Your final exam will be a series of short answers that you will compose during the final exam. I have included below the options for this series of questions. When you come to the final exam you will be given 6 of these as options for the final exam and you will have to choose to respond to 3 of them. Excellent responses reflect advance preparation, planning, and pre-writing on your part. This final exam is designed to give you a chance to “show me what you know”. I am not trying to trick you on this final exam; I just simply want to see that you have thought about some of the material we have covered in this class on a deeper level.Please note that you DON’T have to prepare for all of the questions on this final exam. Because there are only going to be 6 on the test to choose from, you only have to prepare for _____ to be assured enough of what you prepared for is on the exam.Short Answer Options (Part 1):Almost all political pollsters had predicted a resounding victory for Hillary Clinton. What did they get wrong? Why/How did they get it wrong? Michael Moore, a prominent liberal voice, predicted early on that Donald Trump would win the election. What did he sense that political pundits, pollsters, and academics missed?Who votes most often in our elections? Who votes the least? How do campaigns leverage / use that information in their election planning and campaigning?What were the basic positions of the Trump campaign? What were the basic positions of the Clinton campaign? Explain at least 4 for each.Why did Donald Trump win the election? Cite and explain at least 4 reasons in your short answer.Explain how a person goes from some who “wants” to become President to someone receiving the nomination of their political party and running in the general election. What is needed to run an effective and powerful campaign? Where do they get their resources? What is the role of the political party?What are the differences between the Republicans (right) and Democrats (left)? How are they politically divided? On which issues do they find the most disagreement? Cite at least 4 examples.What role do the debates play in the political decision-making process for voters? Are they necessary pieces that help people make decisions in the process? How did the debates play a role this year? How has social media replaced the role of political debates and media coverage in the election? Is this a good thing?For the second time in your life the person who won the popular vote did not win the Electoral College. Is there a need to change the Electoral College? What proposals have been made and what are the merits of their claims? (cite at least 2) Should electors be allowed to vote their conscience or be bound by law to vote for their popular vote mandate?How can we increase voter turnout in future Presidential elections? What is necessary to motivate the different groups to vote? Is there anything about the process that needs to be changed? (i.e. registration, ID’s, etc)What were two major pieces you are taking away from this class and our deep study of the electoral process of Presidential elections?Political Cartoon Analysis (Part 2)The political cartoons of this election cycle have been so powerful. I will hand you a sheet during the final exam that has four political cartoons from this cycle and you will be asked to respond to the following questions. Your analysis of these political cartoons will be an important way to show your depth of understanding developed in this course. You will be asked to consider these questions:Who are the major “characters” in this cartoon?What issue is this political cartoon about? What do you think is the cartoonist’s opinion on this issue? Is it convincing?What major figures/events/moments/ideas from this campaign are tied to this cartoon's point or perspective?Use these as examples to prepare… ................

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