Minutes of

February 13th 2018

These minutes are not intended to be a verbatim transcript.

Audio of this meeting is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.


Bob Stobbs, President Mallory Lowe

Phil McElroy, Council Member P. O. Box 20

Paul Freeman, Council Member Darmstadt, IN 47618-0020

Steve Kahre, Council Member

Board president, Bob Stobbs, called the regular town meeting to order at 7:30pm. In attendance were President Bob Stobbs, Clerk-Treasurer Mallory Lowe, Council Members Paul Freeman and Phil McElroy. Also present were attorney Jason Spindler and Superintendent Jeff Goerges. Council Member Steve Kahre was absent.

Freeman made a motion, seconded by McElroy to accept the minutes from last month. Motion passed 3-0 voice vote.

McElroy made a motion, seconded by Freeman to approve last month’s financial report. Motion passed 3-0 voice vote.

McElroy made a motion, seconded by Freeman to approve the accounts payable claims. Motion passed 3-0 voice vote.


In the clerk's office: All the W2's where mailed out a few weeks ago. I completed and mailed those out mid January. I filed our salary report 100R to state. I am continuing to work on our Annual Report and will have that completed and submitted by end of this month before the deadline.

We are receiving a new tax revenue this year that comes with our local income tax. It's called Public Safety Fund and we have started receiving $1,510.83 every month. A new line item has been created to keep track of it.

In the Utility Department:

I have submitted liens to county. I still haven't received any settlement from the Newmaster foreclosure. I did write off the Feth's house balance of $587.60 like council had discussed previously.

I spoke to Larry Krack a couple weeks ago. He owns 2 houses across from the Bauerhaus. The 2 homes were on one meter but they had another meter installed and each house will now receive it's own sewer bill. I've received a few small adjustments for sewer accounts last month like usual for leaks and/or water used outside. We had a large one,

Chris Patterson of 12950 Jordan lane called me on January 16th letting me know they had some problems with their pool liner and had to refill their pool, I will adjust their sewer bill to their average like I do other pool fillings in the spring & summer. We had a handful of small leaks that were also adjusted to their average usage.

Old Business

1. Update on Matching Road Grant

McElroy stated we have all the form 96s we need now and Relleke’s bid for drainage work that we should be set to send all the paperwork to INDOT to get the ball rolling. There was some discussion as to let Relleke go ahead and start the culvert work on St Joseph Ave. Council decided as long as weather permits to let Relleke go ahead and start performing work on the culvert and ditch projects.

New Business

No new business

Superintendent Report

Jeff stated that they used over 150 gallons of gasoline just to clear the roads of snow. Jeff stated they are doing ok on salt supply so far this season. The new roof has been installed on the shop building. Randy’s tree service still has Boonville-New Harmony road to clear. Jeff mentioned he and Aaron have also been working to make sure the new home across from Bauerhaus sewer system is going in ok, there were some changes that needed to be made.

Fire Chief Report

Brandon Zimmer passed out fire report and reviewed it with council. Zimmer stated they had 9 runs in Darmstadt last month.

Board member comments

Phil McElroy mentioned there is a house going up for sale in Shadow Bluff.

Paul Freeman mentioned we need to think about selling the dump truck and look into buying something like an F550 with new spreader and plow. Freeman stated total cost may be around $50k and we should perhaps look into planning this for the budget next year. Council will take that under consideration.

Attorney comments

No additional attorney comments

Resident comments

Carol Schlumpf mentioned the pot holes on Inglefield near the railroad tracks were filled in and looked better now as people drive into Darmstadt along the town's welcome sign on Inglefield Road. Superintendent stated county had it filled.

Quentin Hartman stated that his semi trucks drive thru the town of Darmstadt, but was upset that the clerk had mentioned it along with other trucking companies, on social media on the Indiana State Police page to our district Sgt Todd Ringle.

Carol Schlumpf asked if the weight limit signs were posted around town. Superintendent Jeff Goerges replied that yes we have several weight limit signs that are posted on our town roads near Darmstadt's town limit boundaries.

Carol Schlumpf stated that the maintenance guys had done a good job of clearing the roads after all the snow and ice we had come down and the roads looked good.

The meeting adjourned at 8:36pm


Mallory Lowe



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