NATL log

NATL log of actions taken

Kept by T. J. Walker, NAAC Chair, 1994-1999, 2001-2004; NAAC Administrative Assistant, 2000, 2005-date

Note: Actions taken prior to 23 April 1997 are recorded in the NATL chronology at . Since that date that chronology has been periodically updated, mostly with abridgments of this log.

23 Apr 97

Blum, Schumacher & Assoc. hired to design and supervise SEEP

27-28 May 97

ENSO sponsored transplanting 330 wiregrass slips and 160 forbs slips

31 July 97

Reggie mowed in parts of successional area

31 January 1998

Released 6 female and 4 male Atlanticus dorsalis in northeast quadrant of C10. These had been reared from eggs laid by a female captured at Goldhead Branch State Park the previous spring.

Took pictures and slides of temporary ponds and the sinkhole pond near the Surge Area.

Early Feb 1998

Took pictures for NATL slide show.

19 Feb 1998

Talked to FMNH docents about NATL.

24 Feb. 1998

Took pictures of high water in se NATL

12 March 1998

Burned high-use high pine. No smoke problem.

13 March 1998

Took pictures of burn along E gridline from Main Trail north.

2 May 1998


4 May 1998

SEEP bid

14 May 1998

Preconstruction conference and beginning of SEEP recontouring

26 May 1998

SEEP recontouring and contractor cleanup complete

26 May 1998

drought broken with ~3/4 inch rain

27 May 1998

photos made for kiosk

3 June 1998

temporary kiosk erected and displays posted

4 July, 11 July, 19 July 1998

sprayed 8 gal of Roundup on Johnson grass in successional plots

17 July 1998

completed clearing of Plot C (except for a few trees along old road) and began clearing for the 34th Street berm

31 July 1998

mowed roads in low use area and portions of plots A and C.

7 Sept 1998

completed clearing for north half of 34th Street berm

8 Sept 1998

permanent kiosk erected at east gate

11 Sep 1998

photographed low-use high pine and old hog wire along 34th St.

18 Sept 1998

Mowed plots A & C, berm path, and trails

22 Oct 1998

Finished clearing route for 34th Street berm

24 Oct 1998

EMA clean-up of south fence line

20 Nov 1998

Mowed along south fence; rototilled all fire lanes.

1 Dec 1998

University Land Use and Facilities Planning Committee approves berm.

20 Jan 1999

Geomatics Student Association begins survey of 50-meter grid.

17 Feb 1999

Reggie Wilcox refreshes fire lanes.

16 Mar 1999

Prescribed burn of low-use upland pine from south border to Division Trail.

28 March 1999

Cogon grass in E4 and along Main Trail to the south and west sprayed with RoundUp.

6 Apr 1999

Road sign on Hull Road changed from Surge Area Drive to Natural Area Drive

17 Apr 1999

Dedication of SEEP and community tree planting

11 Apr 1999

3.5 gal Roundup, mostly on cogon grass near west edge of plot C

21 Apr 1999

8 gal Roundup, cogon and Johnson grass along and north of Main Trail

1 May 1999

Hedge planted along east DPI fence, mostly wax myrtle and yaupon holly.

3 May 1999

3.5 gal Roundup, mostly cogon grass north of Main Trail; last quart or 2 on Regency Oaks fence

4 May 1999

Base point grid monument set in concrete

18 May 1999

Don Dickson mowed trails and firelanes, new road to berm, and some of berm site. [Got tractor stuck on stump.]

21 May 1999

3.5 gal Roundup, mostly on cogon grass north of Main Trail

26 May 1999

Pictures taken of intial stages of berm construction

14 June 1999

3.5 gal Roundup, mostly on Johnson grass north of Main Trail

24 June 1999

mowed boundaries of Plot D

3 July 1999

3.5 gal Roundup, nearly all on Johnson grass in plot D

25 July 1999

3.5 gal Roundup, grass in successional area and air potato at old yard trash site.

28 July 1999

Reggie mowed all of successional area except Plots D & E. Also roads except for South Trail (flooded).

14 Aug. 1999

Car drove through SEEP fence near south end (same place as once before). Driver’s insurance will pay.

25 Aug 1999

Mark Clark reported that a 6 foot alligator had a nest on nw SEEP.

28 Aug 1999

3.5 gal Roundup; grass in plot B, air potato, and climbing tree fern

19 Sep 1999

Burned piles of logs in successional plot C.

20 Oct 1999

34th Street berm completed

27 Nov 1999

2 gal Roundup: air potato, moon vine, and vegetation on piles of dirt and debris in Plot A

3 Dec 1999

Reggie tilled all firelanes; Don mowed SEEP vistas and Plot C

11 Jan 2000

Physical Plant Division cleared all piles of debris from behind Performing Arts Center and leveled area in preparation for making a temporary parking lot to be stabilized with limerock. When informed that the area was part of NATL PPD canceled the plan (but left the area just as we wanted it)! [David O'Brien apparently knew nothing of this, but Fred Gratto was on the committee that approved the project.]

14 Jan 2000

Anna Lee decided to make the interface between NATL and UF's Cultural Center the subject of her senior project in Landscape Architecture.

1 Feb 2000

TJW completed hauling trash from Regency Oaks area (3 truck loads that were bagged and stacked last summer and that IFAS Facilities Operations had failed to pick up after promising to do so. (After six months Mike Sapp said that they didn't do that sort of work anymore!)

4 Feb 2000

Controlled burn of NATL's high-use upland pine.

16 Feb 2000

Dave OBrien had Marty Wertz prepare Main Trail for 10-wheelers to haul dirt for Plot C. Put limerock in 2 spots and took limbs off trees and hauled them away.

17 Feb 2000

Dirt from Dormitories 2000 site hauled to just north of Plot C.

12 Apr 2000

IFAS bulldozer finished spreading dormitory dirt over Plot C and restoring the western 2/5 of the Main Trail to its original location (immediately south of the tree line that had been on the south edge of the “temporary” Main Trail. Also removed stumps from DPI Trail and 34th Street Trail.

25 Apr 2000

Five NAAC members met with Al Stanley to help him with master plan for Cultural Complex and north NATL.

26 Apr 2000

Sprayed 3.5 gal Roundup on elephant and Johnson grass in Plot A and cogon grass in vicinity of E5

30 Apr 2000

Put 5 signs on fence along 34th Street. Cut mimosa along 34th Street and put Garlon on cuts. Put signs on 2 gates where vehicles enter NATL. Put signs on Division Trail at 3 trailheads into low-use area.

3 May 2000

Sprayed vines on Regency Oaks fence with ca 3 gal Roundup. Used the rest to spray spots missed in 26 Apr spraying.

3 May 2000

Dickson mowed all trails.

4 May 2000

Completed installation of perimeter signs for the low-use area.

4 May 2000

PPD filled small sink at SW edge of SEEP.

4 May 2000

Began to store Housing 2000 dirt on west end of Gasline Trail for use along Regency Oaks fence.

10 May 2000

Took pictures of work in progress at Plot C and of dirt piled on west end of Gasline Trail. Also SEEP at low water during worst drought in many years.

11 May 2000

Took 200 NATL pamphlets to Regency Oaks and 100 to Archer Woods for distribution to residents. Green, information note stapled to front of pamphlet, and apartments locations pasted on map on back of pamphlet

17 May 2000

Sprayed 3.5 gal Roundup on exotic grasses in Plots A, B, and C and in adjacent upland pine. Watered stressed myrtles along DPI fence.

18 May 2000

In Regency Oaks retention pond, cut 3 Chinese tallows and put Garlon on the stumps. One was the probable seed source for tallows in NATL.

20 May 2000

PPD did most of the dirt work required along Regency Oaks fence line. They used all the dirt that had been left on Gasline Trail and needed a little more to finish. I took pictures of that and of nearly dry deep water portion of SEEP.

22 May 2000

Photographed alligators (4 1-ft, 1 6-ft) in drying SEEP.

25 May 2000

Took pictures of site for Performing Arts fence and SEEP drying pool. UPD moved mother gator and babies (Ken had counted 6) to Lake Alice

3 June 2000

Photographed dried-up SEEP and E-5 recovery from fire.

11-14 June 2000

Rains refill SEEP

18 June 2000

Ken Prestwich finds active gopher tortoise burrow ca 50 ft s. of DPI compound (not far from where I saw “last active burrow” at DPI fence about 5 years ago!)

21-22 June 2000

Rains cause SEEP to overflow into low area near Performing Arts.

24 June 2000

Sprayed Roundup on air potato and Johnson grass in D7 and E7, and on Johnson and similar grasses in successional plot B.

14 July 2000

Sprayed Roundup on air potato in D7 and E7, and on Johnson and similar grasses in successional plots D and E.

17 July 2000

Cut, and poisoned with Garlon, mimosas along south fence line.

18 July 2000

PPD completed work along Regency Oaks fenceline and cleaned up the west end of Gasline Trail where the dirt had been stored.

20 July 2000

Mowed trails and western third of Plot C.

22-23 July 2000

Don Dickson mowed rest of Plot C, accessible part of Plots A, B, and E, SEEP, and trails.

27 July 2000

Sprayed 3.5 gal Roundup on johnson and similar grasses in plots D and B.

1 Aug 2000

Blue-light phone installed at NATL’s east gate

2 Aug 2000

Girdled 10-15 laurel oaks and cherries in Plot B and applied Garlon to the girdle.

10-11 Aug 2000

Dirt contractor from Dorm 2000 project used bulldozer to spread dirt he had dumped on Plot C Most of eastern two-thirds of plot now has “loam” rather than clay at the surface. Western third had native sandy soil.

10 Aug 2000

Don Dickson had Tim mowed NATL trails.

11 Aug 2000

Sprayed 3.5 gals Round-up on tall exotic grasses in Plots D, E, and B and on air potato near grid line E between points 7 and 8.

31 Aug 2000

Sprayed 3.5 gals Round-up on tall exotic grasses in Plots D, E, and B and on air potato near grid line E between points 7 and 8.

23 Sep 2000

Mowed Plots A, B, and C. Don Dickson mowed trails.

3 Oct 2000

PPD cut down three large dead trees (pine, gum, oak) that were threatening to damage Archer Woods and Regency Oaks Apartments

5 Oct 2000

Saw a 10-inch-long gopher tortoise on the firelane along the berm in


ca. 17 Oct 2000

GRU moved power pole guy wire from where it was blocking the south trail just east of Regency Oaks to the south side of the fence

6 Nov 2000

David used Danny Colvin’s IFAS bulldozer to move the dirt on Plot C to where it was needed and to smooth it out. All Florida Enterprises installed the long-desired 388 ft of 4-board corral fence behind the Performing Arts Center

12 Nov 2000

Sprayed four gallons of Roundup, mostly on Panicum maximum in plots C, D, and E. Also got remaining clump of elephant grass (in plot B) and a few surviving air potatoes in grid squares D7 and E7. Discovered that south fence had been cut and pulled back near SW 34th Street.

17 Nov 2000

SEEP completely dry (no rain of any consequence since mid September).

26 Nov 2000

About an inch of rain partially fills SEEP

28 Nov 2000

PPD disked Plot C and the firelanes

15 Dec 2000

Tim Whitaker, of UF's Student Geomatics Association, delivered a CAD map of NATL with 13 layers of information.

15 Jan 2001

SEEP dry again.

18 Jan 2001

Don Graetz took soil corings to establish the site for the ephemeral pond near the southwest corner of successional plot D.

24 Jan 2001

Clearing completed for right-of-way to move the Main Trail from the south ends of successional plots D and E onto its original alignment.

5 Feb 200l

SEEP replenished by an inch of rain over the week-end.

12 Feb 2001

PPD dug ephemeral pond in SW corner of Plot D and moved the main trail southward off of Plot D and onto the original roadway.

19 Mar 2001

SEEP filled after more than 4 inches of rain.

6 Apr 2001

Used bushhog to grind up branches from clearing plots A & B and to mow trails.

13 Apr 2001

Mowed trails again (in preparation for turning mowing over to PPD).

23 Apr 2001

PPD mowed trails for the first time.

11 May 2001

Southern pine beetle discovered attacking loblollies near kiosk.

18 May 2001

About 40 loblollies diagnosed as colonized by SPB. Erick Smith to see that they are felled and removed.

19 May 2001

3.5 gal Round up sprayed on Johnson grass in north portion of Plot A; another 3.5 gal sprayed on Johnson and cogon grass in Plots C and D

24-25 May 2001

About 50 loblolly pines cut and removed from NATL. Most were near the junction of Main and East Trails or near grid stake G7. These were infested with southern pine beetles. Some were in Plots A and B and were not infested but were removed as part of the initial clearing of these plots. The contract for removal was arranged by Erick Smith.

2 June 2001

8 gal Roundup sprayed on Johnson, cogon, and Panicum grasses in SEEP and plots A, B; C, and D.

4 June 2001

SEEP has no water (still a puddle in it on 1 June)

6 June 2001

1000 full-color SEEP brochures delivered

7 June 2001

SEEP with plenty of water (two rains did it)

9 June 2001

3.5 gal Roundup sprayed on same grasses as before and on climbing tree fern along Gasline Trail.

12 June 2001

PPD mows trails for second time

13 June 2001

Foltz finds 6 more SPB-attacked loblollies at original foci (PPD takes these down on 16 June and Foltz later sprays the logs) He also finds one longleaf that was SPB attacked but already faded between stakes E3 and E4 (this one left for wildlife) Also four behind Powell Hall, but these already faded (PPD dropped these on 16 June).

20 June 2001

Foltz finds 6 more SPB loblollies at junction of East and Division Trails (PPD takes these down + one new one on 23 June; Foltz later sprays)

28 June 2001

3.5 gal Roundup sprayed on grasses in plots A and C

6 July 2001

PPD mows trails (about 10 days too late)

6 July 2001

TJW mows areas being cleared in plots A and B (in preparation for burning logs)

7 July 2001

3.5 gal Roundup sprayed on grasses on west edge of SEEP; 3.5 gal sprayed on grasses in southwest portion of Plot C and on air potato and along Regency Oaks fence

15 July 2001

TJW and Don Dickson burn stacks of logs on plots A and B. Landowner #115870, permit #42958. Worked from 0700 to 2240 and left burning coals but no smoke. Next morning all fires dead (and no smoke). Phillips Center air handling shut down by PPD during burn but winds from NE during entire period (so all smoke carried away from Phillips.

19 July 2001

3.5 gal Roundup sprayed on invasive grasses in Plots B, D, and E and west edge of Plot C. Air potatoes also sprayed.

19 July 2001

IFAS weed wacked and mowed along corral fence on NATL Drive (inside and out).

20 July 2001

PPD mowed trails in NATL.

23 July 2001

NATL home page transferred from to .

28 and 29 July 2001

8 gal Roundup sprayed on invasive grasses in successional plots and on air potato and skunk vine

ca. 15 Aug 2001

IFAS Facilities Operations had Osteen Bros. remove all trees (other than longleaf pines) and stumps for Plot A and from western portion of Plot B. Don Dickson helped direct the operation. In a second contract, the pile of logging debris at the intersection of the East and Main Trails was removed and the area leveled.

13 Sep 2001

PPD mows NATL trails after letting them grow for ca one month. The tractor driver was able to mow all the way to the fence in the area at Regency Oaks Apts.

21 Sep 2001

Cleared and staked proposed site for NATL academic pavilion.

25 Oct 2001

PPD mows plots A and B but doesn’t get to trails in rest of NATL

2 Nov 2001

Posted new copies of all the laminated sheets that are on the east half of the north side of the kiosk.

9 Nov 2001

Repaired fence, including replacing broken post, at Regency Oaks Apts.; replaced two missing boundary signs

12 Nov 2001

Sprayed 3.5 gal Roundup on air potato, skunk vine, and cogon grass as well as on weeds under fence and around large stump at Regency Oaks Apts.

16 Nov 2001

Plots A and B disked twice by PPD (with Entomology disk).

19 Nov 2001

SEEP dry again.

13 Dec 2001

PPD planted 2375 longleaf pine seedlings in NATL’s upland pine (1125 in public area; 1250 in academic area)

14 Jan 2002

Rain of ca. 2.2 inches nearly fills SEEP.

17 Jan 2002

Work order 596209 to disk fire lanes

23 Jan 2002

Fire lanes disked.

28 Jan 2002

4.5 ft alligator seen sunning in SEEP

20 Feb 2002

Work order 601341 to fill mudholes on Gasline Trail. Work done over next few days.

6 Mar 2002

After 2 to 3 inches of rain over the weekend all pineland north of Division Trail successfully burned.

12 Mar 2002

Work order 604124 to double disk Plot A. (Work done same or next day.)

ca 4 Apr 2002

Roundup and Diquot sprayed on cogon grass in upland pine.

8 Apr 2002

SEEP dry once more.

18 May 2002

Nearly 2-inch rain puts water back in SEEP

28 May 2002

PPD mows trails for first time this year.

22 June 2002

Ken Prestwich nearly completes girdling and cutting of laurel oaks in the upland pine south of Gasline Trail.

24 June 2002

SEEP full for first time in a long time (some run-over into sandy area).

26 June 2002

PPD mows trails (needed it much sooner).

27 June 2002

TJW completes initial girdling and cutting of laurel oaks in the upland pine south of Gasline Trail [most done earlier by Ken Prestwich].

28 June 2002

TJW sprays 8 gallons of Roundup on Johnson grass and Panicum maximum mostly along berm just west of SEEP.

2 July 2002

TJW sprays 3.5 gallons of Roundup on J and P grass in Plots B and E.

3 July 2002

TJW sprays 8 gallons of Roundup on J and P grass in Plots A, B, and E.

8 July 2002

TJW sprays 3.5 gallons of Roundup on J and P grass in Plots A and C.

12 July 2002

PPD mows NATL’s trails

25 July 2002

PPD mows NATL’s trails.

26 July 2002

TJW sprays 3.5 gallons of Roundup on J and P grass in Plots A, B, D, and E and on air potato in the E7 grid square.

30 July 2002

TJW bush-hogged the brush surrounding the remaining stand of trees in Plot B.

9 and 23 Aug 2002

PPD mows NATL’s trails

27 Aug 2002

Work order #629082 to remove tree that was dropped from behind the Performing Arts Center onto Plot A.

31 Aug 2002

TJW sprays 3.5 gallons of Roundup on air potato and on J and P grass in Plots A and B.

5 Sep 2002

TJW mows cogon grass in se corner of the block of upland pine north of Main Trail (in preparartion for herbiciding).

20 Sep 2002

Slab for pavilion poured.

23 Sep 2002

Steel superstructure of pavilion erected

22 Oct 2002

TJW sprays 3.5 gal Roundup on air potato, most on newly discovered outbreak just north of Classic Car Wash.

24 Oct 2002

Pavilion complete except for tables.

7 Nov 2002

Work order #640482 to fill in two mud holes on main trail.

2 Dec 2002

Six tables delivered to pavilion.

4 Dec 2002

Fresh copies of posters installed on south side of kiosk.

4 Dec 2002

Provost Colburn and Dean Cheek photographed at pavilion they funded.

4 Dec 2002

Mud holes on Main Trail filled with soil from two piles left during smoke emergency of 11 April 1996.

7 Dec 2002

Entomology and Nematology Student Organization plants 63 wax myrtles along east DPI fence. Erick Smith (PPD) got the 3-gal plants and helped with their planting.

13 Dec 2002

Received work orders #645354 for renewing firelanes and #645355 for removing barbwire fence along Division Trail

19 Dec 2002

Firelanes tilled.

10 Jan 2003

TJW planted 36 wax myrtles along east DPI fence. The plants were provided by PPD, and this completes the planting of a myrtle visual barrier along that fence.

15 Jan 2003

Received work order #649731 to repair west end of south NATL fence.

27 Jan 2003

Fence repaired.

27 Feb 2003

Wireless web service activated in NATL.

4 Mar 2003

Two bluebird houses installed on corral fence north and east of SEEP.

11 Apr 2003

Received work order #662831 to mow and double disk plot B.

22 Apr 2003

Plot B mowed and double disked.

12 May 2003

Fourteen transplanted wax myrtles along DPI fence dead from drought; watering begun mostly by Ken Prestwich.

14 May 2003

SEEP dry

18 May 2003

SEEP again with water after 0.5-inch rain

20 May 2003

Bush hogged in the north section of the public upland pine to facilitate planting longleaf pines.

21 May 2003

Ken Prestwich and TJW planted 26 longleaf pines in the south half of a 20-foot-wide cleared swath from Main Trail north to gridline 4. The center line of the swath is half way between gridlines D and E.

22 May 2003

Bush hogged from the swath westward to DPI Trail.

23 May 2003

Ken Prestwich and TJW planted 24 longleaf pines in the bushhogged area.

24 May 2003

Ken Prestwich and TJW planted 40 longleaf pines in the bushhogged area.

25 May 2003

Ken Prestwich and TJW planted 27 longleaf pines in the bushhogged area.

27 May 2003

Got work order to spread dirt dumped from Regency Oaks Parking lot: WO #669149.

23 Jun 2003

Kiosk installed in Natural Area Park.

25-27 Jun 2003

Ken Prestwich planted 50 longleaf pines in bushhogged area.

30 Jun to 2 Jul 2003

Forestry Service used Positrac mega-mulching-machine to mulch most of the sprouts, stumps, and down wood in NATL’s upland pine.

2 Jul 2003

Ken Prestwich and TJW planted 39 longleaf pines in the bushhogged and Positracked areas north of Main Trail..

2 Jul 2003

NATL posters installed on NAP kiosk.

3 Jul 2003

TJW planted 20 longleafed pines in south half of public longleaf pine area south of Main Trail.

3 Jul 2003

PPD mowed trails for first time since May!

5 Jul 2003

TJW planted 22 longleafed pines in north half of public longleaf pine area south of Main Trail.

18 Jul 2003

PPD mowed trails without prompting.

31 Jul 2003

PPD mowed trails without prompting

1 Aug 2003

TJW mowed Johnson grass in Plot B in preparation for EHS spraying it with Roundup

5 Aug 2003

TJW used 3.5 gal of Roundup to spot treat Johnson grass in kiosk area and Plots B, D, and E.

18 Oct 2003

TJW used 3.5 gal of Roundup to treat two patches of air potato

24 Oct 2003

TJW replaced NATL signs on fence at Regency Oaks and delivered NATL pamphlets to office (RO had discarded former signs when they replaced fence)

3 and 7 Nov 2003

TJW cut mimosas and painted stumps with Garlon along 34th Street berm and east end of South Trail

ca 20 Dec 2003

SEEP no longer has water.

20 Jan 2004

TJW repaired cut fence at Classic Car Wash and spoke to management about the problem.

22 Jan 2004

TJW repaired two person-size holes in fence at Archer Woods Apartments and spoke to management about the problem.

23 Jan 2004

TJW installed new posters in south side of academic kiosk and cleaned Plexiglas with Windex.

26 Jan 2004

TJW mounted and installed trail signs in public area.

10 Feb 2004

TJW completed installation of stands and signs that identify seven species of trees in Natural Area Park

18 Feb 2004

Alan Long supervised a successful burn of all upland pine except tract south of Gasline Trail.

2 Mar 2004

TJW cleared and bush-hogged route for new fire lane about 100 feet north of Regency Oaks property line (to allow burning of upland pine south of Gasline Trail).

Start of more detailed log of TJW activities in NATL

This was done to better document what the NAAC Chair and other volunteers were doing, in anticipation of a new person becoming Chair for School Year 2005-06. By January 2005, the log was returned to its former level of detail, because, by then, NAAC had decided to recommend that a NATL TA be funded to do some of the tasks currently done by the Chair and others, as well as to provide new services to those using NATL.

16 Apr 2004

TJW spent 1.5 h in NATL cutting the mimosa at the sw corner of the Phillips Center area and applying Garlon to the stumps, cutting and stacking brush from the standing dead trees in plot B, and cutting stumps and toppled dead trees in north-most tract of upland pine. Also replenished maps at academic kiosk.

23 April 2004.

Met with Ken Osgood (ADA compliance officer) and Jim Kisling (PPD contract manager) to discuss location of ADA-compliant sidewalk that will connect Natural Area Park and main body of Cultural Complex. Tried once more to resurrect as the NAAC’s email address.

23 April 2004.

Worked 1.5 h in NATL cutting and Garloning mimosas south of DPI compound, removing cogan grass by hand from the south plot of poppy mallow plot A11-s, and felling stumps and dead trees in upland pine. Also finished removing abandoned tabanid trap except for metal posts that had been driven into clay.

24 April 2004.

Removed posts of abandoned tabanid trap.

1 May 2004.

Fertilized 5 of 10 surviving, numbered pine transplants with one-third cup of 10-10-10 fertilizer. Marked all 10 with 30-in., numbered pvc stake. These fertilized: #1, 4, 6, 8, 10. These unfertilized: #3, 5, 7, 9, 11. Maximum height measured (inches): 8, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 10, 6, 6, 8 [in numerical order (#2 dead and omitted)].

6 May 2004.

Worked to make map for NAP fence and sidewalk in preparation for LVL meeting on Monday. Bought materials for NATL signs and other NATL projects. Spent 1.5 hr touring NATL with Conservation Area Land Management Plan [CALM] Working Group. Cut stakes from PVC pipe and made 4x4 posts for NATL signs. Made signs for poppy mallow plots

7 May 2004.

Staked out proposed fence for NAP and took pictures for LVL presentation on Monday. Prepared PowerPoint presentation concerning hc-access sidewalk and vehicle-excluding fence for NAP. Installed signs at NATL’s four pairs of poppy mallow plots.

10 May 2004.

Gave presentation to LVL. Received approval for sidewalk and fence, including removal of additional chiller plant fence. At the meeting, Greg Rivers volunteered that IFAS would fund the vehicle-excluding fence.

14 May 2004.

Sought again to restore NAAC’s email address (, was finally told why is could not be done (might be mistaken for a GatorLink account if it lacks a hypen), and agreed that we could live with

14 May 2004.

Spent 1.3 h in NATL cutting and Garloning mimosas in the upland pine south of DPI. Also cut or girdled some other trees in same area and cut dead trees and snags.

19 May 2004.

SEEP dry again.

24 May 2004.

TJW & KP fertilized those longleaf pine transplants that we could find. Some had recently died from the drought and others were dying. Many were still thriving. Staked out spots for planting trees in NAP.

25 May 2004.

TJW & KP planned how far south to extend upland pine toward Regency Oaks. KP spent 1.5 hours cutting and girdling trees.

26 May 2004.

TJW & KP with help from Erick Smith spent 4.5 hrs planting 15 trees in NAP. TJW picked up trail signs from sign shop and completed the task of getting restored (gatorlink help ticket no. 122 066). Three new picnic tables put in place in NAP.

27 May 2004.

Erick Smith, KP, and TJW spread mulch around trees in NAP.

28 May 2004.

TJW and KP planted 42 small pots of wiregrass on west side of north block of public area upland pine. (2 h). TJW watered trees in NAP (1 h).

29 May 2004.

KP watered wiregrass transplants in NATL.

3` May 2004.

TJW and KP planted 36 small pots of wiregrass on west side of north block of public area upland pine. (1.5 h).

1 Jun 2004.

TJW and KP planted 30 small pots of wiregrass on west side of north block of public area upland pine. (1.5 h).

2 Jun 2004.

TJW and KP planted 30 small pots of wiregrass on east side of north block of public area upland pine. (1.5 h).

3 Jun 2004.

TJW and KP planted ca 84 small pots of wiregrass on east side of north block of public area upland pine. (4 h).

3 Jun 2004.

SEEP with water again after ca 1-inch of thunder showers.

4 Jun 2004.

TJW and KP planted 60 small pots of wiregrass on west side of south block of public area upland pine (2.5 h).

5 Jun 2004.

TJW installed tall fire-proof stakes to mark groups of transplanted pots of wiregrass. Sawed up and removed large dead tree trunk that had fallen across fire lane on east side of north block of academic area upland pine. Picked up trash on South Trail. Used Mark Clark dies to mark new NAP picnic tables. Labeled hose left hidden south of NAP for watering transplanted trees. (1.5 h)

[End of more detailed log of TJW activities started 16 Apr 2004]

7 Jun 2004.

KP planted 13 small pots of wiregrass on west side of south block of public area upland pine

7 to 24 Jun 2004.

KP regularly watered NAP trees, eliminated the dense “excess” of devil’s walkingstick in the south public-area upland pine by clipping and treating with Garlon, did same for much mimosa in north academic-area upland pine and cut and girdled laurel oaks that had been missed in previous years in the same area. Paid for an additional 200 wiregrass slips for academic area upland pine.

25 Jun 2004.

KP and TJW spread load of wood chips in central area of NAP. KP watered NAP trees and replaced dead plum with Florida maple.

29 Jun 2004.

TJW worked to transplant turkey oaks in south public-area upland pine [sPAP] but could not get water from DPI.

30 Jun 2004.

TJW solved DPI water problem and transplanted 12 turkey oaks in sPAP pine (one per set of wiregrass transplants).

1 Jul 2004.

TJW transplanted 3 turkey oaks in north public-area upland pine [nPAP] and cleared east nPAP fire lane of a large dead pine and a smaller girdled oak that had fallen across. Emailed Phillip Seay about NATL trails needing mowing.

2 Jul 2004.

TJW cleared north nPAP fire lane of large girdled oak that had fallen across. Phoned Phillip Seay about NATL trails. Watered NAP trees.

9 Jul 2004.

TJW transplanted 8 turkey oaks in nPAP pine

10 Jul 2004.

TJW sprayed RoundUp around the base of some of the NAP trees.

12 Jul 2004.

TJW gave presentation to LVL concerning academic access to Preservation Area 2 (=Surge Wetland Conservation Area). They approved the concept of it being integrated into NATL.

12 Jul 2004.

TJW bush-hog mowed about half of SAA pine. (7 h, more than 2 of which were getting tractor free of log between it and mower).

14 Jul 2004.

TJW nearly finished mowing SAA pine. (7 h, included a trip to shop to get mower down after it was stuck in a flipped up position).

15 Jul 2004.

TJW sawed and moved logs to permit completion of mowing in SAA pine. Cleared downed tree from Gasline Trail. Watered NAP trees. (4 h)

16 Jul 2004.

TJW transplanted 19 turkey oaks in nPAPP pine (3h)

19 Jul 2004.

TJW transplanted 8 turkey oaks in nPAP pine (1.5 h)

20 Jul 2004.

TJW sprayed 3.5 gal RoundUp around bases of NAP trees and on Johnson and Panicum maximum grass in Old Field Plot E. Set up rain gage at junction of Old Field and East trails.

21 Jul 2004.

TJW prepared posts for new NATL trail signs and installed most of the signs.

22 Jul 2004.

TJW cleared the South Trail of two large fallen trees that were blocking it.

23 Jul 2004.

TJW planted 10 PPD-supplied, six-foot longleaf pines in nPAP upland pine and moved and watered 10 others in preparation for planting.

26 Jul 2004.

TJW planted 10 PPD-supplied, six-foot longleaf pines in nPAP upland pine and watered NAP trees

27 Jul 2004.

TJW planted 15 PPD-supplied, six-foot longleaf pines in nPAP upland pine and moved hose and water connection to sPAP upland pine.

28 Jul 2004.

TJW planted 10 PPD-supplied, six-foot longleaf pines in sPAP upland pine; arranged to pick up wiregrass slips, sent Paula Fussell info about NATL and asked about CITF allocation process [$500,000 for conservation areas?].

29 Jul 2004.

TJW planted 7 PPD-supplied, six-foot longleaf pines in sPAP upland pine; chainsawed large dangling cherry limb that was blocking Division Trail; installed new signs at intersection of Main and DPI trails. Note: each group of five longleaf pine that were transplanted is marked with a 5 ft stake (with a red and a blue ribbon at top) placed across the fire lane and at the approximate center of the group. The last group (near junction of DPI and Main trails has 7 instead of 5 pines

30 Jul 2004.

TJW used large fork to spread some of north pile of chips in NAP on bare ground and around northern new trees. Went to Micanopy and picked up 500 wiregrass plugs.

31 Jul 2004.

TJW planted 200 wire grass plugs in NAA upland pine: 50 from NW corner east to big pine; 150 from NW corner south to near SW corner.

1 Aug 2004.

TJW planted 175 wire grass plugs in NAA upland pine: turn SW corner and go east toward B10 (every 10 ft east go north and plant >12 plugs).

2 Aug 2004.

TJW planted 125 wire grass plugs in NAA upland pine: go east to mudhole beyond B10 (every 15 ft east go north and plant >12 plugs).

3 Aug 2004.

TJW showed Erick Smith the transplants that may need watering; spread some of south pile of chips on bare ground and around southern new trees.

24 Aug 2004.

TJW spread more mulch from north pile at NAP. (0.5 h) Rain = 0.8 inches. South trail at Regency Oak mostly flooded from RO sink. NATL’s sinkhole pond within 3 vertical feet of Surge Area Drive.

25 Aug 2004.

TJW spread more mulch from north pile at NAP.

26 Aug 2004.

TJW spread more mulch from north pile at NAP.

27 Aug 2004.

TJW spread more mulch from north pile at NAP.

30 Aug 2004.

TJW finished spreading mulch from north pile at NAP and staked out corral fences to be bid.

31 Aug 2004.

TJW cleared way for fence along NATL East.

1 Sep 2004.

TJW cut and garloned mimosas and laurel oaks on 34th Street berm, macheted weeds from in front of trail signs, staked out major mud holes for fall fill-in, and notified Phillip that trails were long overdue for mowing.

3-7 Sep 2004.

Hurricane Frances caused 12.2 inches of rain to fall in NATL, resulting in record water levels in SEEP, NATL sink, and Regency Oaks sink. The depression west of SEEP was flooded as was Regency Oaks parking lot. Lots of trees down but no survey of area south of Main Trail until after Jeanne.

12 Sep 2004.

Rain since Frances =1.1 inches.

26 Sep 2004.

Hurricane Jeanne downs trees that Frances failed to fell.

27 Sep 2004.

Rain from Jeanne = 6.8 inches. Water from Regency Oaks sink running past south end of berm, down 34th Street sidewalk, and into storm sewer to Hogtown Creek. TJW took photos showing that south end of berm probably causes some of the flooding in the Regency Oaks parking lot.

28 Sep 2004.

Showed Erik Lewis and invasive plant contractors where invasives were in NATL. Saw major tree falls in academic area.

1 Oct 2004.

Cleared downed trees from public area trails.

4 Oct 2004.

Surveyed hurricane damage.

List of downed longleaf pines: Public area, 1, 18 inches DBH; restricted area, 2, 12 inches and 16 inches.

List of significant trees downed in hammock area

2 live oaks: 18 and 15 (inches DBH)

1 water oak: 33

1 swamp chestnut oak: 31

1 laurel oak: 26

2 sweet gums: 18 and 19

2 pignut hickories: 21 and 25

1 basswood: 12

5 Oct 2004.

Attended 34th Street Committee meeting; volunteered for committee to revise CC master plan.

6 Oct 2004.

Cleared downed trees from Division Trail.

8 Oct 2004.

Took photos and prepared Powerpoint presentation for LVL.

11 Oct 2004.

Presented annual report to LVL.

12 Oct 2004.

Finished surveying for trees across trails; took up hose in public upland pine. Entered work order to clear trails. Worked on minigrant proposal and letter to stakeholders.

29 Oct. 2004.

Prepared and mailed notice of minigrant program to NATL stakeholders.

3 Nov. 2004..

Surveyed trash problems in restricted area, prepared plan for remedy, and showed Carl Barfield where his group of 40 freshmen could help on Saturday morning.

4 Nov. 2004.

Worked to clear hurricane-downed trees from sink used as dump near H11 (2 h)

5 Nov. 2004.

Finished clearing trees from sink; cleared RO triangle to provide access for students to pick up trash. (2.5 h)

6 Nov. 2004.

Helped with First-Year Florida trash pickup. (3 h). Two First-Year Florida classes did an outstanding job removing trash from NATL.  In addition to cleaning up the casual trash that continues to be deposited along NATL's trails, the students tackled two major trash aggregations that pre-date NATL's start in 1993.  One of these was a weed-choked, hard-to-access triangle of land just north of the parking lot for Regency Oaks Apartments.  More than 20 large bags of trash and numerous objects too large to bag (e.g., discarded auto tires) were removed from this area.  The other legacy site was a small sink, just south of NATL's grid stake H11, that was used for many years for dumping household trash from a farmhouse on Archer Road.  Here, six students extracted enough trash from decaying leaves and soil to fill 15 large bags.  They then carried them up the steep sides of the sink and left them by East Trail for Physical Plant personnel to pick up.

16 Nov. 2004.

Found and marked places in trails that become mudholes in the rainy season. Spent 2 h at the first meeting of the Cultural Complex Master Plan Revision Committee.

1 Dec. 2004.

Met with Marty to show him how the south end of the 34th Street berm needed to be cut off in order to permit overflow of Regency Oaks sink basin into the Hogtown Creek drainage.

4 Dec. 2004.

Members of the Alpha Phi Omega National Co-ed Service Fraternity planted 39 trees and shrubs to help shield NATL from the Southwest Chiller Plant. The plants were furnished by the Physical Plant nursery, and the planting was supervised by Erick Smith. North of the chiller plant, the group planted 10 pond cypress and 20 Virginia willows. Four persimmons were planted between the chiller plant and Natural Area Park and two swamp red bays and three swamp dogwoods were planted in SEEP east of the chiller plant. [tjw spent 4 h on this activity]

ca. 20 Dec. 2004.

PPD took off south end of 34th Street berm to provide floodway for Regency Oaks karst basin. Used some dirt to upgrade nearby portions of South Trail. Left a pile of dirt and vegetational debris just ne of work site.

ca. 20 Dec. 2004.

PPD put sandy fill in summer mud holes (1 on Main Trail, 3 on Gasline Trail, 1 on 34th Street Trail)

24 Dec. 2004.

Watered new plantings around SW Chiller Plant.

1 Jan 2005.

Tried to water new plantings at SW Chiller Plant, but water turned off.

3 Jan 2005.

Attended meeting of the Cultural Complex Master Plan Revision Subcommittee of the 34th Street Committee.

7 Jan 2005.

Fire lanes tilled; Plot B tilled.

20 Jan 2005.

Looked for and found all but one or two of turkey oaks transplanted last summer. Marked each with orange flag tape and used machete to clear away flammable brush. Noticed three large transplanted pine were dead and two or three seemed live but defoliated. Found pine saw flies on last one (which I removed by hand). Most of small transplanted pines from summer of 2003 seemed to be missing!

28 Jan 2005.

Used hoe to clear around pines and turkey oaks on east side of north public upland pine.

9 Feb 2005.

Used hoe to clear around pines and turkey oaks on east and west sides of north public upland pine.

16 Feb 2005.

Finished hoeing around pines and turkey oaks; mapped positions of same.

2 Mar 2005.

Alan Long directed a controlled burn of all of NATL’s upland pine except nPAP. Crews from Ordway, Austin Cary, PPD and Alachua Co. Fire/Rescue helped make it possible to burn in two areas at the same time. Burn over by noon because of low humidity and to allow time to put out smokers prior to a performance of the St. Petersburg Ballet Theatre at the Phillips Center.

9 Mar 2005..

Used chain saw to put dead wood on the ground in sPAP and nRAP. Began new survey of grid stakes.

12 Mar 2005..

Used chain saw to put dead wood on the ground in sPAP and nRAP.

19 Mar 2005.

Chris Benson (invasive plant contractor) spent the day herbiciding in NATL (mainly on cogon grass, I hope).

30 Mar 2005.

Final administrative approval of the addition of Surge Wetland to NATL received from Paula Fussell.

3 Apr 2005.

Chris Benson sprayed Arsenal (imazapyr) on large patches of cogon grass.

5 Apr 2005.

Tom Walker took Matt Trager and Ian Fiske on a walking tour of NATL (east and west) and discussed their minigrant project concerning ants.

14 Apr 2005.

Alan Long headed a successful control burn of nPAP.

30 Apr 2005.

Six-ft longleaf pines inspected and ID stakes installed at base of trunk; 5 of original 52 are dead.

24 May 2005.

Ken Prestwich cuts tops from myrtles along DPI fence

25 May 2005.

KP spreads mulch on transplants and bare spots in Natural Area Park.

26 May 2005.

KP and TJW lay out trails in NATL-east

27 May 2005.

TJW clears hurricane-felled trees from main trail in NATL-east

4 Jun 2005.

6-ft longleaf pines inspected and measured; vines and sawflies removed; 41 (of 52) surviving.

6 & 7 Jun 2005.

Sawflies manually removed from sawfly-infested 6-ft longleaf pines.

7 Jun 2005.

Roundup sprayed in 5-ft diameter circle at base of 6-ft longleaf pines.

8 Jun 2005.

KP and TJW transfer 50 2-gal wiregrass plants from UF nursery to north end of nPAP.

9 Jun 2005.

KP and TJW plant 20 wire grass clumps along west end of north edge of nPAP

10 Jun 2005.

KP and TJW plant 30 wire grass clumps along east end of north edge and north end of east edge of nPAP.

11 Jun 2005.

KP sprays malathion on redheaded pine sawflies on 6-ft longleafs.

13 Jun 2005.

KP and TJW pick up 83 1-gal longleaf pines and take them to nPAP for transplanting.

14 Jun 2005.

KP clears and levels trail between FLMNH service drive and NATL. TJW stakes out planting positions for 36 pines and sprays 3.5 gal of Roundup to suppress weeds around trees in NAP and some of the signs in the NATL public area and to kill Panicum maximum along East Trail at Plot B.

15 Jun 2005.

KP and TJW stake out planting positions for 42 more pines, spray Roundup around 78 planting sites and transplant 30 pines. Later in the day, overseen by Erick Smith, the FLMNH Florida Landscapes Summer Camp class for 3rd and 4th graders taught by Sheda Morshed transplants about 8 more.

16 Jun 2005.

KP and TJW stake out planting positions for 92 more pine in nPAP and spray Roundup around most of these sites.

17 Jun 2005.

KP and TJW stake out planting positions for 102 pine-planting sites in sPAP and spray Roundup on remaining sites in nPAP and all sites in sPAP.

19 Jun 2005.

KP plants 41 one-gallon pines from PPD in the north end of nPAP.

20 Jun 2005.

TJW uses fire rake to clean around 18 turkey oaks along east edge of nPAP. KP sprays Roundup on cogan grass in PAP and uses fire rake to clear planting sites in mid and south nPAP. KP finds three longleaf pine seedlings in nPAP that had germinated in situ, the first discovered within the areas of NATL being restored to upland pine. [These died but in June 2006 KP found a surviving 2004-05 seedling on n. edge of sRAP.]

21 Jun 2005.

Erick Smith of PPD provides 205 one-gallon longleaf pines. KP and TJW move pines from where they had been left at gate to Main Trail to the west end of Main Trail, near where they will be planted, and use fire rake to clear planting sites and distribute 42 pines to sites on the east N-S line of sites.

22 June 2005.

KP and TJW clear rest of nPAP planting sites and plant 60 one-gallon pines. KP plants a 5-gal white fringe tree (Chionanthus virginicus), a 1-gal flatwoods plum (Prunus umbellata), and a 1-gal Carolina laurel cherry (Prunus caroliniana) in Natural Area Park.

23 Jun 2005.

KP and TJW plant 36 one gal pines at remaining sites in nPAP and clear some of the planting sites in sPAP.

24 Jun 2005.

In sPAP, KP, with help from Cathy, clears 54 planting sites and digs the holes to receive the pines. They then plant 12 one gal pines and move the remaining pines to be planted to a single location and water them. TJW numbers the 29 groups of six newly transplanted one-gal pines in nPAP and establishes a system of identifying individual pines by starting with A at the north-most pine in a circle and continuing clockwise as B, C, D, E, F.

27 Jun 2005.

TJW numbers the 17 groups of six sites in sPAP, plants 18 one-gal pines, and waters those 18 plus the 12 planted previously by KP and Cathy.

28 Jun 2005.

TJW plants 24 one-gal pines in the holes dug by KP.

30 Jue 2005.

KP clears 7 six-pine circles in sPAP.

1 Jul 2005.

TJW plants 36 one-gal pines. KP clears remaining six-pine circles and routes between circles.

2 Jul 2005.

TJW clears area at south end of sPAP for planting final 10 pines (7 one-gal, 3 grass stage in smaller container).

3 Jul 2005.

KP plants 10 pines in sPAP.

5 Jul 2005.

KP plants final 2 pines in PAP bringing the total to 288 (205 one-gal, ready-to-shoot, and 83 smaller, mostly grass stage from PPD nursery). Planting was in 48 groups of six (29 in nPAP and 19 in sPAP). TJW waters recently planted pines and gathers up hose for storage. KP clears around turkey oaks in sPAP. [An extra pine planted by volunteers near circle #1 is later found, making the total 289.]

6 Jul 2005.

KP clears around turkey oaks and enlarges 6-pine circles in nPAP.

8 Jul 2005.

KP sprays Roundup to enlarge circles; TJW stores hose from transplanting

9 Jul 2005.

KP returns to Massachusetts. TJW measures 6-ft pines and fertilizes half of them with 0.5 cup 10-10-10 fertilizer; sprays sawflies on tree G3 with malathion.

13 Jul 2005.

TJW uses a fork to take mulch from the north pile at Natural Area Park and augment rings around the northern transplanted trees.

14 Jul 2005.

TJW sprays 3.5 gal Roundup on invasive grasses in successional plots and PAP.

15 Jul 2005.

TJW uses fire rake to finish clearing around turkey oak transplants in west PAP. Shows Curtis of PPD how piles of mulch should be moved and spread at NAP and on the Powell Hall trail.

18 July 2005.

TJW uses fire rake to finish clearing around turkey oak transplants in east PAP. Maps and numbers turkey oaks transplanted in nPAP. PPD spreads mulch on Powell Hall trail, moves some and spreads some mulch in NAP.

19 Jul 2005.

TJW maps and numbers turkey oaks transplanted in sPAP. Spreads mulch around trees transplanted in central NAP.

20 Jul 2005.

Measures turkey oaks transplanted in 2004 to PAP and fertilizes every other one with half cup of 10-10-10.

21 Jul 2005.

Inspects all 2-meter and recently transplanted longleaf pines. All OK except two 2-m ones in sPAP have sawflies.

22 Jul 2005.

Sprays sawflies with malathion. Sprays 3.5 gal Roundup on invasive grasses in nPAP and oldfield plots A and B. Picks up 500 wire grass slips from Urban Forestry Services.

23 Jul 2005.

Sally Wazny and TJW use dibbles borrowed by Sally from City of Gainesville to plant 150 wire grass slips in west side of RAP.

25 Jul 2005.

TJW plants 125 wire grass slips in the central portion of sRAP.

26 Jul 2005.

Sally Wazny and TJW plant 225 wire grass slips in the eastern portion of sRAP.

27 Jul 2005.

TJW replaces aging information sheets on north side of academic kiosk.

28 Jul 2005.

TJW finishes replenishing rings of mulch around new NAP trees (from mulch that GRU had dumped in NAP).

30 Jul 2005.

Sprays 3.5 gallons of Roundup, mostly on Johnson and cogon grass in old field plots and east edge of nPAP, but also on air potato in D7 and E7 and in I11. Saws up and removes top of sweetgum that had fallen across east sRAP fire lane.

3 Aug 2005.

Repairs cut fence at Classic Carwash; cleared huge hickory limb from south segment of East Trail; works with Lucie to check planted pines for sawflies.

4 Aug 2005.

Sprays malathion on sawflies on two six-foot longleaf pines. Cuts up and removes fallen treetop from circle 40 of newly transplanted longleaf pines.

5 Aug 2005.

Sprays 3.5 gal Roundup mostly on skunk vine in NATLw and on air potato in NATLe. Also around transplanted trees in NAP and on Johnson grass in pavilion and SEEP areas.

9 Aug 2005.

Spreads mulch from pile in NAP along south edge of new sidewalk.

10 Aug 2005.

Finishes spreading mulch from pile in NAP. This time on bare ground south of the picnic tables.

12 Aug 2005.

Sprays 3.5 gal Roundup, mostly on NATL-west air potato, Plots A and C and nPAP Johnson grass, and to clear six-pine circles.

17 Aug 2005.

Labels bins for pamphlets and maps on academic and NAP kiosks.

18 Aug 2005.

Uses fire rake and hands to clear around pines in six-pine circles while Lucie checks all pine transplants for sawflies.

19 Aug 2005.

Sprays 3.5+1 gal Roundup on air potato on east edge of NATL-east and west edge of Emmer property . Sprays malathion on sawflies on 2-m pine J3.

23 Aug 2005.

Goes to PPD, talks with Jim Trimbler in sign shop and gets price for signs from Lynn Solt.

24 Aug. 2005.

Meets with Kevin Ratkus and Mark Clark to walk through public area of NATL.

26 Aug 2005.

Meets with Ken Glover and Kevin at the skunk vine patch on Gasline Trail to discuss how to control. Shows Kevin other invasives in NATL-west and NATL-east.

28 Aug 2005.

Sprays 3.5 gal Roundup on air potato at east NATL-east and Classic Car Wash. At both sites it seemed as though this third spraying was to the last remaining healthy air potato plants in the control area. If true, seed production for this year should be practically zero at both sites.

30 Aug 2005.

Meets with Kevin and Mark to walk through south half of NATL-east public area.

1 Sep 2005.

Worked with Lucie to measure longleaf pines planted in 2005 and to ring half of them with one-fourth cup of 10-10-10 fertilizer. Rained out when almost half done. Met with UF chapter of Student Geomatics Association to ask that they survey new gridpoints in NATL’s 14 acres of new ground and resurvey any old grid points for which we cannot find the iron pins. Two of the 24 members talked to me afterward about taking on the project so prospects are good. 

2 Sep 2005.

Went with Kevin to check out effect of Glover’s recent spraying of skunk vine (nothing apparent yet). Used 2 gal Roundup to spray two patches of tree ferns and patch of air potato north of grid point E8.

6 Sep 2005.

Worked with Lucie to finish measuring longleaf pines planted in 2005 and ringing half of them with one-fourth cup of 10-10-10 fertilizer.

7 Sep 2005.

Worked with Lucie to measure 2-m pines planted in 2004 and to fertilize the same half of them as before with one-half cup of 10-10-10 fertilizer. Watered three NAP trees planted in June.

9 Sep 2005.

Sprayed 5 gal Roundup, mostly on Johnson grass in old-field plots, but also on Panicum and Noyau vine. Found two new infestations of Noyau vine, in northeast corner of Plot B and just ne of grid point F4 in Plot A.

12 Sep 2005.

Used PowerPoint presentation to give annual report to LVL committee.

14 Sep 2005.

Watered three NAP trees planted in June. Helped Kevin with keys to kiosks and to NATL storage area in EYN warehouse.

16 Sep 2005.

Sprayed 3.5 gal Roundup mostly on Johnson grass and cogon grass in old-field plots and east edge of nPAP.

19 Sep 2005.

Sprayed 3.5 gal Roundup on NATL-east and E8 air potato and on Noyau vine at old-field plots A & B.

23 Sep 2005.

Sprayed 3.5 gal Roundup on re-growth and missed Cogon grass north of gridline 4. Sprayed Johnson grass, Panicum maximum, and noyau vine encountered in the process. Checked Japanese climbing fern and skunk vine; sprayed the one JCF vine found.

27 Sep 2005.

Marked and labeled patches of cogon grass (CG1 to CG4) and noyau vine (NV-1 to NV-5) with 5-foot, blue-flagged, metal stakes to facilitate record keeping and finding the patches.

28 Sep 2005.

Inspected and cleared around 2005-planted longleafs in nPAP: no new deaths and no effects of dought evident. Inspected and cleared around 2m pines in sPAP: no sawflies and no new health problems.

30 Sep 2005.

Inspected and cleared around 2005-planted longleafs in sPAP: no new deaths and no effects of drought evident. Inspected and cleared around 2m pines in sPAP: no sawflies and no new health problems. Sprayed 3.5 gal Roundup on re-growth and missed cogon grass north of gridline 4. Sprayed Johnson grass, Panicum maximum, and noyau vine encountered in the process.

2 Oct 2005.

Sprayed 3.5 gal Roundup on cogon grass in plots A and C and in miniwarehouse retention pond. Staked and labeled patches of cogon grass (CG5 to CG12) to help track treatments and results. Removed sign at dead longleaf pine in NAP to save it for later use.

3 Oct 2005

With Kevin’s help, moved some heavy junk out of NATL.

Inspected and cleared around 2m pines in nPAP: sawflies on C4 and K2.

5 Oct 2005

Sprayed malathion on sawfly infestations.

9 Oct 2005

Sprayed 3.5 gal Glypro on cogon grass in eastern end of miniwarehouse retention pond and new patch of air potato in sPAP. Sprayed Garlon 4 on test plot of devil’s walking stick in south end of sPAP. Checked skunkvine kill from most recent spraying by EH&S.

16 Oct 2005

Sprayed 2.5 gal Glypro on cogon grass in old field plots, nPAP and along Main Trail.

17 Oct 2005

Met with Nature Trail Subcommittee.

20 Oct 2005

Sprayed 1 gal Glypro on air potato in NATL-east and near E8 and on noyau vine in grid square E3. Sprayed Garlon 4 on test plot of devil’s walking stick on west side of nPAP. Staked out areas to be mowed for SEEP vistas from Natural Area Drive.

21 October 2005

Sprayed 3.5 gal Glypro on cogon grass and noyau vine.

23 Oct 2005

Kevin led a successful trash pickup by more than 40 volunteers supplied by Center for Leadership and Service as part of Make a Difference Day. The volunteers filled a dumpster with trash collected from the Central Marsh, Sinkhole Pond, and along Archer Road.

27 October 2005

Worked with Kevin Ratkus to locate grid stakes and to evaluate their need for resurveying.

28 October 2005

Sprayed 3.5 gal Glypro on cogon grass and noyau vine. Worked with Lucy to find grid stakes and evaluate their need for resurveying.

2 November 2005

Worked with Kevin Ratkus to locate grid stakes and to evaluate their need for resurveying.

9 November 2005

Worked with Kevin Ratkus to locate grid stakes and to evaluate their need for resurveying. Finished task

10 November 2005

Mowed Plot B with IFAS bushhog mower. Lucie checked 2-m pines and those in 6-pine circles. Two new dead 2-m pines. Four circle-pines infested with cottony aphids.

ca 26 Nov to 12 Dec 2005

Ken Prestwich worked for 2 hours or more most every day in PAP, mostly cutting tall brush and treating the stumps with Garlon 3.

ca 25 Nov 2005

Put up new signs in NATL-east and new and replacement signs in NATL-west.

13 Dec 2005

Gave Carrie Adams a tour of NATL’s upland pine in preparation for her using it in her class on Restoration Ecology.

16 Dec 2005

Completed revision of the four panels for the south side of the academic kiosk.

ca 9 Jan 2006

Cut oak regrowth in uncleared island in Plot B and herbicided stumps.

ca 13 Jan 2006

Mowed portions of Plot B that could not be mowed in November because of dead wood. Also mowed edges of uncleared island and mowed a pathway through it.

ca 20 Jan 2006

With Kevin’s help, put up revised poster panels on south side of academic kiosk.

With Kevin’s help, picked up dead wood in Plot B and piled it in uncleared island.

28 Janurary 2006

Assembled and distributed plants, tools, and containers of water needed to replace eight longleaf pines that had died in the 48 sets of six transplanted in 2005. Planted three of the pines, which were 3-gal, PPD ready-to-shoot pines delivered to NATL by Erick Smith.

1 February 2006

Kevan plants remaining five pines.

2 Feb 2006

Alan Long, Kevin Ratkus, Erick Smith, Jack Putz, and Tom Walker met in PAP and made plans for future efforts toward restoring NATL’s upland pine

11 Feb 2006

Kevin Ratkus leads volunteers from Clubs and Departments that use NATL in Ardisia removal, 9am to noon. Thirty pounds of fruit and the parent plants removed.

17 Feb 2006

Kevin Ratkus and Erick Smith staked and mapped 12 save-some-seedlings action sites in sRAP and 12 in nRAP.

20 Feb-Mar 10 2006

Ken Prestwich returns to Gainesville and works regularly in NATL’s upland pine--mainly cutting laurel oak sprouts that are 5 ft and higher and painting the stumps with Garlon.

25 Feb 2006

Kevin Ratkus leads volunteers from Leadership & Service, Wetlands Club, and SNRE in Ardisia removal, 10am to 1 pm.

27 Feb-6 Mar 2006

KP and TJW fine tune the position and mapping of the 24 SSS sites in RAP. At each site three focal seedlings are selected and flagged and the surrounding area cleared so as to not admit or support fire during the controlled burn. Outside the cleared areas, 32 focal seedlings were selected to determine the effect of the wet-towel treatment outside of cleared areas.

20 Mar-1 May 2006

Ken Prestwich returns to Gainesville and works regularly in NATL’s upland pine--mainly cutting laurel oak sprouts that are 5 ft and higher and painting the stumps with Garlon.

24 Mar 2006

Erick Smith leads the planting of a group of three ready-to-shoot longleaf pines in NAP. With the approval of NAAC, these pines are in memory of Jane B. Walker, who died on 19 Feb 2006. Participants include Erick Smith, Erik Lewis, and members of Jane’s family (husband Tom, daughter Rose Ann, son and daughter-in-law Bill and Anne, and granddaughters Alison and Kayla).

27-31 Mar 2006

The Wetland Club and PPD, led to action by Kevin Ratkus, construct the long-planned weir to regulate water flow from SEEP’s forebay into the rest of SEEP.

29-30 Mar 2006

TJW waters all flagged seedlings in SSS sites in RAP.

31 Mar 2006

TJW applies 3.5 gal Glypro to regrowth of cogan grass in the 16 patches that were treated and monitored in 2005. Also tests new sprayer by applying Garlon 4 as a basal stem treatment to devil’s walking stick in PAPs and clears fallen tree from north end of East Trail.

3 Apr 2006

SEEP dry. TJW stakes and numbers 31 SSS sites in sPAP.

4 Apr 2006

TJW flags and makes ready for washcloth application two longleaf seedlings at each of the 31 numbered SSS sites in sPAP.

5 Apr 2006

Helped Kevin saw away the hurricane-downed trees that would interfere with removing unwanted fencing on Saturday’s Greek Day volunteer project.

6 Apr 2006

Devil’s walking sticks that were basal-stem-treated on 31 March are wilting. Watered the 62 longleaf seedlings flagged for the sPAP SSS project. Staked and numbered 20 SSS sites in nPAP and flagged two seedlings at each.

7 Apr 2006

Completed staking, numbering, and mapping of the 33 SSS sites in nPAP. Watered seedlings at 20 of these sites. Helped Kevin clear rest of hurricane-downed trees along fence in sinkhole pond (to ready it for removal during Greek Service Day).

8 Apr 2006

TJW completed flagging and watering seedlings at the SSS sites in nPAP. Modified 4 sPAP SSS sites to replace flagged seedlings that had died of drought. Applied 3.5 gal Glypro to weeds around trees in NAP and to large patch of cogongrass missed 31 March.

8 Apr 2006

Greek Service Day. Kevin supplied and directed three groups of volunteers as they removed fences in NATL.

14 Apr 2006

Used Garlon 4 and new sprayer to do first pass of basal stem spraying all the devil’s walking sticks in PAP. Also did a few laurel oaks and mimosas as I encountered them while spraying the devil’s walking sticks. New sprayer is amazingly more efficient than the sprayed used last fall.

15 Apr 2006

Looked for air potato in previously treated area at east edge of NATL-east but found none (must be too early).

24 Apr 2006

Used Erick’s weed wacker to cut around turkey oaks, 2-m pines, and circles in NE nPAP.

25 Apr 2006

Worked with Ken P. to chainsaw hackberry and elderberry in SE sPAP and apply Garlon to the stumps.

28 Apr 2006

Looked for air potato emergence at the three principal sites and found none except one possible 3-leaf sprout at. NATL-e. Used 3.5 gal round up to expand SSS sites and 6-pine circles in PAP.

2 May 2006

Began planting the ca 350 longleaf slips donated by Don Dickson. Planted 140 in sRAP: five groups of 12, with subgroups of 3, along south firelane (n=60); 8 around periphery of each of the twelve SSS sites (n=80). Helped much by Ken Prestwich, some by Lucy T. Each transplant required about half gallon of water, transported in 1-gallon milk jugs.

3 May 2006

Same crew planted 120 more.

4 May 2006

Finished job with 53 more. Some help from Lucy.

Summary: 313 planted, all in RAP. Eight around most of 24 SSS sites=175. Eight new sets of 9=72. Five new sets of 12=60. One new set of 6=6.

5 May 2006

Applied 3.5 gal Glypro to regrowth of cogan grass in the most of the monitored cogon grass sites. Much new growth for the first time this year.

6 May 2006

Applied 2 gal Glypro to regrowth of cogan grass in remaining cogon grass sites. Applied 1.5 gal to enlarge 12-pine sites #58-62 in sRAP. Used about a pint of Garlon 4 to basal stem spray mostly devil’s walking stick but also some mimosa, laurel oak, etc in PAP.

14 May 2006

Checked air potato sites; none found except one plant at Classic Car Wash site. Cut up trees that had fallen across trails in old-field area. Checked on and watered pairs of llp seedlings to be saved in sPAP. (Lucy had earlier done same for nPAP.)

15 May 2006

Removed two longleaf pines and a hackberry that had fallen across trails in NATL’s public area. Cut and poisoned laurel oaks that were growing at bases of longleaf pines in Plot A. Cut and poisoned small hackberries in Plot B.

16 May 2006

Used 3.5 gal Glypro to expand the 6-pine circles in sPAP and circles 22 to 28 in nPAP. Ken P. used about 3 pts of Garlon 4 to basal stem spray devil’s walkingstick, laurel oak, and mimosa in sPAP.

17 May 2006

TJW and KP cut up longleaf pines that had previously been cleared from trail between plots A and B; also cut a few hackberries in plot E and put Garlon on the stumps.

18 May 2006

TJW and KP cut from plot E many hackberries and a few other trees that had grown up since 1994. Stumps were treated with Garlon 3.

19 May 2006

TJW and KP work a total of 9 hours to census and water the 313 container-grown pines planted in RAP 2-4 May 06. About 95% had survived (n=297) and about 87% were expected to survive (n=271). This required about 105 gallons of water.

20 May 2006

Spent 3 hours censusing the seedlings at the 65 SSS sites in PAP and watering surviving seedlings. Of the 130 seedlings originally flagged, 27 had died with no nearby substitutes available (=21% mortality). Used about 15 gallons of water.

22 May 2006

SEEP dry again.

23 May 2006

TJW and KP cut from plot E many small trees that had grown up since 1994.

25 May 2006

TJW and KP finish cutting small trees from plot E and cut or girdled a few larger laurel oaks and cherries on the south edge of the plot along Main Trail.

26 May 2006

TJW and KP spend 9 manhours watering the container grown pines and the flagged SSS seedlings. Of the 313 container-grown pines planted in RAP about 89% had survived (n=280) and about 80% were expected to survive (n=249). Of the 130 seedlings originally flagged in PAP, 41 had died with no nearby substitutes available (=32% mortality). Used about 110 gal water.

1 Jun 2006

TJW and KP cut and poison Chinese tallow sprouts in Mini Warehouse retention pond, cut and girdle some more trees in Plot E and clear trail and cut up longleaf pine that had fallen from Plot B into plot A.

2 Jun 2006

TJW sprays 3.5 gal Glypro on cogan grass, but runs out of spray about two-thirds through.

5 Jun 2006

TJW and KP establish tentative route and points-of-interest for upland pine nature trail.

6 Jun 2006

TJW finishes spraying cogan grass and sprays rest of 3.5 gal Glypro on Johnson grass, mostly in plots A and B.

8 Jun 2006

Kevin, Ken, and Tom water the container-grown LLP transplants and SSS project seedlings. Dying from drought continues. [Mark had parked Wetlands trailer with 500 gal of water in tank at southeast corner of sPAP.]

10-11 Jun 2006

TJW uses 3.5 gal Glypro on air potato, skunk vine, Japanese climbing tree fern, and Johnson grass. Empties sprayer by enlarging areas of PAP SSS project (in preparation for planting wiregrass). Also flags surviving seedlings in sRAP SSS project. Prepares for leading 1-hr “outdoor seminar” on NATL to USDA biocontrol workers.

13 Jun 2006

Tropical storm Alberto brings 4.7 inches of rain to NATL, refilled SEEP, and ended the drought that was killing longleaf pine seedlings.

14 Jun 2006

KP and TJW clear tree from Division Trail, worked on making skunkvine infestation accessible, and marked a possible route for the Upland Pine Nature Trail.

15 Jun 2006

TJW censuses and flags surviving seedlings in nRAP project. KP and TJW complete the task of dropping the branches of hurricane-downed trees south of Gasline Trail to make it possible to access skunkvine infestation for spraying. They discover a modest airpotato infestion mixed in with the skunkvine!

16 Jun 2006

KP makes skunkvine more accessible for spraying both north and south of Gasline Trail.

17 Jun 2006

TJW sprays 3.5 gal Glypro on skunkvine, air potato, johnsongrass, and nPAP restoration islands.

21 Jun 2006

KP and TJW work to determine route of Upland Pine nature trail.

22 Jun 2006

Trail subcommittee walks and discusses UPNT. Route given OK.

23 Jun 2006

Met with Ronald Kuehl along with Mark Clark and Don Graetz to devise a program for mapping the soils in the old-field plots. TJW sprays 3.5 gal Glypro on two newly discovered patches of cogon grass and one of air potato. Also checks 2-m pines for sawflies and finds and sprays groups feeding on seven trees. Checks restoration-island pines in sPAP. All OK.

24 Jun 2006

Sprayed 2 gal Glypro on two new air potato patches along Gasline Trail and old cogon grass sites. Did not empty sprayer but quit because of showers.

26 Jun 2006

KP and TJW mark route of UPNT with flag stakes.

28 Jun 2006

Helped Kevin borrow my mower to use to clear the Upland Pine Nature Trail. Sprayed 3.5 gal Glypro on cogon grass.

29 Jun 2006

Sprayed 3.5 gal Glypro on cogon grass

Kevin completes the clearing of the Upland Pine Nature Trail.

5 July 2006

Kevin and TJW clear poppy mallow plots and use Garlon 3A to treat small tree stumps in the southmost plot in two of the three pairs (the northmost and southmost of the pairs of plots. (Neither of the plots in the middle pair is so treated). Started removing weeds that were shading the pines in restoration islands.

6 July 2006

Sprayed 3.5 gal Glypro on air potato and cogon grass

12 July 2006

Sprayed 3.5 gal Glypro on skunk vine and air potato

14 July 2006

Sprayed 2.5 gal Glypro on skunk vine and air potato

15 July 2006

Kevin leads a group of ten Summer Plunge volunteers in upgrading Natural Area Park by spreading mulch, trimming vegetagion, and planting a sweet gum.

15 and 16 July 2006

Found, flagged, and weeded 134 surviving container-grown llp transpants and 43 naturally germinated seedlings in RAP.

17 July 2006

Went with Ken to pick up 1000 wiregrass slips at Andrews Nursery in Chiefland.

18 July2006

TJW and KP plant 8 wiregrass slips in each of the 29 restoration islands in nPAP for a total of 232 slips.

19 July 2006

TJW and KP plant wiregrass slips in rest of restoration islands and in the 24 s-s-s circles for a total of 344 slips.

20 July 2006

KP and TJW plant the remaining 421 wiregrass slips in the 65 save-some-seedling sites and near the 30 surviving 2-m pines in PAP and in the 46 container-grown pine trios in RAP.

25 July 2006

TJW and KP cut a section from the downed longleaf pine that lay across the south east portion of the Upland Pine Nature Trail. KP sanded and varnished the cut surfaces. The section will be used to make two benches.

26 July 2006

TJW and Kevin R use 3.5 gal Glypro on skunk vine, air potato, and cogon grass. Kevin will take over spraying invasives starting next Monday during TJW’s absence in August.

31 July 200

Kevin sprays Prosecutor (glyphosate) on cogon grass and Lantana

Aug 2006

Kevin plants 20 l-gal longleaf pines in RAP at sites where all or all-but-one container grown pine had died and at SSS sites where all or all-but-one naturally germinated seedling had died

26 Aug 2006

Kevin sprays Prosecutor on cogon grass and Lantana.

5 Sep 2006

TJW sprays 3.5 gal Prosecutor on skunk vine.

6 Sep 2006

TJW sprays 3.5 gal Prosecutor on skunk vine, air potato, and Japanese climbing fern.

8 Sep 2006

Kevin mows upland pine nature trail and clears around trail signs

TJW cuts limb from East Trail and censuses planted pines in sPAP.

11 Sep 2006

Checked 2-m pines.

12 Sep 2006

Sprayed malathion on sawflies on three 2-m pines.

16 Sep 2006

Helped Kevin with Gator Plunge by supplying tools and using about 12 of the volunteers to weed restoration islands in PAP.

Kevin reports that 50 volunteers worked on 5 different projects throughout NATL

• Nature-scaped SEEP stormwater inlet with limestone landscape rocks, cypress and spartina grass

• Weeded Upland Pine Restoration Islands (North & South)

• Trash clean-up in northern section of NATL-east

• Mulched around trees in NAP (~12 cubic yards)

• Built up SEEP earthen berm in low areas

17 Sep 2006

Finished “first draft” of Upland Pine Nature Trail, including stocking a document box at the trail head with trail guides.

20 Sep 2006

Sprayed 3.5 gal Prosecutor on skunk vine.

22 Sep 2006

Sprayed 2.5 gal Prosecutor on air potato, Japanese climbing fern, and UP nature trail.

Worked with Kevin to weed container grown pines in RAP and sss circles in sRAP and to put in three fence posts to protect vulnerable grid stakes from vehicles..

29 Sep 2006

Kevin and I finish weeding the planted and germinated pines in RAP, cut up a log on a firelane, and measure all of the 2-m pines.

30 Sep 2006

Sprayed malathion on two sawfly infestations. Updated Upland Pine Nature Trail and its trail guide. Weeded last restoration island in sPAP.

1 Oct 2006

Sprayed 2 gal glyphosate on skunkvine and 1.5 gal on UP nature trail. Updated UP nature trail and trail guide.

5-6 Oct 2006

Set flags on 10ft stakes at grid points and all SSS and container-grown pines sites in RAP to help Div of Forestry bushhoggers avoid destroying the pines.

8 Oct 2006

Marked tentative route for old field nature trail.

9 Oct 2006

Showed Jamie Ritterhouse of Florida Div. of Forestry what needed bushhogging and what sites should be left alone in RAP.

11-12 Oct 2006

Marked tentative route for hammock nature trail

13 Oct 2006

Worked with Kevin to clear and mow old field and hammock nature trails.

16 Oct 2006

Florida Division of Forestry uses its new Positrac mega-mulcher to bushhog three-fourths of the 7.5 acres of RAP.

18 Oct 2006

FDOF uses its older mulcher to bushhog the rest of RAP. They successfully avoid the small pines (recently planted container-grown or gallon pines and natural seedlings) that I had flagged in hopes of saving them.

20 Oct 2006

Worked with Kevin to clear and mow old field and hammock nature trails.

26 Oct 2006

Finished first draft of old-field trail points of interest.

27 Oct 2006

Kevin finishes clearing and mowing old-field and hammock nature trails.

1-2 Nov 2006

Tim Ruscello and Tom Walker measure the pines in the restoration circles in PAP.

3 Nov 2006

Tim Ruscello and Tom Walker cut and poison many of the laurel oaks in Plot A. Also work on skunkvine control.

6 Nov 2006

Plot B east of OFNT mowed and thoroughly disked.

8 Nov 2006

TR&TJW census trees =>1.5m in plot D and measure their heights.

8-10 Nov 2006

TR&TJW cut and poison most laurel and live oaks in plot A.

9-10 Nov 2006

TR&TJW census the 65 SSS sites in PAP and take the markers from 34 of the 35 sites that no longer had surviving seedlings. (One has a 2003 transplant that looks like it is going nowhere.) The number of seedlings surviving was 47 (cf. 130 flagged in early April).

10 Nov 2006

Tim Ruscello begins mapping and measuring the pines in RAP.

15-17 Nov 2006

TR&TJW cut and poison oaks in Plot A plus a few in Plot C.

20 Nov 2006

Old-Field Self-Guided Nature Trail opened to the public.

21 Nov 2006

Gave Doug Noble, FLMNH, a tour of NATL’s UP and OF nature trails.

28 Nov 2006

Censused turkey oaks planted in PAP in July 2004: 18 of 50 still alive. Stakes marking the planting sites removed except for three on east side of nPAP and two on west side of nPAP. Of the 18 alive, 15 were in nPAP

29 Nov 2006

Began eradication of Vitex negundo and Leucaena leucocephala by cutting and applying Garlon 3A to stumps.

1 Dec 2006

Completed cutting oaks in Plot A (and putting Garlon 3A on the stumps). Updated POIs for UP and OF nature trails and put out new versions of trail guides.

6 Dec 2006

Applied Garlon 4 basally to remaining stems of Vitex and Leucaena at known sites.

11 Dec 2006

Applied 1 gal glyphosate to air potato at citrus area in southwest corner of E7.

26-31 Dec 2006

Ken Prestwich cut all saltbush trees north of gridline 5 in Plot C.

10 Jan 2007

Ken Prestwich and Tom Walker cut the 183 trees >1.5m tall in Plot D, except for 1 peach tree. All stumps were poisoned with Garlon 3, except the 123 saltbush.

11 Jan 2007

Censused new pines in RAP.

12 Jan 2007

Tim R. and Kevin R. began cooperative clearing of E-W gridlines.

15 Jan 2007

Tim R and Tom W rake flammables by hand from most small pines in PAP.

16 Jan 2007

UP and OF nature trails revised; new trail guides put out. Kevin removed flammables from around 106 small pines in RAP

17 Jan 2007

Tim R. and TJW completed removing flammables from 5 small turkey oaks and ca 425 small pines in PAP.

30 Jan 2007

Fire lane disked within inner edge of Plot D. Area from north corral fence to 10 ft north cultivated in preparation for planting mixed evergreens to screen North Trail from Phillips center parking area.

31 Jan 2007

Gave talk to Cultural Plaza Advisory Committee and advised them of the need for pedestrian access to the trailheads of the upland nature trails.

5 to 9 February

TJW, Tim Ruscello, and Kevin Ratkus cleared the gridlines in the restricted area of NATL-west in preparation for making a new photographic record of NATL vegetation (first done in January 1997).

3 Feb 2007

Volunteers, led by Kevin Ratkus, planted a vegetational screen between the North Trail and the parking lot at the rear of the Phillips Center. Eight varieties of native trees and shrubs were positioned along a 300’ fence line to mimic a “natural” random growth pattern.

Approximately 25 volunteers from the following student clubs participated:

• Florida Leadership Academy (School of Business)

• Alpha Phi Omega (Service Fraternity)

• Wetlands Club

• Environmental Horticulture Club

• School for Natural Resources & Environment

PPD supplied tools and more than 100 plants.

10 Feb 2007

TJW developed methods for making photographs to the N, E, S, and W at each NATL gridpoint..

11 Feb 2007

TJW took 104 photographs from the 26 gridpoints in the restricted area hammock using 60mm lens..

14-24 Feb 2007

Repeated the 104 photos in RA HM (using 50 mm lens) and took 211 photos at 55 additional gridpoints.

28 Feb 3007

Located and made accessible for photographs the final two grid points (I1 and L12).

Kevin, Tim, and I learned how to use Mark Clark’s sub-meter GPS instrument and software.

1 Mar 2007

Took photos at I1 and L12. Grid photos now complete!

5 Mar 2007

Alan Long, with great help from a variety of sources, executed an effective controlled burn of nPAP, sPAP, and nRAP (in that order); sRAP was not burned because smoke was not lifting well from nRAP.

7 Mar 2007

Ken Prestwich and Tom Walker cut or girdled remaining hardwoods in Plot E and applied Garlon 3A to the wounds.

8 and 9 Mar 2007

KP and TW cut or girdled sweetgums and cherries in the east end of the Prestwich tract.

19-23 Mar 2007

Tom and Tim cut and poisoned and girdled and poisons hardwoods and loblollies in PAP.

22 Mar 2007

Hammock Self-Guided Nature Trail opened.

23 Mar 2007

Kevin and Tim led volunteers in planting red cedars and (Wilmot viburnums?) along DPI fence north of Main Trail. Kevin mowed nature trails afterwards.

26 Mar 2007

Replaced faded NATL posters on academic and NAP kiosks.

23 Apr 2007

PPD bush-hogged plot D.

24 Apr 2007

New trail guides for UP and HM trails (with major additions and improvements).

28 Apr 2007

Business students pick up trash in NATL-east, as reported later by David Boneparth [] (Academic Programs Coordinator, College of Business Administration):

“We were able to fill 10 bags at least half full of trash. We worked all the way to Archer road. It still needs a lot of work, but hopefully we made a dent. The most common items was beer cans and bottles. There was also quite a bit of fiberglass, a mental frame of sorts and things that are buried under leaved and shrubs.”

30 Apr 2007

PPD moves brush and small logs from edges of plot D to a single stack in its center.

1 May 2007

Installed new SEEP poster on nw section of academic kiosk. Poster printed on vinyl and mounted on Plasticore by Signs by Tomorrow.

4 May 2007

Replaced tree signs in NAP. Marilyn Martin provided the new signs.

6 May 2007

Installed new POI markers, protected with Minwax spar polyurethane, on OF nature trail.

12 May 2007

Did same for HM nature trail.

21 May 2007

Did same for UP nature trail

21 May 2007

Used Garlon 4 to basal stem spray mimosas in Plot A and some oaks at bases of trees in Plot B. Girdled base of large cherry at start of UP trail and applied Garlon 4.

30 May 2007

Asked Phillip Seay to resume regular mowing of NATL trails.

11 June 2007

Finished cutting stumps to ground level in preparation for disking Plot D.

Set up test of adhesives for gluing plastic-laminated signs to slant tops of 4x4 posts at trees in NAP arboretum.

14 June 2007

Kenny disked Plot D and mowed trails.

15 June 2007

Ken Glover sprayed glyphosate plus diquot on large patch of exotic grasses on east edge of plot B.

19 June 2007

Old-Field Nature Trail detoured to edges of Plot D until the plot’s restarting in late fall.

Ken Prestwich continued to work on leveling tall vegetation in south part of sPAP.

20 June 2007

Storage building installed near pavilion. Ramp and steps to be added.

23 June 2007

Met Dan Ward at NATL and learned a lot of new plants. Dan has resumed his interest in NATL’s flora and added 3 new species during our stroll. He will send me the latest revision of his list.

27 June 2007

Worked with Robbie Gugenheim (day laborer from Action Labor) for 8 hrs to weed 29 restoration circles in nPAP and to plant 295 2nd year containerized longleaf pines in blocks A8, B8, and C8 of nRAP. Also worked some in sPAP to get ready for weeding.

28 June 2007

Inspected 2-m pines. Found and sprayed sawflies on 10 of the 24 trees. (3 of these infestations actually found and sprayed as much as 5 days earlier.)

29 June 2007

Sprayed 1.5 gal glyphosate on skunkvine.

30 June 2007

Sprayed 2.0 gal glyphosate on air potato, and Johnsongrass.

2 July -15 Aug 2007

Worked with Ken P. to fell previously killed trees along south edge of Plot E.

5 July 2007

Staked out nRAP into 31 “planting plots”, most of which were ca 25x25m (one quarter of a 50x50m grid square).

6 July 2007

David Reed (day laborer) and TJW weeded 19 restoration circles in sPAP.

David Reed, Kevin Ratkus, and TJW planted 447 2nd year containerized longleaf pines in the remaining planting plots of nRAP.

David Reed and TJW cut and poisoned mimosa and devil’s walkingstick in nRAP.

9 July 2007

Met with Darcie MacMahon and Jay Fowler at FLMNH to get advice on printing panels for nature trail kiosks.

10 July 2007

Starting at 7pm, helped Mark Clark lay out the route of the 500ft SEEP boardwalk in preparation for the pre-bid meeting of contractors.

11 July 2007

Attended 9am pre-bid meeting of contractors and went to SEEP with them and showed them the route of the boardwalk.

12 Jul 2007

Ken P and TJW drove to Andrews Nursery at Chiefland to pick up 1000 containerized longleaf pines and 1000 wiregrass slips. Don Dickson delivered his John Deere Gator

13 July 2007

KP and TJW felled more of the trees that we had killed along the south edge of Plot E.

14 July 2007

Kevin Ratkus with KP and five graduate student supervisors he had recruited used ca 25 volunteers to start the planting of 1000 pines and 630 wiregrass slips in nRAP. A thunderstorm curtailed the volunteer effort but the supervisors finished the job on their own. This amounted to ca 33 pines and 21 wiregrass in each of the 30 25x25m planting plots of nRAP. During the same time period TJW supervised 3 inappropriately dressed volunteers in the planting of 225 wiregrass slips in the 29 restoration islands of nPAP.

16 July 2007

KP and TJW planted 96 wiregrass slips in the north-most 16 restoration islands of sPAP.

17 July 2007

Sprayed 3.5 gal glyphosate on skunkvine, air potato, Japanese climbing tree fern, and Johnsongrass.

19 July 2007

KP and TJW felled remaining girdled trees from south edge of Plot E.

25 July 2007

Sprayed Johnsongrass and Panicum maximum in Plots D and B.

27 July 2007

Kevin sprayed cogon grass patches.

Kenny mowed north half of Plot E in preparation for using it as a laydown area for the construction of the SEEP boardwalk

30 July 2007

Cultural Plaza Advisory Committee now enthusiastic about NATL’s self-guided nature trails.

31 July 2007

LVL’s CITF Subcommittee declined to pay costs above $100K for NATL nature trails.

3 Aug 2007

Kevin mowed firelanes around sRAP in preparation for a possible summer burn.

EH&S gave final approval to new NATL storage shed.

4 Aug 2007

Sprayed 3.5+1 gallon of glyphosate on exotic grasses in Plots B, D, and E. Sprayed 1 gal on air potato and skunk vine.

8 Aug 2007

NATL’s first summer burn. Burn Master Tom Workman, aided by Eric Smith and Kevin Ratkus, burned patches within sRAP that had sufficient fuel to carry the fire—mostly around the sparse mature longleaf pines. The Austin Cary brush truck was the support vehicle. Ken Prestwich and Tom Walker helped.

9 Aug 2007

Hammock kiosk completed but door with smaller viewing area than specified.

10 Aug 2007

Aided by Kenny with his tractor mounted posthole digger, set 4x4 posts for the signs for the remaining 16 trees to be labeled in NAP.

15 Aug 2007

Sprayed 2.5 gal glyphosate on invasive grasses in Plots B and E and 1 gal on skunkvine. Used Garlon 4 in oil on large vines of skunkvine for first time. Cut off last large stump on row of trees on the south border of Plot E.

17 Aug 2007

Sprayed 3.5 gal glyphosate on invasive grasses in Plots B and on vines growing on brush pile in Plot D. Helped Kevin clear fallen trees from East Trail and Hammock Nature Trail. Hammock poster installed in hammock kiosk.

30-31 Aug 2007

Attached signs laminated by Marilyn Martin to 4x4 posts in NAP arboretum.

31 Aug 2007

Kenny mowed Plot D and NATL trails. Kevin rejuvenated the north side of the academic kiosk and the document dispenser at the NAP kiosk. I sprayed 2.5 gal glyphosate on skunkvine north of Gasline Trail and on exotic grasses in plots B and E.

2 Sep 2007

Herp pond in SW corner of Plot D filled during 3.8-inch rain in late afternoon.

3 Sep 2007

Lots of activity at herp pond. Dragonflies ovipositing. Water beetles had flown in.

4 Sep 2007

Herp pond nearly dry.

Tim and I weeded restoration islands 1-7.

5 Sep 2007

Herp pond dry.

Sprayed 2 gal glyphosate on skunkvine and air potato.

PPD double disked plot D.

6 Sep 2007

Bought first batch of lumber for six kiosks and took it to Powell Hall, where Jeff Sheldon, whom I’m hiring for 4 weeks will do the assembly and painting of the modules. The parts for the modules will be cut by the regular museum shop personnel. Jeff will work for the shop people to compensate for their doing part of the work that he was originally to do.

11 Sep 2007

Tim and I weeded restoration islands 8-13.

12 Sep 2007

Sprayed vegetation in herp pond in preparation for curing seepage.

19 Sep 2007

PPD filled mudhole at south end of trail between Plots C and D.

PPD, mistakenly believing that a work order said “fill the herp pond,” whereas it actually said “repair the herp pond,” dumped a load of fill dirt in the herp pond. Upon being told of their mistake, they removed the fill from the pond.

21 Sep 2007

Herp pond fills during 1.4” rain.

22 Sep 2007

Gator Plunge event organized by Kevin Ratkus, who reported “On Saturday September 22nd NATL organized ~30 student volunteers associated with the UF Gator Plunge event to come out and spread soil within the wooden ramp retainer walls we [Mark Clark & Kevin] built. The volunteers moved approximately 25cyds of soil with shovels, wheel barrels and strong lower backs.”

22 Sep 2007

TJW weeded most of remaining restoration islands (finished the task several weeks later).

24 Sep 2007

Sign warning “Natural Area Teaching Laboratory, Authorized vehicles only” missing from north gate to Main Trail. The screws that held it to the top board had been removed.

27 Sep 2007

Pre-construction conference for the SEEP boardwalk. Construction begun.

29 Sep 2007

Tim and I erected a 14ft-high “kiosk hoist” and used it to erect the frame of the kiosk for the Upland Pine Nature Trail.

1 Oct 2007

Herp pond still with water even though rain since it filled on 21 Sep. totals only 0.35 inches. Work order to repair pond rescinded since pond may be adequate to mature some frogs.

3 Oct 2007

Sign discovered missing from gate on 24 Sep 2007 reported to UFPD as stolen with a value of $50.

5 Oct 2007

Kevin and I erect PT frames for Intro and OF kiosks.

10 Oct 2007

Roofs for three kiosks completed.

12 Oct 2007

Tim Ruscello and I required 5 hrs to get roof onto Intro kiosk.

15 Oct 2007

Intro kiosk complete except for back cover and content.

17 Oct 2007

Jeff Sheldon terminated having completed all parts for six kiosks except for three roofs. He used the facilities of the FLMNH shop and had expert help from its personnel.

19 Oct 2007

Kevin and I erected frame for west SEEP kiosk. Tim and I hoisted roofs onto UP and OF kiosks.

22 Oct 2007

Completed installation of roofs for UP and OF kiosks.

24 Oct 2007

Completed staking the routes of new corral and field fences.

27 Oct 2007

Kevin Ratkus and Julian Resasco worked with nine volunteers from the Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity to improve and fill the SEEP boardwalk approach ramps.

30 Oct 2007

Tim and I completed the three kiosks at the start of the upland nature trails (but not their contents).

31 Oct 2007

POI’s and trail guides for three upland nature trails updated.

5 Nov 2007

Document specifying the cost of the six new NATL kiosks and the methods for building them prepared and given to Erik Lewis.

9 Nov 2007

Correctly printed panels substituted for the wrongly printed ones in the three kiosks on the North Trail. Their heights adjusted for best view of items. Kevin hauled slash from tree felling from the site of the kiosks to the pile of brush in Plot D (for burning).

13 Nov 2007

Chain link fence complete except for short stretch through pool at SE corner of NATL-east.

21 Nov 2007

Used screws and plates to repair broken board on fence on north side of NAP.

23 Nov 2007

Charlie Stuhl, recruited by Kevin via Craig’s List, removed 1997 field fencing and posts from sections where it would be rendered obsolete by new corral or field fencing.

26 Nov 2007

Nature trail guides updated. Sprayed glyphosate on cogon grass along OFNT and Johnson grass in Plot D.

28-29 Nov 2007

Checked skunkvine and air potato infestations and sprayed those plants that were found.

29 Nov 2007

Cut hackberry trees that were impinging on the new chain link along the south and west borders of NATL-west.

30 Nov 2007

Cut pines etc. in SEEP vistas.

Tom Workman and Kevin burned the brush pile in Plot D

3 Dec 2007

Checked miscellaneous invasive infestations and sprayed those plants that were found.

Deep-water pools in SEEP now dry.

6 Dec 2007

Steve Brickley led a crew from the Student Geomatics Association in establishing all but one or two of the out-of-the-pond points needed to extend NATL’s 50-meter grid into NATL-east. In addition to Steve, the crew consisted of Nick Diguttolo (who had done preliminary work on the project about 10 months earlier), Kory Paxley, and Chad Harralson.

10 Dec 2007

Used a router and letter templates to inscribe “Hammock Trail” on the lower crosspiece of the hammock kiosk.

Obtained two work orders:

#1050741 Double disk plot D

#1050742 Mow a designated area on the east edge of SEEP

13 Dec 2007

Used a router and letter templates to inscribe “Old Field Trail” and “Upland Pine Trail” on the lower crosspieces of those two kiosks.

13 Dec 2007

Steve Brickley led a crew from the Student Geomatics Association in completing the extension of NATL’s 50-meter grid into NATL-east. Nick Diguttolo is to prepare a map of the survey with GPS coordinates for the points.

14 Dec 2007

Obtained work order # 1051390 to repair two rainy-season mud holes in the Main Trail.

18 Dec 2007

Boardwalk completed!

19 Dec 2007

Plot D double disked.

SEEP vistas mowed.

20 Dec 2007

KP and TJW moved left-over boardwalk lumber to Pinetop for storage.

21 Dec. 2007

Upland nature trails updated.

Ken Prestwich resumed Garlon 4 applications in PAP.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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