
20001549402000200660BriefCARICOM Web PresenceA short Document to place our current web presence into context as of October 2018Prepared by: Christopher Lawrence,Webmaster IIS6900096000BriefCARICOM Web PresenceA short Document to place our current web presence into context as of October 2018Prepared by: Christopher Lawrence,Webmaster IIS730005673725center2420096000Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Background Context PAGEREF _Toc526771615 \h 2Our Current Environment PAGEREF _Toc526771616 \h 2Hosting PAGEREF _Toc526771617 \h 2Web Properties PAGEREF _Toc526771618 \h 3DNS Management PAGEREF _Toc526771619 \h 5Domain Management PAGEREF _Toc526771620 \h 5SSL Management PAGEREF _Toc526771621 \h 5Social Media Management PAGEREF _Toc526771622 \h 6Other Online Tools PAGEREF _Toc526771623 \h 6Mailchimp PAGEREF _Toc526771624 \h – PAGEREF _Toc526771625 \h 7Shutterstock PAGEREF _Toc526771626 \h 7Addthis PAGEREF _Toc526771627 \h 7Google Analytics PAGEREF _Toc526771628 \h 7SMTP Server PAGEREF _Toc526771629 \h 7SEO PAGEREF _Toc526771630 \h 7Background ContextThe website was developed in 2014 and launched in 2016 having been initially implemented with assistance from the Indian Government in 2005. During the redevelopment of this new website, another website was simultaneously developed , both content managed by the Communications Unit. Besides these two core websites there are several other websites that are managed by the secretariat, some of which are developed externally then handed over to the Secretariat.A matrix is provided that illustrates the websites that are created inhouse versus being created by an external consultant. Our Current EnvironmentHostingHosting is currently provided by Hostagtor as follows:1 dedicated Linux (Centos Os7 ) Server1 Dedicated Windows 2012 Server1 shared Hosting plan using a CentOsOur Name servers are also currently hosted by HostgatorThere are no firewalls protecting these servers however this service can be added to our hosting arrangementWeb PropertiesThe following web properties make up our web presence. It should be noted that all waste have a responsive design :NoWebsiteTechnologyResponsible PersonBuilt in-house /External ConsultantRemarks1 ?Expression EngineMr Kendol Morgan, Programme Manager Communications UnitInhouseCMS due for an upgrade2 EngineMr Kendol Morgan, Programme Manager Communications UnitInhouseIntegrated with main caricom website3Flat FileDr Philomen Harrison, Programme Manager Statistics ProgrammeIn-houseManaged by the Statistics Program.4JoomlaMs Jennifer Britton, Deputy Programme Manager ICT4dIn-houseThis website has been disabled due to lack of content updates5carib- DrupalMs Jennifer Britton, Deputy Programme Manager ICT4dConsultantThis website has been disabled due to lack of content updates6Flat FileConference ServicesIn-housePassword protected7 ManagerConference ServicesIn-houseUsed to create registration forms for both internal and external use8cwa.?WordpressProgramme Manager Agriculture DevelopmentConsultantRoaming site built by the Host Country9Expression EngineMr Nigel Durant, Agricultural Trade SpecialistConsultantContent is managed by an external Consultant10WordpressMr Derrick Springer, Director PANCAPConsultant11 Kendol Morgan, Programme Manager Communications UnitIn-house12? EngineMs Volderine Hackett, Deputy Programme Manager , Communications Unitin-houseIntegrated into Main website13 phpMr Derrick Agdomar, Senior Project Officer IISConsultant14 Sandra Barker, Project Officer Documentation CenterIn-house15 Volderine Hackett, Deputy Programme Manager , Communications UnitIn-house16 ?Custom Built - phpMr Derrick Agdomar, Senior Project Officer IISConsultant17cota.Custom Built – Ms Evelyn Wade – Director, Economic Policy and DevelopmentConsultantNot Actively maintained18 ?JoomlaAmbassador Gail Mathurin, Director Office of Trade NegotiationsConsultantMaintained by Derek Browne (Barbados Office)19JoomlaGladys Young/ Salas Hamilton- CSME UnitIn-houseDeveloped by Project Staff who’s tenure has ended20 DeHaas, Deputy Programme Manager, CultureConsultantDeveloped by Host country, Deployed on CARICOM ServerThere are non English speaking CARICOM Member States however most of the aforementioned websites lack language translationDNS ManagementOur Name servers ns1. and ns2. are registered with our Hostgator Host Provider. The current configuration poses a problem since the DNS is managed on the same server as the Linux application host. Should there be a need to reboot the server, DNS would be unavailable for that period. The intention is to move the DNS zone to the registrar or dedicated DNS Hosting /Management. Domain ManagementOur Registrar is currently Godaddy and we are seeking to manage all domains centrally. There are a few domains that are currently out of our control namely:?The aforementioned domains are currently managed by Redspider () a local Web Services Provider.SSL ManagementA wild card SSL Certificate was purchased in 2017 which has a valid until 2020. This wild card certificate will be used to cover *. domains. At the moment non domain being managed by IIS are using the free auto generated SSL (Lets Encypt) provided by the Hostgator Host Provider.Social Media ManagementThere is currently a subscription to Hootsuite however its full utility is not being exploited. The Communications Unit does use it from time to time.The following social media platforms are actively being used. Other Online ToolsThese are supported by the following tools:MailchimpBit.AddthisGoogle AnalyticsMailchimpThere is currently a Mailchimp account in place which manages mass mailing needs. Custom templates were created and are in use by the Communications Unit. There is an opt-in form which has been integrated into both the main website and the Newsroom (today.). Since its implementation the list has grown from 2000 subscribers to 12,000. The list grows at an Avery of about 50 subscribers per week. Lead Generation is however not pursued aggressively at the moment.Additional opt-in forms can be created and integrated with other niche websites such as , the information for which can be stored in dedicated mailing – The platform is used to shorten url for sharing in Social media PostsShutterstockThere is an active subscription to Shutterstock Stock Images until 2019Addthis This platform is used for SocialMedia Sharing and also to aid in lead generation via integration with a Mailchimp op-in form. Google AnalyticsThere is a centralized google Analytics account that has been setup with web properties for each site. This allows access to the analytics in a centralized way. A new web property is created in the google analytics account for each website where tracking is required.SMTP ServerWe are currently using the server SMTP service ( ) which allows 100000 emails/month. The online applications including regional applications under our remit are also configured to use this external SMTP service rather than our exchange mail server.SEOThe three pillars of the SEO Strategy can include :Technical SEO: How well your content can be crawled and indexed.Content SEO: Meta data relevant to the content. The optimization of your content and HTML.Off-site SEO: Building authority through linking/ Back linking.To this end, Search Engine Optimization is almost non existent since it’s the content that needs to be optimized for the targeted audiences. The websites have however been submitted to search engines and the Content Management Systems have the SEO Tools integrated.The markup general uses the bootstrap framework for responsive design and both the server and the applications are configured to use SEO friendly URLs.Sitemaps have not been prepared and submitted to Search Engines. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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