer. “Training Programs Step up Efforts to Prevent Inpatient Falls.” November 2005

4. Quoted in Boston Globe. “White Coat Notes: House Budget Slashes Geriatrician Training.” December 19, 2005

5. Age Wise. Boston Neighborhood Network (BNNTV). “Caregiving” Spring 2006

6. Quoted in Internal Medicine World Report. “Medicare D Enrollment Process Challenges Patients.” January 2006

7. Quoted in Burlington Union. “Geriatrician Shortage.” February 23, 2006.

8. Interviewed on “Here and Now” WBUR-FM, NPR Boston affiliate. “The Looming Crisis in Elder Care.” May 10, 2007. A recording of the broadcast can be heard at:

9. Interviewed on “Marketplace” WBUR-FM, NPR Boston affiliate. “Will care for elderly come of age?” August 21, 2007. A recording can be heard at:

10. Quoted in . “Gearing up for a graying generation: training more doctors in geriatrics skills.” Accessed June 12, 2008

Curriculum Developed at BUSM, Adopted and Adapted Outside BUSM

|Date |Where adopted |Contact, Role when adapted |

|Home care curriculum for students and residents |

|1995 |BUSM |Sharon A. Levine, MD |

| |Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY |Jeremy Boal, MD, Director of Visiting Doctors Mt.|

| | |Sinai |

|Chief Resident Immersion Training Program in the Care of Older Adults |

|2004 |BUSM |Sharon A. Levine, MD |

|2008 |University of Rochester, Rochester, NY |Annette Medina-Walpole, MD |

|2008 |University of Kansas, Kansas City, KS |Dan Swagerty, MD and |

| | |Thomas Griebling, MD |

|2008 |University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE |William Lyons, MD |

|2008 |University of Colorado, Denver, CO |Robert Schwartz, MD |

|2008 |University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC |Victor Hirth, MD |

|2009 |Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwauke, WI |Kathryn Denson, MD |

|2009 |Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT |Leo Cooney, MD |

|2009 |University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, OH |Gregg Warshaw, MD |

|2009 |Marshall Universtiy School of Medicine, WV |Shirley Neitch, MD |

|2010 |Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, MA |Maura Brennan, MD, |

| | |Sandra Bellantonio, MD |

|2010 |Wake Forest University Medical College, NC |Hal Atkinson, MD |

|2010 |Cooper University Hospital, UMDNJ, Camden, NJ |Vijay Rajput, M.D., |

| | |Anuradha Mookerjee, MD |

|2010 |University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA |Jerry Johnson, MD |

|2010 |University of Massachusetts, Worcester Medical School, MA |Jerry Gurwitz, MD |

|2010 |University of Arizona, AZ |Mindy Fain, MD |

|2011 |SUNY Stonybrook |Arnold Jaffe, MD |

|2011 |Brown University |Lynn McNicoll, MD |

|2011 |Northeastern Ohio Universities Colleges of Medicine and Pharmacy |Elizabeth Baum, MD |


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