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Means and Laws of Relationships Development and degradation

Ultimately each of us and every living entities looking to Genuinely Love some and be Loved by someone forever. It is our internal births rights to Love and be Loved forever. It is possible only if we relish Loving relationship at least with someone. Please, let us try to do our best from our side to develop our relationships up to level of Genuine Loving relationships with our Beloved ones.

Sage Narada Muni about our material word sad: “In that kingdom, there is a river flowing in both directions” (Srimad Bhagavatam 6.5.6-16). This phenomenon we can see in our life and all around. In same external conditions someone reaching the highest perfection of life: power, wealth, fame, beauty, knowledge, renunciation etc and someone else in same external conditions go on and on increasing and increasing our insatiable, greedy desires for material sense gratification and end up dissatisfied, empty, stress-out, with broken heart and damaged our health and unfulfilled relationships with family members, parents, friends, business partners etc. We tried our best and end up nowhere. And now we are even lousing face to ourselves and to be able achieve Supreme Success even by paying for that with our Happiness, relationships, wealthy, healthy, fame, beauty etc.

How we can flow up, not down in this river of material existence? Mainly our sincere attempt to practicing and developing eternal Healthy and Balanced life style, or Civilized Human Etiquette and Culture leads as reaching the highest perfections and achieve Supreme Success in our Human life, and finally stop the cycle of birth, death, old age and desises. On other hand, absence of Civilized Human Etiquette and Culture in our relationships leads as to go on increasing and increasing our greedy and unsatisfied desires for material sense gratification and end up dissatisfied, empty, stress-out, with broken heart and damaged our health and unfulfilled relationships with family members, parents, friends, business partners etc. All kind of relationships: friendship, family, community, country, nation, social or business organisation etc function under same natural laws – laws of development and degradation, knowledge offered in timeless spirituals scriptures like Bible, Koran, Bhagavat-Gita, Srimat-Bhagavatam etc. In short Civilized Human Etiquette and Culture mean development and absence of Civilized Human Etiquette and Culture mean degradation.

If in relationships one immediate externally jumps to degradation or development on topmost level is only exception. Generally, movement up and down are gradual process. Moreover, that for degradation or increasing of unhealty mentality we need activities from and connection between both parties, senior-junior, older-younger, husband-wife, male-female, masculine-feminine, father-mother, Guru-Devotee, teacher-disciple, leader-servant, manager-clerk, boss-simple workers, guide-follower, active-passive, Sun-Moon, yan-in, main-subordinate etc. Like in the nuclear bomb for explosion there need connection between two - uranium and proton. In relationship, only one party cannot degrade by itself. In contrary for relationships development, improvements enough with one party’s consisting endeavours to harmonize and develop present situation in relationships. After ones party consciousness endeavour in relationship development, opposite party changing by itself, do to natural law of reflection and attraction. Relationship development requires at least ones party conscious endower, practise Civilized Human Etiquette and Culture in these relationships, humbleness, patients and tolerates, then during course of time development of relationships are guarantee.

Degradation can only be reduced if at least one party acknowledge our own errors, faults and consciously endower to change our consciousness and activities. Sincerely study and practise Civilized Human Etiquette and Culture. Then at 1st degradation speed slow down and 2nd slowly changing direction from degradation to development and 3rd increase step by step development and improvement of any kind of relationships: friendship, family, community, country, nation, social or business organisation etc because all relationships functions under same internal law – law of development and degradation. For development and improvements we need consciously develop needful consciousness, character, actions, knowledge and austerity.

Minimal requirements for relationships development:

1. One party voluntary at least little bit, in some extent, acknowledge our own faults and voluntary take responsibility about our relationships present condition.

2. One party voluntary acknowledges that could be opposite party right now are correct and not making any faults or errors in our relationships.

For study and practical application 8 levels of degradation and development are described below:

| |Senior attitude, mode, |Junior attitude, mode, |Summary: Prominent mode un nature (M) | |Stages of disease manifestation|Emotional health aspects – intimate |Professional health aspects – |Social health aspects – |

| |activities (S) - older, |activities (J) - younger, |Regulative principles of freedom (RP) | |by Ayurveda | Physical health |relationships, feelings, mood etc of |wealth, power, job, business |sociality, religious and |

|L |husband, male, masculine, |wife, female, feminine, |And more detail descriptions about more |aspects – subtle and grows |individuals and between individuals |activities etc. |social welfare activities |

|e |father and daughter, guru,|mother and son, devotee, |prominent situation of particular level of|material body. In aspect of |in any kind of relationships: | |etc. |

|v |teacher, leader, manager, |disciple, servant, clerk, |degradation or development. Inner and |community, country, nation, |friendship, family, community, | | |

|l |boss, owner of business, |simple workers, follower, |external consciousness, mood, feelings, |social or business organisation|country, nation, social or business | | |

|s |guide, active start point,|passive hanger-on, Moon, in, |thoughts, actions, movements in any kind |etc this is land, property, |organisation etc. | | |

| |Sun, yan, main |subordinate |of relationships, because all kind of |physical recourses etc. | | | |

| | | |relationships: friendship, family, | | | | |

| | | |community, country, nation, social or | | | | |

| | | |business organisation etc because all | | | | |

| | | |relationship functions under same internal| | | | |

| | | |laws – laws of development and | | | | |

| | | |degradation. | | | | |

|T |S unite all characteristic|J act and live actively with |Transcendental level, beyond birth, death,|In this level we are beyond |Feel uninterrupted pure unconditional|We are now completely satisfied, |Fulltime engaged in |

| |under one supreme |S, Equals and J in five |old age and disease, liberation from round|body conception of life and we |Love, blissfulness in any kind of |and we have full faith in the |devotional service with |

| |characteristic - Supreme |direct mellows of |of samsara, pure consciousness, beyond |are equipoise in heat and cold,|emotional relationships. |laws of nature, Absolute Truth, |determination , mind and |

| |Pure Love, Uncodiction |relationships: neutrality, |material consciousness, beyond I-Me-My |in happiness and distress etc | |Supreme Personality of Godhead |intelligence fixed on |

| |Love, Agape, Prema Bhakti |servitude, friendship, |etc. Tune in with laws of nature and | | |mercy. Therefore we maintain our |Absolute Truth. |

| | |parental affection, conjugal |surrendered to Absolute Truth. In theist | | |self with whatever comes of its | |

| | |love |language stable level of Supreme Pure Love| | |own accord. | |

| | | |with Supreme Personalities of Godhead and | | | | |

| | | |all living entities. United with others by| | | | |

| | | |any means to devotionally serve Supreme | | | | |

| | | |Personalities of Godhead in one of five | | | | |

| | | |main, direct mellows of relationships: | | | | |

| | | |neutrality, servitude, friendship, | | | | |

| | | |parental affection, conjugal love and | | | | |

| | | |occasionally in one of seven indirect | | | | |

| | | |mellows, known as laughter, wonder, | | | | |

| | | |chivalry, compassion, anger, disaster and | | | | |

| | | |fear. | | | | |

|0 |S are know and following |Each and every J follower |Pure goodness M and/or goodness M | 4 RP |Internal material law: birth, |If in these relationships one of |Wealth not at all issue on this |On this level generally we |

| |very clear to his mission,|knows, understood and |(no drags, no meat eating, no gambling and|death, old age and disease |party comes in mind flicker thought, |level. Do to pious activities, |are engage in devotional |

| |mood, aims and regulative |voluntary follow the S |no sex) | Naturally, all parties follow to|already here | Generally in |“opposite party could be better”, “I |inheritance, destiny, past karma,|service, social welfare |

| |routine. S respect |mission, mood, aims and |Civilized Human Etiquette and Culture. |this level are not physical |expected better relationships from |previous work etc here enough |work etc without selfish |

| |appreciates and guides the|orders. Each and every J |Every things look like “all right” and |discomfort, disease etc |other party”. Than from that |wealth itself or by little work. |motives. |

| |J, harmonise and adjust |respect, appreciates and |same time material nature working under | |initional thought we fall down on | | |

| |his individual mode and |follow the S, harmonise and |the law birth, death, old age and disease.| |next degradation level. | | |

| |activities with Absolute |adjust his individual mode |In material nature, in material | | | | |

| |Truth and society mode and|and activities with S, |conciseness everything degraded by itself.| | | | |

| |activities – time, place, |Absolute Truth and society |For that even to stay on initial level we | | | | |

| |and situation. |mode and activities. |need to use our endeavour and activities, | | | | |

| | | |follow Civilized Human Etiquette and | | | | |

| | | |Culture. Preventions are easier and | | | | |

| | | |cheaper then cure. | | | | |

|1 |S losing faith to present |J more often didn’t do their |Goodness M plus slight passion M | 3.5 RP |Disease accumulation in subtle |More and more often visible excite, |Generally, wealth not a problem |On this level generally we |

| |mission, aims and J |duties properly and in J mind|(start restricted sex life) | Consciously |body. | Time by time we can |hurry and tight relationships. |on this level, but time by time |are engage in devotional |

| |decries there pervious |are dwelling flickering |all parties try to follow to Civilized |feels subtle discomforts in |Gradually disappearing gratitude and |it can be need take care of it by|service, social welfare |

| |respect appreciates, |thoughts, carelessness in |Human Etiquette and Culture. |physical body. |appreciation towards Absolute Truth, |some adjustments or little work. |work etc with some kind of |

| |subordination and ability |attitude and actions | | |God, opposite party and surrounding. | |selfish motives: fame, |

| |to listen S | | | | | |prestige, power etc. |

|2 |S more often express |J losing faith, trust and |Decreasing goodness M and increasing |Disease aggravation in subtle |Decreasing self-respect and good |Work for wealth become more and |On this level generally we |

| |aggression and slowly |chastity to the S, J and S |passion M | 2.5 RP (start use means with |body | More often we can feels |luck. Parties in present of another |more prominent. |are engage in social |

| |disappearing morality and |progressive sallow character |increasing bewilderment, foolishness and |subtle discomforts in physical |party start crack unhealthy jocks and| |welfare work etc with |

| |loosing heart voice and |and J more often hides their |madness: tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol, |body. |backbiting speech. Expressing to | |selfish motives: fame, |

| |proper Civilized Human |own thoughts, dreams and more|drugs etc) | |others compliments on | |prestige, power etc. Pure |

| |Etiquette and Culture |often feels offended | | |material/bodily/sexual background and| |devotional service |

| | | | | |start flirting with others partners | |gradually disappear from |

| | | | | |and paramours. Becoming more | |our day to day activities. |

| | | | | |difficult to carve destructive | | |

| | | | | |emotions in present of opposite | | |

| | | | | |party. | | |

|3 |S becoming more often |J more often telling |Prominent passion M plus slight ignorance |Disease migration from subtle |Parties will go on increasing and |We are working like ass for |Even if we are doing some |

| |miser, greedy, making his |half-truth, lies, |M | 1.5 RP (using drugs, gambling, |body to physical body | Our |increasing their insatiable and |wealth long and hard hours. |kind of social activities, |

| |own savings for his own |manufacturing his selfish |restricted sex) | In do of increasing |physical discomforts, pains etc|greedy desires for material |Generally we are working in order|generally our motive for |

| |needs outside of present |benefits out present |enjoyment, independence and “so call |become more and more prominent |enjoyment. Increasing untruthfulness,|to have senses enjoyment in |that is to get more and |

| |relationships |relationships |democracy”, can be looks like situation |and often. Generally we do not |untrustfulness, and unspoken thing |future, but when we have wealth, |more wealth, power, fame, |

| | | |improving in relationships – but that is |care for that, bat even if we |and situation are been try making |we do not have time actually to |prestige etc. |

| | | |due to bewilderment. This situation can be|are visiting modern science |nicer by not telling things and |enjoy the senses. | |

| | | |named: “Excite before death”. This is |doctors, there cannot put real |lying. | | |

| | | |quiet unsteady state and quickly situation|diagnosis. | | | |

| | | |will move up or down in level. | | | | |

|4 |S becoming more |J growing jealousy, |Grows passion M and increasing ignorance M|Disease taking shelter in a |Such kind of family, community etc |A greedy person accumulates a |On this level we are |

| |hardhearted, more raft, |backbiting, blaming others, || 0.5 RP (using drugs, gambling, |places of physical body | Our |practically do not have any hope |large quantity of money with |generally engage in |

| |showing emotional and |gossiping, low self stem, |restricted sex) | From this degradation |physical discomforts, pains etc|improve situation without help from |great struggle and pain, but the |fanatical, sectarian, |

| |physical aggressiveness up|moraines, lamentation and |level harmonizing process back to initial |become part of day to day life.|outside. In parties growing belief: |person who has struggled so much |destructive etc social |

| |to real emotional and |publicly washing his own and |level optimistically can teaks up to 5-8 |Generally we try go to |“I am absolute good, right and |to acquire this wealth is not |work, where we try to help |

| |physical aggression |others “dirty underwear” |years. In this level more vastly growing |different doctors, bat modern |innocent party. In over problematic |always allowed to enjoy it |our so call friends by |

| | | |calamities: crime, stealing, dacoit, rape,|science doctors cannot put real|relationship only guilty opposite |himself or give it in charity to |destroying, killing, |

| | | |way to untimely death. Growing envy, |diagnosis. Vastly increasing|party, who making me innocent to |others. No matter how carefully |putting down our imaginary |

| | | |conflicts and attachments to opposite |intoxications, alcoholism, |suffer”. |one hides his hard-earned wealth |so call enemies. |

| | | |party faults and errors. |dissatisfactions, worry, harry,| |or tries to protect it, there are| |

| | | | |lay, insecurity, fear, | |those who are expert in detecting| |

| | | | |aggression etc. | |the whereabouts of valuable | |

| | | | | | |things, and they will steal it. | |

|5 |S more and more often |J wrong and harsh language, |Decreasing passion M and increasing grows |Disease symptom manifestation |More and more losing: hopes, public |Generally, on this level we are |In this level generally we |

| |expose emotional and |shouting with bad words |ignorance M | Living by whimsical |in physical body | Our physical|respects, wheals, properties, |losing any kind of jobs, savings,|are rejected by noble |

| |physical aggressiveness | |regulative principles or law of jangle |discomforts, pains etc on each |health, well-wishers, friends etc. |contacts etc. Even, if we |sociality. And then we can |

| | | | |step become really destructive.|Generally in this level we start |somehow or other still get |seek shelter under |

| | | | |Now modern science doctors can |looking for outside help from |something, that come in long time|antisocial, aggressive, |

| | | | |diagnosis many type of painful |different specialists: doctors, |by extremely hard labour, and |destructive etc groups. |

| | | | |illness and recommend one bay |physiotherapists, priests etc |finally someone can snatch, | |

| | | | |one cut of or replace our | |steal, take away by force etc it | |

| | | | |physical organ. | |from us. | |

|6 |S and J receiving deadly |J and S developing mood, |Increasing grows ignorance M | No at all |Increasing grows demonical, |We are extremely lonely, fearful, |Generally we are extremely |In this level we are event |

| |diseases, cancer, hard |character, consciousness and |any conches laws or regulative principles |cruel life style, more and more|abuse, destroyed and victim by all |penniless and victim by all kind |exploited, abuse, rejected |

| |attack etc. Up to |activities of robber, || In any level, even in this level, if we |experiencing deadly calamities:|kind of calamities. |of calamities |by an antisocial, |

| |unexpected fast death |prostitution, necromancy, |are finally start genially looking for |killing, plundering, suicide, | | |aggressive, destructive etc|

| | |etc. |help, surrender and serve with devotion to|destroying whatever bean left | | |groups. |

| | | |respected, trustful, kind, compassionate |up to final disappeared and | | | |

| | | |well-wishers, teachers, gurus, Absolute |death. | | | |

| | | |Truth etc we can rise up step by step. | | | | |

Practical recommendations for Development of Relationships

Four Principles of Community Building by H.H. Bhakti Tirtha Swami Warrior III

1. Treat everyone you encounter as if the success of your spiritual life depends upon the quality of your interaction with them.

2. Reflect upon the person you love the most, and aspire to treat everyone with that same quality of love.

3. View all conflict as your own faults first. See conflicts as a chance for growth, to clarify perceptions, and to create synergy.

4. Realize that the people in your present environment might very well be the people with whom you will live out your life, and who will be with you at time of death.

Twelve Qualities of a Spiritual Warrior by H.H. Bhakti Tirtha Swami Warrior III

1. Sense Control and Master of the Mind – An uncontrolled mind will be ones greatest enemy and salve of the senses. Regulating the senses and focusing the intellect stop the mind’s sabotaging effects and makes it a great friend and a doctor to the soul.

2. Humility – Recognizing God as the controller and being dependent on Him, never overreacting to fame, success or position and while dealing with “the many” not overlooking “the one.”

3. Fearlessness – Confidence come from continuously validating conclusions through a three-fold check and balance system of spiritual mentors, saints and Holy Scriptures.

4. Truthfulness – Always ready to speak truth in a way that elevate whomever hears it.

5. Compassion and Pridlessness – One is determined and finds joy in doing whatever is necessary to genuinely benefit others. Ready to go the extra mile to assist.

6. Material Exhaustion and Disinterest in Material Rewards – Having disgust with mundane culture and achievements.

7. No Idle Time – Always extremely accountable to God and to those one serves. Knowing time belongs to Him and not oneself.

8. Patience and Selflessness – Desperate to attain the goals while depending on the Lord’s mercy.

9. Firm Faith – This come from mature consciousness and purified perception.

10. Perseverance – One is not destroyed by difficult challenges or setbacks, bat regroups and becomes an even more determined and better warrior. The greater the challenge, the more expert is the performance.

11. Curiosity and Enthusiasm to Learn and Grow – Equipoised in happiness and distress. Never becomes complacent from past success or present conflicts. One eagerly learns and grows from both.

12. Surrender to Divine Will – Offering fully one’s body, mind and word in God’s service. All previous 11 tools now help one to fully surrender to the Godhead in connection with Divine Power.

The 8 questions to our self or steps to overcoming mental and physical offences.

1. Maybe He is also Pleasing Absolute Truth? – Some time we are bewildered about others behaviours and wrongly jag Them...

2. Maybe He does not know who to Pleasing Absolute Truth? – Some time He does His best according to His knowledge, time, place and situation, with maybe not so perfect...

3. Maybe I do not know who to Pleasing Absolute Truth? – When Love go away we becoming analytical and starting think and jag to much...

4. Maybe His results are Pleasing Absolute Truth? – Some time by seeing process we wrongly jag future results...

5. Maybe His motives are Pleasing Absolute Truth? – Some time we impart incorrect motives to others...

6. Maybe something else in His behaviours is Pleasing Absolute Truth? – Maybe Krishna not at all concern about this bit in His behaviours because Krishna maybe already Pleased by something else in His behaviours...

7. Please pray for His behaviours to be Pleasing for Absolute Truth. – Prayers are so powerful... Haridas Takurs and Jesus Kristi prayed for Their aggressors well where to Supreme Personality of Godhead...We cannot imitate Them, but we can try to follow in Their footsteps by praying for His well where and behaviours to be Pleasing for Absolute Truth...

8. Creatively write down: “With His behaviours maybe Pleasing to Absolute Truth”? – Some time our paradigms are not at all helpful to our self and others... There are the practical steps who to let go our destructive paradigms and cultivate constructive paradigms... By creatively contemplating and observing Him, and simultaneously creatively write down “With His behaviours maybe Pleasing to Absolute Truth”?

Material prepared by BVG Janaka das –

Last changes was made: 3 Mar 2011 [pic][pic]


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