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testing 123 -- good morning today's date is June 2, 2016. This is the public anticipation section of the Volusia County Council meeting. The Council

welcomes your involvement and is interested in hearing your comments. Please complete a public participation slip and indicate in the subject line the issue you wish to address. You may use the back if you have to. After you recognize, please state your name and address for the record before beginning your comments. You may speak up to three minutes. Either during public participation or when the agenda item is heard. The County Council will not answer questions or request during public participation. Please be courteous and respectful of the views of others. Personal attacks on members, County staff are members of the public will not be tolerated. Once again come out good morning. If you have not filled out a slip yet, please do so. They are on the podiums on the corner. Let's bring the people who are going to speak up to the front row. Monty Musgrave Please come to the podium. Linda Park and Morton Culligan. Police stepped to the podium. For the record state your name and address.

My name is Monty Musgrave 319 River Bluff Drive, Ormond Beach.

You have three minutes.

Thank you very much. Council members it is a pleasure to speak to you this morning. My name is Monty Musgrave and I am the president of the Volusia County cultural alliance . I also happen to be on the board of the Florida alliance for arts education. My purpose for speaking this morning is to make you aware of a wonderful cultural event that will take place June 23 through June 25 before the alliance for arts education leadership Summit. I have flyers for each one of you if you would like to see about this. This is a wonderful conference attended by arts educators, professional artists and arts enthusiasts throughout the state of Florida. I would like to make you aware of this and would like to offer these flyers so you can gain more information about the conference. The other part of the summit that I would like to invite you to is called the recognition and leadership awards reception which is taking place on Friday, June 24 5:30 p.m. at the Hyatt Brown Museum of art in Daytona Beach. By the way, this conference is being held at the Shores resort in Daytona Beach. This is a very high profile event, and our goal is the president is to bring cultural events to light to the Volusia County community. We hope that through the success of this conference that we can bring it back to Daytona Beach again next year because we are trying to make a show of our vibrant arts community in Volusia County, and -- I would like to give each one of you invitations to the leadership award reception which is being held at the Hyatt Brown Museum. Actually that is -- CC Brown is one of the recipients. She is receiving the arts volunteer leadership award. It would be great to have our leaders in the Volusia County community present at this event. I thank you for your time.

Thank you. If you will take all of that documentation and take it over to Ms. Zimmerman. It will get logged in and photocopied for the record so everybody in the world can see what we are doing.

Many thanks.

Linda Park.

Good morning.

There is a button on the inside of the back leg, if you push it down the pedestal -- we will help you out. I can hardly see you over there. >> I was wondering if you have for something for me to stand on.

We will just move the whole thing down. There goes. Isn't that cool?

Very much so. I need one at home for my cabinets.

For about $250,000 I am sure you can get one. Pull the microphone up.

My name is Linda Park. I live at 123 North Cumberland Lane. I've been a resident for over 20 years.

You have three minutes.

I have put some paperwork together that I would like you to look at. I would like you to take the rest of my three minutes to talk to me. May I bring the paperwork to her? It's about the vendors on 44.

Basically, we want to hear what you have.

-- We may bring it up later on today and talk about it. >> Talk about a. We've been talking about this issue with zoning for over five, six years now. I put numerous amounts of complaints and. I've had the Sheriff, reports coming to my door. On State Road 44 and 415 on the corners of the speedway there are vendors. One of the vendors there has in the last year and a half come to my residence. He has bullied me. He has bullied other vendors coming on State Road 44. I've contacted the Sheriff's Department. I have contacted spending. Zoning's hands are tied. The Sheriff has the reports. They are not doing what we need to do. I have contacted Jim Hathaway, the Mayor's office, Dorothy [ INDISCERNIBLE ] and the governor Rick Scott's office. They are going to see what you can do for me. And then I'm going to get myself an advocate. I do not have a voice today. Because I have prior surgery and when I get upset I do not have the voice. This is very stressful, and it's actually [ INDISCERNIBLE ]. I have a special exception that allows me to bring product to my property. I've had that and went through all the proper channels with the County Council at the time, and I have been doing this now for over 10 years. I am the only one that actually has a special exception from [ INDISCERNIBLE ] beach all the way to your front door. There was one other gentleman next to the junkyard, he had gotten it probably five years ago. It has never been utilized , it is never been open. I'm sure we all agree after eight years of not opening on a special exception it is now void. One of these individuals that is been at my door and has come to me is a convicted sex offender. I have found that out through the police reports and the records that I have pulled. I am very concerned about State Road 44 and what is happening is, there is one gentleman , he owns a box truck and he is from Orlando. He is an older gentleman and puts all these individuals, convicts, because of their driver's license when the Sheriff's Department of going there, they are coming up because I'm pulling them up at home. Because I am pulling the police reports. Come to find out this gentleman puts all these individuals from Orlando and a box truck with vegetables . The drive from all around Volusia County.

We have council members. Would you like are to continue?

I thank you.

You are extended.

This individual and Brian Childs from zoning will back me up and Kevin Barnes from the state troopers office is very aware of this individual. They have just arrested one of the context that he had pulled over -- convicts that he pulled over from vending. This individual gets a lot of workers that cannot go out and get a real job. He pays them $50 a day. He puts them in a box truck and drops them off all over Volusia County. It is one individual with over 40 people that he is putting out in Volusia County. At this time after he puts everybody from -- as a matter of fact, this individual has just gotten son bank, Brian Childs is just brought in son bank from the other side. Because son bank gave him a trespassing and Ryan got [ INDISCERNIBLE ] now he is on 44 with all his people plus the people that he had on 44 before. The highway I have pictures. I have a fire on State Road 44. That is my home. I put my pride in their. The right-of-way and the shoulder in the road is for emergency vehicles. He has construction there that would probably need a permit I am almost positive for the strap down. Down in [ INDISCERNIBLE ] by sugar mills of there is an object as high as a swing set with PVC piping on each side. There is a banner across the top about 4 feet. It is on the shoulder of the road, and it would not be in compliance. It just would not be in compliance. I with a special exception had to put in a variance for 100 feet because that was my set back. I have a building, I have a beautiful building, there was 100 be back. I went for the parents and got granted 75 feet. There is no way that anyone can conduct business on the right-of-way of the DOT. As my pictures will clearly show, there is an aerial. It is from 2015. We are now in 2016. I would really appreciate if everyone would talk to Mr. Childs because that man really has his hands tied with this one individual with over 40 employees through Volusia County. It is actually -- I am told that it could be called curbside, curb stoning. I am in the produce business. I haven't agriculture market. -- I have a agriculture market. They are doing the same business as me as a car dealer would with a car dealership. When we put our cars out on State Route 44 other might be a car dealership. I am not happy. These vendors are not having to pay any fees or any LLC or any kind of anything or does any of this money come back to Volusia County. This money is going back to Orlando. We have got to get a handle on this. I have pictures of construction with a peach vendor. There is a fire on 44 by my home. You can clearly see it as a very concerning fire. There is fire [ INDISCERNIBLE ] waiting on standby.

Thank you very much Madam. We do have other people we have to talk to.

Before you leave, take my card. I would like to communicate with you and I will get your information from the chair. I came in late. I apologize. I think what you are referring to are selling peaches and all the vegetables on 44.

Okay back I.

There's multiple -- it's to the point that I was going to bring this up at the last Council meeting and did not. I will tell you especially with the traffic on 44, what she is saying is absolutely true. It is an accident waiting to happen somewhere. I will continue my conversation with counsel thank you.

We have a copy of your packet. >> I will get a copy of that. I will follow up on that I promise you because maybe it's time we do a sweep in this area because when she is saying is absolutely true. I drive-by that and wonder how they are getting by with it. so when we have our citizens complying and pulling all the permits and that we have these people come from out of the county that are a hazard to the day-to-day traffic on 44 and then an unfair advantage to our local vendors, we need to do a sweep we need to get this under control. I'm totally with you.

I agree with you. There is a guy, I guess he is going up on Highway 40 and there's another place up there. Now I understand where we are going. We have been having arguments and discussions with firewood vendors in the wintertime we got people who actually pay for their permits and that we have these guys a jet show up with a trailer full of firewood and start undercutting the local businesses and these guys are getting livid and I am getting the calls and we have gone out there and talk to these people. Was really bad is that they are setting up their vendor ships on property that is not theirs. So it is trespass. I want to have -- let's have a discussion later on this afternoon. I think would be great. Okay. Thank you . We now have Mark Culligan. I love this. You are in vacation. -- Invocation. -- I am so glad you're on vacation. You want to bring the podium up. Too many moving parts. Then you will have to yell.

I like to yell.

I know.

It's going to work.

Look at that work. It's the beard.

Lovano -- lowball Mac. -- [ INDISCERNIBLE ]

State your name and address.

My name is Morton Culligan. I would like to thank the Volusia County Council and the U.S. Constitution for letting me speak today. I appreciate the fact that today's invocation will be led by an Islamic religious leader which proves that we still abide by the Constitution. As we know there's a lot of anti-Islamic hysteria in certain areas of the nation which is unfortunate. We cannot condemn a religion or race for the actions of a few. It is not that easy. So I'm glad we are having an Islamic leader to speak on this. Anyway, Volusia County is in a state call Florida in addition call the United States that is been at a so-called war on terror for years. 15 years, who knows. I need to say the fact that we are losing, we are not winning. We have accepted a state of permanent war in this culture we have. Permanent war as part of our culture. And we will be defeated by two major war factors. General time and major expense. They will defeat us because we cannot kill them all, and we cannot stay there forever. Piece is a concept, and I know war is sometimes necessary, but piece is a concept we should consider because this nation -- this nation always has a military solution for everything. We cannot bomb the world into submission. We talk about our terror, -- of their terror what about our terror. We need to address our terror. Before we address their terror. Because we as a nation as a government we put the wind in their sales, and we wonder why they are terrorizing us. We have a lot of terror the we put on the world right now. I would like to remind you that this country has a prison camp , this is a democracy that has a prison camp in a communist country. It is called guantanamo bay. We have soldiers stationed everywhere. We are not a nation, we are a military empire. When you boil it all down and cut out all the bolt, with the -- what the motivating factor is it is money. Bottom line, there is an old T-shirt, piece, too bad there's no money in a. Anyway, we need to look in the mirror when we talk about terror. Thank you.

Thank you Mr. Culligan. Anybody else that wishes to speak this morning?

No other slips.

Very well. We will take a short recess this morning and will reconvene at 9 o'clock. good morning ladies and gentlemen. Today's date is June 2, 2016. This is the Volusia County Council meeting. This morning's invocation will be led by Riaz Qureshi . , On up to the podium. He is from the Islamic Center of Deltona Incorporated. Please rise.

Peace be upon you all. In the name of our Lord, the merciful , all praise Islam to Almighty God. The sustainer of the world's. The compassionate , the merciful. The master of the day of judgment. O Lord you alone we worship and from you alone we seek help. Guide us in this straight path. The path of those whom you have bestowed your grace. Not of those who have incurred your wrapped. Not of those -- wrath. Not of those who have gone astray. The Volusia County will be in session to make a decision for I -- our community. O Lord bestow upon them the skills and judgment . O Lord give them the wisdom to be impartial and neutral to all members of the community, O Lord showed them the merits and the pitfalls in place before them. And to use our resources wisely and well. The Lord -- overlord guide our leaders to act in accordance with what is best for our community and its citizens. O Lord fill the heart of our counsel with love and compassion for the citizens and that they preferred the needs of the citizens before there's. O Lord consider all this time the Council as worship for you have said serving his creation is serving him. Amen.

Please join me in the pledge to the flag. [ Pledge of Allegiance ] Please be seated. Okay. Me I have a rollcall -- please? >> [ Roll Call ]

Thank you. We will start off with Mr. Patterson. Before we start, the staff has pulled item 25 . For the record I will read what item 25 is. It is on page 906. Item 25 is the budget resolution allocating of funding for off-beach parking development in Daytona Beach. That is what item 25 is and that will be heard later on after we have --'s >> We were requested to have that on so everyone could see the design. >> -- That was the design of the larger parking lot were part of it was provided through the agreement with Western in the other was a piece we bought. This was one of the first parking lot that we are going to do the actual development on. There was a legitimately -- we would like to know what it will look like and how it will function and how we will coordinate with the opening. That is why we pulled it.

Okay. Knowing item number 25 is pulled, Mr. Patterson, anything you would like to pull off the agenda?

I have nothing.

Mr. Wagner.


Ms. Cusack.

Thank you I have nothing.

Mr. Daniels.

Nothing Mr. chairman.

Ms. Denys.

I have nothing. Thanks. Taco -- >> Mr. Lowry.

I'm good. >> So item 25 is pulled. So we will be discussing that later on this afternoon. We will entertain a motion at this time.

I move all the remaining items on the agenda be approved.

Motion for approval, do I hear a second?

Thank you Mr. Lowry. All those in favor please signify by aye . All those opposed. So carried. Unanimous. Now we will move on to the item number one the Florida Department of environmental protection Division of Recreation and Parks announces the presentation of the proposed unit management plan update for the Haw Creek Preserve State Park on Tuesday, June 14 play 16 at 5 PM at the Tomoko recreation hall at Tomoka State Park Ormond Beach Florida.

Good morning Mr. chair and honorable council members. I am Tim Baylie culture director. The individual that was plan to attend today to speak on this item is unable to attend , and so we're going to move this item to a later agenda since he is unable to attend.

We have a projected agenda time? It would be the point of this Council to ask for that table.

At this time we don't. I've only received an email.

Okay. I will entertain a motion to table .

Mr. chair.

Not table. Postponed.

Postponed, indefinite.

Mr. chairman. In the event that your announcement of the item itself satisfies their need, I would just make the correction that I believe the date the hearing -- the meeting is June 14.

-- June 14 right here.

I think you said June 24 when you read that earlier. Your announcement satisfies the criteria. I just want the record to be clear that that is the current day.

So we may not need to have this tables or postponed?

That would be up to them. The requirement is it would be announced at a public meeting.

I did that. Our expectation is that the person that requested it be here. They are not here. But with saying -- we are saying that if you want to leave it at that, we believe it is been fulfilled.

Would that be good for the motion?


No motion necessary.

Move on. [ OVERLAPPING SPEAKERS ] just to clarify for the record, I will read this into the record one more time. The the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Division of Recreation and Parks announces the presentation of the proposed unit management plan update for the hall Creek preserve state park on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 5 PM at the Tomoko recreation hall at Tomoka State Park Ormond Beach Florida.

Reminded me of my radio days.

Thank you very much. We will move on now. On to item number two. We are having too much fun here. JoAnne Melody. Take the floor Madam. >> Good morning community information director for Volusia County government. We have to retirement this morning

from within the Volusia County Sheriff's office. The first in Sharon Phillips who is an administrative aide. She will be retiring May 31 after more than 35 years of dedicated service. And Ben Johnson will have the comments on that. If you would like to come forward? Sharon, if you would like to come forward with your family? >> Another 16 days she would've made it to 36. This is one of the bittersweet moments. We have to retirements today of people that meant so much to the county. Not only that, we're almost out of individuals that were hired by share [ INDISCERNIBLE ] -- Sheriff [ INDISCERNIBLE ]. Sharon was hired June 16, 1980 as a clerk promoted to specialist one November 27, 1982 word processor specialist October 13, 1984, wordprocessing supervisor April 22, 1985, and some of the words I have further process over the years [ INDISCERNIBLE LOW VOLUME ] staff assistant October 1, 1989 administrative assistant November 9, 1991 administrative aide September 9, 1995. Sharon has received the following recognition during her 36 year career. Employee of the year 2003, commendation November 7 November 7, 2006 Midsummer conference, letters of commendation from several Florida shares for coordinating the executive assistant Sheriff's training conference an accommodation September 6, 2011 for Florida's Sheriff's Association Midsummer conference. Additional activities. 100 deputies, 100 kids. Volusia heart walk. She is fast, accurate and dependable. Continually produces high-quality work. She is capable of handling tremendous workload with efficiency. Works well under pressure. Positive attitude. A wealth of information. She is without a doubt one of the hardest working individuals I have ever had the privilege to meet. That was under my administration . Handles wide range of difficult situations with tax, courtesy and compassion. Always willing to assist agencies, departments and coworkers. Sharon retired May 31. What can we say about Sharon Phillips. She is one of the most valued employees of Volusia County Sheriff's Department has ever had. One of the most loyal County employees. A wealth of information that is just unparalleled. When I came in and Sheriff she had been secretary and keeping her on was a no-brainer as my assistant. What she knows of the general public of people who call in, the ability to write letters is outstanding. Sharon not only was a very, very valued employee, but a very valued friend in a job that she has done for this county is second to none. Days like this is when you hate to drop programs. The mandatory retirement because of the job you see people go way. And a dash it's like a family member leaving home. Was Sharon that is the way it is. Loved and respected by everybody. Some of the things she has been able to keep off my back is been unreal. She knows when the people call them out which ones are going to be a problem and let you know and does not let something hanging in midair for you. Sharon is going to the next life of retirement and as I said she will be missed and hopefully she will get bored and we can get her back as a volunteer. I am not putting you on the spot about that one. She is going to stay right here so she is going to have to put up with me once in a while anyway. Once again, I want to thank Sharon for the great job she has done and for the job she is done for the county of Volusia. It is employees like the ones we have today that make the county of Volusia the great organization it is. Thank you very much.

I just want to thank everybody for 36 years of fun. I enjoyed my job.

You never told me it was fun.

It was fun. The last 15 1/2 years have been really fun. This is my husband David by the way. He has been my rock. He puts up with my bad moods when I come home from dealing with our nuts, and we have plenty. It is kind of scary. It is kind of stairs -- scary how many are walking among us.

Lookout, someone may be sitting there.

I just want to thank Sheriff Johnson, all of my family back there because they are my family. Thank you all. I grew up here. [ APPLAUSE ]

>> Not all the crazy people are on the other side of the phone are they? When you said volunteer, when you said maybe we will get her back here to volunteer anyone looking over the side, she is over there going No. We will miss you share in. I met you quite a few times. One of the first week I was here I said I get to go up to see the Sheriff and I said I am here to see the Sheriff and she said who the Hell is you.

She is still saying that.

I understand that.

We love you Sharon. We will miss you. Have a great retirement. Go somewhere. Take a nice, long vacation and enjoy it. Mr. Daniels. >> Sharon, I am sorry I never got to know you because I see that you were on the Kentucky Bourbon Trail which is something I would really love to do. Which one was your favorite?

I have not been yet. That is one of my --

That is where you're going? I want a postcard. Sneak over to Tennessee and try some Jack Daniels while you were there.

Been there.

How was that?

I am a Tennessee [ INDISCERNIBLE ]

Let me know what your favorite is. Thank you.

Ms. Denys.

Thank you. It is clear by your smile and sense of humor that you enjoy what you do, and I guess drink in a little with your Bourbon probably helps with longevity. It is interesting when I heard Sheriff Johnson say is what she knows, I keep you close to me in the office with what you know. So thank you very genuinely for your service. Thank you for your Outlook and your strength, and I am sure whoever fills your shoes that you have prepared them. Thank you so much.

The proper term for that is blackmail.

The Chronicles of the Sheriff's office.

Mr. Patterson. Taco


We have known each other a long time haven't we Sharon? We will not tell any tales here. I hope you enjoyed the Bourbon Trail. I did that last year. I found some of the best Bourbon in the world with some of the nastiest stuff I ever tasted in my life. I think some people enjoy it, I don't. But it was interesting and the Lincoln Trail was more interesting to me than the Bourbon Trail. But it was interesting wondering around. Enjoy your travels and enjoy the rest of your life. Come back and visit once in a while. Thank you. >> Mr. Dinneen.

It is been a great career. You are such a wonderful :-). -- Smile and phase. She is the first person I speak see when I going to talk in the last person I see when I go up. So she usually tells me when he is in a good or bad mood. He is feeling good or has this problem. When I come out I tell her he is in a better or worse mood. You do a great job up there. And you will be missed by everybody. Especially me.

Thank you very much. Let's give her a send off. [ APPLAUSE ] here is what I want to do Sharon. Let me get you and your husband to sit right there. Let's do the second retirement. Never remind. We will take a short recess. I was just trying to consolidate. We will take a short recess. Let's do the pictures. [ Captioners transitioning ]

October 11989, June 11989 field training officer. 1992 he went to investigations in districts to entryentry. 1993 special investigations unit narcotics and conspiracies. September 5, 1998 promoted to sergeant and assigned to support services judicial services. April 171999 patrol Sergeant in districts three and four. 19981999 want to special guest evasions unit. 2005 promoted to lieutenant and came to internal affairs. January 262,008 promoted to Captain investigating services February 4, 2012 promoted to major. Participating in a 30 year career field training officer, hostage negotiator special response team or collects investigator. Supervisor investigator -- dining in the dark for do visually impaired Daytona State College addiction consulting, and Jim has received the following letters of commendation during his tenure. 13 letters of commendation unit commendation hurricane Andrew relief operation . Unit commendation 1995 investigators unit, unit commendation 2002 capture of narcotics fugitive . Investigator quarter 2002, unit commendation 2004 for the special investigative you negation unit, some examples evaluations include remains calm intense situations. There when you need him, upfront fair and honest, outstanding investigator very capable supervisor. A truly dedicated law enforcement professional . Great attitude, and the ability to tell it as it is. Consistent leadership, and leads by example . Retired may 31,

2016. I've had the opportunity to get to know major and what a great time it has been. You have heard him tell it like this. He can do it and comes across in the right way . One of the most fun things is a sense of humor. And is a sick sense of humor. He can dish it out, he can take it, a fantastic employee. A great major . He has been one of the reasons he has been fun to work with. We will miss them not only day today, the job he does, he is also one of the lunch partners . What he's going to say or do it . Has been a great asset to this agency is you have heard through all kinds of investigative units in a fine job he is a great loss to the agency . A lost as a valued employee and I wish we could have talked them into he's going to the this time I will turn it over to Major James B milady . Thank you for the comments

and it has been a great leader. And I appreciate that. Since it was Sharon through three Sheriff's. And a Volusia County deputy . A lot of good people over the years . Throughout the state and take a backseat to nobody. And learned a long time ago and it doesn't matter what you -- or who you are doing it with . And I appreciate that . And mom and dad . And with that I appreciate it . [ Applause ]

I got in the elevator and one of the first times I got here. And he ID me to get in the elevator . But I understand why the Sheriff used to take you out and it's lunch partner because you never know what you are going to say and got to keep you on the straight and narrow. And I get to call you Jim now, not major. And you too shall be missed Sir . Miscues act.

Thank you Mr. Chair . And thank you for your service . You impress me for your compassion. And it is very evident in your remarks . You see many people are capable of giving service giving of compassion . And in your remarks it was evident that you are a man of great compassion we as citizens in Volusia County are honored today for the service that you have provided. And I wish you and yours will. For the service you have given this county into your friends as life presents itself you don't see the crisis on a day-to-day basis when you separate up . And you will have the memories of the good times and they will become sweeter as the days go by. So enjoy your retirement as you partake upon your next journey, I wish you will. You and your family you keep that love and compassion in your heart forever. Goforth, young man, and do well. Thank you. Thank you Mr. Chair .

Mr. Patterson.

I too want to thank you I have been around myself for a few years and I've seen you all the time. I figure the only when you are going out to lunch is he was expecting you to pay for it. Being in law enforcement now. You have done it very well all these years.

Mr. Dinneen .

I want to thank say thanks for spending 30 years of life and I think the citizens did will I might add. Quick to say that that try to sum it up I think you exemplify the professional and your colleagues, makes proud of one of the best law enforcement agencies in the country. Thank you .

With that, we will take a short recess. [ Applause ]

Thank you for coming to order . As it shows here item three is out but we will deviate here at request and I called to the podium Mr. Jim judge. We have a special presentation that needs to be dealt with.

Good morning. It's a pleasure to be here before you and we have a special presentation that we would like to me. It will come as quite a surprise and we were are grateful to Mr. Dinneen for making this happen. Chairman Davis with your permission I would ask Ms. Ms. Deana Lowe to come down to the podium. While she is making her way don't let me make a few comments. She has served as a public servant and voluntary in many different roles in organizations over many years. She was a County elected official from 1989 through 2004 serving as both the County County Council member and supervisor of elections. She further assisted County in response to the 1998 wildfires as the lead for emergency support function number 15 which is volunteer in donations and a big test. She is work for the visually impaired for more than 10 years as a board member organizing numerous fund-raising events and organizational goals to keep the organization going forward . She was also Ms. Florida at one time. . In 2013, she stepped up to assist with forming the Volusia community organization active and disaster. It her leadership the Volusia coed has become a role model for other emergency management volunteer organizations to the state for to . She empowers others to a compass great things and it's a standing joke of her powers at being [ Indiscernible ]. Frank Bruno told me do what she says and you will be just fine. We all want to try to work as hard as she does . On any project. Through her energy and determination are very hard to equal and with me as Mr. Kent's glitzy . He is the emergency management director for volunteer Florida. I would like to at the center and it over to Ken.

Mr. Davis, members of the Council, my name is Ken's glitzy and I am the emergency management director for volunteer Florida. On behalf of the governor Rick Scott and CEO Chester Spelman I would like to word the champion of service award . The champion service award is the Governor's highest recognition for volunteer service. We have the opportunity to order to a number of people over a wide variety of situations . The exciting thing about this particular one is that I know Dini and I've worked with Dini and her capacity of the ESF 15 emergency support function 15 volunteers and donations. I'm very proud and excited and I am so happy we are able to surprise her. With that, on behalf of the governor, --

This was supposed to be for Jerry Brandon.[ Laughter ] . [ Applause ] .

I can prepared to give a great speech for Jerry Brandon, my longtime friend and he has pulled a -- he has pulled this on me. He says you got to be there, I need your support and I'm here to support him and I am crying. I can't get over this. This is such and honor. And I don't have anything to say because I wasn't -- that's not like me. I thank you very much for this great honor.

You have to come back to the podium. If you don't get a way that easy. Congratulations, you have done a great job throw your career and well-deserved. A big congratulations for me. Mr. Patterson ?

We have known each other a long time, and I remember when I was first getting into the political scene, I watched you on the Council when you are the chair and you are a great leader then and you still are a great leader in the community. The other thing a lot of people don't know, when we went to Emmitsburg, you are a great dancer. We had a lot of fun. Thank you for everything you do. On the County and us. Outside of the County.

A joy, an absolute joy .

Thank you. The first words out of your wealth was I am here to support. And that's why you have received this award. It is just you, it is within you. It's not something you have to do, it is what you do. Even now, several years ago, I was so touched when you invited us and when your son was over at happens, when we went to the production. Again, you United the community for a wonderful cause , supporting our community. It is nonstop. You are always engaged. Thank you very genuinely. There are very few people served in elected office for a length of time that are as loved and respected as they leave as when they first one in. I think you're probably ranks right up there at the top . Very seriously, thank you, what a great honor. Thank you .

Mr. Daniels.

Thank you Mr. Chairman. We have been good friends for a long, long -- ever since you were first elected as a County Council, we have known each other and you have been an immeasurable help to me in numerous situations. Telling me whenever I was going off the rails and when I needed to do something a little bit differently . The coaching was very helpful. I really want to thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for me over the years. Thank you.

Mr. Dinneen . >>Thank you Mr. Chair. You can blame me for the surprised.

I had brought handkerchiefs if I'd known.

Everyone knew you would be hesitant to come if you had understood what the award was. So we agreed we wouldn't say anything to everyone. And on top of that I believed it was such and honor for the County. When the governor picked someone else for this kind of thing, we have always believed it's about everyone else and about the County so I believed it was about all of us to a certain degree. Also, I want to thank you for all your participation on the charter review. You helped work out a very difficult solution for a lot of people in the way that I think makes sense for everybody and usually there is never a win/win situation. In this case, I think there was. Thank you very much.

We are doing the slut today so we are going to take a short recess because we all want a picture with you. We will be in recess for a very short few minutes. [ Applause ]

All right, now we are going to move on because we are running out of daylight. We will now move on to the business at hand of item to a. Resolution accepting the donation of Gemini Springs addition and to manage the property for conservation purposes in perpetuity. Do we have some speakers for this one?

Yes sir I will bring slips up to you.

Jamie Seeman would you like to have the floor?

Yes. Late yesterday and today and this morning you were provided with an updated version of the resolution. We wanted to make clear regarding the position that you took on May 19 regarding the utilization of the property for conservation purposes and not to support development so there is an additional whereas clause regarding that an additional declaration in the section that Volusia County does not support utilizing Gemini Springs addition for land development or redevelopment . This accurately reflects your motion on May 19 and we bought it back for your review and approval.

Very will any other spit -- step for this matter?

I'm surprised it's important we do this. Stated intent -- change in our mind. If this definitively what your position is that Jamie and it is really important in this release dates it clearly and I don't think -- change one.

Public participation section of this.

20 of them in support of this item .

We will call you one by one. Want you to come up

unless you like to say I support and Saddam. And you don't have to speak any further. That your call. Charles Lee. Do you wish to speak on this matter have a speech on your have a seat Charles Stephenson.

David Hargrove . David Hargrove . Going once. Mary Sue Scott. Sandra grade. Charles, Charles great. Jacqueline Lewis . James [ Indiscernible ] . Is that French ? French . Let me -- we will give you the speech. Interested in hearing your comments. Please do your name . You will have up to three minutes to speak. After everyone has completed speaking . Members of the public will already . Mr. Charles Lee. If we all lined up well did this quite well. Mr. David Hargrove will be less.

I am Charles Lee director of statewide Audubon organization my addresses 1101 Maitland Florida. You come to this morning protection of the conservation lands of the Gemini Springs addition is a matter of statewide we apply the recommendation of your staff . Great effort and expense continuing pressure divert them to other uses . Very elated at the fact in Volusia County . Exemplary tracker to of conservation lands as well as acquiring conservation lands. As well as water district. As well as land review process. When the suggestion came came forward, these and some other lands

St. Johns River water management District for management in perpetual conservation we thought that was a good idea then, we think that if we had cases they now we know that your input to be St. Johns River management District through this parable resolution is important . I hope that in addition to passing this resolution you will consider sending official emissary of the water management District to deliver the resolution in person and to carry forward the request fact to wrap up the ministerial duties. They made in 2012 to convey these lands to be County County. We thank you for your effort on this we wish to a join you in the effort to reserve these lands in perpetuity. Thank you.

Thank you Sir. Messed up the trick -- next up Patricia Stephenson.

29 sanctuary in beautiful River city . Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today briefly I have a bachelors degree from Stetson and I'm speaking in favor of an individual citizen for the conservation. Good so far?

You are good.

I have been involved in the TOD planning and it is my perspective there is some of there is to possibly fund our storm water through development. We knew development on conservation land is wrong and I stood in protest this proposed development on conservation land and if we are having growing pains, it is been a tumultuous year and a half. We are beginning hurricane season remember our small city needs to address stormwater . Personally, I feel like a park in pond stormwater. Would would be inaccessible -- acceptable compromise for this conservation land . If you look at the topography of DeBary, we have neighborhoods that's run Gemini and the runoff, the fertilizer ordinances I do not support any development does not support stormwater you some us land make those stormwater we have a public meeting we need to look at the environmental perspectives and make sure we are doing and environmental issues cannot be based on principle alone. Various technology we can rely on to help improve our environment . Thank you for your time.

Thank you ma'am. Mary Sue Scott.

Sunnydale Drive in DeBary. I want to thank all of you on behalf of the thousands of people who have come together. We appreciate your strong response of DeBary. I believe under the last few weeks to educate themselves now. The June 15 meeting there will be a change. I firmly feel in fact Mr. Dwyer publicly stated he does. I wholeheartedly agree with the resolution and I encourage you to sign it. Thank you.

Ms. Sandra Gray.

Chairman and mender -- members of the concert. I am Sunder gray in DeBary and I will sit much more comfortably when the slanders transferred to Volusia County. Great example first date in what they've done with parks and conservation land. And I appreciate that. My husband and I were former owners of Gemini Springs -- Gemini Springs and we love that link. We want only the best for. The way the whole thing started, the camel getting a nose under the tent. A little stormwater pond . Is development . It is really scary . Is the land is transferred . You will do the right thing. What will be developed . Thank you so much .

Charles screen.

Mr. Chairman members of the Council . Particularly without a time. I don't have to go to -- today . This is a serious thing that we are concerned with right now. And once again I want to -- repeat what my wife said said. We acquired this property in 1969. And we lived there for 25 years. We always knew it should be a part we never built a home on the springs. It would have been wonderful to have. Have a spring right under your house but we knew it had to be a part . It is a park. And I want to complement Volusia County on everything it has done in the development for keeping and we had to then I told Ms. and this is what it's all about. Anyway you all have done a wonderful job . And I hope you will make every effort and should always remaining conservation. And

Jack Lewis. Good morning and thank you I wanted to commend you. For what you've done county to county throughout the state you all are really the very best of the best. And how one day I have terrible fire and out a wildfire they stopped to watch the fire . And discourage them powerless . And discussions of the home . Everyone of them thought there was nothing they could do about the fire except for one little hummingbird . This particular hummingbird decided it would do something. It swooped into the other stream and picked up a few drops of water and went back to the stream again. It kept going back again and again and again. All the animals watched in disbelief, some tried to discourage and hummingbirds with comments like don't bother. It is way too much, you are too little, it is only a drop. You can put out the fire. As the animals stood noticed how hopeless and forlorn mail it. In the hummingbirds looked back and said I am doing what I can. You all have been our hummingbirds for the environment and for protection and I'm plotting commend you for supporting this resolution and save Volusia County for future.

James DeRosier.

You are Mr. David Hargrove . Very well.

Of morning Council.

James DeRosier. Five of five cinnamon. I want to commend you also in thank you for this. This resolution will hopefully well get this done. So I finally one of the ones I wanted to read has been a land remembered. There are some of the correlations what when, after the Civil War we call them venture capitalists now. That's what Rick Scott calls himself. We've got to stop them every way we can. So thanks and let's go forward .

Mr. David Hargrove. Is there anybody else that wishes to speak on this matter . Esther Mr. Hargrove we will move to Council motions.

My name is David Hargrove. 113 Centennial Beach. Volusia County has a good record managing it's conservation lands . Looking for to this action by the Council. The shameful and deceptive practices employed by the City of DeBary in the recently disclosed simulation not be rewarded . This resolution should kill this plan and protecting land for all us.

Thank you very much. Any other comments. Very will, we will not move on to Mr. Fred Lowery.

I move for the resolution accepted.

Motion for acceptance . As seconded by Mr. Patterson .

I'm glad to see this happening .

I believe this is been a long time coming.

Just one comment. Thank you Mrs. Gray for your comments and I think it's important that we go back to the origination of how the land came into the public domain to begin with. Thank you for that . I think we are going back to the original intent and I think it's great that counsel is securing that for the future. Thank you.

Single for the comment. All those in favor of acceptance of the -- let me read this into the record. All those in favor of resolution accepting be donation of Gemini Springs edition and to manage the property for conservation purposes in perpetuity please signify by I . All those opposed. So carried unanimous. Thank you very much folks for coming in, we do appreciate your comments. We will do our best to preserve this land . We will not move on to item to be. Or not to be . That's a follow-up discussion on the SunRail parking lot in DeBary . We are talking about DeBary a lot today. I would rather be DeBary than us.

I would rather not be DeBary today. You have the floor Mr. Demeaned.

SunRail parking lot as you know we have been asked by F dot. To decide whether we want to move forward . A building the parking lot that we do the maintenance. We mention to the cost of the maintenance. I know it is a concern. All the Council members, I know a couple of the councilmembers I've talked to. I think a fair way between us in DeBary. Hope that we could get there . The on the issue about naming it. We have come to that fork in the road and we've got to take it. We've got to decide what we are going to do. Myself and Dan expressed all you individually . The essence of SunRail is commuter that can't get lost in this discussion. They really undermines the original intent of why this voted to put money into SunRail. The concern we had obviously was that if you accept this parking lot I'm not making the assumption you will but we believe that while we are asked we would advise you make sure people understand that we would not be in losing allowing cars to use it for 24 hour periods or longer unless -- I guess we could work out a situation if we had a commuter there is always ways to find out to help citizens if you have a commuter for example they had inventory twice here and they had to be there for two days or there was something special at a hospital we would be willing to work that out. To subsidize the the Orlando airport. In essence that's not a commuter network in most cases. You could end up in a situation where you would be -- especially if you're not charging. Subsides and parking we're doing that for our own airport . So as we move forward, I think Dan has some language he could use to talk to about how we have to transmit this if you decide to -- accept the -- I would not like if you do accept that, I don't think we should give up on DeBary helping us I'm not sure we would told no. If we had an opportunity to approach them. At this point, I know intentions

I'm not sure if we could get a real dancer at this moment. Need to have today is discussion about telling us F dot in relationship to this parking lot.

Mr. Eckert do you have something before we go to the Council?

If it is the pleasure of the Council, the action with respect to the agreement was to -- the joint use agreement, that was on your agenda does not require motion for reconsideration to prove it would be in order today separate either as part of that motion or as a separate action we are suggesting that you describe your position to be that the parking lot at the DeBary station -- you exercise your prerogative as responsible for the maintenance to not allow its use for overnight parking other than for those who may use it to access overnight employment in times to come. As the real -- we don't know of any other users at this point to access the hospital facilities for example in Orlando but that may be an exception that you have to create. It would be -- it's a issue which pertains both to the existing lot and the expansion that if it becomes available for extended parking it will crowd out the use as it is intended . With the to Florida Department of Transportation. Local funding partners . Would require a vote to allow a parking charge there may be an agreement to that the same problem will persist up and down the line if and when there is a separate agreement pertaining to the airport but we believe it is within your prerogative and as you stated your position to preclude overnight parking so as to preserve the use intended for . But the action which is required today is approval of the amendment to the joint use agreement .

Mr. Patterson.

Thank you. I know I checked on a little moment there. Including renaming . Relies to rename it

that didn't make walking around sense to me. I would like to defer back to what councilmember QSR QSR, she made the original motion . If you wish to do that. I would have gladly accepted that. But just saying that as someone who has been going down to Orlando for the SunRail commission meetings. Coming back at 5:00 in the afternoon , the parking lot right now is about 90% full. Coming back everyday . I know we need that additional parking and just hoping that the City of DeBary partners with [ Indiscernible ] because it is something that has beneficial to their area. So thank you.

Mr. Chair, if there is such a motion that the previous motion passed with the condition that there be a renaming of the station I think that's what an it is outlined. Ms. Cusack it is outlined.

Thank you councilmember Pettersen.

I am in agreement that we should pass that motion is presented without the caveat of the naming of the station.

Motion on the floor without the renaming in the motion .

Second for Mr. Patterson. Still on the floor miscues act.

Thank you Mr. Chair. And thank you Mr. Patterson for inasmuch as we need to be amenable to discussions and also inasmuch as this partnership. Citizens in Volusia County . Particularly in DeBary . Citizens in this county should take the full responsibility of the maintenance of this ability . With all the citizens that live in that city . As we must do are we in agreement that we in the parking lot. We'll utilize in the citizens. In Volusia County. We also need the in the commission of DeBary. That they understand has an obligation commitment the citizens of the county . Presently was the only station in Volusia County.

I agree wholeheartedly . Communicated

and explain close pretty much going to be unanimous . And they are going through a difficult time right now. I we need to hold off a little bit. And I to oppose the overnight parking. Seeing no further comment, --

See no further comment motion to force pass the real -- resolution removal of a renaming rights

all those in favor please signify by I. Unanimous. Moving on. April 7th agenda. Since you don't have the item before you. Clarify for the record. If I may Mr. Chair. We would suggest that you record that there be a motion to authorize Mr. Patterson as the rail commission to direct a letter to Secretary downs in the other members of the rail commission which would articulate a position that we would you would give notice of your future intention to prohibit overnight to DeBary lot for all those to access overnight employment so in other words, if there comes a time that the rail service is convenient for people who overnight in Orlando you would have to develop a system for that that otherwise it is for daily use in contemplation is that people come and go to be able to use the rail service not for long-term use , perhaps unless and until there is a parking system but there is no such agreement at this point.

What you're saying is Mr. Patterson has to convey this to the rail commission.

I'm suggesting you give notice this is the way you understand the agreements. There may not be any disagreement on that but I think it is helpful to go ahead and outline this at this point.

There needs to be a motion on this matter.


We will entertain said motion. Mr. Patterson .

Somebody already had --

That was Dan Eckert.

I will move that the suggestion of the motion.

You will write the letter. >>I will write the letter.

I will second that.

I will have to be edited I am sure after I wrote it . And I agree with that. I think there may be some people now who are taking a late train down to the Florida Hospital.

We can make that work.

We can -- a sticker that would be available for somebody who has employment showing the they are there for a reason . When the road development takes off it is going to be a mass donor and I think you'll see more people writing the SunRail . I think it is important that we set the tone here. Thank you.

Miscues act.

I will second that. With the caveat that we have in that letter somehow the wording as it relates to employment of health professionals that must -- it would be specific as to what we are talking about. Not folks that are going to be going over there and staying or traveling .

Not only health professionals .

That is the one area that definitely should be included as it relates to health professionals because of the hospital many people use those hospitals. And work there . And I do second that motion. Thank you.

We won't have like a party animal sticker there? Down in the night . Just checking. If you know that is going to come up as a question somewhere.

Any further discourse this discussion. All those in favor .

As stated by Mr. Eckert witches

Direct a letter for Mr. Patterson a rail commission. Which would give notice of Volusia County future intention overnight parking at the DeBary rail station for all except for those who use rail to access overnight employment.

So stated Mr. Patterson and seconded by Mr. Cusick further discussion all those in favor please signify by I. All those opposed. So carried unanimously . Anything else on the SunRail discussion ? Douglas SunRail ?

Yes sir. We will move on now to many budget workshop . In the airport division. I've got five names here. I do not have Rick Karl's name here.

Sickening . Yes it may --

Thank you Mr. Chair. This many budget. I am extremely pleased to do. Today you saw a very large -- not a presentation but it -- an overview. We are not going to do that today. We will give you some highlights. What you will see is first of all I handed you a letter and an article from the newspaper. The letter when you get a chance you might want a authorized wrote this response as an op-ed. We were asked about fares but we are not a meter public. We do stack a very wills and jaded eight tremendous job making that clear quite frankly you have to purchase those fears a little early a supply and demand . We are below the national average hard to comprehend

other -- Mr. Dan Burke arrived at Daytona Beach international Airport 11:46 a.m. administration line cut that into two minutes . You'll see that the message today we are in a fight. We need to understand the fight we are in. You don't wear in a really tough fight about what is going to happen with their service. The airlines have to change . We have been preparing to how it looks out competitive . There ain't any choice. We have every intention. Those who survive are going to be strong. And good air service. We are going to talk about the strategies we but the trends . Regional airports. We need to notify and why our strategy is and then you'll see further on the resolution with the airline incentive program and that is a key part of us in the game and fighting the good fight. So with that, if you get a chance read that editorial are the op-ed I really think it is good information to have at your fingertips and I really say today we've got a good story that we had to stay clean interim and we have to fight the good fight and Rick?

Rick Karl director of aviation . Karen Feaster, deputy aviation and Jay Cassens, Mr. Dinneen said, got a great team . We wanted to have more of an informal discussion we don't want to give you all the information in this lengthy report. Highlight some of the major points as we go through this, you can ask questions when you are ready. Three major things we want to convey here. It's very difficult . Secondly business . Airline revenue . In order to get additional service . We've got to have incentives . That's the next item on your agenda . We are going to walk through this real quickly. If you have any questions, we will go forward. Your screen is coming . The industry consolidation has been really hard which is what we are. You can see we have gone from 11 major airlines down to four. We have America and Delta here. To the top air . Trying to chase down United .

Rick, there are a couple things in my presentation. This slide you might that slide tell us you more in one second --

JetBlue is the highest rated -- a good complement of airlines here, this slide shows a load factor that happen back the blue line shows into thousand eight, you can see a drastic drop back into thousand seven, eight, nine, 10. And the consequent is that is that it reduced for small nationwide . The larger it is breathtaking . And also pilot shortage. Bigger airports, is saying it serious. They projected that a number of pilots .

What this slide really shows, really jumped out at me we have had an artificial

lift they extended that mandatory retirement age. You bought five years that many big difference. Nodes running out.

It's very difficult to get young people interested in becoming pilots because it is so challenging. The pay is low when you first come up. Pilot shortage is a real thing. We have bucked the trend. And now JetBlue. Since I've been here has gone up 23%. 27%. 23% total on comparison February of this year. The airlines are happy with what we are doing. And activities . Not only trying to get new air service but existing carriers are happy. We've got ground transportation, ground handling and baggage handling that we provide for these airlines. To make sure that they are happy. Very profitable here. This is extremely interesting . This is dealing with the airfares . Orlando is not one of the largest is is one of the cheapest . And it is right in the middle . That's more of a charter type operation. You compare us with any other in southeast United States, we are below that price point. Based on the economic impact study that FDOT -- abducted and also ocean center, this is the amount of money, almost 30 mana million dollars that a flight, a single flight brings into this community .

That's hard to believe.

If you look at the economic impact of the impact, the FDOT study , $1.1 billion. Economic impact. This airport alone. $1.1 billion FDOT study . Important economic driver and you'll see the riddle and Speedway. Is all part of a huge story . Really good news . We got to carry our own wait, our own money. Briefly how we do business . And how we -- airport operates business. Feaster?

Thank you.

, is a question .

Go ahead miscues act .

Does this include not a flights . Airport operations . Is running around the airport.

Coming into the community. Carrier it is going to go through the revenue that we should get. Karen is going to walk through that . Impact is spent coming in gasoline for food. A day coming in . If they didn't fly him through us. They flew in from Orlando and Kim and here you would still get impact so that is the impact and think about this, even if they through Orlando, they would've all command. That new flight the ultimate is 29 million. Every flight makes a big difference in terms of money that has been here lots of money spent by people .

Surrounding correct.

This actually shows that we calculated 50% according to this 50% of our passengers or non-locals in the ocean center study showed that $250, $215 per day . An average of five days to multiply that up. That is what is currently happening. Communing going to the community directly.

What you are getting is with additional flights and hotels that everyone seeing this, you're getting additional people into the community. In other words they just came for Orlando. Would not have -- very good question.

Briefly touch on the fiscal year 15 budget . On the expense side we have about another 3.6 service. In 1992, so if a project our local pushes 5% our top priorities waiting to hear back from ready matchpoint . Aviation demands . And this is a regular the $29 million is a total estimated cost and we estimate talk about design when you're and three your construction phase .

Something out with this. Mean it carrier support big airplanes. Few years back . We can accommodate a large aircraft that is turning out . 6000 feet . 6500 feet major run rate .

What you are getting to here's what we fight the fight, instead of just being satisfied with the 6000-foot runway trend is going to be big planes . It is still one airplane. We are making sure the automated baggage system. Which is very sophisticated. You're going to need for that you need one so they can get to the airport, you better have the one with all the new systems and it that is big enough to hold the big planes. Those that aren't ready aren't going to survive. They are going to be left behind . This is what I wanted to make sure I understood.We are making sure we are building tomorrow's airport today. This is where it is going. I'm very happy with all the investments we are making and we are doing our local share.

29 cities that have lost air service. Since 2013.

Keep going.

On the revenue side. That includes everything from terminal rent ground handling. Daytona we are very competitive . Daytona always is 119 per thousand pounds. They said rate is $1.84. And Orlando is at $1.84. Very competitive, square footage another example we are at $43 a square foot, average $87.99. That will come into play when Jay gets into the air service development sector. 7.1 is indirect airline revenue. That includes such things as our passenger facility charges, parking, food and beverage, gifts, and advertising and all the concessions .

2291, that is what we received off of each passenger in the indirect cost. Indirect airline revenue. And the example of that is the same load factor. That in revenue to the airport is over a million dollars . And -- incentive package. And that is why it is so important that we maximize every we have. Every capacity . Airline revenue 7.4. This is fiscal year 15. Is the operating that includes everything from the four hotels and portions of the Speedway in the recently opened hooligans. All of those . And most important, 33% of revenue comes from the non-airline sources and 67 is from the direct and indirect airline fees. Calmly airline revenue. And that is why it is so critical and with that I will turn it over to Jake to touch on the air service development.

I'm Jay Cassens director of business development. Good morning.County chair County Council. Today will talk about air service development. What is the purpose of air service development. The purpose of air service development is to enhance travel options in support -- and support economic development. Air service development just doesn't mean new air service. Maintaining the routes you currently have we capturing leakage from other regional airports. It's about adding additional schedule options for the passengers, it's about adding capacity. With air service development they have to influence our own destiny. meeting with the airlines because if we are not somebody else's. It's about maintaining relationships. Ongoing lifecycle that never ends with development. With air service development it is very interesting . Airline interest differ greatly . Bristol ticket prices. few cities as possible and region the community wants additional nonstop service. The airlines want high low factors. In the communities want in 2014 cooperative resource this research and looked at all of the airlines all of the airline expenses worldwide the airlines make $5.94 per passenger. That's what they make. The margins are take. That's the point of the story. It's important we reduce the cost of the airlines and help offset the risks they want to consider Daytona Beach is a new destination . Air service development airport function, a community function . It takes years of discussion meeting to bring new air service you look at JetBlue and how long it took us to get them. It's a long process as a matter picking up the phone and saying hey do you want to come to our community? It doesn't take that way. It takes years of building the case, it's arts with speed dating, 20 minute presentations have 20 minutes to make a case. Talk about the community . The passengers and where they are traveling and how much money they can make here in the community. It is my job, it is our job to sell the community, to be a champion for the community. Even at the largest carriers even a Delta. It is our job to bring this to the information about the community and what is going on they don't have the time to research it. Especially in a environment like ours and a highly competitive region, marketing is very important. Leila Samy look before you but. So check the ticket prices out of Daytona before you go to Orlando for another airport. Air service is a community effort and it's a partnership. And the next slide that I have appear is a piece that each one of put together as a co-op marketing advertisement doing some local weather cast .

Next to refer to setting some of the risks. And the incentive program that we are talking here is exactly. Just as we did with the is offsetting some of the risks. Daytona Beach is not just competing against Orlando international Airport. We are competing against Austin tasks this, Seattle Washington, so it's a fight that we have to do all we can to cells to be able to step up to the plate and offer incentives to hopefully put us over the top to get that nonstop destination. So the objectives of the incentive program are to offset the start of risks for the airlines. Not only doesn't offset some of the start of risk but it shows the communities engaged and committed to make a successful be airline the survey your poor, they serve a community so they've got to see that there is community report to make it successful long-term.

What Jay's telling you right now is how we got JetBlue. It is not just us. Incentive packets we are going to put up. If we get to Boston which we think they will. Here in Daytona Beach . We are on the right path . This is a good story, but we need to make sure and to be fair we have an obligation to the other carriers that they have an opportunity to stand like that today. We should offer them an attempt to. Effort. This . It is really important and I for their interest to people people about. JetBlue, L to, those three airlines have 50% of the entire market. So you couldn't have three strong characters . We're lucky to have them, we need to hold onto them, but these are real players that have survived. I don't let people know people world is changing auditors but we do get a controlled 50% of the market. And

[ Captioners transitioning; please stand by. ] >>

We would like as we go forward with the next agenda item, it lists the city and our top premium market. This is what we are recommending. >> I think the market with the most potential here for us for additional nonstop service to Boston, Washington, DC, Dallas and Chicago. They have the most potential. The incentive package, the point here in the slide is the bullet down at the bottom. What is the value of each incentive package ? Their art 3 different levels. This added daily nonstop service, there is added non-daily , and there is seasonal service. Obviously the daily will have the most value involved. And that will be the $300,000, that is the economic incentive. And that is why that one is $1.2 million.

The $300,000 that they would put him on that, that $300,000 investment is for a $1 million a year for turn.

-- Returned. We also have an obligation to the other airlines. If you want to treatment there and keep them. In the end, I am so proud of how far we have come in that we have prepared ourselves. I was fortunate enough to work with and direct one of the best regional airports in the country which a state. They are very successful. You make sure that you grow for tomorrow and not for today. We are on the right path. But I will tell you that, it is interesting , and I am learning lessons myself. On what is to come. I think there will be a big shock to the public that there will be way more demand than air service. It will be a changing world. A couple of things -- you do all these things to attract the airline. You have to be good and have the infrastructure. That the things that we do, the TSA line is not a small thing anymore. It is time that you do not have to spend getting to the airport early. The other thing, the fact that we handle bandage -- package for airlines makes an enormous difference. It makes it easier to pick Daytona Beach. The only important does that ? And last but not least, the other thing that made you survive in this environment is the ability to react quickly to change. And I think the basis of that is the fact that there is no in between in between the airport and the County Council. I can come here and into executive decision. You run the airport. It matters of capturing the deal. Being able to make the changes we need to make. I am pleased with what we have to say right now. And how well we are doing it. But we have to keep up the good fight. With that, I will open it up for questions with the council members.

I for one am very happy that we've run the airport. In business, having been there, time is money. If you have to wait 90 days to make a decision to get something to happen you lost the deal.

Kudos to you guys to keeping that deal going. Are there any other counsel comments ? >> Way, do not go anywhere. We have more for you. We will close the many budget workshop and move on to item 4. The airline incentive program, expenditure, $300,000.

Are you ready for the commercial ?

This is all about marketing campaign. New York, Charlotte

and Atlanta are very important markets for us. They are all direct flights. We are marketing very heavily and the airlines want this more than anything else. They want the community to market for them. These are the kind of ads that we are running.

This is running during the weather reports in New York. >> That is a short clip. It is a cooperative at. They all came together to leverage the money. >> As like that are fun they are very effective. People look at it and think, I have not thought about that in it is a direct flight.

This is a new world for us.

It is an expensive 10 seconds.

You rarely see the airline out there marketing and doing advertising. It's on the shoulders of the community to do the marketing for the airlines.

That is why we believe that marketing is very important for us. We are in such a competitive region.

Look at the number of pilot and the demand, and what does it tell you about the airlines ? They have more people than they know what to do with. We want to stay in the game, but we have to do the marketing and be aggressive. They will pick and choose. You lose at the airport since 2013,

if you are not on the shortness, you are losing. What you are out of the game, you are gone. There's no getting back in. We will not allow that to happen here. This is good news and I'm pleased with where we are. And I appreciate how hard the Council has worked on this with me and how quick you are to respond when we need your help. We are ready to get the next flight to someone else, Boston and DC. >> Were ready to go to item for which is the resolution, airline incentive program, expenditure $300,000. I believe we just had that discussion. The revolution -- the resolution is attached to your agenda item. The effective date of this would be October 1. I move for approval of the resolution. Do I hear a second ? There is a motion. Mr. Patterson, do you wish to have the floor still ?

I do not see my name up there. >> Moving along. All those in favor of the motion ? For the airline incentive program expenditure $300,000 beginning October 1, 2016, please respond by six -- by Aye. The motion carries.

But way, there is more. Item number five. --

Excuse me Mr. chair, one comment with the incentive. We brought in our other funding partners. And this is going to be a collaborative, comprehensive is in a play correct ?

Yes ma'am. We want to have the community involved , but the airlines wants us in the community. It shows the commitment. We are going to go to business community and seek matching dollars. >> I totally agree. All three ad authorities were in the first incentive package. And I am sure they will be together the second time around which they should. With that being said, in our 10 seconds spots in PSA, I do not see Smyrna Beach being advertised. We are trying to capture the business for Daytona Beach international Airport, but it is not all about Daytona. We found that out when we would get the Ocean City years ago. With Allstate the longest they spend the most money is in Southeast Volusia. That is without question. Please know I will be looking at those markers

marketing Southeast Volusia.

We appreciate your support. We go to the authority and try to get them to agree prospectively to the same program. Thank you.

For the comments ?

We will move on to item number five which is the contract task assignment to Ghyabi & Associates , Ormond Beach for Taxiway Sierra extension and license agreement with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

I will show you a graphic that shows with this is per

If you had given me the runway number I would have known.

We are here today

with the vice president of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and DOUG Norman with Ghyabi & Associates. Were asking for 2 things. We would like to get your approval of the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University agreement.

Of the attacks away extension . It is also FDO T grant money. And that will cover the design and construction of the taxiway. There is also way through the fence agreement with they will be paying $37,000 a year

to the airport for having access to the runway. It puts them on par with other airport tenants. Even though it is not airport property. They are paying rent on this property. To clarify, the $148,230, there is $37,000 of revenue. That's being paid out of the reimbursement agreement . I will show you what area we're talking about. This is the Embry-Riddle Parkwest. And what we will do is, --

It is the short one on the south side.

We will continue it -- this shows where the research park is going . The black line is where it will be continued. You have to go over the canal and traverse the drainage pond. It is very important for the university. It will create an asset for the airport at no cost to the airport. It's a good project and we recommend your approval.

Thank you. Mr. Wagner ? I have a motion for approval. Is a further discussion ? Seeing no further discussion, motion of approval for the contract task assignment to Ghyabi & Associates for Ormond Beach for Taxiway Sierra and license agreement with Embry-Riddle . All those in favor, please signify by Aye. All of those opposed ? It is so Carrie, congratulations gentlemen.

Welcome to the family.

While Rodney is here from Embry-Riddle, one of the other things, our secret strategy, and we are very fortunate to have Embry-Riddle in our community. Someday I believe that Daytona Beach will be known as the home of Embry-Riddle. And the Speedway is hereto.

I think we you are the number one aeronautical University in the world, and you will grow, you will be right up there with them. Here's the big advantage to our airport. You see how desperate it will be to get pilot. 25% or more of the pilot supply today graduated from Embry-Riddle. If your JetBlue, American Airlines a Delta, you will try to have a relationship with the school . Your airline is here. You will want to encourage those graduate to join your airline. Those that can get the most pilots will grow. They will be the airlines that are successful. They will have an advantage being right here because what you can do is a cooperative program between the students and our airport. Because the airlines are here. If you establish a relationship with an employer it translate into that person considering a job offer for them. I hope that will benefit the University is

Thank you so much . And you are absolutely correct. We are working right now on a program that will be announced. We received $2 million in state grant funds specifically to address the pilot shortage. We think that will be a great draw for the airport as well as great thing for Embry-Riddle as well .

Thank you. And Deborah Denys, you always talk about telling our story. I think our story on this airport is second to none in the country. I think we are fighting the good fight. I think we will win the fight. I think we will be out most regional airports in the country. I feel that good about our airport. The harder you work the luckier you get. Were not doing this by accident. We have a strategy. I meant what I said, the fact that the Council is directly in control of the airport makes a big difference. We can move quicker. That's how we got JetBlue. If I need your help on something, I can call a special meeting in future help. And we can make a decision within hours or days. It makes a big difference.

Thank you.

You have something Mr. Wagner ? >> Thank you for everything you and your staff are doing. What they that is often overlooked is the power of the thank you. And thank you letters. As far as TSA, I think there is some possible marketing -- if we could put something together thanking them and also to their boss from us.

I think that's a great idea. >> They were great when I withdrew there. -- When I went through there. >> They put this in their employment file. If it comes from Jason siding you , they have been excellent. On behalf of JetBlue . If we start doing that and we go back and say we want you to do more, it goes a long way .

This is a wonderful idea. And I think what you are looking at is a letter that says to them we appreciate the hard work. But it's a letter to the TSA think that we are satisfied that they go out of their way to do good service here. They are getting beat up in some cases. But the fact of the matter is, we are the only better take it that says thank you for a good job.

[ Indiscernible- Low Volume ]

We are the only airport that does that. I have gotten some comments. I did not realize -- I have known a couple of people who are older and have trouble traveling. They go through our airport because it is so much easier to deal with security in our airport. Because they are somewhat handicapped. In our airport is less invasive. They are kinder. And they feel better about the experience. >> There was one that was posted today on Facebook about our airport. We try to follow what's going on on Facebook and interact with our followers. This is one from this morning. Can I save the tone of beach international Airport is a breath of fresh air. When you travel to -- through this airport you know your vacation has started. A smooth transition from passenger to baggage claim to car rental and minutes from the beach. Compared to the long lines and Boston and the hot mess that is Charlotte, Daytona airport could teach the larger counterparts a thing or two.

That is what will keep us in the game.

I just posted that. [ laughter ]

In the thank you notes, one thing that I would like to see brought back, they did a great job. The TSA paycheck. That was booked continually. And it was done very professionally and quickly. You were in and out with less than five minutes. That is a great service for our citizens. >> It takes five minutes to do that online, but it only takes three minutes to go to the line.

I will tell you, I hope that we have given you enough information. You can share with your constituents. I would hope that this would get out. But they would understand that this low airport, we are the little airport with a big heart. We really try. I think they will be proud of what we are trying to do here. I think most people have no idea, if you are involved in do not understand it's going up with is service, I am proud of what we are doing.

Thank you everyone great job.

There is more. Item number six is the grant of restrictive covenant to the floor Department of environmental detection regarding airport parcel number eight. Thank you Mr. chair, I and Rick Karl. >> Although this looks nasty it is good news.

I want to shout out to Michael Rodriguez. They did an outstanding job closing this. We had been trying to get this resolved for many years. We finally got it done. This will allow us to move on and get on with our consent order.

Nothing additional to add the site this is one of the agreement with the consent order in order to complete the cleanup process. It is a restrictive covenant to restrict any use of the groundwater and this was a formerly contaminated site. This is the end of the road to wrap up the issue we had

with this parcel.

Is that the area that they just got done leveling and flattening in cleaning up ?

Know, if this is a different area. This is the old a this parcel to the north -- AVIS parcel to the north.

I will entertain a motion. I am in approval of the grant . There is a motion for approval, do I hear a second ? The motion for approval with the second by Joyce Cusack . Further discussion ? Comments ? Seeing them all those in favor signify by Aye. Although supposed ? So carried.

I am looking out, I think these are all people here from item 7.

That would be you. Item number seven we will open up the order of business on the public hearing and as with the staff report on a rezoning case see -- 16 013 rezoning the urban single-family residence zoning classification to mobile home park and recreation vehicle park zoning classification . Adoption of zoning resolution. >>

And the applicant is William Clark. Please come up front with your attorney.

William Clark is the agent owner. Attorney of record, Mr. Glenn Storch .

Central Realty investments Incorporated. This was continued from May 19 until today. And Kelly McKie, welcome you have the floor.

Mr. chair and honorable members of County members. The staff report will be represented to you by Palmer Canton. As you mentioned we do have the applicant and the representative. They have a brief presentation as well as members of the public who are here to speak on this item thank you.

Hold that thought. It's going to speak for the record folks, I need you to go over them fill out the yellow forms that are on either podium. If you are going to speak for or against this issue, please fill that out so we can recognize you and bring you up to speak.

I am the planner of director services. This is to be assimilated with the adjoining park family campground. This is the next -- this is been in existence since 1972. The staff reviewed the Sony and determine it needs to specify criteria of the zoning. It was presented to the planning commission meeting on April 12, 2016. There was public participation at that meeting. And the commission voted with the recommendation of denial. This is continue from Maine 19, 2016. If you have any questions I would be happy to address them.

Very well thank you.

Is there any other staff reporting

? That is a negative response. We will open up public participation. Is there any public participation on this matter ? No sir. Actually there is. Who will -- he is not the public. >> I was trying to figure out if I was listed as an attorney. I represent the applicant. I do not represent the applicant in the initial phases of this. The button is on the right-hand side. Inside the desk. There is little button on the left. Push the top side. And see if it will raise it higher.

That is all you will get I think. >> Anyway, the bottom line is, when this appeared before the planning board I was not a participant. Since that time I have met Mr. Clark. And honestly, I am so pleased to represent someone who has been able to have a business in this area.

For almost 44 years. That is very successful. He is done a great job and I will tell you now, many of these folks here are here to support him from the area because he has done a great job. That is saying something very important about this area. About his credibility and what he has done in this matter. What you have, please put up my PowerPoint. Please .

My mother's work is never done, trust me. [ laughter ] there we go. That is one of the reasons also, I appreciate what he has done. We have a 25 acre parcel that presently exists. On the campground, you have a piece next to it and that is the piece we're talking about. The 7.5 acres that will be joined to this piece. It will be combined into a single parcel. That was part of the conditions of the staff report that we agree with that. Presently, the Sony for this parcel is our four -- is R-four. That zoning for presidential will go away.. It will be combined to create a larger campground. When the staff is looking at this, they were looking at whether or not this was entitled to rezoning. Based on their bird you , one was that it was consistent with the plan. The cop plan for that area is urban media. The stuff surrounding it is low density. And that is why you have homes on these big large lots. On this particular site which is the same as the campground itself is medium density which allows for eight units per acre. It is also [ Indiscernible ] . It supports the compatibility of the rezoning. This thing has been in existence for 44 years. And a slight increase in size will have no impact whatsoever. It will have a positive impact. Secondly, the impact upon the environment or national resources. Right now, it's designated for R-4. That allows for quarter acre lots or less. Those lots would wipe out the entirety of the vegetation on the site. There would be no buffers. They would be setbacks, and 8 foot setback that is what you would have. There would be no buffers required to be maintained. In a case like this, buffers are exactly what we will want to have. Because we are having a can't ground. -- The campground. The rest of the Route is beautiful.

One of the things that I have done, and I've talked to Mr. Clark about this, you have some concerns regarding what this would look like. We can fix that. What I have done is couple of things. Right now you have single-family homes on the 7.5 acres. That will be taken away. There is an access to Levitt on the site. That will be taken away. What I will replace it with is a 30 foot conservation easement around the perimeter of this area. It will maintain all of the vegetation for a buffer and prevent access to Levitt in perpetuity. Mr. Clark is already signed that. It has been provided to me. On top of that, he has instructed me to record this in writing upon the completion of the rezoning. You don't have to trust me, although it would be nice if you did. Thirdly, will it have an impact on the economy of the area ? It will not have a negative impact. This will allow residents to drive. As the staff has indicated, there will be no impact to the economy of the area. It will have no impact on required governmental services. If you look at the differences between what homes would have on the site versus what this would have on its site, homes would generate more traffic than what this is doing. Again, this is an existing facility. The same entrances will apply you have no impact anywhere else. It would be the same project.

Consistence with elements of the plan. Any changes in circumstances affecting the area ? There is a road network now. Some of the changes that have occurred over the passport for years is the fact that you have significant increase in development in this area. This will preserve this area the same way that it is. You have plans on one side, or in city coming in on the other side. This is between those two areas. This will preserve the wooded natural plant. Any mistakes in the original classification ? I have to argue with this a little bit. The staff argues that there is no mistakes of the current classification. The problem with that is right now, you have an and that will be fronting a dirt road. You have policies that discourage subdivision on dirt roads. Especially small lots of divisions. Literally this should not be that designation with that dirt road there. It should be something else. What we are proposing makes more sense. Especially in light of the covenants we are proposing. The value of the affected area ? It will be the exact same as you presently have right now. On top of that, I read the comments . And we will get into that. I read the comments from some of the people. Those comments can be easily resolved. I made a proposal to do that. In the staff has indicated there will be no impact to public health, wealth or safety in the event that we change the zoning.

This is why I thought it was so important. If you look this is a dirt road. This is a incredibly natural, beautiful area. We will preserve that in perpetuity. The vegetation will stay there for 30 feet back. And then you will have to park. Again, at the same time what we are doing is preventing any access points on Levitt. It will reduce traffic on Levitt. This is the park itself. This is the way we should have areas. I understand that this could be homes. But this has functions nicely for the PASS 44 years. You have repeat customers coming there all of the time. And one of the interesting things to be is that RVs are becoming important for my generation. As we get older, we tend to want to buy RVs. And not just RVs, but these quarter million dollar RVs and travel the country and our own hotel rooms. It is a phenomenon that is all over the country. And those folk look for places like this. >> The concerns was that this could turn into a mobile home park. I have talked to my client about this. He has agreed to put a covenant restriction prohibiting mobile homes. I have that signed. This will never be a mobile home park. We have 2 screening buffers. We talked about the 30 foot buffer we would maintain. We have already done that. And we talked about the fact that this will reduce traffic. Not just on Levitt but in general. This use creates and generates less traffic than homes that will be generated here.

This seems like something that I could support. It seems like it was good for everyone and a win-win for the community and the client. It also allow for business community to prosper. I have to support staff's recommendation of this. I think we have addressed any of the comments and issues that were raised. I am ready to place those covenants. I think this is a good thing for everyone. With that we are available for questions.

Thank you sir. >> Is there any other public participation ? Non-sir.

We will close. Mr. Patterson you have the floor. >> I know that you have done a good job in the presentation. But I think your client has done a better job of running a business all of these years. I have been buy that property many times over the years. I moved approval of Case z-16-13 . Motion for approval.

I have a comment, I have been out in that area lately. Mr. Clark is done an amazing job out there. I have been the campgrounds before. And yours is the nicest, cleanest facility I have seen in a long time. Out in that area also, there are other businesses. This is a little bit of an unknown secret. There are some interesting businesses out there. I had a Philly cheesesteak out there which was to die for. I almost had a heart attack.

Is the owner of the place out in the audience ?

Did you know that there's also around the corner is a music studio that records professional music ? It is a thriving community out there. Are there any other, about this motion ? Seeing that, all those in favor ,

Case z-16-13 , with a covenant against mobile homes.

No sir, it is a flat rezoning.

I is stipulating that I'm going to do that .

I got that part.

I cannot make it a condition on your motion.

It was not part of my motion. >> Is just a rezoning from R-4 to MH-2. All of those in favor signify by Aye. All of those opposed ? Thank you very much. It is unanimous. >> He who talks the most can also something.

I move for a 10 minute recess.

Any objection ? No objects in -- no objection, we will take a 10 minute recess. >> [ Event on a 10 minute recess. Captioner standing by ] >> And the staff report dismiss Arlene Smith. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection created the Brownfield area program to provide tax and other incentives to encourage development of properties that are perceived to be contaminated. On behalf of property owners Carmen Trujillo have requested that the Council provide this designation for the county enclave in Port Orange . Is this was previously a landfill. They have met all statutes and city requirements in their application. They are here with us today. On April 7, counsel directed staff to move forward with the designation process. We provided notice to all property owners within 500 feet of the subject property and on April 26, we facilitated a community meeting in the area. The first public hearing was held here and counsel changers on May 19. And this is the second and final required for a public hearing for this process. The resolution designating the parcel of land filled area named Bruno road parcel cleanup was included in your packet. Your decision today is whether to approve this designation . This concludes the staff report. >>

Let's close the staff report and open a public participation. There is no public participation. We will close public participation and open up a Council discussion. Where is everyone ? I have enough. >> I will that the resolution for the second public hearing of designation of county enclave in Port Orange as of Florida Brownfield area.

I second that. I have a motion for approval and him second. >> That completes my remarks Mr. chair.

Anyone else ? We have a motion on the floor. For approval

of the resolution designating the county enclave of Port Orange as of Florida Brownfield. And this is at 405 Pruner Road.

-- 405 Btuner Rd. any further discussion on this matter ? All in favor please signify by Aye. All of those opposed ? So designated as a Brownfield area .


We will now jump ahead to item 25 . This was a discussion matter pulled by James Dinneen and staff. This is a buzzer resolution for allocation of funding a for off beach parking development and the expenditure is $825,000. >> This is a project we agreed on a long time ago. This is the update. This is the development of two parcels. It was the property we got from the Weston as part of the comprehensive agreement with them. And we had the other piece of property that they sold to us at a good price. Every combined it all into one project, one big parking lot that will assist citizens. It is important that we open at the same time that the hotel comes on board. And this is the only development of any parking lot and the way we did it, we secured the money from the port etc. to have the money to do the development. The rest of the other parking lots they were doing the design on them, and I suggested to the Council that we have someone to the development of the other part. This is time sensitive.

To Catholic a copy of this ? I do not know. We're planning on just showing it today. I do not know if they sent a copy or not.

This is just the overall design.

Thank you. >> You have the floor lamp -- -m'am.

Good afternoon counsel. What is being passed out right now is a copy of our presentation. There will be a short presentation. And as you will see on our first flight, we have a slide -- a site layout. I wanted to give you something you could read. The larger she has more detail on what the facility will look like when we are finished. The offbeat parking lot will consist of 100 parking spaces. Of that 100 you have 4 handicap parking spaces. We will have Trask receptacles, showers, bike racks. There will be a screening while on the north property line. We will have concrete sidewalks, we will have a stamped concrete 15 foot wide pathway on the east side of the property adjacent to the seawall next to the ADA handicap ramp . The goal of this project was to maximize the parking. We have provided a significant amount of landscaping for this project. It is in kind with the area. We will have lots of planting . Just to bring you up to speed back in May 2020 -- 2015 -- we partnered with the architects who used others for their consultants. This is the same for working on the development for the Weston . There will be continuity between the two developments. And they will be at the same level of standard . We spent about $126,000 on the design cost. We are estimating $825,000 for construction. That brings it down to $8000 per space which be funded

through the inland district to the general fund. We are at 100% complete on design. The motion on the floor today, the purpose of the presentation is to operationalize the funding so that we can get a bit in this month. And we will have the papers ready to sign tomorrow. We'll finalize our permit. We have a notice of intent to provide the permit already. We're waiting for the final paper. We will on board this around 2015 -- 2016 and completed by the May 7 deadline next year. The one other thing you have in this design, out of respect for what we want this parking lot to be used for. There's a wall that separates us from the Westin so that access is limited to the street. They know that they cannot use this for hotel purposes. They have property across the street they would use for the overflow. They have agreed with us that we will not have any issue. But they will participate with us and make sure that the guests know not to use it. If we ever have a problem, they will be glad to help us make sure it does not occur.

This should go along with their design. So that it looks professional and seamless. To look like one design. But this will be the parts for the public.

Very well. >> Joyce Cusack ?

I have a question . How can we determine whether or not the Westin is using that lot or not ?

The issue for us is going to be that they know that it is inappropriate. We believe they are well run and that they will tell all of their gas and people who have access to the hotel that they cannot use that lot. We will have to use some system to keep an eye if we think we are having a problem we will have to work out whatever arrangement we can. We have our own patrol. I believe that they understood that they have adequate parking across the street. There's no need for them to use this. >>

That will be used as overflow as needed. If it becomes a problem that they are running out of space. They are developing the parking lot. They know they do not have access to this for their customers.

They have told us that during their parking calculations the Westin has an excess of what they are required to have. They have additional parking on their property them what they are required to.

I know as popular they will be, I was wondering if there is something that we could do as it relates to asking the Westin to have this as part of their information with her area of parking is are some sign to indicate this this

That we are going to have, the signage. One of the things that they agreed to was that they agree to signage and verbally tell their guest that this is public parking. We did talk about in the early stages, about that if we ever thought that we would have an issue we would talk to them about having someone over there. At certain times when is high traffic from their hotel to stop people present hopefully we will have enough parking. We have a lot of parking on site. And if we run into problems, they are a cooperative group. The only time we would have an issue is if they were having a big event like on a holiday. And we may have to pay special attention to that guests are not using it when it's supposed to be open to the public for beach access.

And finally to be clear, the construction funding,

to be already approved that Bunting ?

This is the approval .

We are asking for the approval today for the $825,000 to do the development of the parking lot. You're asking for from the district fun and the general fund ?

Do we budget for that ?


Thank you that answers my questions.

Mr. Wachter ? -- Mr. Wagner.

I will put a motion on the floor to approve.

Do I hear a second ?

I said it before, I do not using the port authority to use it so much. I will support this one. As far as people using the lot, there are many parking lots that are being used by hotels. A lot of times it is the ramps that have parking on it. They are heavily utilized for hotels. I think we need to push forward with using the beaters and those types of situations. If they're going to use it and it's not a busy day they need to pay for it. I'm not saying, obviously that appears a little different. We got an email from someone, and I can respect your position. That this is a waste of money. This is ridiculous that we would spend the taxpayers dollars on stuff like this. It's mainly opposition from a couple of the beach driving members and social media. Even if we had 10,000 parking spots, it is not enough. It's one of those things, the best thing that we can do to provide our kids and grandkids and future generations for this community is to continue to purchase beach parking. So that we do not turn into a community that does not have access. This weekend was a perfect example. I was at the beach on Sunday. And it was insanely crowded. I have not seen it bursting at the seams like that in my lifetime. One -- it was positive that it was busy. It was the most diverse group I've ever seen at the beach. Particularly Ponce Inlet. That's usually a bunch of white folk. You do not see a lot of diversity in that area on a given day. I noticed that there were a lot of

Latins and African Americans. To a level that I was pleased. This is how the beach should look I thought.

A lot of people were from out of town and a lot of people were from the website. But, I thought it was a good thing. Was bursting at the seams. Beach safety did an excellent job. Ocean rescue did an excellent job of making sure that everything worked out. But, it also showed an example that we do not have enough. They had to shut the beach down. Because there was no parking. When I say not, I say none. Even if you open up the section that was shut down to keep beach driving. It would not have been enough.

And Ponce Inlet was full all the way to the back gate. It was filled to capacity. As we talk about access to the beach and the charter says we need to provide access, a hope this counsel, when I'm gone and seven months, I hope future councils really continue to try to work on this. As someone who is seeing it and there's a block from the beach, if we do not continue to do this, we'll have a beach you cannot get to. High tide is shutting it down. And there is a significant amount of use. Maybe this is an example of population growth. I'm not sure. There are a lot of factors there. But that is why I support this prayer for anyone who tells me this is a waste of tax dollars, they need to get their heads out of the sand and take a look at what our job is. Our job is to protect a certain resource and about access.

One of the things of this Mr. Waxman, if the Westin is not going in there, we wanted to buy the property that they sold . This is a crucial place to have a parking lot. No matter how you feel about beach driving. We have tried to buy everything we could with the money we had because it's the right thing to do. We will never be run by doing it. I will make a prediction that long after we're gone, people after us will be glad that they have it. The other thing is, in the case of the port money, I see your point. You will feel better when I tell you this. This was not the time to justify to going after the borrowing for all the development we were going to do. I could have legitimate he said use port money on some of the ones we're going to do. We would have to use general fund money for those. We will do those for one fell swoop of a bond agreement. I need a cash. So I could pay for this one.

I just mentioned it. I just want to mention in the Council but I'm gone, port authority.

We would have use port money for sure down there that now uses general fund money prisoner I appreciate everyone allowing me to make his comments. It's something that is important to me. I was at the beach last night and I go there often with my kids. And I prefer they have the opportunity to drive on the beach, and also when the tide is high having somewhere to park. >> Josh touched on the major issues that I wanted to address. I wanted to go back to process the agenda item. I was going to pull 25 as well. A project like this the issue that's important is historically we get copies of this. We get more information other than a budget item. For this time for the first time, I did not see the schematics. I did not see the layout.

I don't want to be in the position to ask anymore. I think counsel should have this before we get here to look at it. It has to. I'm also thinking about this, has an counsel always approved the design before the funding ? Normally all of the parks and off beach parking we've ever done. Haven't we done that on the parks ? Don't you bring the design to us ?

The last time we saw anything -- the last one was in Goldstein Park. They showed us the pictures and the layouts. I'm asking for more information ahead of time. >> We have lots of water on the administrative side. We tried to make it work with the hotel. We have a artificial timeframe on this one but -- unlike anything else. The hotel is driving it. We are working with them to cooperate on the parking lot. This one was unusual. The other was very usually more our property. And we can bring you the schematic. But we have done basic stuff in terms of maximizing parking. I will put together a process . I know I have done that some cases individually beat show people. But we can bring it forward in the future.

I just don't want to have to ask anymore. So I will pull an agenda item to take it off of the agenda moving forward this

This is one of the most unusual ones that we have pierced

But we could have had this. It was ready. We just did not have it. That being said, and I also agree with Councilwoman Joyce Cusack. Concerns about use. I don't care if they say they understand that

this is for all beach parking. The people behind the desk and those checking in, those in the area, they will not hear that. They're going to see a parking area or want to go to lunch or go shopping. They're not going to hear, I cannot part there. And all the art no one will have said that anyway. It's human nature. Turnovers too fast and too quick. And what they're doing their work, the last thing they are concerned about is making sure that their people don't park on the Colusa County lot. The permits, our existing beach permits, if you have a beach pass, you have access there. If not, we have to look at alternatives. We are at capacity. Our investment will be for beach parking. We need to make sure that we manage it day to day. This project that going forward as I have asked and we agreed once a month to have an update of project, I want this on the monthly update to see exactly where we are in the process. Until it is completed. And Josh, you also hit on the email that we received. Over concerned about buying this. This is oceanfront parking. This is a great thing that counsel did. Whether it's high tide or hurricane. You can have access to this 24 seven if you choose. But as I've read that I thought, here is the conclusion of that particular correspondence. We are required by our charter for beach access. Where making sure that beach access that you cannot drive on here. I'm not so sure that some of these citizens is the one access. They wanted this way some of their way and no other way. There are a lot of alternatives. In this Council is looking into management. Ever looking into alternatives for beach access. With a breath that I almost chuckled at that, were giving you beach access. 100 more spots. I was still the bad guy.

To certain people, we voted on what they consider the dealbreaker so what we do is bad. >> Said she went there I thought I will put my' on it. This is good news. Good news for citizens and it shows the commitment of the city Council. And you talked about improving long term. The other lots of behalf you

Are you going to be bringing to counsel a proposal on that ?


We are spending the money to do the design. Once we get the divine son, then we will have to borrow

money and we will have the whole process in front of you to get you approved to get more money and approved to get the instruction for

And were also working on the Boulevard. To add extra off these parking.

That one is in the process.

That is good news. Two different areas here that we are adding more parking.

You just said something. Something that's interesting in the sense that, you cannot assume

drive on the beach access. The greatest access for the beach is parking. Off beach parking. Think about the pivot go there. There in houses and hotels. Most of the people on the beach get -- the most prolific amount of access is parking that is convenient. The beauty of this is, that this is 24 hours a day. Seven days a week. Even at high tide. During the holidays if you get to the tied at the wrong time, you cannot use the beach.

This provides that access. Even if you believe to drive on everyone on the beach, you still should by all the beach that you can. >> I look forward to bringing your initiative and initiative for improving what we have. What we have I would like to see .

I recommended that. If you want to buy more, who had to fund the right deal. But I've recommended that we don't wait. That we do the redevelopment of those lots. I got the design money and were doing the design. Once that's done, I will come forward and show you the design and get your comments on those. They will put together an estimate of the cost and then we will borrow the money. The sooner we get the stuff the public use, as much as I think we did the right thing by the property, I think people will forget about that if they can't use it. We will start getting pushed back. We will get it so we can use it. >> There's a need for it too. I want but I don't want to have this discussion now. But I have been asked to Southeast Volusia, is probably true from rest of the area. Is there any chance we can open another lamp. >> It's an illusion. >> The immediate issue, we are at capacity, at nine up -- at 9 o'clock. That was a combination of capacity and high tide. Without the tied, what that does is, it frees up Flagler Avenue. There was another brand. But it will stop that congestion. >>

I have a question. Beaches.

If it's not a park it's not a part, it's the beach.

We have jurisdiction over the soft canvas and the beach.

We can be out there at night ?

Absolutely. >> I have put together a proposal, about looking at meter parking. And I was asked to delay that. Anytime you want me to bring it back, I just need direction .

I think it requires discussion from counsel. And I would be okay with that beach passes. Our citizens that by those. With this kind of investment, a lot of the uses of the beach are not the Louisiana pounding -- County taxpayers. I don't think a citizen should have to subsidize that.

There was some implications on how we would do that . We had to go through some gymnastics. I would suggest we do this. We look at that issue after we get this parking lot else. So that should be the early part of next year. At that point, Mr. Wagner will not be here to of Jack ? [ laughter ] but I will be glad to do that.

But he will be back from visiting the parking meters. [ laughter ] >> And referenced to that we got into a partnership with Westin. We share a border and we are good neighbors. We work with them about the contracts together. We made the prerequisites. And worked very hard and side-by-side with us. I don't think that a boss would encourage any, usage of this parking lot. And maybe we need to give it a shot. Let's see if it's broken before we try to fix it.

That's what were going to do for

Keep it on the back burner to have the meters and minor whatever. Let's give it a chance to get a bill first. >> I understand. But let's see if it's broken first before we fix it for

Joyce Cusack this >> For me, it can be broken down into 2 parts. Going down to architecture and engineering costs and everything above that can be brought to us at one time. That would give us the information that permits you to do what you need to do to get things moving. And then, once that has been done and you have all of that in place, you can have

a further discussion which I would like to have as to the construction cost and the way we find it. Those kind of things. You have to opportunities to look at what you are wanting to do and you come and tell us we have done that. And this is what it will cost you to do. That is my suggestion.

That's a good way to do it and that's what we will do.

What we need is the approval by the Council ?

We have a motion and the second this

We just don't have the vote. Who made the motion ? Mr. Wagner. The motion is for approval of the budget resolution for funding for off beach parking and development. Motion by Mr. Wagner and seconded by Deborah Denys . All those in favor say Aye. And those with the nose ? The motion passes. We will see with a couple of weeks with more designs. >> Is there any objection to us taking a lunch break ?

I see no objection. We will take

a 1.5 hour break. We will be in recess until 2 PM. >> [ Event on lunch recess. Event will resume at 2pm EST. Captione r standing by ]

Good afternoon. Today's date is June 2, 2016. Afternoon session Volusia County Council. We are running a little behind. It is 2 PM. Item 32 , the City of Deltona request for delegation of community redevelopment authority.

You have the format them.

Good afternoon I am Arlene Smith with the Department of aviation and economic resources. County Council has the authority to create community redevelopment areas to mitigate

life. Florida statute provides a charter counties may delegate their exclusive authority to municipalities. The City of Deltona has determined the properties along Deltona Normandy and Saxon Boulevard qualify as blighted based on six factors included in the Florida statute. On March 16 the city completed their request that County Council delegate redevelopment powers to them for this area. Their request is consistent with delegations Council granted in 2014 to warned city, Edgewater -- city, Edgewater and [ INDISCERNIBLE ] a contribution only from the city and county general fund, County tested based on defined skill to be expended only on capitol projects with the county contributing no more than 50% toward anyone project. Deltona has also specified that the county TIF will not be spent on storm water or water and sewer projects. They further said that no 10 from either the city or the county would be used for events, administration or anything other than capitol. Our request to you today is whether you direct staff to draft a revolution -- resolution delegating development powers to Deltona for your consideration at an upcoming meeting. At this time I would like to turn the podium over to Ron Paradise, adult tone as assistant director of planning and development services to provide a brief -- dealt the City of Deltona's assistant director of planning and development services. >> Thank you are Lane. Ron Paradise, City of Deltona for the record.

The podium rises.

I think we can make do. For the record, Ron Paradise, City of Deltona. A little housekeeping. I would like to acknowledge the city manager and economic development manager that are sitting in the audience. We are here to formally introduce the County Council to the Southwest Altona read the -- Deltona redevelopment area. A little background. The redevelopment area is comprised of commercial areas located in the southwestern section of the city. Many of these areas are outdated or otherwise underperforming. To address the situation, the first thing the city dead in 2012 was establish a brownfield for Deltona -- for Deltona which is a large shopping center that was -- was a to a Winn-Dixie and the a moved out. There is a picture of this plaza at later on in the presentation. About the same time, the city initiated the community redevelopment area. In 2015 the city updated and improved the findings of necessity pursuant to Florida statute is 163 part three. And the city formally requested County Council in December 2015 for a delegation of authority. This is a map of the redevelopment area. It is 250 . It is 256 acres approximately. As you can see, it is very linear in nature and follow several major corridor through the city including Saxon Boulevard, Normandy Boulevard and Deltona Boulevard. I apologize. The map is a little bit busy with lots of colors. The red areas are essentially drifting or entitled commercial lands that are situated within the CRA. This is a picture of the Deltona plaza by the way. You can see it is underutilize. The purpose and intent is basically we -- is to upgrade and expand infrastructure. None of the counties test will be used for water and sewer expansion. Most of the counties TIF we envision will be used for roadway improvement, expansion of Deltona Boulevard, Normandy Boulevard and intersection improvements at Deltona and Normandy. The city is going to continue to improve aesthetics. This will probably be funded outside the CRA. The CRA will be augmented of cities already substantial investments in this area. The goal is to promote business retention and development. The partnership between the city and the county, the metrics for the success of that partnership will be an increase of tax base for both the city and the county. This is a mutually beneficial partnership that will yield a positive outcomes for both units of government. The city is requesting the county for a delegation of authority, as an explained by your staff, and we work closely with your staff, and I am here to tell you it was a positive and rewarding experience working with Ms. Smith and Mr. Karl on this project. The city will comply with the terms of County resolution 2015 -- 046 another applicable requirements consistent with recent CRA activity. I would be happy to field any questions you may have regarding this proposal. >> Thank you. Any other staff reports? Okay. I guess we will open it up to County Council discussion. Mr. Eckert. We will let you go first. You apparently have a legal opinion.

Just to outline the process Mr. chair. Not to try to jump in ahead of counsel comments. If it is the pleasure of the Council to give -- proceed with the creation of existing delegation. We would anticipate that bringing back the for your resolution in the first [ INDISCERNIBLE ] of July the city had initially requested a 25 year delegation. The request now indicated. Concurrence with a 20 year delegation and they are going to bring -- I understand that they are going to bring back an amended plan a revised plan that would conform itself in the capitol improvements to that 20 year horizon. And we would -- that plan would be a part of the resolution that you would approve in July. Today we are requesting your direction, and we anticipate we will receive that revised plan from the city and will have -- if it is your direction to proceed, we will have that before you and the first meeting of July. Or as soon thereafter as we get through the plan. We anticipate that we will have that insufficient time.

Okay. Thank you.

Mr. Lowry.

Thank you Mr. chairman. I wanted to encourage my colleagues to support this. I in talking with the City of Deltona it's been a good experience and the staff is requested certain things and they been willing to go along with those and I think the nature of the CRA is what's being done here. I've seen some CRA since I've, board on the county and scratch my head and wonder does not fit the nature of and will not be critical of those in particular but I think this one does. And I would certainly like to continue this. Doesn't have to be a motion made in regard to that? Are just a show of hands that we want to allow this continue -- to continue? I would like to hear from my colleagues.

I think it would be a motion that has to be made for support and direction for the staff.

I reserve the right to make that motion. I would like to make a motion we continue down this path and pursue an ordinance to allow Deltona .

Motion on the floor and second by Mr. Wagner.

I am good.

Ms. Cusack.

Thank you Mr. chair. Thank you to the City of Deltona. It is partnerships like these that will help us in Volusia County to grow and achieve the excess we have the potential to. So [ INDISCERNIBLE ] CRA being utilized in a way that will meet the mission of CRA. You have not been high on the radar screen, but you have been busy keeping your head to the ground in making this happen. So I am here to applaud you and say that I was in Deltona not too long ago and wondering where the business district wise. -- Was.

It is in the downtown.

Next-door to your house. [ LAUGHTER ] I just want you to know how much we look forward to our partnership in proceeding with this venture. Thank you Mr. chair.

Very well. Okay I guess I will have a common. I've never been a fan of CRA ever.

I made no bones about it and anybody who has talked to me would understand. I will tell you the reason. The reason is, though the intentions of always been good, somewhere along the line something he's gotten convoluted and it has not worked out the way we wanted it. A little more about your project. You're talking about widening the roads. I need you to come up. You're talking about widening the roads, Normandy, tell me about the roads we're going to widen. I guess the end result is how much is the projected cost of the widening of the roads.

The projected cost of the CIP is about $14 million. That is outside of the income that is expected to be generated from the CRA. The intent of the city is to leverage the income from the CRA through grant opportunities . For example, we want to look at the transportation all, regional initiatives partnership grant which requires a 50% grant match. So all this income that the CRA will generate will be leveraged and maximize. Does that answer your question?

Yes. So far so good. So we're talking widening roads. We're not talking about putting trees in the middle of the rude or anything like this.

If there are trees in the middle of the road or unification, -- beautification, the counties TIF contribution will not be used for that. Obviously, the city is very interested in the aesthetic of the city, and we are continually improving that. And this area will be improved.

And you're asking for 25 years. Is there an estimated amount that the county will be donating?

20 years.

I thought I heard you say 25. So 20 years. What the contribution of the county?

We're talking about $8 million combined revenue. And I think , don't quote me on this because I don't have the numbers in front of me, but it is about $4 million-$5 million of County contribution.

Okay. Ms. Denys.

Thank you. Actually, I think -- and I agree with you Councilman Cusack. This was under the radar. When I saw it on the agenda, where did the CRA come from. It's been kind of quiet out there. But I want to applaud you because there's a lot of talk, most of us it on the TPL transportation planning organization, and as we know, dollars -- there's just no dollars for building roads right now in transportation. So I applaud your city for taking a very proactive approach and looking at some of your infrastructure needs with this. Because so many times the county will not find it, we need this but the county will not find that. Partnering with you and leveraging that for the grant opportunities that do exist, I think is just an excellent example of collaboration and what a CRA should do for infrastructure. So I think this is a really great example of cities taking the helm for their road projects and partnering with us and matching that with the grants. So kudos. Seriously, this is a very very good application. Wish you success. >>

Mr. Eckert and then Mr. Wagner PD-1 Mr. Wagner to go first?

Mr. paradise is at the dais. The resolution we are preparing. The way I understand the request is similar to others, landscaping would be an allowable item for the County contribution but only as part of a larger capitol construction project non-landscape -- not landscaping on its own but if they are doing road improvement the landscaping would be part of that construction, would be subject to payment by the County contribution. So I think Mr. paradise is probably indicating landscaping not by itself, that -- but you saw the resolution a month from now to be surprised by that.

Thank you Mr. Eckert for the clarification. I appreciate that.

Mr. Wagner.

Just to say thank you and let you know my appreciation for putting the project together like this.

Thank you.


I have to agree with Ms. Denys. Three years ago somebody said just mentioned the letters CRA and this place was packed. Pitchforks and torches on one side and cheerleaders on the other side. There's been a lot of changes. I do have to agree that we've done some good work on those changes. Okay. I will -- guess were going to move on with a vote. All those in favor of item 32, directing County staff it to come back with an ordinance for the City of Deltona requested delegation of community redevelopment authority please signify by aye. All those opposed. I will still oppose CRA. The chair opposes. We just loaded.

That's great. Before we move to the next item I wanted to give you a heads up about another CRA issue that is in the works is that is okay.

Okay. Before that I wanted to indicate there will be and resolution, not an ordinance. That you -- that is the way the county has exercise its authority. [ OVERLAPPING SPEAKERS ] carry out the authority for the resolution for the City of Deltona for the delegation of the CRA for the record. And for the record it is five -- one. We have all the paperwork done.

Congratulations. We will move forward with the authority to get working on that. Ms. Smith. In less you guys want to hang out for a while. See you guys later. Ms. Smith, you have the floor.

The Spring Hill CRA board will decide on Monday Ms. Smith, you have the floor.

The Spring Hill CRA board will decide on Monday, June 6 whether to request the County Council amend their boundaries. We just wanted to give you a heads up about it. as you know, Spring Hill was created in 2004 as a joint venture between the city of DeLand and the county. Taxable values fell below base in 2010 and there's been no increment revenue since. The good news is, budget has projected that in 2018 basher turn around. They should be back in the black -- that should turn around. They should be back in the black. The better news is that as -- is that a neighborhood Walmart is planned for the south side of DeLand. There are for parcels in that development. To our inside the CRA and to our outside the CRA. They are all unincorporated. So if the CRA board votes on Monday to request that the boundary change to add those two excluded parcels, then we will bring it to you for your consideration in an upcoming Council meeting. The process involves the county pouncing resolution, the city passing a resolution and then the county passing an ordinance.

We just wanted you to be aware that this was taking place.

Thank you met him. -- Thank you.

Next -- you have the floor.

Thank you. I just want to say that I am just so pleased with the work of Arlene Smith and all those involved that you understand the importance in trying to increase the revenue as it relates to the Spring Hill CRA. I talked to the Council some time ago about the fact that where we were and the lack of funding for that CRA. This is what I believe partnerships are all about. This is one of the most blighted areas in Volusia County. And yes, I happen to have an element of prejudice as it relates to this because this is where I grew up. I would like to see that CRA survive and I think with the increase of the revenue as it relates to tax and the added parcels that will be built, it's going to give us a leg up. So on behalf of all of the citizens in Spring Hill area, I say to you, thank you.

Thank you Ms. Cusack. No other comments. We are going to move on. This is the FCCMA and ICMA's recognition of Volusia County for operating under its charter for 45 years.

Thank you Mr. chair. This park is here today -- we're all very proud of our charter. It is very unique. I personally think it is the best one in the state of Florida. And with that, Ms. Parker. -- Mr. Parker.

Thank you County Chair Davis, members of the County Council, Mr. Dinneen and Mr. Eckert and members of the county staff. It is a privilege to stand before you today. It is been four years since I have stood in this place , and I can tell you I have enjoyed being away from this place during those four years. Usually when I was here I was asking for the county's assistance or I was supporting an issue on behalf of the city of Port Orange and in some cases I was even opposing issues that were in front of the Council on behalf of the city. Today I am here on a different mission and for a different purpose. I am here representing the Florida city County management Association and the international city County management Association. 45 years ago Volusia County became the first county government operating under charter for. -- Four. I think Volusia County was number one Volusia County set the standard for charter government. Your charter has been used as a model for charters all across the state. I have known virtually all of the individuals who served on that original charter commission. And they crafted a charter that has served our County well. And it continues to serve our County well. Also, I have had the privilege of knowing virtually every County Council member that has served under the charter. I can tell you they love Volusia County. I have had also the privilege of working with every County manager during that period of time. Although we were not always in agreement , when I left this chamber, I always knew that the County Council's vote was made in the best interest of the entire county and not just one city. Today survey after survey shows a declining confidence in government. The good news is that citizens trust local government more than they do any other level of government. But when you ask citizens specific questions about local government, only about 9% of them can answer basic questions about what local government does. When they ask specific questions about County government, what does it do, you get that same 9% share. When you asked them what the governing body dies, -- dollars, less than 9% can tell what you do. It's even a smaller amount when you ask with the county manager does. But Volusia County has been a beacon. They have attempted to inform and educate citizens about County government. Your Citizen Academy is a model and is used as a model by others throughout the state of Florida. And you have done other outreach efforts in order to inform and educate the public about what County government does, what you do and the importance of what you do and on their behalf. I am proud to call Volusia County my home. Today I would like to recognize the county of Alicia, the county count -- Volusia County, the County Council and are County manager on behalf of FCCMA President, ICMA executive director , I would like to present to the County Chair this certificate of recognition for operating under the county charter for the past 45 years. Thank you. [ APPLAUSE ] thank you Mr. Parker. We meet a milestone and we have three people here. We have mostly staffed. That is how it is. Kind of upsetting sometimes.

All three of you are greatly appreciated. We just got lucky. We do not reach a. Mr. Eckert did. He keeps telling me . You were here when they drafted it.


He keeps telling me he was -- has been here for years and years. I will now move on. As I said, I apologize I was off the record. Mr. Parker was the city manager of Port Orange when my mother was volunteering to clean the streets. She used to walk up and down [ INDISCERNIBLE ] with a gas blower, a little shovel and a big long metal stick. She would pry open the manhole covers, clean them out because during the 2000 for hurricane the road was flooded. And she took it upon herself to go out there and clean it , and I said you might want to go talk to the city manager before you get run over by a truck or something. Make sure it is legal. She says no problem -- he says no problem go ahead and have fun. And for years she walked all the way from Taylor Road over the bridge and back cleaning up the streets. I am like okay, if that makes you happy.

Now we know why no one comes to the meetings.

That is probably true. Seven months. That's all I got. We will move on so that -- discussion and direction on recruiting applicants for various County Council advisory boards. I have -- I keep saying this on the radio whenever we do the morning preview on Wednesdays. Did it yesterday for like 10 minutes. Pleaded with people join up and be a volunteer. Didn't get any applications yesterday. We did? Nevermind. We had none. You have the four.

Dona Butler community services director. Mr. Dinneen asked if I would take the lead and try to figure out what we might be able to do together. I grew up working on advisory boards and we used to have a lot more than we do now. So -- I understand the frustration in not having applicants for you to review and therefore make appointments. So we came up with a couple of ideas. One that you all have brought up was utilizing our citizens Academy. It's a great opportunity. Folks are already interested in government. So we're going to do a couple of things. They go through about 12 or 13 weeks and on the first day the county manager comes in speaks to them. So he will open up a discussion and let them know that in addition to learning about government, they will learn about opportunities to serve. Through these advisory board. And then each of our department and division directors that has a relationship with an advisory board is going to incorporate that into their talking points with the folks that are going through the Academy. And then on the last day when they come and actually have breakfast with you all downstairs and graduate from their Academy, we're going to actually ask all the staff to come and be available to talk to them about the different opportunities that might be available to them to volunteer. There are some other organization throughout the county that we thought would be beneficial to get the word out through the leadership program. We spoke to the help -- leadership group they have their leadership program once a year of beliefs. So that's a great opportunity. Chamber also has one as well as the young professional leadership groups.

They have three different ones. So we will try to figure out a way to reach out to them also let them know. There is an advisory board hand. We're in the process -- handbook we're in the process of updating. If you have any other suggestions, we welcome hearing them. >> I have one question. How many advisory boards to we have?

27, not necessarily that we staff, but that you all make appointments to.

And they are all necessary? >> According to the charter? The job required by the charter?

I don't know that all are required by the charter. During Mr. Bruno's tenure, Ms. Butler indicated the Council made a concerted effort to determine which boards are legally required or that you wanted as a matter of policy to maintain. And did away with some. So this is kind of a scrubbed list not that long ago.

That was my question because nobody has answered that you. Should we go down and scrubbed the list so to speak that we've already done that so we're scrubbed down.

Not that long ago. I do not think we have created any since then. But this was a judgment of the Council at the time.

I have no other suggestions. Anybody have a suggestion.

What I would suggest is that we give this a try and see how this works and then we can come back to you. This is just the update. I did not want to do this on her own without letting the Council know. So we just get the okay, we will start that process.

I liked. -- Like it.

I think we need to expand our boundaries . We're staying within familiar territory. I would like to see us go outside of that. Maybe PSA through the radio , or even in print media or something. I think --

This was just a hands-on thing , what I could do is we talk about this and let me come back with this, we talk about maybe coming back with a different perspective which is the marketing side.

What you are talking about and I would really like to explore that. We were not prepared for that today. That does not mean we do not think it is important. Let me come back with a list and talk to individually and then come back with some ideas. Because I think you are right that we were just saying can we launch this part and I think the marketing is definitely good. Thank you.

You're in agreements with caring on -- carrying on? Good idea to use our Academy. Yes. Is the Wagner? Are you on board? Yes. Okay. Thank you. We will get back with some marketing ideas. Thank you. That's a. -- At. -- That is it. Is there any public participation this afternoon? So we will now close the public participation. Reports may be heard. Discussion by council members not on the agenda. The we have any committee reports? No subcommittee reports. I am just reading here. Mr. Patterson. He has nothing.

Mr. Wagner? Closing comments.

Not many. You probably at this point have received a letter from the -- from me and the chair of the transportation disadvantaged local coordinating Council. We had someone come in for public comment and point to something out that there is no sidewalk to the [ INDISCERNIBLE ] building which allows transportation disadvantaged have to go there for a couple of reasons. So I sent a letter to --

sent a letter to this Council, the TPO and the city of South Daytona of working together to try to get a sidewalk on the side of the road because the sidewalk from the other side of the road, but a lot of the people going there are mobility impaired. It makes sense.

We actually believe in this case that we should try and meet that need. We will come up with a plan and come back to you.

Okay. Thank you very much.

Good observation Wrigley. -- Quite frankly.

It was actually I believe the -- I forgot her role, but she lives locally and traveled around and advocates for these types of things in those that right away. -- And she knows that right away. The next one, one other item is , is there anything we need to discuss or are we just waiting on the formal DeLand plan?

[ INDISCERNIBLE ] called me. Asking for some guidance. I gave him , I think I know the issue pretty well, so just so you know, I told him first of all I said that we cannot comment on something where we have no plan in hand. What I told him I think we would be interested in looking at is first and foremost, and he understood this, he said in the paper the owners of the county was not operating cost. So there is no argument here. Finally, the got it. the second thing was, what I believe this Council would consider if they want a proposal these are elements I believe they have to have. Is that the city of DeLand would be the party that would take the lead and took ownership of the issue. That to me is so critical , they will take the ownership. So he said what they would be doing is coming to us as a DeLand plan . They may have other people helping, but they would come in with the plan. I talked to him about having a business plan. Will be asked for usually is about five years to show us what they believe, how they were going to achieve running the operation. Interestingly enough, I offered to him that we had allocated a consultant that if we ever needed to use that was good on this -- he wanted the name of that person because they are going to do their homework on how you really make sure the have the cost down. I told him that how they run it is up to them. In other words, if they want to run it through another agency and the talked about I guess the community center, actually being a partner with them. That would be their choice. As long as they were the backstop and issues came back to them if there is an issue, I don't think the Council would be concerned about -- as long as it goes back that they are the responsible party. The next thing was that they would -- then they would have to identify what they're looking for from us as capitol. They would have to identify what they are trying to do with the program. Are the building -- what are they doing? They have to come initially with the program is to make sure you think that it has merit. The next thing is that , if they wanted money for a facility which is what I would anticipate, that they would commit to what they would do , handle the design, the the -- the construction of that facility because you never want to get in a position where you get involved in something and then it does not work and was the bad design. They need to take ownership of the design and construction. So you make sure that the cost that you asked for has a relationship to the actual cost. He said he felt that all those concerns were legitimate. And that that was their intention to put together some kind of request for must admit those needs. I told him then I think the Council would be interested in reviewing a position , and I told him I thought that we were open and that he wanted to make sure that he understood there is no money available , that we would have to decide what we would have to in essence takeout of our budget somewhere. We said we would take up the $4 million and I told him that we had -- he asked about decoupling from the other project. So I said, it is no longer specifically connected to the safe harbor. So it was decoupled from the concept we will call it. So he felt comfortable with that. But I felt good that he, everything that I thought that you would want to review , to even consider, he understood, thought it was reasonable and felt that if they were going to submit something they would do it that way. To me the key is ownership by the community that wants it. And the fact that they were going to figure out what they could afford and what would be effective and what they could run. So I really felt pretty comfortable with his questions. I hope -- I thought he answered it the way you would want me to. He felt comfortable that all those things were reasonable and that that would help him put together a proposal.

That sounds like a proper response to me.

He told me it is going to take some time, maybe 60 days or so. But he said they are willing to do their due diligence to understand what they were getting into and what they would come forward with and what it might cost. I think it was going to try and work out a relationship with maybe orange city to help them based on the residents that they would help.

The land has been -- DeLand has been working diligently as a team as it relates to the homeless. So it is not only the city of DeLand, it's the west side.


And I have been to some of their meetings. They have been meeting at the Methodist Church. They had a big meeting at City Hall. I think it is important for me that we have the opportunity to hear a proposal or something that would indicate as to where the major partners are. I know that the neighborhood center is very much of all. You are talking about additional rooms and beds. So I think that they, from what I am hearing at these meetings, they seem to be more in sync with what I believe is a plan of action. And I would like for us as members of the Council to have some input as to how that $4 million we have on the table that it would -- we should have some say so as to whether or not we want to use it, any of that for the west side.

That would be -- it is totally your choice. In other words. He anticipates making a proposal to you asking you for some of that perceptual budget we said -- set out there. I think the biggest hurdle that gets crossed is if you have an entity that will take responsibility and ownership. And he made it clear, it was not just DeLand, it was the west side. We understand this, somebody's got to take a leadership role and have some responsibility to sign a contract. I was happy with the impression I got from him was that DeLand have decided for the west side to step up. That is the impression I got. If they are going to give us a proposal, they are going to be -- the party you can cling to in terms of making sure that it gets done. Ms. Cusack, they would be trying to convince you that this is , here is what you want to do -- they want to do and are you satisfied, this is what your money would be used for in capitol --

They understand capitol.

Yes. We were very clear about that. And so, it would just be capitol. And that you would have to be happy with the program, you would have to see how they are going to finance the operational cost and you would have to be happy with the amount that they ask for. You would be in the driver seat. That I was telling him for you to really have a discussion, if you have that framework with those elements who is going to run it, who is going to design a, with the design is going to be and how they're going to pay for it, that it would be easier for you to have a discussion because it would be factual in that you can hold the city of DeLand responsible for making sure those elements got him. He seemed amenable to that.

I think they are. [ Captioners transitioning ]

Working together because they increase the beds themselves which is where it belongs. So as I'm sitting there watching me presentation I got the PowerPoint and I believe staff has a two, miss some referred was there with me. Why do need their money. Because they increase the beds as they should. Here is Council what is stopping me a little bit, there appears and still is, and we are saying this, it gives the appearance that there is a $4 million debit card out there. And if we only use 1.2 or one printer, we will save the rest for Daytona and the east side can use it. So that is the attitude that is other currently on the street where the County said they would be an I heard it at that meeting, the land and this and that, the county is not going to get the Lan but it will have $4 million to work with that I want to say no you don't, we never said there's $4 million on the table . And safe harbor is -- issue it is done. So we have to stop that philosophical conversation . There is no $4 million debit card from Volusia County to spend and come up with projects to spend it down because that is ultimately

what is planning. I am watching it and I'm listening. So the thing const money queue Zach that got me in the presentation,

they want to put this building up but it is a day center . . We didn't agree to build they centers. We are looking for shelters . We are looking for real results, not a activities. And I understand and it was said at this meeting that in an emergency, beds -- they could use it as a shelter and put ads in it in an emergency. That is what we are doing now with churches and the Salvation Army, we are fixing that on an emergency basis anyway. So I walked away from that meeting unsettled is probably the best word that I have. I am encouraged , the city and neighborhood said they did a great job. To agencies, that's exactly what we want to happen. That's how we fix it. Locally within the agencies, within the cities but then to say we fixed it so let's go by land and build a day center because there is a $4 million debit card on the table basically and let's spend it down. So I am just sharing with you what my initial thoughts were at that meeting because what they have done with the neighborhood Center I think is great, but another thing in the presentation, what I will look for is the same thing we did with the City of Daytona on safe harbor. I want to see [ Indiscernible ], I don't want to see proposals or what if, I want to see who is going to fund it, who is the oversight agency, how is it going to get funded. I want contractual commitments. Not just otherwise what we will have effectively done is take the Volusia safe harbor model, disassemble it in pieces and put no accountability on it or contractual things that we demanded out of the City of Daytona . For me, that's what I am going to look for. Those same things that this consul said is important to us because we've got to set this thing up for success and I'm not interested in building a day center. I am just not. That was my take away. Maybe I didn't get it all, maybe the presentation will come back from what I saw in the PowerPoint that I currently have from that meeting, it is like the county is going to write the check anyway, let's get the debit card, here it is, we are under $4 million, we should be good, we have consensus, let's move on. It is not quite that easy but it kind of is .

I've been to the other meetings . I wasn't at that meeting. However, it was a lot of people involved. The Salvation Army, and one of the major things, they are beginning to -- they identify a problem . They are setting goals and objectives as to how they will deal with it . Those problems . For me, I am thinking that they need additional dates and they also need some place that people in the West side, there is nowhere that you could have to take a shower for instance . There is one church that has showers once a week. On Wednesdays. And we have a Salvation Army here in the land . I am not saying there is a designated pot of money but I think that we must be good stewards in addressing needs. And needs is that we need to be able to have someplace where we can have resources where people can at least shower . And have a change of close. That is one thing. But for us to just think about its only heads and beds is the only piece that County government should be involved in. I think we are than limiting ourselves also . I think that we should have all things on the table. That is not my personal opinion. All things should be on the table and we should have a genuine discussion with the city, the city's involved and all the things that you are asking for, all that can be put out there, but I do think that we should not say that we are not in a position to be of help other than a building . Capital improvements could be more than just a building for heads and beds.

I want to see what they present. I haven't seen the final -- what they are going to present to us. Because they were talking conceptually . So I want to see what the end product is. But this is a time we go on the record. Josh brought it up. I think it is time we talk about it so that there is no surprises.

I am in agreement with that.

Thank you.


Mr. Rexall has the floor.


I wanted to add one clarification there. When I talked to [ Indiscernible ] you understood that the Council in terms of counsel -- capital there is lots of ways but one thing he did understand was you would get something for your money and it would be a one-time expenditure. That was absolute. The other thing is I agree with you, we don't want people to think that somehow you have this artificial number that use them down to but there is an upside to the $4 million. If you didn't set something then it is unlimited. We at least set some parameter that we want ever going past so I think that cap to some expectations down because if you give people an unlimited -- we will look at whatever comes along, you get proposals that are $10 million. I do think that -- I don't want to backfire on the Council but I think it had some merit and also saying there is a limit. Thank you

Ms. Cusack, anything else?

One more item .

At that you said you are done.

Also send a letter to recur let him know he can only have two or three things on the agenda not 25. We could submit to let him know. Just kidding. I said that to be funny but to ask team there are a lot of good things that were discussed today. I just think everybody for working on that. I know it is a lot of work to get stuff like that together. Send a message to Rick and all the teams.

Okay. Miscues a. Closing comments, ma'am.

Thank you Mr. Chair. I have a resignation of Willie Scheller, who is the Volusia advertising authority board member and chairchair. She has resigned from that. Reluctantly I would move we accept her resignation as presented.

I have a motion for acceptance of resignation of Lily Scheller. Do I hear a second? Mr. Wagner is the second.

Do we need a motion on it ?

She made the motion.

Simply because you make a motion to put them on. I would think it would take a motion . I would just like to go on record as saying to her I as a member of this consul appreciate her service and I hope that we can continue to have a great relationship and she will continue to be of great service to the Southeast Volusia advertising authority. I applaud her for her length of service and for the service she has provided to the citizens of that authority.

I couldn't have said it any better. She has been an asset over there and she will be missed. That means we have an opening. We need a volunteer .

I guess we have to go back to the cycle as to how we will get the next person on that .

I expect you to to be applying for positions. I know where you live. My friend is your neighbor .

And finally --

We have a motion him for I must answer the motion and the motion is to accept the resignation of Ms. Lily Scheller. All those in favor please signify . All those post. So carried . You still have before ma'am.

Thank you Mr. Chair and finally again I want to applaud staff for the excellent work that we have had . This is been a good day. We have had some good news as it relates to many areas in County government. I think that's what we are all about is trying to include -- improve the quality of life of all of our citizens and I personally would like to applaud Mr. Dinneen and all of the staff for an excellent day that we've had today in County government . Today I had a legislator a representative Patterson understands today has been a good day. Thank you.

Thank you. Mr. Daniels. Closing comments Sir?

Yes sir, thank you Mr. Chairman . One thing I would like to do is ask that we put the water contract on the County Council agenda . If the city has evolved past that and they are all excited about it and I know we had begun that back after our water workshop a couple of years back. But they seem to be all on board, excited about going forward, and it will need the County to be involved if it really is going to take off and go someplace. Actually we are the ones with the information . And Kelly McGee would be an excellent person to be in their helping them out and move that forward. And that way when we are doing our lobbying we can say we've got all of this behind us. We've got all of the cities behind us. Thank you.

Well do . If I may, I would like to see the city sign that our first before we start signing off. They are ready have? Kelly just showed it to me today and it was blank. Okay. Nevermind then, I have a move point. Moving on, is Dennis -- missed Denise. .

First of all I want to think again Kelly McGee and John Chaney for meeting was some can situate in the Oak Hill area. There is a gentleman named Charlie Clark and some of the local residents Donna, he is an old Florida native cracker, applies to all of the cattlemen's Association 's and the Farm Bureau. They want to honor him somehow and originally they thought about the asked about changing one of the names of the road from US one down to me town so we've had some discussions of the last couple of months and I said what about just a memorial ? All they want is a memorial which is a lot easier to do than changing the name of a road. So Kelly and Mr. Cheney very graciously met with a couple -- Mr. McGee no relation and Mr. Clark one of the mister Clark's came over to the land -- DeLand to meet with them. If it's okay with you I would like to direct staff to create an agenda item authorizing a memorial marker for Charlie Clark. It would be a side road marker . Very simple, very clean.

Any objection from counsel ? Seeing no objection, please put that on the agenda.

You can work in Mr. Dinneen. When it fits the calendar. We don't need like a Washington Memorial. We will bring them and when it is time to dedicate the Memorial itself. And then a very simple second one, from public input time this morning, consul you all received a handout from the lady that spoke, the spark on itinerant vendors on 44 for 15. Happening all over the County. I been aware of it as traffic increases on 44. There are vendors that are in the right-of-way , there are vendors -- if they are in the right-of-way, and it is a zoning issue as well. Than the people that pull over to buy their produce, they are in the right-of-way. It is a traffic distraction and disruption and I can't believe there hasn't been an accident yet. But now what we have is it is called -- several police reports are attached to her handouts. When they are called in, they will come out of the right-of-way and go into private property. Now we have a zoning and trespass issue. It appears there is one gentleman that is orchestrating it out of orange County. And it is very organized. And I don't like what I'm reading here with his background . And what could be there so we need to protect our property owners, we need to protect the traffic in that area. And again, our folks that are selling, this is about some produce . I know exactly what she is talking about when she was explaining. The two by fours , I think to myself every time I drive by that, part of me says well over, asked them what is going on. And it is like going to the beach, don't look at it, you don't see anything. I see nothing . I just keep driving by. But it is time we addressed it and I think we need to do some kind of code enforcement sweep, zoning sweep and put some teeth into it and find this gentleman. He needs to be identified publicly if we need to. But we need to get control of this now.

If I may also on this, this is not just produce either.

It is not, you are right.

Right there and Mr. McGee you and I for the past couple of years have had this discussion with code enforcement about this guy on Taylor Road and for 15. Who just pulls up off to the side of the road. He is not selling vegetables. But he cells firewood the polls over with his pickup truck and a big trailer and I kid you not, he is about 6 inches off the road. One day I comes up here on there on a motorcycle and I almost got creamed by a car because you can't see it is a blind corner. Is there a possibility we could create a -- some sort of a permit situation?

We have permits.

For roadside vendors.


I was told we don't.

There is a way we do handle this because this lady has a license to sell agricultural products. Yes, we have the structure and it is not our folks that are pushing the limits here. It is the outsiders. And it is my understanding this individual is working the County . He brings in a big panel truck with a bunch of books so it is a health and safety issue. A really us. Anything you can do to help us with this ?

I wanted to clarify the lady who was speaking today, she had a permit because she is doing that on her property. Not on the right-of-way. We don't ever permit anyone on a right-of-way.

Here's what I think we should do. Because it encompasses a lot of uses across the county. What we can do is --

[ Indiscernible - low volume ]

It is everywhere.

One on ML King.

Here is what I would suggest we do. There is both physical realities of resources do we have together with the law. Let us put together a plan and show you what we might do and come back and show you this. I think it wouldn't hurt for us to announce to everybody that we are going to do this. You will have someone cap he campers. The everything I've got to look at is how do we try to make sure we treat everybody fairly because I can see it now, the person we don't happen to go after is a friend of somebody's. So I want to make sure we have a plan and we know what the legal realities are and we have just talked and we will bring you back an overview of how that we think it is and what we might be able to do.

I appreciate that sentiment however you don't take it everybody that beats. You to get the one that is violating it most and is the most obvious. Whenever somebody there to catch .

That's what I want to make sure. I want to make sure we are getting all the ones that are the most obvious. Because I've gone through this and if you don't make a comprehensive, I know what people think. They think that my people well just pick out ones that they have an issue with and let other people go.

I'm asking for immediate development of the 44 issue because when we start getting the police reports,

If your time at one specific one I don't have an issue with that. I can deal with the one.

That's what I'm asking for. A code enforcement there.

We will do that. But I think we should come back because it's going to get worse as is some of his on. We'll come back back with an overall plan.

And how can we implemented ? It has a policy with no teeth or way of enforcing --

Correct. We're willing to do that. Because we have some issues about what we've got to do legally to.

Thank you. Thank you Mr. Chair.

You're welcome. Fred. You got anything to say?

I am upset about this guy selling firewood considering how much know we had and Volusia County.

I understand that. The snow tires on my motorcycle was slipping all over the place.

I hope I'm not in trouble because I bought some jalapeno peppers. I weighed them out under 20 grams. [ Laughter ] Good stuff. Anyway, one person texted in this morning to several of us to suggest that maybe when we go into recess or whatever that we have something going on in the background. It could be announcement time asking for volunteers to let them know it isn't just that we are down to let them know that we are in recess or whatever. I thought I was a good idea and I'm sure many of you all would .

I think that's a fantastic idea . We're going to look at implementing something. A combination Muzak and announcements. With the blessing is I don't know if I lost my connection to you sometime. That was a good piece of input. What happens is when we go off the air it is dead silence and there waiting. It's like the phone, you don't know if you got hung up on. What we could do is look at this and see no one has ever suggested that. It's a great idea.

Of course account is awful be . It would be a big bulletin board but things like serving on committees and stuff .

Targeted message.

You going to need somebody with a radio voice? We might be able to find somebody .

I know people.

Mayor [ Indiscernible ] mom passed away. I was going to send a letter of condolence and did not the rest of the Council wanted to be involved in that. I will have Darla do that. Is a good with everybody?

I am planning on being there as soon as I can get back from my purgatory I have to go to .

I think that's all I got. I'm good. Thank you.

You took my thing, Deb . I was going to talk about the vendor thing. You took it. I don't want to talk about it any more. I am good. That's all I have . You have addressed pretty much everything I've got. Mr. Dinneen, you have nothing? >>I don't, joined us.

Blaming it on Joanne .

We do have something. I will let Joanne do the announcements first and then they do or something that directly relates to this whole thing with DeBary. It's important. And the meeting with -- that they wanted to have it St. John's. We need to get that clarified.

That afternoon Joanne Madeley. I have a few calendar items I wanted to mention. Starting off tomorrow Friday June 3 we have two events going on. At 9:00 a.m. we will be celebrating

the new trail segment for the spring to Spring Trail and Dr. Lowery will be there. This is celebrating the completion of a 2.1-mile segment leaving from blue Springs State Park entrance to the Detroit Terrace in orange city and right afterwards at 1030 we will be having a water quality celebration inside blues ring state park at the Riverside pavilion. If this is to celebrate a $12.7 million advance weight -- water treatment and reuse water project which will protect the spring so wanted to put those two announcements out there. That is happening tomorrow and then on Saturday our beach safety division are sponsoring a 2-mile family beach fun walk which will benefit foster children served by the seventh judicial circuits party and ad litem project. Saturday June 4 at 10:00.

Thank you Joanne. You did that will. We should make her community affairs officer. What you think?

Hold on. You telling us what to do ?


We are in luck. Doug is here. I don't need a lawyer and no I looked at you and said that .

Good point.

We all get to tell him .


Don't you have something to close the day out with and quickly ?

3:27. I am hoping to be out of here by 4:00.

We do need a clarification from you. For the citizens for short that are very concerned about the issue with DeBary and the land . Jamie has some comments and we need some clarification where we should go. This has to do with meeting they wanted to have and it's gotten to be a mess.

We passed the resolution. All you have to do is hand it to them.

They wanted us to meet with him.

That's what I want Jamie to talk about. So we are clear on what we are doing.

The district had originally asked that we -- if they could coordinate a meeting. With the manager from DeBary. And of course we are always amenable to meet with city officials and try to resolve disagreements were issues that we have. Because the water management District executive director was out for several weeks in May we were unable to coordinate a time. The soonest that they have been able to coordinate as of yesterday was June 29. However, Mr. Perrett announced yesterday that tomorrow is his last day and he will be on administrative leave that will be available . We certainly want to talk to DeBary. We certainly want to have a conversation about the storm water issues, as you approve that your may 19 meeting. You put baffle boxes to improve the quality of the storm water going into the DeBary Bayou. It is an issue for the Council an issue for the city and we most certainly want to talk about that. We want to talk about the TOD. The access to the trail. A number of things . But you took a very firm stance today about using the Gemini Springs addition for storm water and development . So I think Mr. Dinneen is looking for an explanation to you all about that meeting and direction that we would like to have it as soon as possible. As soon as ever but he can put it on our calendar. We think the sooner that we have the conversation, the sooner we can error all of the issues and everybody can be on the same playing field. But one of the things I think that we want to clarify is that we would like to look at other alternatives for their storm water. We think that there are some options. Misdirect and walled come up with the other day. We would like the authorization to talk about those alternatives as well.

Okay. Mr. Daniels?

Thank you Mr. Chairman. Why would you want to talk to a guy that is not the city manager any more? That's kind of silly.

That's what I was thinking. I think you need to wait till you've got somebody in authority that is going to be there and can make decisions. That -- this really doesn't sound like a very good idea . There are -- there are homeless people in DeBary that you could pick out one of them and talk to themthem. It would be about as effective . You need to wait until DeBary makes some decisions. They are going to have a meeting later on this month on the issue. They are going to -- they've got an offer out to a new city manager and maybe he will take the job and maybe want. Maybe they will have an interim. Talking to me has been or a gone, just doesn't seem to be a very good idea. Thank you.

I was curious about that. And what about all of their other issues that are going on. I've been watching the news. 'S or even going to be a City of DeBary leadership any more? I know we've got the Mayor in a problem but also the City Council members in a problem.

You know, I don't know if they know. They've got the potential to go to jail. I don't know if anybody told them they ought to think you just did.

You just did and I concur. They may need to seek legal advice.

If Josh was still doing criminal --

Only [ Indiscernible ] [ Laughter ]

That was a commercial .

I agree with you on this one Mr. Daniel. We don't know, we don't have a --

we've got a city manager that is on administrative leave. We don't know where their leadership is going to be in six months. If we set this up they may all be in trial or who knows what is going on.

There comes in just recently his vote to go the other way so others might two. Our mission we need to rush.

There logo has a little song on that and I hear they are going to put a little moon.

What I'm hearing from the Council is we should wait until the June 15 meeting and give you all an update on where we are and what we hear and from there you can give us direction .

Wait until they have either a new manager or an acting manager .

Somebody with authority.

In authority that is stable.

Now you are getting picky. DeBary is stable .

Let me clarify. You would like to -- has to commit message to the water management District that posthaste they should transfer the property and you don't think that a meeting with DeBary --

Transfer the property to us, there's nothing really to talk about and they created a lot of the problems in DeBary, so live with it. You know? there Chairman did .

Smooth that up a little bit. Could you polish that for us just a little bit? I don't mind you tell it like it is but --

I will convey the message from our counsel.

Appropriate answer. Thank you ma'am. But I would like to hear whatever you

This is June and I will tell a like it is.

Rock 'n roll.

I want to thank you for your decision. [ Laughter ]

Yes . That's all I had Mr. Chair .

Mr. Eckert you look like you are pondering somethingsomething. Would you like to have closing comments?

Yes sir, I would. On another subject.


The charter review commission has completed its work in the Council has the obligation to conduct three public hearings and following which to adopt a resolution calling the election to consider those amendments which would be concurrent with the general election in the fall. In 2006, the nature of amendments were discussed or different but the process was followed was that there were three public hearings around the County . In this case the amendments deal largely with the administrative framework of the County, and you are on the Internet so I think the staff would suggest to you that you conduct those -- rescheduled those as part of your regular County Council agenda . But it is not our decision to make. It is your call before we usurped our authority and schedule it on your agenda we want as manager schedule on your agenda we want to have your direction that that is the way you want it to proceed.

I will speak for myself and start with Ms. Cusick .

How has it been done in the past ?

Again in 2006 there were public hearings around the County. But the issues dealt with growth management and more issues external.You could certainly have hearings in DeLand and [ Indiscernible ] and Daytona Beach of that were your pleasure.

Are there any other options?

To have them here either as part of your middle or Council agenda or at some other time. You have -- you could put it for example in your next meeting, the one following and the one following that after which you could adopt the resolution calling for the election. So it's really the councils pleasure whether or not you what to have the hearings here where weld the ecology and we can organize ourselves to facilitate your attendance at the -- if that is sure -- but the nature of the hearings is informational . If you should understand that the purpose of the hearing is to allow people to come this comment for or against and to have questions answered regarding those. It is not -- the purpose of the hearing is not for you to change anything but to try to review commission has proposed. It is just to facilitate a public hearing of their work. They will present to you the final report.We have anticipated that at the first of those hearings. And we thought that Mr. Brown as charter commission review chair as well as many other members of the commission that could and would attend the first of those meetings . So the charter really doesn't give any specific direction nor does it provide for specific notice. I think it leaves it to your good judgment as to how to best achieve the purpose of providing information on the body of work and what the voters will confront. There are specific advertising requirements which of course we will fulfill.

Thank you Mr. Eckert . I would be in agreement with whatever the Council prefers but for me I think the charter review committee has done a lot of work and I will ask them -- to now asked them to go to three different locations to present and be present to answer questions is going a bit beyond. So I would recommend that we advertise and how those meetings here in our regular chambers during our regular meeting. That would be my recommendation. From this councilmember .

Mr. Wagner? What do you think?

[ Indiscernible - low volume ] here.

Mr. Daniels?

APMS part of it. Do we have to be there?

Yes we have to be there.

During our regular meeting.

This Denny's ?

You can't, it has be done by August.

Time specific ?

Yes ma'am.We will set a time,

there is not specific newspaper requirement but we will post it on the web.

Not for that, dates Pacific ? When is the dropdead deadline it has to be completed completed?

Before November.

They have finished their work a little bit early. You have to adopt a resolution so that it can be -- it is on the ballot and soon after the primary . In advance of the primary is an ideal time.

I thought our agreement with the -- it still requires a voter initiative?

The three will be -- the three issues --

there are three questions. Actually you are asking the purpose of what is to be accomplished is to explain the public the information and additional view of what is to be considered by them . It is largely a repeal of provisions that had become -- come into conflict with state law. They are obsolete. To authorize the Council to adopt by ordinance procedures for reimbursement of County expenses. And to consider whether or not the at-large member would serve as the vice chair of the County Council.

That is what I'm asking do we have the time to schedule that during the next three Council meetings is for the sake of scheduling?

Three of the next four. It might not be the next one but it would be the next three. Yes we have the time to do that. This is probably as good a place as any for someone who is -- who supports it or objects to it to say this is a good idea or a bad idea. Whatever they happen to think .

I haven't heard much conversational dialogue on any of it to date so I would be comfortable with having them prehearing Council meetings while we are already here. I am good with that. Thank you.

I think we need to travel. We should use the DeBary City Hall, seeing as they are not using it. Mac one disadvantage of going to DeBary City Hall is that wherever you choose you don't automatically have the Internet facilities and capability you have here in these chambers.

I guess we will be doing it right here. We have had our discussions here about other issues, and I have gotten a couple meetings ago I had a young lady standard here in front of us and say some not so nice things because it was all about one of our projects, hope house or hope place out there and I didn't know anything about it but it it has been in the newspaper for your. We've been talking about it for months and months and she said I didn't hear anything about it. And she was very upset about it and she doesn't want it in her backyard but I understand. I just don't want that to happen. I didn't know anything about the charter review and we did get notification . I want to make sure we don't have that kind of a situation. I couldn't get there because my dog had kittens in the cat had puppies or something else.

That's why you had several meetings . Everybody that has interest in what the government does looks at our calendar. We will make sure it's on there and have a deliberate time and recorded here, very professional and I think there are fewer items and the other thing I think might confuse people who travel is that you can hear all the input you want but you can't change anything. In other words, it is not like the city, it goes on the ballot. You can hear it all you want but it isn't going to change anything, what they decided is what goes forward.

Basically what our charge is, to say yes.

You can signal. What this does is I'm sure that at least Mr. Brown in the beginning or someone else would be here if someone else had a question about what they had proposed. Then that person could explain it from charter review. But that's all they would do is explain it. Now it's going to go on the ballot and you don't have a choice, and voters vote on it. So it doesn't matter .

I think here is a good form, form, it's easy to understand people and we will put it on the agenda so you can't miss it.

And the public will have their opportunity to speak on that matter?


Which will really make no --

They have a right to express their opinion.

But the work -- to be voted upon, they can tell people why other people ought not to support it .

They can lobby here.

I think this is a good idea of the public should support it or think it's a bad idea and the public should not. Very well. Anything else Mr. Eckert? >>No Sir.

Anything else from any public that they have showed up while we were having --

No Sir.

Any other staff report?


Okay. Any other business that needs to come before this County Council? There is a piece of business. All those in favor of adjournment please say I. All those opposed ? Mr. Patterson be great. We are adjourned until June 16. 9:00 a.m., we will be right here. We are adjourned. [ Event Concluded ]


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