
Period 2The Holocaust Notes Group ProjectGroup #: A Title: Nazi Revolution in Germany, 1933-1939Cornell Notes to Teach the Classwhat is the Greek meaning for “Holos”what is the Greek meaning for “Kaustors”what is a concentration camp? why was adolf hitler anti-Semiticwho was the Nazi leader?When did the holocaust end?how many jews did they killed?Why did Hitler want to get rid of the jewsIt means WholeIt means burned A Concentration Camp is where they killed jews or made them do hard labor.because jews were an inferior race and an alien threat to German racial purity and community. Adolf Hitler The holocaust ended in 1945.They killed 6 million European Jews Hitler wanted to get rid of the jews because he was threatened by jews because they were different. The Holocaust Notes Group ProjectGroup #: BTitle: Nazi Revolution in Germany, 1933-1939Cornell Notes to Teach the ClassWhere was Hitler bornHitler served in the armyWhen did Anti-Semitism startWhat Hitler did while incarceratedWhat happened after “Hitler” got out of jailAfter President Paul von Hindenburg’s deathHitler was born on 1889 in AustriaBefore the Holocaust Hitler served in the German army during World War lthe anti-semitism did not biging in europe with Adolf Hitler. there are evidence of hostility against jews even as far ago as ancient world. Romas authorities destroyed the jewish temples during the 17th and 18 centuries Even in the early 21st century, the legacy of the holocaust enduresthe government and banking institution have acknowledge their complicity with the NazisWhile incarcerated for for treason for his role in the Beer Hall Putsch of 1923,Hitler wrote the memoir and propaganda tract “Mein Kampf”(My Struggle) while been incarcerated Hitler got obsessed with the idea of superiority of the “pure” german race. they were called the “Aryan”After getting out of jail Hitler took advantage of the weakness of his rivals to enhance his party’s status and rise from obscurity to power on january 20,1933 he was named chancellor of germanyAfter President Paul von Hindenburg’s death in 1934,Hitler anointed himself as “Fuhrer”,becoming Germany’s supreme ruler The Holocaust Notes Group ProjectGroup #: CTitle: Nazi Revolution in Germany, 1933-1939Cornell Notes to Teach the ClassWhat was the NaziRevolution?When did the Germans Synagogues get burned down and what was it called ? When and where did the first concentration camp open ?What is the Schutzstaffel ?By what year did the German concentration camp have 27,000 people? The Nazi revolution was twin goals of racial purity and spatial expansion were the core of Hitler’s worldview .The Germans Synagogues were burned down in November 1935 in Kristallnacht and the night was named “night of broken glass”.The first concentration camp opened at Dachau (near Munich) in March 1933.The Schutzstaffel (SS) in basically a secret service for the Germans. By July 1933 the German concentration camp (Konzentrationslager) held 27,000 people in “protective custody”.The Holocaust Notes Group ProjectGroup #: DTitle: Beginning of War ,1939-1940Cornell Notes to Teach the ClassWhat did the German police force jews to live in?Who did the German police give the confiscated properties to?What are ethnic Germans?What is typhus?What disease was the result of jewish overpopulation in the ghettos?What happened in the beginning of fall of 1939?What happened to the handicapped from all over Europe during the Holocaust?The German police forced the jews from their homes and into ghettos.The German police gave the properties to ethnic Germans.Ethnic Germans are non-jews outside Germany who identified as german.Typhus is a disease caused by an infection with the ric TyphusNazi officials selected around 70,000 Germans institutionalized for mental illness/disabilities to be gassed to death in a Euthanasia Program.The handicapped people were killed. Group #: ECornell Notes to Teach the ClassThe Holocaust Notes Group ProjectTitle:”Final Solution” (1940-1941)Where did Hitler expand?Who were the German army killing?what is memorandum?When did the Nazi party decided to put Jews with a marking of a yellow star?Who made the final solution to “The Jewish question?”What were the Mobile killing units called?What is Einsatzgruppen?Where did the Jew, Gypsies, Handicapped, and the homosexual get deported?He expanded in Europe,Conquering Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France.They were killing Soviet Union. A document recording the term of a contract or other legal detail. Beginning in September 1941, every person designated as a Jew in German-held territory was marked with a yellow star, making them open targets. Hermann Georing to Reinhard Heydrich Einsatzgruppenthey were Schutzstaffel, they were a group of Nazi Germany that were responsible for mass killings, primarily by shooting, during World War II .they were deported to Polish ghettoes and German-occupied cities. ................

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