The Constitution

1. What is the main purpose of Article I of the Constitution?

2. What is the main job of Congress?

3. What is the role of Congress and the President in making laws?

4. Who may become President?

5. How is the president elected?

6. How long is the term of a federal judge?

7. How does the Constitution define treason?

8. If a state law conflicts with a federal law, which law is followed?

9. Whose powers are the Bill of Rights intended to limit?

10. What are the 13-15th Amendments referred to as? Describe each one.

11. What did the 19th, 20th and 21st Amendments accomplish?

12. Describe the 24th and 26th Amendments.

2.1 Government and Party Politics

1. What were precedents George Washington set?

2. What were two main economic problems facing the country in 1789?

3. How did Hamilton’s Federalist views affect his role as Secretary of Treasury?

4. Why did Washington support Hamilton’s response to the Whiskey Rebellion?

5. What were the first American political parties? How do they differ?

6. How did the Whiskey Rebellion influence the creation of these parties?

2.2: The Struggle Over Foreign Policy

1. How did the British encourage conflict in the Northwest Territory?

2. Why did the British want to limit US settlement in the area?

3. How did the two political parties differ in their views of the French Revolution?

4. Why was it important for the US to sign a treaty with Spain?

5. How did US policy toward France change under Adam’s administration?

6. What were the Alien and Sedition Acts?

2.3 The Age of Jefferson

1. What changes did Jefferson make in the federal government?

2. What economic developments helped Jefferson achieve some of his goals?

3. Who was Marbury, and why was he suing Madison?

4. Why did the Supreme Court rule against Marbury?

5. Why did Marshall have such a lasting effect on the judicial system?

6. Was Judge Marshall a strict or loose constructionist?

7. Why did Americans want to expand US territory?

8. Why did Jefferson want to buy Louisiana?

9. How did the US benefit from war in Europe?

10. What was the cause of the conflict with Britain, and what was Jefferson’s solution to it?

2.4 The War of 1812

1. Why did the US declare war on Great Britain?

2. Why was the American invasion of Canada a failure?

3. What US forces performed well in the War of 1812?

4. Why were the British shocked by this good performance?

5. What as the significance of the British attack on Baltimore?

6. How did Americans view the Battle of New Orleans?

7. What was the end result of the Hartford Convention?

8. How did the War of 1812 affect the Natives?

9. Although the US did not win the War of 1812, how did it signal a new stage in the nation’s development?

3.1 Industry and Transportation

1. Why did railroad construction end canal building?

2. How did turnpikes, canals, and railroads affect the way that people in different states interacted?

3. What was Eli Whitney’s main contribution to manufacturing?

4. How might interchangeable parts affect artisans who made products by hand?

3.2 Sectional Differences

1. What factors contributed to industrialization in the Northeast?

2. Why did workers organize labor unions during the 1820s?

3. How did the increase in immigration affect industrialization and workers’ rights?

4. Why did the cotton boom spread slavery in the South?

5. What were the economic consequences of the cotton boom?

3.3 Era of Nationalism

1. What economic policies did Clay advocate in his American System program?

2. Why did the Monroe Doctrine mean little in 1823?

3. What were the terms of the Missouri Compromise?

4. In what ways was the compromise a success and failure?

Pg. 113 Hudson River School

1. How can a landscape painting depict an artist’s pride in his or her homeland?

2. Why would landscape paintings in the 1800s have been an important method of portraying the US to people in other places?

3.4 Democracy and the Age of Jackson

1. How did Adams win the election?

2. Why did critics denounce Adams’s programs?

3. Why did many states rewrite their constitutions to expand voting rights?

4. Why was Jackson such an appealing candidate?

5. In what ways did Jackson’s Democratic Party change the party structure?

6. Why did Jackson appeal to many southern voters?

7. What does the Worcester v. Georgia case reveal about white Americans’ attitudes toward Natives?

3.5 Constitutional Disputes and Crises

1. Why would an act of nullification have weakened the Union?

2. What were the main political views of the Whigs?

3. What did Jackson do to oppose the bank?

4. What was the result of Jackson’s banking policies?

5. What was Jackson’s policy on federal land purchases, and how did it affect the economy?

6. In what way did Van Buren suffer from Jackson’s politics?

4.1 A Religious Awakening

1. What caused the Second Great Awakening?

2. How did the Second Great Awakening affect reforms during this period?

3. Why might southern slave owners oppose churches for enslaved African Americans?

4. Why did many Americans discriminate against and persecute Mormons?

5. Why was Catholicism thought to be un-American?

6. Why were some people attracted to life in utopian communities?

7. Why were the Transcendentalists considered reformers?

4.2 A Reforming Society

1. Why did reformers think public school was important?

2. Why was it important to have the government fund public schools?

3. What do the efforts of Dorthea Dix suggest?

4. How did prison reformers want to change the prison system?

4.3 The Antislavery Movement

1. Why did the growing population of free African Americans concern slaveholders?

2. Why did the American Colonization Society establish Liberia?

3. How did the African Americans react to the establishment of Liberia?

4. What was the main tactic that abolitionists used to persuade others that slavery was wrong?

5. How did people in the South justify slavery?

6. Why did northern workers fear the abolition of slavery?

7. Why did northern factory owners oppose abolition?

4.4 The Women’s Movement

1. Why did female abolitionists compare themselves to slaves?

2. What was ironic about the fact that Mott and Stanton were excluded from some meetings at an abolitionist convention?

3. What did the Seneca Falls Convention accomplish, and why was it significant?

4. What was the main goal of Susan B. Anthony?

5. How did lawmakers in NY help advance the cause of women’s rights in 1848?

5.1 Migrating to the West

1. What innovations brought by the Spanish enabled Native Americans to hunt and wage war more effectively?

2. Why was the California colony successful for the Spanish when Texas was not?

3. What was Manifest Destiny, and how did it encourage people to settle in the West?

4. How could trade with the US and American migrants threaten Mexico’s security?

5. Why did Brigham Young lead the Mormons west to found New Zion?

5.2 Texas and the Mexican-American War

1. Why did Mexico invite Americans to settle in Texas?

2. What did the settlers have to promise in exchange for land?

3. Why did the Mexican government refuse to honor Santa Anna’s agreement with the Texans?

4. Why was annexation so controversial?

5. Why did Polk compromise with the British?

6. How does the reaction to Polk’s compromise foreshadow division in the nation?

7. Why did Polk send US troops to Texas?

8. Why did antiwar Whigs not oppose the war publicly?

9. What was the outcome of the Mexican-American War?

10. What factors contributed to the US victory?

5.3 Effects of Territorial Expansion

1. Why was Polk disappointed with the outcome of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

2. What made the Wilmot Proviso so divisive?

3. What was early gold mining like?

4. What were conditions like for miners?

5. How did mining change over time?

6. How did white miners exclude Chinese and Mexican people from the gold fields?

Pg 175: Should the US Annex Texas?

1. Why did Polk think annexation would promote peace?

2. Why did Clay think annexation would lead to war?

6.1 Slavery, States’ Rights, and Western Expansion

1. What was the Wilmot Proviso?

2. Why was the Wilmot Proviso denounced by the South and supported by the North?

3. Why did the issue of slavery intensify after the Mexican War?

4. What was the main goal of the Free Soil Party?

5. How did the Free Soil Party influence the election of 1848?

6. What did Calhoun threaten?

7. Why would Henry Clay want to settle the differences in Congress peacefully?

6.2 A Rising Tide of Protest and Violence

1. How did Uncle Tom’s Cabin raise tensions between the North and South?

2. How did Douglas reintroduce slavery in the US?

3. Why did opponents of slavery view the Kansas-Nebraska Act as a threat?

4. How did the creation of two governments in the Kansas Territory lead to violence?

6.3 Political Realignment Deepens the Crisis

1. What trend in American politics grew in the 1840’s?

2. Why did northerners and southerners stop supporting the Whig Party?

3. What as the driving force behind the creation of the Republican Party?

4. Why did the Supreme Court deny Scott his freedom?

5. Why did Douglas support popular sovereignty?

6. In what way was Lincoln’s loss of the 1858 election considered a victory?

7. Why did John Brown attack an arsenal?

8. What did Frederick Douglass fear would result from Brown’s raid?

6.4 Lincoln, Session, and War

1. What caused the Democratic Party to split?

2. What was the goal of the Constitutional Union Party?

3. Why did the Republican Party remain intact?

4. How did the division of the Democratic Party influence the outcome of the election?

5. How did the southern states justify secession?

6. What did Lincoln promise the South in his inaugural address?

7. Why was Lincoln’s decision to send supplies to Fort Sumter difficult to make?


1. What made the South vulnerable to a naval blockade?

2. What made the North better prepared to wage war than the South?

3. Which states were border states?

4. What was Lincoln’s strategy for keeping the border states in the Union?

5. Why did the Battle of Bull Run, or Manassas, convince the Union that it would not win a quick victory in the war?

6. What setbacks did the Union suffer in pursuing its Anaconda Plan?

7. Why was the battle between the Monitor and the Virginia important?


1. What made Vicksburg difficult to seize?

2. How did Grant’s siege of Vicksburg achieve the goal of the Union’s Anaconda Plan?

3. How did General Lee respond to these victories?

4. Why did Lincoln ask Grant to take charge of the entire Union army?

5. How did Grant prove Lincoln right?

6. What were the North’s costs of Grant’s campaign for the Union?

7. How did the Union victories in the South affect the election of 1864?


1. How does the proclamation change the war?

2. What groups were unhappy with Lincoln’s policy of downplaying slavery?

3. Why did Lincoln wait until after a Union victory to go forward with the proclamation?

4. How did some African Americans in the South manage to join the fighting?


1. Why would there be a shortage of goods in the South?

2. What did the rich and African Americans in the North have in common during the war?

3. Why did the Confederate government have difficulty paying for the war?

4. What problem in prison camps in the South might not have been as severe in the North? Why?

5. How did women prepare for their jobs?

5. The War’s End and Impact

1. Why might Confederate leaders not find it feasible to end slavery?

2. Why did Lincoln and Grant take more generous approach toward the South?

3. What immediate effect of the war was felt by both northerners and southerners?

8.1 Rival Plans for Reconstruction

1. Why did the federal government have difficulty in formulating its Reconstruction policies?

2. How did the South’s share of the nation’s wealth change between 1860 and 1870?

3. What was Lincoln’s 10% Plan?

4. How did the Wade-Davis Bill differ from the Ten Percent Plan?

5. When was Abraham Lincoln assassinated, and who succeeded him as President?

6. What evidence is there that the federal occupation of the South failed to protect African Americans?

7. How would the 14th Amendment penalize states that refused to allow citizens to vote?

8.2 Reconstruction in the South

1. Why did black men quickly sign up to vote in southern states?

2. How did southern literacy rates benefit carpetbaggers?

3. How did Reconstruction affect women?

4. How did the school system in the South represent the successes and failures of Reconstruction?

5. Which of the three systems for sharing land describe offered the most independent arrangement for the farmer and landowner?

6. When and where did white southerners organize the Ku Klux Klan?

7. How did the federal government respond to the acts that the Klan committed?

8.3 The End of Reconstruction

1. Why would South Carolinians elect an aristocratic plantation owner and former Confederate general as their governor?

2. How might economic turmoil affect the social and political development of a nation?

3. When did the federal government begin withdrawing troops from the South, and when did it dissolved the Freedmen’s Bureau?

4. What was the Compromise of 1877?

5. In what ways did Reconstruction affect African Americans in the South?

6. What effect did the civil rights movement have on African American political participation?

9.1 Technology and Industrial Growth

1. Why would consumers buy a product that entrepreneurs offered?

2. How did the CW encourage the growth of industry?

3. Why did industry continue to expand after the CW?

4. Why would a patent encourage the work of inventors?

5. How did the invention of the telephone affect the US economy?

6. How did the invention of the Bessemer process affect transportation?

7. How do rail lines reflect the physical geography of the US?

8. How did industrialization change the population of US cities and rural areas?

9.2 The Rise of Big Business

1. Why did some people argue that big business leaders were “robber barons”?

2. Why might the philanthropy of rich businessmen affect people’s opinion of themselves?

3. What assumption does Social Darwinism make about the poor, who were exploited by big business?

4. How did federal regulations seek to control railroads?

5. Why did these regulations have little effect on big business?

9.3 The Organized Labor Movement

1. In what ways did factory owners exploit their workers?

2. Why were factory workers often unhappy with their jobs?

3. How did workers communicate with their employers about their complaints?

4. How did the goals of the AFL differ from those of the Knights of Labor?

5. Why did workers stage strikes and protests?

6. Why might it have been difficult for labor unions of this period to win popular support?

10.1 The New Immigrants

1. Why did the new wave of immigrants encounter more resistance than earlier immigrants?

2. What difficulties did immigrants face at immigration stations such as Ellis Island and Angel Island?

3. How did Americanization programs help create America’s “melting pot” culture?

4. Which group of people were excluded from the “melting pot” model?

5. What is the relationship between nativism and the Chinese Exclusion Act?

10.2 Cities Expand and Change

1. Where were most major American cities located in the late 1800s and early 1900s? What determined the locations of these cities?

2. Why were more immigrants drawn to these urban areas than to rural areas?

3. Why were farmers migrating to cities at this time?

4. In what ways did urban life improve during late 1800s and early 1900s?

5. How did new modes of transportation segregate people in and around cities by their level of income?

6. Why was tenement living so difficult?

10.3 Social and Cultural Trends

1. What became the measure of success for middle-class families?

2. How did advances in consumer products and transportation affect middle-class family life?

3. How were Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst responsible for spreading American mass culture?

4. Why did amusement parks appeal to urban dwellers with limited money to spend?

5. Why did moving pictures, vaudeville and exhibitions appeal to the public?

11.1 The New South

1. What new industries arose in the South in the late 1800s?

2. What was lacking in the South’s first round of railway development?

3. Why did dependence on cotton cause serious problems for the South’s economy?

4. For what did the Farmers’ Alliance lobby?

5. How did the Supreme Court erode the rights of African Americans

11.2 Westward Expansion and the American Indians

1. How did differing Native American and white views of nature lead to conflict?

2. What was the Sand Creek Massacre and what was its significance?

3. What did the Peace Commission conclude? Why was this the conclusion?

4. Why did the Fort Laramie Treaty fail?

5. What were the immediate and long term outcomes of the Battle of Little Big Horn?

6. What was the result of the attempt by the Nez Perce to escape to Canada?

7. Why do you think that government officials felt threatened by the Ghost Dance?

11.3 Transforming the West

1. How did mining change in the 1870s?

2. How did the federal government support the building of the transcontinental railroad?

3. Which two railroad companies built the railroad, from which directions, and where and when did they meet?

4. How might a railway line encourage settlement?

5. What was the open range system? What was the goal of a cattle drive?

6. How did the invention of barbed wire contribute to the end of the open range system of ranching?

7. What are some of the factors that pulled people to the Great Plains?

8. What was the purpose of the Morrill Act?

9. What conflicts did people face over land usage in the West?

12.1 Segregation and Social Tensions

1. How did Southern states limit African Americans’ voting rights without affecting the voting rights of white people?

2. What was ironic about the rise of Jim Crow laws?

3. On what major issue did Booker T. Washington and W.E.B Du Bois disagree?

4. How did Ida B. Wells use her skills to fight discriminate?

5. What was the purpose of the Chinese Exclusion Act?

6. How did the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo attempt to protect the property rights of Mexican Americans?

7. What evidence suggests that the US government failed to enforce the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

8. What as the main goal for the women’s movement?

12.2 Political and Economic Challenges

1. How did the balance of power between Republicans and Democrats actually weaken the federal government?

2. How did a violent act encourage civil service reform?

3. How did tariffs both help and hurt American jobs?

12.3 Farmers and Populism

1. What were the main problems facing farmers?

2. Why did farmers blame businesses for their problem?

3. What goals did the Grange achieve?

4. How did the Grange compare with the Farmers’ Alliance?

5. How did the goals of the Populist Party grow out of the national political and economic issues of the time?

6. How did the Populist Party differ from other political parties of the time?

7. What was the effect of William Jennings Bryan’s “Cross of Gold” speech?

8. Why did the Populists decide not the run their own candidate for President?

9. Was the party’s decision to support Bryan a good one?

10. Why did the Populist Party fail to appeal to urban workers?

13.1 The Drive for Reform

1. Why was the work of the muckrakers so effective in bringing about reform?

2. What problems did Progressive reformers hope to solve?

3. What role did journalists and other writers play in the Progressive movement?

4. How did Progressives work to help the urban poor?

5. How did Progressive reformers change local and state government?

13.2 Women Make Progress

1. What hardships did women face at this time?

2. With what other areas of life were women reformers concerned?

3. Why was there resistance to women receiving the right to vote?

13.3 The Struggle for Discrimination

1. What was the result of Progressive attitudes toward non-whites?

2. Why did African Americans and others decide it was time to organize against discrimination?

3. What strategies did other minority groups use to defend their rights?

13.4 Roosevelt’s Square Deal

1. How were Roosevelt’s beliefs representative of Progressive ideals?

2. Why did Roosevelt work to establish the Department of Commerce and Labor

3. What was the difference between the philosophies of John Muir and Gifford Pinchot on how to treat America’s wild areas?

4. How was Taft’s administration different from Roosevelt’s?

5. How did Roosevelt react to this?

13.5 Wilson’s New Freedom

1. What were the three walls?

2. How did Wilson’s agenda further expand the government’s role in the economy?

3. What was the long term impact of the Progressive Era on American life?

14.1: The Roots of Imperialism

1. Why was Perry’s arrival in Japan important?

2. How could the acquisition of Alaska contribute to US trade with Japan?

3. How did Queen Liliuokalani respond to the attempts of US planters to control Hawaii?

4. Why did sugar growers want the US to annex Hawaii?

5. Why were sugar growers able to change the government of Hawaii?

14.2: The Spanish-American War

1. Why did many Americans favor the Cubans in their struggle for independence from the Spanish?

2. Why did many business people support Spain?

3. How did the New York World and New York Journal encourage US citizens to support a war against Spain?

4. How did the US defeat the Spanish in the Philippines?

5. What role did the Rough Riders play in Cuba?

6. Why is an agreement ending a war particularly important?

7. Why might the terms of a treaty be subject to dispute?

14.3: The United States and East Asia

1. What did the Jones Act do?

2. Why would European nations want to control Chinese ports and markets?

3. What might be the benefits or difficulties of a “Gentlemen’s Agreement” between two countries?

4. Why did Japan begin a conflict with Russia?

5. Why would Japan’s territorial expansion concern other countries, such as China, Korea, and Russia?

14.4: The United States and Latin America

1. Why does a government assess taxes?

2. What did the Foraker Act do?

3. Why did Cuba add the Platt Amendment to its constitution? What did the Platt Amendment state?

4. What role did Roosevelt play in the history of the Panama Canal?

5. According to the Roosevelt Corollary, how did the US justify continued military intervention in Latin America?

6. Why might Latin American countries object to Roosevelt’s policies?

7. How did Taft shift US foreign policy?

8. According to Wilson, what is the main goal of “moral diplomacy”?

9. What “morals” did Wilson support in creating a new foreign policy?

10. How did events in Mexico present a challenge to Wilson’s “moral diplomacy”?

11. How did Wilson respond to Huerta’s rule?

15.1 From Neutrality to War

1. Why did militarism make it more difficult to avoid the outbreak or war?

2. How did many Europeans’ idea of nationalism change in the late 1800s?

3. How did France’s loss of Alsace-Lorraine add to tension in Europe?

4. What predictors of war were in place before fighting began?

5. Why did European countries form so many alliances?

6. What does an army sacrifice when it commits to the protection provided by a trench?

7. What is a stalemate?

8. Why was the war on the Western Front at a stalemate?

9. Why did some Americans not want to enter the war in Europe?

10. How might a U-boat be able to stop the delivery of contraband from one country to another?

15.2 The Home Front

1. How did industry change during the war?

2. Why did Hoover encourage food conservation?

3. Why did the government establish the Committee on Public Information?

4. How did some men evade the draft? What happened to those men?

5. Why might African Americans want to migrate from the South to the North?

6. What circumstances allowed social changes to take place?

15.3 Wilson, War and Peace

1. What was the goal of the allies’ convoys? Was this strategy successful?

2. What was the League of Nations?

3. What was the outcome of the Paris Peace Conference?

4. What were the different views in Congress regarding the treaty?

5. What was the result of the conflicting views?

15.4 Effects of the War

1. What made the influenza that spread in 1918 into a pandemic?

2. Why was there a decrease in the number of women and African Americans in the workforce following the war?

3. What caused the sharp rise in inflation after the war?

4. What caused the Red Scare?

5. How did the government attempt to stop the Red Scare?

6. Why was the ACLU formed?

7. Why did Warren Harding win the presidential election?

8. Why was it unlikely that Americans’ lives would return to prewar state of “normalcy”?

16.1 A Booming Economy

1. What obstacles did car owners face in the 1920s that may have limited their newfound freedom?

2. How did the “other America” develop?

16.2 The Business of Government

1. How did Andrew Mellon shift the direction of US economic policy?

2. How did Herbert Hoover shift the direction of US social policies?

3. Which two international political bodies did the US refuse to join?

4. What are the potential consequences of isolationism?

16.3 Social and Cultural Tensions

1. What is the difference between fundamentalism and modernism?

2. What events strengthened the nativist position and eventually led to the establishment of an immigration quota system?

3. Why were nativists worried by a boom in immigration?

4. Why did support for the temperance movement increase during WWI?

16.4 A New Mass Culture

1. Why did movies appeal to so many people?

2. How did radios help standardize culture in the US?

3. How did WWI affect the world-view of Americans and increase the popularity of athletes?

4. Why was Charles Lindbergh a hero for many Americans during the 1920s?

5. What were some characteristics of the New Women in the 1920s?

6. How did family life change for women during the 1920s?

7. How did Freud’s work affect art and literature?

8. What was the difference between modernist paintings and traditionalist paintings?

9. What did the “Lost Generation” try to find in its writing?

16.5 The Harlem Renaissance

1. What is consciousness?

2. What is racial consciousness?

3. Where did jazz originate?

4. How did jazz quickly bridge the races?

5. Why was the work of black artists and writers in the 1920s called the Harlem Renaissance?

6. What was one lasting impact of the Harlem Renaissance?

17.1 Causes of the Depression

1. To what did Hoover attribute to the economic prosperity of the US?

2. Why did many farmers during the 1920s face economic difficulties?

3. Why did the uneven distribution of wealth contribute to the economic troubles of the US?

4. What problem did the availability easy credit create?

5. What was the basis for the soaring stock prices during the 1920s?

6. What happened when investors in 1929 lost confidence in the stock market?

7. How were the stock market crash and the collapse of the banking system related?

8. How did these events affect the nation’s workers and businesses?

17.2 Americans Face Hard Times

1. What impact did the Great Depression have on employment rates?

2. How did depression era crops and livestock prices affect farmers?

3. What other disaster caused the collapse of many farms?

4. What happened to families who lost their livestock?

5. How did these calamities affect the agricultural industry?

6. How did the Great Depression affect unemployed men?

7. How did the Dust Bowl affect many Mexican Americans?

3. Hoover’s Response Fails

1. Why did volunteerism fail?

2. Were the RFC loans distributed by Hoover’s government successful in combating the Great Depression? Explain.

3. Did the government originally propose to dam the Colorado River as a depression era project? Explain.

18.1 FDR Offers Relief and Recovery

1. What obstacle did FDR overcome to return to politics?

2. How did FDR’s Cabinet nominations show his willingness to experiment with new ideas to solve the nation’s problems?

3. What was the purpose of the New Deal?

4. How did FDR attempt to restore the nation’s confidence in banks?

5. Why was restoring confidence in the banking system important?

6. What did conservatives dislike most about the New Deal?

7. Why was Huey Long a political threat to FDR?

18.2 The Second New Deal

1. Why did economists say that deficit spending was beneficial?

2. What did the Social Security Act establish?

3. Did Social Security cover all workers equally?

4. How did the REA change the percentage of farm families with electricity during the 1930s?

5. Why did African American farmers often not share equally in the benefits received from the New Deal?

6. How did the Wagner Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act strengthen workers in the 1930s?

7. What did FDR consider the main threat to the New Deal in his second term?

8. Why did FDR consider the Court a threat?

9. What did FDR propose to do about the threat from the Supreme Court?

10. Why did some people oppose FDR’s plan to “pack” the Supreme Court?

11. How did FDR’s court-packing scheme actually hurt the New Deal program?

3. Effects of the New Deal

1. How did Eleanor Roosevelt transform the position of First Lady?

2. How was the growing influence of women reflected in FDR’s administration?

3. What was the goal of the Indian New Deal?

4. What major problem in Native American communities did the New Deal era Indian Reorganization Act seek to solve?

5. Which groups formed the New Deal Coalition?

6. How did the New Deal coalition change the balance of power in Washington?

7. How did the government increase its connection to American farmers in the New Deal era?

8. What is the welfare state?

9. How did New Deal programs help the environment?

10. How did FDR change the nature of the presidency?

11. What law was passed to limit presidential power after Roosevelt’s death?

12. Why did some people think this law was needed?

4. Culture of the 1930s

1. What was the main reason for the popularity of bands, movies, and radio programs during the 1930s?

2. How did FDR use the radio?

3. Why did New Deal programs pay unemployed artists, just as it paid unemployed carpenters and truck drivers?

4. How did the WPA help actors, musicians, and writers?

5. Why did Congressional support for the program decrease at the end of the 1930s?

6. Many depression-era novels included working class heroes. Why?

1. Dictators and War

1. How does a totalitarian government differ from a democratic one?

2. How might feelings of bitterness, anger, frustration, despair and desire for revenge have led to supporting a totalitarian government?

3. What was the result of some of Stalin’s domestic policies?

4. How did Germany’s economic problems contribute to the rise of the Nazi Party?

5. How did economics influence the rise of militarism in Japan?

6. What was the Spanish Civil War?

7. Why did other nations become involved in the conflict?

8. What countries suffered from the League’s refusal to get involved in military conflicts?

9. Why did Hitler defy the League of Nations?

10. What role did the United States play in the policy of appeasement toward Germany?

11. How did Hitler take advantage of appeasement?

2. From Isolation to Involvement

1. What was so shocking about Japan’s attack on China?

2. Why was blitzkrieg such a devastating form of warfare?

3. Why was it important for Germany to ensure Soviet cooperation before attacking Poland?

4. What event caused Britain and France to form an alliance with Poland?

5. What guaranteed a German offensive against Poland?

6. How did Congress try to ensure that the US stayed out of foreign conflicts?

7. What were some of the arguments of the intervetionalists and isolationists?

8. How did the Lend-Lease Act and the Atlantic Charter move the US away from neutrality in different ways?

9. What did Roosevelt think was the best way to avoid war with Germany?

10. How did Germany react to US support to the Allies?

3. America Enters the War

1. What was the relationships between the US and Japan prior to 1941?

2. What was the root of the conflict between the US and Japan?

3. How was the WAC different from the regular US Army?

4. How did the needs of the war change opportunities for some in the military?

5. How did the war industry affect the US economy?

6. What might have happened if the US government had not been able to mobilize industry so quickly?

7. How can taking minimal amounts of land maximize benefits in the long run?

8. How did the war in the Pacific progress in the first six months of fighting?

20.1 The Allies Turn the Tide

1. How was strategy of the Axis Powers flawed?

2. Why was the Battle of Stalingrad a major turning point in the war in Europe?

3. How might the outcome of World War II have been different had the Germans captured Stalingrad?

4. Why did Stalin insist that Roosevelt and Churchill open a second front in France?

5. How did the US victory at the Battle of Midway change the course of the war in the Pacific?

6. Why did the US want to force Japan to fight a two-front war?

20.2 The Home Front

1. How did the entry of women into the workforce in such large numbers and in jobs traditionally held by men change their ideas about their own roles in society?

2. Whose civil liberties did the US government violate during WWII and in what ways?

3. Why did the US ration consumer goods during WWII?

4. In what other way did the US government control the economy during the war?

20.3 Victory in Europe and the Pacific

1. Where did the D-Day invasion take place?

2. What made the invasion at Omaha beach so dangerous and difficult?

3. Why was it important for Operation Overlord to succeed?

4. What was significant about the Battle of the Bulge?

5. What strategy did the Japanese use to fight US forces?

6. Why was it important for the US to control Okinawa and other Pacific islands?

7. Why did Manhattan Project scientists need to work quickly to develop an atomic bomb?

8. How did the way that the Japanese fought in the Pacific affect the decision to use the atomic bomb against Japan?

9. Why did the US drop a second atomic bomb on Japan?

20.4 The Holocaust

1. What problems in Germany did Hitler blame on the Jews?

2. What were the provisions of the Nuremberg Laws?

3. What was significant about Kristallnacht?

4. Why did more Jews not escape Germany?

5. How did the Nazis originally intend to use the concentration camps?

6. What limited the Roosevelt administration’s response to reports of mass killings of Jews in Germany?

7. How did the US government eventually respond to the Nazi persecution of the Jews?

20.5 Effects of the War

1. What two superpowers emerged after World War II?

2. What did the Big Three decide at the Yalta Conference?

3. What did the Big Three decide at their meeting in Potsdam?

4. What international economic agreements or organizations did the US sponsor after WWII?

5. What was the original aim of the UN?

6. Why did the Allies punish war criminals in the Nuremberg Trials and in trials in Japan?

7. How did World War II create a new world identity for the United States?

1. The Cold War Begins

1. What were the goals of the Marshall Plan?

2. How could achieving these goals help the US?

2. The Korean War

1. Why did the US refuse to send troops to support Jiang Jieshi?

2. What might the US have done differently in its dealings with China?

3. What happened when General MacArthur counterattacked the North Koreans?

4. Why did MacArthur’s forces advance into North Korea instead of stopping at the 38th parallel?

5. What two circumstances convinced the communists to end the war?

6. In what way did Truman enlarge the powers of the presidency?

3. The Cold War Expands

1. What was the policy of mutually assured destruction?

2. Why did Eisenhower oppose spending on conventional forces and instead stockpile a nuclear arsenal and delivery systems?

3. What is brinkmanship?

4. Why did the US refuse to uphold its offer to help Egypt build a dam?

5. What was the Eisenhower Doctrine, and how did it affect the CIA?

4. The Cold War at Home

1. What did the President and Congress do to search for American communists?

2. What were the effects of their search for communists?

3. How did McCarthy investigate domestic communism, and what was the result?

22.1 An Economic Boom

1. What did many people fear as millions of soldiers returned from the war?

2. How does this fear contrast with what really happened?

3. How did the GI Bill contribute to economic expansion?

4. What economic problem did Americans face in the postwar years? Why did it occur?

5. How did purchasing new cars or appliances help create more jobs?

6. How did federal spending help create more jobs?

7. What caused union workers to go on strike in the early part of Truman’s term?

8. Did Truman succeed in fighting discrimination?

9. Why was Truman unsuccessful in instituting much of his Fair Deal program?

10. Why did both Democrats and Republicans support Eisenhower?

22.2 A Society on the Move

1. How did the federal government aid the growth of new suburbs?

2. What was the Interstate Highway Act?

3. How did new highways affect the economy?

4. Why did many people migrate to the Sunbelt during the postwar years?

5. How did migration to the Sunbelt affect the balance of political power in the US?

6. How did the introduction of computers increase productivity?

7. How did new technology affect farmers?

8. Why was the National Defense Education Act passed? Why was this an important national goal?

9. Why did the US government try to make education more accessible in the postwar years?

22.3 Mass Culture and Family Life

1. How did buying on credit affect the American economy?

2. How did the emphasis on children contribute to the growth of the American economy in the 1950s?

3. How did television affect other mass media?

4. How do you think television shows affected the values and behavior of Americans?

5. Why did TV erode regional differences in the US?

6. What is the origin of rock music?

7. Why were the earliest forms of rock-and-roll known more to African Americans than to whites?

8. How did Elvis Presley’s music make white teens aware of African American influenced rock and roll?

22.4 Dissent and Discontent

1. What were the main arguments of groups who rejected the culture of the 1950s?

2. Why was JD Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye so popular with teens?

3. How did the actions of the beats show their contempt for mainstream culture?

4. Why was Michael Harrington’s book The Other America such a shock to many Americans?

5. What transformation occurred in cities during the 1950s?

6. How did federally subsidized housing for low income people both help and hurt urban areas?

23.1 Early Demands for Equality

1. What is the difference between de jure segregation and de facto segregation?

2. What did the Supreme Court rule in Plessy v. Ferguson?

3. Why were African Americans less willing to accept Jim Crow laws after WWII?

4. What decision did the Supreme Court make in Sweatt v. Painter?

5. What main argument did the NAACP make in Brown v. Board of Education?

6. Why did Governor Faubus send the Arkansas National Guard to Central High School in Little Rock?

7. What event inspired the Montgomery bus boycott?

8. How did the Montgomery bus boycott force the city to change its laws?

23.2 The Movement Gains Ground

1. What did the people who participated in sit-ins hope to accomplish?

2. On what strategy did protestors at sit-ins rely?

3. What was the goal of the SNCC?

4. Why did federal marshals accompany Meredith to the University of Mississippi?

5. How did President Kennedy respond to the University of Mississippi rioters?

6. What was the purpose of the March on Washington?

7. Why were SNCC leaders dissatisfied with the march on Washington?

8. Who pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

23.3 New Successes and Challenges?

1. What was the goal of Freedom Summer?

2. What happened on “Bloody Sunday”?

3. What was the result of “Bloody Sunday”?

4. How did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 protect voting rights?

5. What did the Kerner Commission conclude?

6. Why were the Kerner Commission’s findings controversial?

7. Why did Malcolm X call for an end to integration?

8. How did the concept of black power differ from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s approach to civil rights?

9. Why were many Americans afraid of black power?

10. How did the Black Panthers influence African American culture?

11. What was King’s response to the black power movement?

12. What was the Fair Housing Act of 1965?

13. What did the Nixon administration do to advance civil rights?

14. Why was affirmative action controversial?

24.1 Kennedy and the Cold War

1. What political experiences did Kennedy and Nixon share?

2. Why would viewers be more influenced by the candidates’ physical appearance during the televised debates than by their analysis of debates’ content?

3. What was the “missile gap”?

4. In addition to increasing defense spending, in what other ways did Kennedy move to stabilize the global influence of the United States?

5. Who planned the Bay of Pigs invasion? When?

6. Why might Khrushchev have agreed to withdraw the missiles from Cuba?

7. Why was Khrushchev so determined that the US leave West Berlin?

24.2 Kennedy’s New Frontier

1. What effect might an increase in the minimum wage have on the US economy?

2. How important was the “space race”?

3. What was the Warren Commission?

24.3 Johnson’s Great Society

1. How does the design of the Head Start program reflect Johnson’s experiences?

2. On what aspects of American life did Johnson focus his reforms in order to achieve what he called the “Great Society”?

3. How do states usually determine the apportionment of seats in their legislatures?

4. Did the Warren Court go too far in protecting the rights of the accused? Why or why not?

25.1 Origins of the Vietnam War

1. Who led the movement for Vietnam’s independence from French rule?

2. Why did President Truman support France’s claim to Vietnam although he opposed colonialism?

3. How did President Eisenhower justify continued American support for the French?

4. How did French rule in the region end?

5. What groups posed a serious threat to the South Vietnamese government?

6. How did US aid to South Vietnam change under President Kennedy?

7. What led President Johnson to go to war against North Vietnam?

25.2 US Involvement Grows

1. How did the Vietcong wear down US troops?

2. How did the US respond to the limited results of the first stage of the war?

3. How might the corruption of the South Vietnamese government have undermined the US military presence in Vietnam?

4. What made fighting the Vietcong and North Vietnamese difficult?

5. What effect did spending for the war have on the US economy?

25.3 The War Divides America

1. Why did some people think the draft was unfair?

2. What form did antiwar protests take on college campuses?

3. What issue led to a clash between students and authorities at Berkeley?

4. How did television contribute to opposition to the war?

5. What did Defense Secretary Clifford recommend after the Tet Offensive?

6. How was the Tet Offensive a turning point in the war?

7. How did the Tet Offensive influence the political process in the US?

8. What tragic events occurred in the spring and summer of 1968?

25.4 The War’s End and Impact

1. What was the status of the Paris Peace talks when Nixon took office?

2. What did the secret bombing of the Ho Chi Minh Trail indicate about Nixon’s plan for peace?

3. What did the US have to do under the terms of the Paris Peace Accords?

4. What was the ultimate effect of the withdrawal of American troops?

5. Where did communism spread in Southeast Asia after the Vietnam War?

6. What ideas about the war might some veterans have found hurtful on their return?

7. What effect did the Vietnam War have on the power of the President?

25.5 Nixon and the Cold War

1. What basic Cold War assumption did Nixon and Kissinger question?

2. How did their rejection of this idea change US foreign policy?

3. What were the concrete results of Nixon’s visits to China and the Soviet Union?

26.1 The Counterculture

1. Which generations were involved in the generation gap?

2. How were the values of the counterculture reflected in their behavior and attitudes towards mainstream society?

3. How did communes differ from other forms of community?

26.2 The Women’s Rights Movement

1. What was the main goal of feminism?

2. How did the civil rights movement influence the women’s movement?

3. Why might women in the 1960s have been dissatisfied with traditional gender roles?

4. Why might women’s rights advocates have supported legalizing abortion?

5. What was the first federal legislation to outlaw gender discrimination?

6. How did the women’s movement change the gender makeup of the workforce?

7. What other changes have resulted from the presence of more women in the workplace?

26.3 The Rights Revolution Expands

1. What tactics from the civil rights movement did the UFW employ?

2. How was the focus of the Chicano movement different from the goals of the UFW?

3. How did the Chicano movement focus its political efforts?

4. How did the tactics of AIM differ from the early civil rights movement and the Latino movement?

5. What consumer products were first revealed to be unsafe by Ralph Nader?

26.4 The Environmental Movement

1. Why did Rachel Carson write Silent Spring?

2. How was the new environmental movement different from the conservation movement?

3. How did President Nixon signal his support for environmental responsibility?

4. How did toxic waste that had been dumped at Love Canal harm the people who lived there?

5. Why did the governor of Pennsylvania order that the Three Mile Island nuclear plant be shut down?

6. How did environmental disasters highlight the dangers to the environment?

27.1 Nixon and the Watergate Scandal

1. Which groups of voters belonged to the silent majority?

2. What was Nixon’s “new federalism”?

3. How did some of Nixon’s policies and programs counteract his own ideas about the power of the federal government?

4. What was Nixon’s southern strategy?

5. How did his request for moratorium on court-ordered busing help Nixon appeal to more voters?

6. What was the origin of the Watergate scandal?

7. How was the break-in connected to Nixon?

8. Why did Congress want Nixon to turn over taped conversations from the Oval Office?

9. What did the Supreme Court rule in the US v. Nixon?

10. How did the Watergate scandal force Nixon to resign?

11. Why did Gerald Ford become President after Nixon, instead of Vice President Spiro Agnew?

27.2 The Ford and Carter Years

1. What problems of the Nixon administration did Ford inherit?

2. How did Ford attempt to solve these problems?

3. What about Carter appealed to American voters in 1976?

4. During the 1970s, which US industry declined?

5. Why was Carter’s leadership challenged during his term?

6. What kinds of changes in demographics occurred during the 1970s?

7. Why did some critics call the 1970s the “me decade”?

8. Why would major changes in society bring about a rise in fundamentalist Christianity and other conservative movements?

27.3 Foreign Policy Troubles

1. How did Ford continue to follow Nixon’s foreign policy?

2. How had US foreign policy changed with regard to Southeast Asia?

3. How did Carter’s foreign policy goals affect US-Soviet relations?

4. What was controversial about Carter’s negotiations to return control of the Panama Canal to Panama?

5. Who were the main participants in negotiating the Camp David Accords?

6. Why were the Accords so significant?

7. How were the Accords an example of the change in US foreign policy?

28.1 The Conservative Movement Grows

1. What is the difference between what liberals and conservatives expect from their government?

2. What events weakened Carter’s position as an incumbent?

3. How would Reagan’s background have helped him to succeed in the presidential debate?

28.2 The Reagan Revolution

1. Who benefited most from Reagan’s economic policies?

2. How did Reaganomics affect the national budget?

3. how did Reagan’s election influence the Supreme Court?

4. How did Congress’s actions reflect Reagan’s conservative agenda?

5. How did Reagan’s response to Social Security challenges reflect his conservative values?

28.3 The End of the Cold War

1. How could glasnost and perestroika affect Soviet foreign policy?

2. Why did the fall of communism affect the way the US allocated its spending?

3. In what way did the US intervene in the Middle East?

4. What were the benefits that US leaders hoped to gain from these actions? Refer to question above

28.4 Foreign Policy After the Cold War

1. How was the crisis in Yugoslavia tied directly to the fall of the Soviet Union?

2. What act of aggression did Saddam Hussein commit upon a neighboring country?

3. What does the coalition of countries involved in Operation Desert Storm indicate about how the world viewed Hussein’s actions?

4. Why was Kuwait an appealing target for Iraq?

5. In what way did Operation Desert Storm end the “Vietnam syndrome” of warfare?

29.1 The Computer and Technology Revolutions

1. How has the purpose of computers evolved?

2. What are some advances in biotechnology that were made in the last decades of the twentieth century?

3. How can the service industry provide both the highest- and lowest-paying jobs?

4. How has the shift to a service economy affected organized labor?

29.2 The Clinton Presidency

1. What problems caused the majority of Americans to vote for Democrat Bill Clinton in the 1992 election?

2. Why was Clinton unable to reform the system of health-care in the US?

3. How did Newt Gingrich galvanize American voters?

4. What was significant about the 1994 election?

5. What scandals plagued Clinton’s presidency?

29.3 Global Politics and Economics

1. What was the purpose of the EU?

2. Why did the US help to establish NAFTA?

3. How did the breakup of Yugoslavia lead to ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and Kosovo?

4. What were the main ideas in the Declaration of Principles?

5. Why did violence in the Middle East begin to affect the US directly?

29.4 The George W. Bush Presidency

1. How did Bush and Gore separate themselves ideologically?

2. Why did Bush support tax cuts?

3. Why were Bush’s tax cuts and Medicare extension controversial?

4. Why did the US invade Afghanistan?

5. Why did the US invade Iraq?

6. What were some people critical of the Patriot Act?


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