|Highlight sensory dimensions and follow your baby’s lead |

|looking time |listening time |touching time |moving time |

|High Contrast Toys |Bells |Plastic Toys |Balance |

|( Looks at toy |( Alerts to sound or voice |( Feels toy |( Lifts and rotates head |

|( Track moving toy |( Attends to sound or voice |( Reaches, mouths and shakes toy |( Shifts weight when tilted |

|( Looks after dropped toy |( Searches for sound or voice |( Bangs, waves, and transfers toy |( Maintains balance sitting |

|( Finds hidden toy |( Plays with sound making toy |( Points, pokes, and activates toy |( Cruises or walks |


|Gather and settle with baby board books, pat and turn pages, point to and talk about pictures |

|hello time |wake up time |mealtime |bathtime |

|Who’s Here Today? |Humpty Dumpty |Pat-A-Cake |Round The Garden |

|Lifting Game |Bouncing Game |Clapping Game |Tickling Game |

| | | | |

|Tune: “The Farmer in The Dell” |Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. |Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, Baker’s man, |Round and round the garden, |

| |Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. |Bake me a cake, as fast as you can. |Went the Teddy Bear. |

|_______’s here today, |All the king’s horses and |Roll it, pat it, and mark it with a “B,” |One step, two steps, |

|_______’s here today, |All the king’s men, |And put it in the oven, for Baby and me. |Tickle under there. |

|We’re so glad that ______’s here, |Couldn’t put Humpty together again. | | |

|Let’s all shout, “Hurray!” “Hurray!” | | | |

|How big is baby? Baby is so big! | | | |

|Name and lift Baby and ask, “What’s new?” |Bounce Baby to nursery rhyme. |Clap and gesture to rhyme. |Gesture to rhyme. |

|The Monkey And The Weasel |Little Red Wagon |Pease Porridge Hot |These Are Baby’s Fingers |

|Lifting Game |Bouncing Game |Clapping Game |Body Part Game |

| | | | |

| |Tune: “Oh My Darling Clemintine” | | |

|All around the cobbler’s bench, |Bumpin’ up and down |Pease porridge hot, |These are Baby’s fingers, |

|The monkey chased the weasel. |In my little red wagon. |Pease porridge cold, |These are Baby’s toes, |

|The monkey thought ‘twas all in fun. |Bumpin’ up and down |Pease porridge in the pot |This is Baby’s belly button, |

|Pop! Goes the weasel. |In my little red wagon. |Nine days old. |Round and round it goes. |

| |Bumpin’ up and down |Some like it hot, | |

| |In my little red wagon. |Some like it cold, | |

| |Won’t you be my darling? |Some like it in the pot | |

| | |Nine days old! | |

|Lift Baby on “Pop!” |Bounce Baby to song. |Clap Baby’s hands to rhyme. |Touch Baby’s body parts, to rhyme. |


|Enjoy your baby, talk, play cuddle and sing |

|talking time |playing time |cuddling time |

|Face to Face Interactions |Squeak Toys And Rattles |Rock A Bye Baby |

| | | |

|( Make silly sounds to Baby |( Explore squeak toys using all senses |Rock-a-bye Baby, |

|( Imitate Baby’s sounds |( Help baby anticipate actions of squeak toys and rattles |On the tree top, |

|( Take turns”talking” back and forth |( Let baby control actions of squeak toys and rattles |When the wind blows, |

|( Touch and name the parts of Baby’s face |( Play Peek-A-Boo games with squeak toys and rattles |The cradle will rock. |

| | |When the bough breaks, |

| | |The cradle will fall. |

| | |And down will come Baby, |

| | |Cradle and all. |

|Face to face interactions build attention |Exploring toys together encourages | |

|and teach communications skills. |Baby to develop thinking skills. | |


|Massage stomach and back to piano background music |

|paddle wheel |thumbs to side |back and forth |small circles over back |

| | | | |


|Teach your baby signs for people |

|mommy |daddy |baby |friend |

| | | | |











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