4b What do religions say about the beginning of the universe

4c: Religious accounts of the beginning of the universe

Lesson 1 of 2: Extension Materials

Student homework

TASK: Your task is to continue to research the question we have looked at today in class – How did we get here? I am interested in you finding sources which offer scientific, and religious answers to this question – they can be from any religion. Below are some quick ways for you to find relevant material. Choose any one from the page: you don’t have to start at the top! Read anything that might help you answer the essay question ‘Are science and religion in conflict when it comes to how we got here?’ Make notes as you read.

SITE 1 : .uk

• Double click on ‘revision’ box on the top right hand of the page.

• Click on Christianity

• Click on beliefs and sources of authority

• Click on the Bible 2

(You could go back to the home page and discover how another religion approaches its sacred writings, if you are interested.)

SITE 2 : .uk

• Click on Christian (Xtian) perspectives

• Click on decisions of life and living

• Click on The Environment

SITE 3: bbc.co.uk/schools/revision/

• Click on GCSE Revision

• Choose subject of Religious Studies

• Click on God

• Click on classical and modern arguments - you can read both sections


▪ Click on GCSE revision

▪ Choose subject of Religious Education

▪ Click on knowledge, faith and belief

▪ Click on No4 and No5 to read about scientific truth and spiritual truth

SITE 5 :

• Read the latest news about the origins of the universe

• If this address does not work, go to the NASA web address () and search for origins of the universe


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