
4895850000PAPER 3 Question BookletWeimar and Nazi Germany1919 - 1939For your exam, you will need to revise Germany 1918-39.You need to know what the following words mean, and how to spell them correctly:DolchstossFuhrerReichstagReichswehrSturmabteilungVolksgemeinschaftFreikorpsSchutzstaffelMake sure you know about:Weimar Republic – After WWI and Treaty of VersaillesHitler’s rise to power after 1919Life in Nazi Germany The Weimar Republic, 1918-1929:End of WWI and creation of the Weimar RepublicQuestionAnswerMarkWhen was the Armistice signed? [1]Who led Germany during World War One? [1]Who devised the fourteen-point plan? [1]What was the fourteen- points? [1]What is a coalition government? [1]Name the party who won the most votes in the first election of the Weimar Republic [2]Who was the first President and who was the first Chancellor of Weimar Republic? [2]What was the Reichstag? How often were they elected? [2]Name two powers the President had under Weimar constitution [2]Who could vote in the elections in Germany after 1919? [1]Treaty of Versailles, 1919QuestionAnswerMarkWhat was Proportional Representation? [1]Why was Proportional Representation a problem? [2]Who were the ‘Big Three’ who decided the Treaty of Versailles? [6] Who was determined to punish Germany severely? Why? [2]What is Article 231? [1]What land did Germany lose as a result of the Treaty of Versailles? [4]Give three examples of the military terms of the Treaty [3]What are reparations? How much? [2]What was the ‘stab in the back’ (Dolchstoss) theory? [1]Who resigned as a result of the dictated peace (Diktat)? [1]Challenges to the Republic from the Left and RightQuestionAnswerMarkWhy did unrest spread in Germany in 1919-32? [3] Why did the army agree to support the new government in late 1918? [1]Who led the Spartacist Uprising? [2]When was the Spartacist Uprising? [1]The Spartacists were put down by the regular army and the Freikorps. Who were the Ferikorps? [1]Why did the Freikorps join with Wolfgang Kapp and revolt in 1920? Where were the government forced to move to as a result of the Kapp Putsch? [1]Why did the Kapp Putsch, 1920 fail? [1]What is the German name for the army? [1]Who led a Putsch in Munich in November 1923? [1]The Challenges of 1923QuestionAnswerMarkWhy did the French invade the Ruhr in Jan 1923? [1]What did the Weimar government do to pay the workers in the Ruhr? [1]What was passive resistance? [1]Why did the German people unite against the French? [1]What is Hyperinflation? [1]Who suffered most due to hyperinflation? [1]Why did hyperinflation benefit farmers? [1]Why did hyperinflation benefit businessmen? [1]Who became Chancellor in 1923 for 102 days? [1]What did he do to stop hyperinflation? [2]The Recovery of the Weimar Republic, 1924-29QuestionAnswerMarkWho was responsible for the German recovery? [1]What was the Dawes Plan, 1924? [2]What was the Young Plan of 1929? [2]Why was the economic recovery unstable? [1]What was the Locarno Pact, 1925? [1]What was the 1928 pact called were Germany agreed not to go to war? [1]What year did Germany join the League of Nations? Who was the main political party in the Reichstag during this time? [2] Give three examples of cultural changes in Germany, 1924-29? [3]How popular were the Nazis during 1924-29? [2]Hitler’s rise to power, 1919-1933:Hitler and the Nazi Party during the 1920sQuestionAnswerMarkWhat year did Hitler take over the German Workers Party? [1]Name three points from the 25 point programme, 1920 [3]In 1923, the Nazis attempted to seize control. What was this rebellion called?What group were set up to protect Nazi meetings and disrupt their enemies? [2]Why did the Putsch fail? [3]What happened to Hitler after the Putsch? [1]What did Hitler do while he was in prison? [1]Why could the Putsch be seen as a long-term success? [1]What major change did Hitler make to the tactics of the Nazi Party? [1]Who was appointed head of propaganda towards the end of 1920s? [1]Hitler becomes Chancellor in 1933QuestionAnswerMarkWhy did the 1929 Wall Street Crash led to economic depression? [1]What was the amount of unemployment in Germany as a result? [1]Why was the crash a disaster for the Weimar government? [2]What did Goebbels and the Nazis use to gain support [1]Why did rich industrialists and small businesses support the Nazis? [1]How did the SA help gain support for the Nazis? [1] In 1932, Hitler lost the Presidential election. To who and by how many votes? [2]July 1932, the Nazis won 230 seats in the Reichstag, why Hitler not made Chancellor? Who was? [2]Who was made Chancellor in Dec 1932 despite lacking any real support? [1]Why was Hitler eventually given the position of Chancellor? [1]Nazi Control and Dictatorship, 1933-1939:Creation of a Dictatorship, 1933-34QuestionAnswerMarkWhat was the Reichstag Fire? When did it happen? [2]How did the Nazis use this to their advantage? [2]What was the Enabling Act and when was it passed? [2]Why did the Centre Party agree to support them? [1]What groups did the Nazis ban after the Enabling Act? [3]When was the Night of Long Knives? What was it? [2]Why was Hitler worried about the SA? [1]How did the Night of Long Knives gain support from the Army? [1]What happened on 2nd Aug 1934 to give Hitler total control? [1]What position did Hitler create for himself in Aug 1934? [1]Police State, Religion and Opposition to the Nazis, 1930sQuestionAnswerMarkNazi Germany was considered a Police State. What is a police state? [1]What was the SS? [1]What was the Gestapo?What was the Concordat?What was the name of the organisation set up by Protestant supports? [1]The Confessional Church was set up by Bonhoffer and who? What did they do? [2]Who were the teenagers that were influenced by American jazz music? [1]Who were teenagers who hated Nazi control? What did the Nazis do to them? [2]Who were the White Rose movement? What happened to their leaders [2]What was the name of the failed bomb plot to kill Hitler? [1]Control of Nazi Germany: Propaganda, censorship and cultureQuestionAnswerMarkHow did the Nazis control newspapers? [1]How did the Nazis use radios to maintain control? [1]The Nazis used large rallies to present an image of order and control Germans. What was the largest rally? [1]Who was in charge of propaganda/censorship? [1]What were common themes of Nazi propaganda? [3]What organisation did all musicians, artists, writers and architects have to join? [1]What music was people encouraged to listen to? What type of music was banned? [2]What did the Nazis do to some literature? Why? [2]Why was Berlin Olympics 1936 a propaganda success? [1]Who almost spoilt the Olympics for Hitler? How? [2]Life in Nazi Germany, 1933-1939:Life in Nazi Germany: Women and Children QuestionAnswerMarkWhat was the ideal appearance for women? [1]What jobs were women supposed to do in Nazi Germany? [2]How did the Nazis encourage marriage and children? [2]What was the ‘Lebensborn’ programme? [1]What were girls taught at school? [1]What were boys taught at school? [1]How were teachers forced to follow the Nazi rules on education? [1]How did the Nazi’s try to control the youth outside of school? [1]What did the boys do in the Hitler Youth? [4]What did the girls do in the League of German Maidens? [3]Life in Nazi Germany: Employment and Living Standards QuestionAnswerMark What was the unemployment figure in 1933? What was it by 1939? [2]Who were not counted in unemployment figures? [4]What was the German Labour Front (DAF)? [1]What did the Strength through Joy organisation do? [1]What was rearmament? How did it reduce unemployment? [2]Why did wages and living standards increase between 1936-39? [1]Why did farmers experience a better time in Nazi Germany? [1]Why did big business benefit from the Nazis? [1]Why was life in Nazi Germany not as good as what it was made out to be? [3]What was the Volkswagen swindle? [1]Persecution in Nazi GermanyQuestionAnswerMarkWhy were the Jews prosecuted? [1]What did the Nazi order a boycott of in 1933? [1]When was the Nuremberg Laws introduced? [1]What were the main laws of the Nuremberg Laws [3]By 1938, Jews were banned from what jobs? [3]When was Kristallnacht? [1]What happened on Kristallnacht? [1]What did Goering force the Jews to do after? [1]What other minorities were persecuted? [3]What was the Euthanasia campaign? [1]Additional notes: ................

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