
Minutes of the Chisworth Parish Council Meetingheld on 25th January 2017 at Chisworth Methodist ChapelPresent: Councillor N. Jones (Chair); Councillor D. Brereton; Councillor P. Barnes; Councillor D Sergeant; A. Darkins (Clerk)Apologies: Councillor M. Bell Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 29th November 2016It was AGREED that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 29th November 2016 be APPROVED as a true record. The minutes were signed by the ChairApologies – Councillor M. BellDeclarations of Interest – Councillor Brereton declared an interest in item 9 - PlanningPublic Participation – noneReview of previous actions (where not included as agenda items)Action plan updateVillage signLatest design approved. Despite reminders, we still await a response from High Peak planning about whether planning permission will be required. It was AGREED that the clerk would escalate the non-response to planning managers. It was also AGREED that the clerk would clarify full costs, including sitingBus shelter Prior to arranging flower planters, it was AGREED that Councillor Brereton would itemise and cost the maintenance work required on the shelter for the next meetingDefibrillatorDefibrillator purchase on hold as in order for the defibrillator to be registered with North West Ambulance service, it needs an electrical hook up. Councillor Bell discussing electrical feed with Electricity North West. Can then arrange site inspection from North West Ambulance Service. Training for Charlesworth Defibrillator will take place on Monday 30th January 2017, at the Village ClubVillage garden wild flowersWild flower mix purchased and awaiting planting. New Rec gate with signAwaiting completion of work on the Rec. Topsoil for Rec to repair Electricity North West damageAwaiting conclusion of Councillor Bell’s negotiations with Electricity North West. Councillor Bell arranging a further site visit from Electricity North WestVillage Green status for the RecIt was AGREED that the clerk would print off A4 maps for Councillor Jones to submitErection of bird/bat boxes on the RecAwaiting bus shelter window boxes to be made firstPurchase of picnic tables and building a BBQ area on the RecAwaiting bus shelter window boxes to be made firstSiting of the new dog waste bin at the entrance to the RecHas been delivered and awaiting siting. It was AGREED that Councillor Jones would discuss timescale for siting with DBFootpath sign replacementIn progress. As the Hunters replacement footpath sign is part of the Hunters fence, Councillor Bell has discussed with the Hunters. Possible alternative site to be found which does not interfere with the fencePolice and Crime CommissionerAwaiting meeting date to be arrangedFinancial mattersBudget for 2017/18 - Budget approved Precept requirement for 2017/182016.17 Electoral Register received. Precept approved. It was AGREED that the clerk would submit requirements, reducing precept by 1.44% per householdQ3 Finance report - Budget and Bank reconciliation approved for Q3Expenditure - Clerk salary for Q3 approvedInternal Audit checklistChecklist completed with minor amendments agreed to improve complianceCouncil Tax referendum principles updateCouncil Tax referendum principles will no longer apply to Parish Councils who wish to increase their precept by 5% or moreSchedule of assets Schedule of assets updated to include Chisworth bus shelterAnnual Plan Q3 reviewAnnual Plan updated and to be added to website. Electricity North West reparations holding up planned improvements to the Village Green/Rec. May 2017 suggested as next years Litter Pick event. It was AGREED that the clerk would clarify the issue of taking refuse to the tip. For further discussion at next meetingPlanning matters (Councillor Brereton left the meeting for discussion of this agenda item)HPK/2016/0700Wood store with doorsThis is an amendment to the original planning application with a change of roofing material from slate to stone. There were no objections. GovernanceNo further Governance issues this monthCoal Authority Mine entrancesFollowing a query from a resident, the clerk has obtained a map of the mine entry points and underground workings in the Chisworth area. This will be kept for future reference if required and can also be found on the Coal Authority websiteCorrespondencea. DALC Circulars – 18 and 19/2016 and 1 and 2/2017 - notedb. Derbyshire Mineral Local Plan - notedc. Battle’s Over – A Nations Tribute. It was AGREED that the clerk would contact Charlesworth Parish Council to explore a joint initiatived. Letter from TSB bank about protection under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. Clerk has had verbal assurance that the Parish Council account is covered. It was AGREED that the clerk would also request written confirmation 10. Date of next meetingWednesday 22nd February 2017, 7.30pm in the Methodist Church HallThere being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting.Signed………………………………………………………………. Date……………………………………… ................

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