Investor Real Estate Purchasing Agreement, Sales Agreement ...

Real Estate Professional’s Listing and Selling Short Sale Houses Package

Maximum Success, Inc. thanks you for your purchase of this specialty Real Estate Professional’s Short Sale package. You will find this package is an important tool when listing and selling overleveraged and short sale houses. However, before using any contracts included in this package you should consult with an attorney to ensure your rights and interests are properly served and protected.

Table of contents:

I. List of Forms and Contracts

II. Tips on Completing the Forms

III. Disclaimer

I. List of Forms and Contracts

With this package, you will find many of the Contracts and forms that are needed for listing and selling overleveraged and short sale houses. You should also go to and down load the instructions to IRS Form 982. This form deals with debt forgiveness.

Included in your package are the following forms and contracts in alphabetical order:

|A List of Forms for Real Estate Professionals Listing and Selling Short Sale Houses Package |

|Alternatives to Foreclosure |

|Authorization and Release Form |

|Borrower’s Financial Information Freddie Mac Form-1126 (English) |

|Borrower’s Financial Information Freddie Mac Form-1126 (Spanish) |

|Broker’s Price Opinion Freddie Mack Form |

|Deed In Lieu of Foreclosure (Florida) |

|Deed In Lieu of Foreclosure (Texas) |

|Document Request from Seller |

|Expense Worksheet |

|Flow Chart |

|Foreclosure Disclaimer |

|HUD-1 |

|HUD-1 Line-by-Line Explanation |

|IRS Form 982 |

|Loss Mitigation Questionnaire |

|Sample Notice of Sale |

|Sample Notice of Substitute Trustees Sale (Texas) |

|Sample of Certificate of Disbursement |

|Sample of Certificate of Sale |

|Sample of Certificate of Title |

|Sample of Foreclosure Complaint |

|Sample of Lis Pendens |

|Sample of Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure |

|Seller Questionnaire Form |

|Sellers Asset Information Form |

|Sellers Monthly Income Information Form |

|Sellers Short Sale Hardship Letter |

|Short Sale Cover Letter for Listing or Sale |

|Short Sale Flow Chart |

|Short Sale Marketing Letter |

|Short Sale Marketing Post Card |

II. Tips on completing the forms

The form(s) in this specialty package were created using Microsoft® Word and Microsoft® Excel. You may decide to complete the forms using your computer. You may also print the forms in blank and complete them with a typewriter or by hand.

IV. Disclaimer

These materials were developed by Maximum Success, Inc. All information and forms are subject to this disclaimer.

All forms in this package are provided without any warranty, express or implied, as to their legal effect and completeness. Please use at your own risk. If you have a serious legal problem, we suggest that you consult an attorney. Maximum Success Inc. does not provide legal or tax advice. The products offered by Maximum Success Inc. are not a substitute for the advice of an attorney or CPA.

These materials are provided “AS IS” without any express or implied warranty of any kind including warranties of merchantability, noninfringement of intellectual property, or fitness for any particular purpose. In no event shall Maximum Success Inc. or its agents or officers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation damages for loss or profits, business interruption, loss of information) arising out of the use or inability to use the materials, even if Maximum Success Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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