|Name |Mojca Bavdaž |

|Email | |

|Project title |Bringing official statistics into everyday business use |

|Project idea |Objectives: |

|description |- Develop products based on official statistics tailored to specific business needs, in particular SMEs |

| |- Improve dialogue between NSIs and business community |

| |- Provide motivational tools for data collection for official statistics |

| | |

| |Need/rationale: |

| |Dissemination of official statistics is typically one-way and aims at general audience with very few examples of dedicated |

| |products for businesses. Businesses might not be aware of relevant official statistics. Additionally, it might not be easy and |

| |straightforward to find relevant official statistics data because NSIs' websites are organised according to topics of statistics|

| |production – and not according to purpose to which statistics are put. Also, it might be difficult to use official statistics |

| |adequately because of lengthy and complex metadata documentation. On the other hand, businesses do not always have the many |

| |skills and resources necessary to overcome these obstacles. As a result, it can be claimed that official statistics are, in |

| |general, underused by businesses. Businesses, however, are increasingly aware that evidence-based decision making is important, |

| |and they generally trust official statistics sources. This situation calls for products that are tailored to specific business |

| |needs. These needs are often not only dependent on purpose but also on size and economic activity, e.g. needs of SMEs call for a|

| |different treatment than those of large businesses. At the same time, new channels of dissemination are available but their |

| |power is still not exploited in the field of official statistics. Although institutions of official statistics are rather well |

| |represented in various social media, their messages tend to be addressed to more general public and do not represent special |

| |value to businesses. Also, many tools based on the latest ICT in the field of official statistics are not dedicated to |

| |businesses (or any specific audience). It is thus not surprising that businesses see themselves mainly as those providing input |

| |for official statistics rather than users of official statistics, which represents an important obstacle for efficient data |

| |collection from businesses. |

| | |

| |This project would like to bring official statistics in everyday day business use by developing some statistical products |

| |addressing specific business needs based on official statistics and the latest ICT knowledge, in particular mobile applications |

| |and social media (with the focus on LinkedIn and Google+). |

| | |

| |Many of these insights come from the findings of the BLUE-ETS project. |

| | |

| |Methods: |

| |- Establish a list of top official statistics to be developed in statistical products that address specific needs of businesses |

| |based on previous knowledge and consultation with experts in business associations and similar organisations, at NSIs and in |

| |academia. At least one product should focus on the needs of SMEs. |

| | |

| |- Determine adequate design, technology and communication strategy for each statistical product. At least one product should be |

| |used as a motivational tool for data collection purposes. |

| | |

| |- Test the market for each statistical product and adjust the products if necessary. |

| | |

| |- Develop the product. |

| | |

| |- Measure the performance and impact of the products on official statistics usage and perceptions of business users and |

| |respondents to official business surveys. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Expected results |

| | |

| |- Evaluation of current NSIs practices in using the latest ICT as a communication and dissemination tool. |

| | |

| |- A small number of statistical products for businesses, including SMEs. |

| | |

| |- Guidelines for designing motivational tools for data collection based on official statistics. |

|Link with official|There is a direct link to official statistics. |

|statistics | |

|Link with Horizon |1.1.4. Content technologies and information management: ICT for digital content and |

|2020 | |

| |creativity AND 3.1. Mainstreaming SME support |


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