If you created an amazing recipe and decided to start your own candy business, what would be your first step? How would you organize your business? Would you start out leasing a storefront shop in Clarkston or build a large factory for mass-production? Would you look for a partner or try to go out on your own?

As you will discover through this WebQuest, there are many decisions involved in starting a company. This WebQuest will address the following questions:

• What are the most common types of business organizations?

• How do entrepreneurs choose the right business organization to fit their goals?

• What factors are most important in choosing a business organization?


You own a business advisory firm that assists people interested in forming their own business. Your background as a manager of a Godiva factory attracts many entrepreneurs interested in the food industry. Recently, you have agreed to assist four clients in starting their own candy businesses. Each client has a unique background and set of business goals, so your written recommendations will vary accordingly.

The four client cases can be found at the website below:


1. To accomplish the task, your firm must create a base of knowledge on the types of business organizations available. Delegate research tasks among group members. Keep thorough notes.

Clearly define the main types of business organizations, including advantages and disadvantages of each. You will turn your research in for a grade – EACH person must turn in evidence of individual research. Each person should be looking at different materials.

Use the links below to find your information.

o Table of contents of valuable articles on how to get your business started, be a successful entrepreneur, and choose a business structure.

o Click on #9 “Types of Business Organizations”

o Click on What Type Of Business Organization Is Best For You?

o Click on Should You Have A Partner?

3. Prepare written recommendations for the four clients as to which business organization you believe to be the best. Opinions may vary, but your firm must write a cohesive and clear recommendation for each client. Be sure to include at least one disadvantage of the business structure that you recommended, as well as suggestions on how to minimize that negative.

EVALUATION (Project Grade)

| |Beginning |Developing |Accomplished |

|Evidence of Individual |Research is |Research lacks clear |Research correctly |

|Research |scattered, |organization, only |identifies business |

| |business |cites 2 or less |organizations, cites at |

| |organizations are |advantages and |least 4 advantages |

| |not correctly |disadvantages of |and disadvantages of |

| |identified. |each organization. |each organization. |

| | | | |

|Written Recommendations in |Recommendations |Recommendations |Recommendations |

|Paragraph Form |do not show |show understanding |show thorough |

| |understanding of |of business |understanding of |

| |concepts. Multiple |organizations and |business |

| |grammatical |use of at least 1 key |organizations, use of |

| |mistakes are |word. Imperfect |key words defined in |

| |present. |grammar and |research, proper |

| | |spelling. |grammar and spelling, |

| | | |and cites at least 1 |

| | | |negative aspect of |

| | | |business type chosen and one |

| | | |suggestion to minimize it. |

|Participation in Group |Student does not |Student is easily |Student actively |

|Activities |complete his/her |distracted in group |participates in group |

| |task, does not |discussions, has |work, thoroughly |

| |participate in |difficulty completing |completes his/her |

| |group discussion, |his/her task, and |delegated task, |

| |and distracts the |restricts the group |finishes all |

| |other group |from reaching its |assignments in a |

| |members. |full potential. |timely manner, and |

| | | |participates in group |

| | | |discussions |


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