1. Why did Europeans engage in Imperialism?

2. Which (major) countries had colonies?

in Africa? In Asia?

3. a) Where, in general terms, was the Ottoman Empire located?

b) What was the dominant religion of that empire? ____________

c) In general, what happened to the Ottoman Empire during the

1800s and up to WW I?

4. How did India’s then consisting of many small states help the

British gain control there (in the 1700s and 1800s)?

5. Which are the two main religious/ethnic groups of India?

___________________ ___________________

6. How did the Opium War develop out of a ‘balance of trade’ problem? (why did Britain want to sell opium in China?)

How did China’s having to sign ‘unequal treaties’ etc. in the 1800s shape modern Chinese views?


• the Balkans

• the Allies (WW I version)

• the Central Powers

• area of Western Front

• the two ‘triples’ =?

• the Ottoman Empire

(what part of Europe was under

Ottoman rule)

• Sarajevo

• Serbia

• Alsace-Lorraine

• militarism

• mobilize

• total war

• Treaty of Brest - Litovsk

• reparations

Causes for the War—

1. What long-term forces/causes put the European powers on the path leading to war?

(by ‘long term forces/causes’ I mean, things that were NOT specific events)

2. Gavril Princip--What did he do and why did he do it?

3. What factor(s) brought European countries’ into the war that were not involved in the initial event/cause

of the war? (Discuss alliances between and Germany’s war plans.)

4. Why/how did the U.S. enter the war? What President Wilson say we were fighting for?

Events / Nature of the War--

5. a) Where did trench warfare dominate the fighting, the Eastern or the Western ‘front’? ________________

b) Why/how did trench develop in WW1? (Why did soldiers dig trenches/why Switzerlnd-to-English Chnnl extent of such?)

6. Describe trench warfare, and did it matter after the war?

7. How did “total war” affect the ‘home fronts’ of the countries involved?

8. How did the Russian Revolution affect the war?

Effects of the War—

9. How would you describe/characterize the Treaty of Versailles?

10. How did the war affect the colonies of the various European powers?

11. What happened to Germany as a result of losing the war?

12. What happened to the Austro-Hungarian Empire?

13. What happened to Russia during/after the war?

1. How would you describe Russia in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

2. What was Lenin’s ideology/political philosophy? _____________________

3. What was the name of the ‘party’ he led? ______________________

4. What was the health problem of the Czar’s son, Alexei? ________________________

5. Who was the crazed ‘holy man’ who gained influence with the Czarina? ______________________

6. How many casualties did Russia suffer in WW I? __________________ (does not have to be a precise

number—give a general range)

7. How is the Russian revolution a ‘book end’ (part of a matching set, thus similar to) to the French Revolution?

Match the country with the vocab items.

_____ 1. Monroe Doctrine

_____ 2. Taiping Rebellion

_____ 3. La Reforma

_____ 4. annexation of Korea

_____ 5. Dowager Empress Cixi

_____ 6. Boxer Rebellion

_____ 7. Opium War



annexation Adding of territory

“Jewel in the Crown” Term referring to

India as most valuable of British colonies

Raj British rule over India: 1757 to 1947.

geopolitics Interest in or taking of land

for its location or products

Suez Canal Human-made waterway

connecting Red and Mediterranean Seas

imperialism Control by a strong nation

over a weaker nation

Social Darwinism Use of Darwin’s ideas

about evolution to explain human


Berlin Conference Meeting of Euro

leaders; set rules for colonizing Africa

Boer Dutch colonist in South Africa

Boer War a war btwn British and Boers

Study Guide for WW I

Study Guide for Imperialism

Study Guide for Russian Revolution

Study Gde: China, Japan, Mexico & U.S. Econ. Imperialism

VOCAB for Ch. 28

open door policy Spanish-American War

Benito Juárez Russo-Japanese War

Boxer Rebellion Panama Canal

Meiji era extraterritorial rights


There are three review questions for WW1 on the notes guide/in the power point called “WW1 Review Questions and Notes”

There are review qns for the Russian Revolution in the “Pink Packet--puzzle and review Qns. re Ch 30 sec. 1-3”

There are review questions for imperialism in the “Practice Questions, etc for Ch 27/28”

a. China

b. Japan

c. Mexico

d. U.S.

There are review questions for Ch. 28 in the “Practice Questions, etc for Ch 27/28”

Unit 4 chapters: We read summaries of ch. 27, 28, and 30. We read the full textbook version of ch. 29.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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