Question 1

Question 1

A: Is something wrong with your eye? B: Yes, there’s something wrong with my eye.

B: No, there’s nothing wrong with my eye.

A: Do you have pink eye? B: Yes, I have pink eye.

B: No, I don’t have pink eye.

Eye Leg

Do you have pink eye? Do you have a cut?

Do you have an allergy? Did you get bit by a dog?

Do you have a black eye? Did you break your leg?

Body Throat

Do you have a sunburn? Do you have a cough?

Do you have a mosquito bite? Do you have a sore throat?

Do you have a bee sting? Are you choking?

Stomach Nose

Do you have a stomachache? Do you have a nosebleed?

Do you have a stomach cramp? Do you have a broken nose?

Do you feel like throwing up? Do you have a runny nose?

Skin Foot

Do you feel itchy? Did you twist your ankle?

Do you have a burn? Do you have a blister?

Do you have a rash? Did you stub your toe?

You Head

Do you have the flu? Do you feel dizzy?

Do you have a fever? Do you have a bump?

Do you have a chill? Do you have a headache?


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