Seasons and Climate Study GuideWhen looking down on Earth’s north pole, what direction does the Earth revolve around the sun? What is the angle of Earth’s tilt?Why doesn’t the equator experience seasons?What causes the seasons?What would happen if the Earth’s tilt increased? How do you know?Complete the chart below:DAYLENGTH OF DAYLIGHT (hours)AVERAGE TEMP (degrees in Celsius)SEASONEARTH TILT(away, toward, sideway)WHAT HEMISPHERE IS THIS CITY LOCATED? HOW DO YOU KNOW?Jan. 221432Feb. 221331March 221228April 221023May 22917June 22812July 22911Aug 221114Sept 221217Oct 221317Nov 221418Dec 221525Label the months and seasons in the diagram below for both Northern AND Southern Hemisphere. center-40132000What is climate and what factors affect climate?What are biomes?How are biomes related to climate?Fill in the chart below with the types of biomes:BiomesTemperature Range (in Celsius)Precipitation Amounts (in centimeters)Tropical rain forestSavannaTemperate ForestDesertGrasslandTaigaTundraUsing the data below, create a climate graph. JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDECTemperature (C)262626242221212122222325Precipitation (cm)141213118545681014left13081000 What biome would do you think this location is in? Why? Describe the weather during the summer months. Describe the weather during the winter months. ................

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