
Study Guide

Exploration and Colonization

1. Explain the difference between how Native Americans viewed land and how Europeans viewed land.

2. What was the biggest impact of European settlement during the colonial period on Native Americans?

3. List the FOOD products that originated in the Americas and were shared with Europeans in the Columbian Exchange.

4. Native Americans led a series of rebellions and wars against the British colonists because the settlers were expanding into the western frontier of the New England region. What were the names of those wars?

5. What was the forced journey of slaves from Africa to the New World called?

6. What were the motives for exploration for the Spanish Conquistadors?

7. What was the first permanent English settlement in North America?

8. What was the motive for settling Jamestown?

9. Who was the first important leader of the Jamestown colony?

10. How was Jamestown funded when it was started in 1607?

11. Before the Virginia tobacco plantation owners turned to African slaves, what did they turn to for laborers?

12. Where did the first Africans arrive in the American colonies in 1619?

13. What product turned the Virginia colony into a profitable enterprise?

14. Prior to Bacon’s Rebellion, what types of people provided the most labor in the Virginia colony?

15. Who introduced tobacco to the Virginia colony?

16. Explain the Headright system.

17. What is the significance of the House of Burgesses?

18. Why did Nathaniel Bacon lead his rebellion?

19. What labor system replaced indentured servitude?

20. What was the source for a colonial New England covenant community?

21. What was the motive for settlers in Massachusetts?

22. Who is known for promoting the philosophy of creating “a city upon a hill” for others to admire and acknowledge as a superior model by which to live?

23. Which colony was the LEAST tolerant of religious diversity?

24. What did the development of New England town meetings and the Virginia House of Burgesses represent in to colonial era?

25. What was the economy of the Dutch settlement in which is now New York based on?

26. What was Penn’s purpose in founding the colony of Pennsylvania?

27. In which REGION of colonies did farmers tend to rely on single cash crops?

28. Why was the colony of Rhode Island established?

29. What is mercantilism?

30. Explain a “favorable balance of trade”.

31. What was the purpose of the Navigation Acts passed by British Parliament?

32. What was the Great Awakening?

33. How is the Mayflower Compact important to the concept of a democratic society?

34. Why did Americans oppose mercantilism?

35. Who was Christopher Columbus?

36. What is colonization?

37. What is a joint-stock company?

38. What is the Treaty of Tordesillas?

39. What is a cash crop?

40. What were the Salem Witch Trials?

41. What is a proprietor?

42. What were the Navigation Acts?

43. What is passive resistance?

44. What new religions came out of the Great Awakening?

45. If you could live in any one of the colonies, which would you choose and WHY? You must include an economic, social and political reason.


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