Human Impact Essay Guidelines

Human Impact Essay Guidelines

You will be writing a 5 PARAGRAPH essay about the impact that humans have on the local environment and the ecosystem as a whole. The essay will be graded for content as well as grammar and punctuation. This essay should be a fact- based essay and not based on your opinion, therefore, you should limit the use of the words “I” and “me.” Follow the guidelines below when writing your essay. You may use the textbooks provided in the classroom, your own book at home, the internet or any other resources you may have available to you. You must turn in a rough draft/brainstorming page as well as a final copy. If you do not turn in a rough draft or some sort of brainstorming page you will lose 25 points.

Essay Guidelines:

Introduction Paragraph:

▪ Discuss reasons we should be aware of human impacts.

▪ Must use the following words in this paragraph:

o Biodiversity, renewable resource, non-renewable resource.

First Body Paragraph:

▪ This paragraph is about Land Pollution and impacts that we have on our land.

▪ Discuss the following:

o Soil Erosion, Desertification, Deforestation

o Explain how both occur and the problem it causes for the environment. Possible solutions?

Second Body Paragraph:

▪ This paragraph is about Air Pollution

▪ Use the following words in your discussion:

o Pollutant, Smog, Acid Rain

o Explain how both occur and the problem it causes for the environment. Possible solutions?

Third Body Paragraph:

▪ This paragraph is about Ozone Depletion AND Global Warming.

▪ Use the following words in your discussion:

o CFC’s, Fossil Fuels

o Explain how both occur and the problem it causes for the environment. Possible solutions?


▪ Summarize how humans impact the environment and the problems that arise.

▪ Use the following words:

o Extinction, endangered species, threatened species


▪ A works sited or bibliography should be provided with ALL SOURCES you have USED!!


|Rough Draft/Brainstorming Page |The rough draft/brainstorming page is attached | |The rough draft/brainstorming page|

| |(25 pts) | |is not attached |

| | | |(0 pts) |

|References |All the information is listed for the source |All the information is listed but is |There is no information listed (0 |

| |and is in MLA format (15 pts) |not in MLA format (10 pts) |pts) |

|Introduction/Paragraph |The main point is clearly defined and gives the|The main point does not clearly |The main point is missing or |

| |reader a clear picture of what the paragraph is|define what the paragraph is about. |cannot be determined. The points |

| |about. The points are listed with supporting |The points are listed without details|are missing or do not pertain to |

| |details about the main points in each |and with a lot of extraneous |the subject (0 pts). |

| |paragraph. They are factual and do not contain |information (5 pts). | |

| |extraneous information (10 pts). | | |

|First Body Paragraph: |The main point is clearly defined and gives the|The main point does not clearly |The main point is missing or |

| |reader a clear picture of what the paragraph is|define what the paragraph is about. |cannot be determined. The points |

| |about. The points are listed with supporting |The points are listed without details|are missing or do not pertain to |

| |details about the main points in each |and with a lot of extraneous |the subject (0 pts). |

| |paragraph. They are factual and do not contain |information (5 pts). | |

| |extraneous information (10 pts). | | |

|Second Body Paragraph: |The main point is clearly defined and gives the|The main point does not clearly |The main point is missing or |

| |reader a clear picture of what the paragraph is|define what the paragraph is about. |cannot be determined. The points |

| |about. The points are listed with supporting |The points are listed without details|are missing or do not pertain to |

| |details about the main points in each |and with a lot of extraneous |the subject (0 pts). |

| |paragraph. They are factual and do not contain |information (5 pts). | |

| |extraneous information (10 pts). | | |

|Third Body Paragraph: |The main point is clearly defined and gives the|The main point does not clearly |The main point is missing or |

| |reader a clear picture of what the paragraph is|define what the paragraph is about. |cannot be determined. The points |

| |about. The points are listed with supporting |The points are listed without details|are missing or do not pertain to |

| |details about the main points in each |and with a lot of extraneous |the subject (0 pts). |

| |paragraph. They are factual and do not contain |information (5 pts). | |

| |extraneous information (10 pts). | | |

|Conclusion |Summary of the entire paper, tying all points | |The paper is not tied together. |

| |into one paragraph (10pts). | |Points are missing (0 pts). |

|Grammar and Punctuation |There are 1-2 grammar mistakes (10 pts). |There are 3-7 grammar mistakes (5 |There are more than 7 grammar |

| | |pts). |mistakes (0 pts). |


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