HINARI Access to Research Initiative gateway (HINARI)

MODULE 4.5: HOW to UsE PubMed

-- PubMed: Using MyNCBI

Table of Contents – Module 4.5:

• My NCBI and how to register

• Setting up filters in My NCBI

• Saving Searches in My NCBI

This module continues the mastering of the skills necessary to utilize the PubMed database as means to identify e-journals within HINARI. It will highlight the option to receive MY NCBI email alerts that contain journal citations on subject searches of your choice. Note that these alerts will not contain the full-text article. You will need to LOGIN to HINARI and locate the specific article using the ‘Find journals by title’ A-Z alphabetical list.

Similarly to the other modules, you will need access to the Internet and be required to complete a series of exercises. You must login to HINARI and then go to ‘search for articles through PubMed (Medline)’ or you will not have access to the full-text articles (see section 1. Connecting to PubMed)

1. Connecting to PubMed

HINARI users can search and access full-text articles directly from the PubMed database. You will need to have your HINARI log in details to do this.

➢ First go to the HINARI website found at who.int/hinari where you can select the LOGIN hyperlink which will take you to the HINARI login page.

➢ When the login page opens, enter your institutional HINARI User Name and Password into the login boxes and then select the “Login” button to access the HINARI site.

➢ If you do not register in HINARI using your institution’s User Name and Password, you will not have access to the HINARI publishers’ full-text articles at the completion of your PubMed search.

➢ From the Full-text journals, databases and other resources page, select the hyperlink “Search HINARI journal articles through PubMed (Medline)”.

The home page for PubMed displays giving you access to PubMed databases.


On the PubMed homepage the active query box is in the grey horizontal bar running across the PubMed page.


This workbook will guide you through the MyNCBI functions in PubMed along with the additional features available to you. There are exercises incorporated within the workbook to illustrate the different features along with additional exercises to practice at the end of the workbook.


If you use the back button on your browser while navigating around PubMed you may find that you need to use the “refresh” feature in order to re-display the webpage.

2. MyNCBI and how to register

The “MyNCBI” feature allows you to setup filter tabs in your display area, save searches, and set-up automatic email alerts to new articles added to PubMed.


To register, click on the Register link in the MyNCBI box on the top right corner of the webpage. A registration form will then open in a new window.


When the form has been submitted NCBI will send you an email containing a link to verify your email address. It is important to complete the registration and verify the email address before saving searches within MY NCBI.

3. Setting up filters in MyNCBI

Filter tabs allow MyNCBI users to identify sets of articles within search results. There are common filter tabs that will identify Clinical Trials, Review articles, Free Full-text articles, English Language articles, and articles with Abstracts. There are also tables for Linkout collections such as the HINARI collection.

To access filters, you can choose the Search Filters option from the left menu column.


From the ‘Search Filter’ page, first select PubMed. You will see the list of common filters. Tick the box next to the filters you wish to set for your account but limit this to a total of four.


Exercise 1

➢ Open PubMed ()

➢ Login to My NCBI with your username and password

➢ Choose Search Filters from the left menu column

➢ Once this is displayed, choose PubMed from the list of databases

➢ Check the box next to the Free Full Text Filter

➢ You also may add three more Filters (e.g. English, Humans)

To choose the HINARI filter you will need to search filters


Exercise 2

➢ From the Filter selection, page click on the Search Filters tab

➢ Enter HINARI in the search box and click GO

➢ Click on the matching filter (HINARI) and the page will reload with this filter.

➢ By checking the box, choose add a result tab Icon from the options

➢ Once the filter has been applied return to PubMed

4. Saving Searches in MyNCBI

When you are logged into MyNCBI while using PubMed, you have the facility to select Save Search. Once you have saved a search you can opt to run the search in the future yourself, or to have MyNCBI run the search automatically and email you the results.


Exercise 3

➢ While signed on to your MY NCBI account, go to the PubMed home page and enter public health policy in the search query box. Click on “Go”. Note: you may enter an alternate search – one that you want to receive.

➢ Click on the “Save Search” hyperlink

➢ MY NCBI gives you the option to save or cancel the specific search. In this case, you will save the search

➢ From the email updates option pages, choose a Once a Week or Once a Month delivery option

➢ Also choose a Text or HTML option, a Report Format (e.g. Abstract, Abstract Plus) and Number of Items option

➢ Click on Save

To retrieve and review saved PubMed Searches, click on the MyNCBI link.


Saved PubMed Searches will be listed on the My NCBI page under MY Saved Data.


Exercise 4

➢ Return to your MY NCBI account (if necessary, login with your username and password)

➢ Choose Search Filters from the left menu column

➢ Once this is displayed, choose PubMed from the list of databases

➢ Check the box next to the English Filter

Exercise 5

➢ While signed on to your MY NCBI account, go to the PubMed home page

(note: you will have activated the Free Full Text, HINARI and English Filters)

➢ Clear the search query box on the PubMed home page

➢ Enter reproductive health in the search query box. Click on “Go”

➢ Below the display/summary horizontal bar, you will note the numbers of citations with your various filters.

➢ How many of these articles are under the Free Full Text results tab?

➢ How many of these articles are under the HINARI results tab?

➢ This will be added to your saved PubMed Searches list in MY NCBI.

Optional – procedure for saving other searches in MY NCBI:

Note: remember what filters you are using. You may want to limit or expand these filters.

Exercise 6

➢ While signed on to your MY NCBI account, go to the PubMed home page and enter ______________ in the search query box. Click on “Go”.

➢ Click on the “Save Search” hyperlink

➢ MY NCBI gives you the option to save or cancel the specific search. In this case, you will save the search

➢ From the email updates option pages, choose a Once a Week or Once a Month delivery option

➢ Also choose a Text or HTML option, a Report Format (e.g. Abstract, Abstract Plus) and Number of Items option

➢ Click on Save


You now have completed module 4.5 and finished five or more exercises. You have set up your own MY NCBI account and learned how to set filters, and create searches/email updates. We now have finished the PubMed training modules.

Updated 12 2008


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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