Transcript of How to Succeed In an Online Course Video0:12Virtual Learning is becoming more and more common in our world today. All the content and assignments in virtual courses are generally similar to those of in person courses, the way that they are approached is slightly different.0:25Whether you're taking an online course for the first time, or trying to find better strategies for staying on top of the online courses, we have some helpful tips and tricks to get you through.0:37In this video, we'll talk about what you need to get started in online classes and ways you can plan for success. And, we'll focus on several do's and don'ts to follow in order to succeed.0:50Jim Ryan Olympic athlete, and politician has some words that speak volumes into what we need to do to succeed in online learning.0:59"Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going."1:05Before you get started, think about what your motivation is, why do you want to succeed in this class, then think about what types of habits you need to create in order to make this become possible.1:18The first step to succeeding in an online class is making sure you are set up for success. You need to have a computer or device that meets the requirements for your learning platform, and you need to have a reliable internet connection. You can find details on computer requirements on the citadels internet technologies website. If you realize you don't have what you need, email us at, so that we can help.1:48Once you know that you have what you need. It's important to create a plan for success.1:53Start out by reviewing the syllabus, just like in an in person course. It is important to review the syllabus fully so that you understand the course expectations and requirements. Next, write down all due dates. You can write them down in the planner or put them in your phone to make sure you don't miss it. Finally, be open to contacting your professor with any questions or concerns. If you're unsure about a requirement assignment or due date, contact your professor as soon as possible for clarification.2:27Now that we've talked about what to do before you get started, let's review some do's and don'ts to help you succeed. Do treat this like a real class. An online class carries the same weight and importance as an in person class.2:43The format of the class does not change as important, or difficulty level.2:48Do you set aside time for attending class, as well as studying.2:53Think about how much time you would normally sit in a class, participating in the lecture. Usually, about three hours a week. Set aside that amount of time for reading and reviewing lectures, then set aside additional time for studying and completing assignments, as you normally would have done in an in person class. Do be sure that you have read and watched all course announcements.3:19These may come from an email or an announcement in the course itself. Be sure to check and read or watch these promptly. Do read and take notes on all course materials. Just because you're not in a class physically, doesn't mean you don't need to take notes. Taking notes helps you to highlight and remember what is most important, and it also helps you to begin to process and take in the material. Do create a schedule and block out specific times for completing work.3:50Planning when to work on assignments and prepare for class will help you be sure you don't run out of time. Do read rubrics and assignment criteria carefully, to make sure you understand all requirements.4:04One of the easiest ways to lose points, is to miss part of assignment requirements. So take the time to read all the requirements carefully.4:14Do contact your professor if you have questions. Professors in online classes want to interact with their students just as much as professors in in-person classes do. Don't hesitate to contact them if you have a question or need further clarification.4:31Do make use of both online and in person resources. This includes your professor's office hours, advising services, tutoring services, and supplemental instruction.4:45If you need help getting access to these resources, email us at We are happy to assist you.4:56Don't assume online classes take less time than in person classes. You need to devote the same amount of time, or more, to virtual classes as you do to in person classes.5:09Don't procrastinate. Waiting until the last minute is one of the worst things to do, because it creates undue stress and pressure that also increases your likelihood of making mistakes. Don't multitask. The convenience of online classes is wonderful. You can do them from anywhere, often in the comfort of your own home.5:30But don't use this as an opportunity to multitask. Turn off your other electronic devices, find a quiet place, and focus on one thing at a time. As we've mentioned throughout this presentation, the staff at The Citadel's Student Success Center are ready and prepared to assist you. Contact us via email or visit our website for more details.


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