
Calendar Overview: Weather Dependent and Subject to Change! (

Phase I - MP 2: January / February

❖ Distribution of Phase I Requirements Monday 1/13/20

❖ Novels Read with Accompanying Notes 1-3: Due Monday 2/3, Tuesday 2/18, Tuesday 3/3

Phase II - MP 3: March

❖ Intro to Literary Criticism / NoodleTools / Preliminary Works Cited / Research Proposal

**Library Dates: Wednesday 3/11 – Thursday 3/19 – 4 class periods**

3/23 Literary Criticism Notes Due w/ Works Cited

3/25 & 3/27 Research Proposal Due / Conferences

***3/13 Fri. FINAL CHANCE TO ACCESS GALE DATABASE SOURCES – Need to use this source FIRST!



Phase III - MP 3: March / April

❖ Intro to Synthesizing Research into Topic Outlines, Final Works Cited, Rough & Final Drafting

Week of 3/30 Topic Outline with Formal Thesis (need copy for class for peer editing)

Thurs. 4/2 MP3 Ends!

____________ Rough Draft due (need copy for class for peer editing)

____________ Final Draft submitted to TurnitIn

*Final Summative Paper Grade will be on MP4!

Requirements Overview

1. This paper, when completed, typically runs anywhere from 5-6+ pages, typed, double-spaced.  (Content only, not including the Works Cited)

2. The completed paper (both rough draft and final copy) will include the paper itself and a Works Cited page, arranged alphabetically and in proper MLA format.

3. The paper and Works Cited must be in correct MLA format to be scored. No citations in the paper and / or no works cited = automatic score of zero!

4. Research papers of this length typically contain a minimum of 3-5 secondary sources. At minimum, you must have 4 total sources: 3 criticism articles, and the novel.

5. The final copy must be submitted to Schoology/Turn It In by the deadline in order to be scored.

6. The paper counts as a significant portion of your marking period grades. You cannot pass marking period 3/4 without satisfactory completion of all sequential research paper steps. 

Research Process Phase II Overview - Checklist of Steps

At this point in the research process, you have read / analyzed your selected novels, and chosen preliminary topics of research interest based on theme stems from your novel background. Now, you have to limit / focus that topic of research interest by reviewing your Novel Notes, connect to literary criticism, and submit your research proposal. Where do we go from here in Phase II?

*Criticism Note-Taking – Continued Notes

1. Continue to expand your research using library Print / Gale / Bloom’s online sources. Remember: the databases expire on __________, so gather AS MUCH INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE BEFORE THAT DATE!

2. Make sure you must have topic headings on all note pages so that you can easily sort your information in this process.

*Works Cited which must be printed out in correct format and submitted to accompany your finalized Criticism Notes.  Note:  The Works Cited must also include your novel which is your primary source as well as 3 additional criticism sources.

1. Continue to add / edit sources on NoodleTools as you sharpen your research focus. My suggestion is NOT to delete any source until you are in the drafting stages of Phase III.

Suggested Categories / Topics for Thesis Refinement

Please remember that your thesis statement / focus for the research paper is always a work in progress during the entire unit and will shift / change based on the direction of your criticism research notes.

You are NOT required to keep the same ideas / wording from your proposals as you continue to move through the research process. Remember what we discussed in class - the Research Proposal was only a starting point to solidify your ideas in the process at that time.

Let the continued research GUIDE YOUR THESIS. Please do not try to hold onto a single idea for a thesis, and research ONLY that singular idea. You will be setting yourself up for lots of extra time and frustration. The best method is to do the inverse; take in as much information as possible from the criticism articles and then summarize your findings to write / revise your thesis. Reflection and editing are required elements of every successful research process assignment.

Still Unsure About Your Thesis?

***Refer to previous “Theme Is” packet given in class for a sample list of thematic stems/ big ideas.

A digital copy is also posted on the website under the “Literary Analysis Resources” tab.

Also, here are some suggested topics for consideration (most will connect to your protagonist in relation to the overall meaning of the work / theme!):


• Society vs. Individual

• Sin, Guilt, and Redemption

• Fate Versus Free Will

• Light and Dark Selves  / Good vs. Evil

• A Voyage to Self-Discovery / Identity

• Moral Decay / Madness

• Manipulation / Deliberate Deception / Initiation into Evil

• Freeing the Spirit that Lies Within

• Psychological Effect of _____________________ on character development

• Analysis of Religious Allusions in relation to theme

• Trace elements of Existentialism, Communism, Puritanism, etc. in relation to theme (Contextual Analysis connected to theme)

MPHS LIBRARY CATALOG NOTES for Lit Crit PRINT Sources – REF especially!

**Be sure to write the title, author, AND call number!:


STUDENT'S NAME____________________________________________ PERIOD ____________

Please initial EACH of the following items after we have reviewed the packet in class:

______I am responsible for adhering to the guidelines and time schedule for this research paper assignment, regardless of my unexcused absences.

______If I encounter difficulties or problems throughout this assignment, I will inform Ms. B immediately and make arrangements for help.  

______I have read the packet and understand what is expected in order to complete the assignment successfully.  

______ I realize that I must meet all deadlines, and that I cannot pass marking period 3/4 without successfully completing the paper according to the requirements set forth in this packet.  


Signature of Student Date


Dear Parent / Guardian,  

As part of the curriculum for AP Literature 12, all students must complete a research unit using the complete research process. Because this assignment will comprise a significant part of marking periods 3 and 4, I want to let you know that you should see your child working on this project at home from now until the April due date. Each student has a list of requirements and due dates for each step towards completion.  All students must acceptably complete these assignments in order to pass marking period 3 and 4.  

If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact me at 762-7125 ext. 2100 or via email at nicole.bukowski@bsd.k12.de.us. Please sign below to indicate that your student has reviewed this important assignment with you.


Signature of Parent / Guardian Date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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