Concussions: How doctors diagnose and treat traumatic ...

Concussions: How Doctors Diagnose and Treat Traumatic Brain Injury

(And Why Is It So Difficult?) Uzma Samadani MD PhD



? Intellectual Property related to

concussion and brain injury Grant funding, salary/employment, consulting


fee, honorarium or equity


Intellectual Property related to assessment of dementia after

Abbott Diagnostic Laboratories Continuing Legal Education in MN, NY Hennepin County Medical Center

brain injury

Hennepin Health Foundation

? Intellectual Property related to Integra Corporation

treatment of intracranial

Islamic Medical Association of North America Medtronic Corp


Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance

Minnesota, Texas, Louisiana, Wisconsin High School Coaches


National Football League

National Neurotrauma Society

North American Brain Injury Society

Oculogica Inc


Steven and Alexandra Cohen Foundation for Veteran Post Traumatic

Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury

United States Veterans Administration and Office of Research and


USA Football

#1 cause of death and disability in Americans under age 35

#1 cause of premature death and disability in the world

ticbraininjury/pdf/tbi_report _to_congress_epi_and_rehab -a.pdf

80% of concussed children do not present to an Emergency Dept and thus would not be included in CDC numbers


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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