right-1236010010757722400Guía de trabajo autónomoModalidad Material ImpresoEl trabajo autónomo es la capacidad de realizar tareas por nosotros mismos, sin necesidad de que nuestros/as docentes estén presentes. Centro Educativo: Liceo de Cariari Educador/a: _Paola Murillo Sánchez___________ Nivel: _______9_______ Periodo _II____. Guía# 8 y 9__Asignatura: ___Inglés Académico________________.Estudiante:______________________________________________ Sección:__________3714756096000Instrucciones en Espa?ol: Favor leer detenidamente las instrucciones.Me preparo para hacer la guía Pautas que debo verificar antes de iniciar mi trabajo.Materiales o recursos que voy a necesitar/Materials needed Suggested materials: Notebook, pencil, pen, eraser, highlighters, etc.Self- study guide #3 for 9th grade Computer & Internet access if possibleCondiciones que debe tener el lugar donde voy a trabajar/ Conditions of the place to work Work in a place where you do your assignments and homework daily. Tiempo en que se espera que realice la guía/ Expected time to work this self-study guideThis self-study guide will take you 80 minutes to be completed.30480017526000Voy a recordar lo aprendido y/o aprenderIndicaciones / Instructions Dear student, The following tasks will help you review and reinforce Unit 2: Online and ConnectedActividad / Activity Preguntas para reflexionar y responderQuestions to reflect on and answer Task 1. Ask your parents or some relatives at home to complete the question orally. Example: las preguntas estan con su respective respuesta ya sea positiva o negativa para realizar la entrevista a su familiar.Did you work very hard last week? Yes, I did or No, I didn`tDid you like to sit in the sun? Yes, I did or No, I didn`tDid you work in your garden yesterday? Yes, I did or No, I didn’t.3848108890000 Pongo en práctica lo aprendido en claseIndicaciones / Instructions Task 2. Read the following conversation and answer the correct verb in past tense.Utilice la hoja de los verbos regulares vistos en clases. A continuaciòn les dare los verbos con una conversion diferente en pasado simple.Put the following verbs into the simple past: Thomas _______ (live) in the small town of Brington. Thomas _______ (love) walking through the beautiful forest that surrounded Brington. One evening, he ____ (take) his umbrella and _____ (go) for a walk in the woods. He ______ (meet) an old man named Frank. Frank _______ (tell) Thomas that, if he _____ (want) to become rich, he should invest in a little-known stock called Microsoft. Thomas ______ (think) Frank _____ (be) foolish because Microsoft ____ (be) a computer stock. Everybody _____ (know) that computers _____ (be) just a passing fad. At any rate, Frank _______ (insist) that Thomas _____ (be) wrong. Frank _______ (draw) a wonderful graph of future possibilities. Thomas ______ (begin) thinking that maybe Frank ______ (understand) stocks. Thomas _______ (decide) to buy some of these stocks. The next day, he ______ (go) to the stock broker's and _____ (buy) $1,000 worth of Microsoft stock. That _____ (be) in 1986. Today, that $1,000 is worth more than $250,000!New verbs in present simple tense.Love-loved Want-wanted Insist-insistedDecide- decidedTask 3 Write in English the different name of each sport equipment. 1._______________ 2. ____________________3.____________ 4. _________________Task4. Continue working with the irregular verbs(15 more). Write the Spanish meaning.Continue trabajando con la lista de los verbors irregulars dados enc lase. Los 15 siguientes, escribe su significado en Espa?ol. Trabaje como lo hizo en clase.Indicaciones o preguntas para auto regularse y evaluarse/ Instructions or questions for self-regulation and self- assessment.Review the following questions to self-regulate and self-assess:Did I read the instructions carefully?Did I check on the words that I didn’t understand?Did I use a dictionary or asked a relative about the meaning of the words that I didn’t understand?Did I read the instructions again when I didn’t understand what I had to do?Con el trabajo autónomo voy a aprender a aprender: AutorregulaciónDurante el trabajo:Después del trabajo:Leí atentamente las indicacionesMi trabajo está ordenadoApunté conceptos nuevos o importantesRevisé mi trabajoConsulté lo que no entendíaEstoy satisfecho con mi trabajo?Qué fue lo mejor del trabajo??En qué puedo mejorar?Week Plan Self-Assessment At the end of the week, T guides the learners to check their progress using the checklist below. (Can be translated into Spanish if needed to ensure Ls’ understanding.) Marque con una (X) su progreso Learner Self-AssessmentI can… YesIn progressNo Distinguish important information from texts related to past experiences and events . Extract the main points and supporting details from texts related to experiences and events. Ask questions about experiences, events, past experiences. Answer questions about experiences, events, past experiences. ................

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