Frequently Asked Questions


1. Who is eligible?

All full-time, not substitute or temporary, District employees.

2. How do I apply?

You must come in person to the Employee Relations Office in Human Capital Management to apply in person prior to going out on Medical Leave. Employees must fill out a Form 100.

3. What is the length of time I can be out?

The District allows up to 180 calendar days.

4. What else do I need to do to comply with Temporary Disability Leave regulation?

An employee must bring in their doctor’s statement regarding the date expected to be taken off work and expected return date when they come in to fill out their Form100.

The employee must call their absences in to the employee Central Calling System and code it as Sick Leave. Absences can be called in via the telephone or internet for up to the expected return date. Immediate supervisor must also be kept informed.

If any changes need to be made to the Form 100, (such as a different last day of work date) they must be made in writing, accompanied by the appropriate supporting documentation and either mailed in or brought in to Employee Relations. Immediate supervisor must also be notified of change.

5. How is pay handled while on Temporary Disability Leave?

The employee is only paid to the extent of their accrued leave days.

If you have additional payroll questions, please contact the Payroll Dept. at 817-814-2180.


6. What is FMLA?

Federal law allows an eligible employee to take off up to 12 work weeks during the year to take care of themselves or an immediate family member due to a serious health condition; or for the birth of a child, adoption of a child, or placement of a child in a foster home.

7. Who is eligible for FMLA?

Employees who have worked for the District for at least 12 months and worked a minimum of 1,250 hours during the last 12 months.

8. Define “immediate family member”.

The law states that besides you, your immediate family is: Your spouse, your child, or your parent.

9. How do I apply for FMLA?

Employees must come in person to the Employee Relations Dept. in Human Capital Management and fill out a Form 100.

10. Is FMLA paid?

No. FMLA is without pay, except to the extent the employee might have leave days available to take while off. And, FMLA runs concurrent with other medical leaves.

11. What if you and your spouse are both employed by the District?

The combined total of annual FMLA for both is 12 weeks. The law gives the District the right to allow the 12 weeks per year to be shared by both employees . . . they are not entitled to 12 weeks each.

12. How are benefits affected while on FMLA?

Employees are entitled to continue health care benefits as though they were working. Nothing else is affected.


13. FMLA (if employee is eligible) runs concurrent with all medically related leaves (including maternity), paid or unpaid.

14. Paperwork for Temporary Disability leave (medical) and/or FMLA can be filled out at the same time in the Employee Relations office in Human Capital Management .


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