Come, Enter the Mikvah – Set-Apart unto Yahuwah

I SAMUEL 8 - 2021 SAMUEL VS EVERYONE ELSE Matthew 7:13-20: ““Enter in through the narrow gate! Because the gate is wide – and the way is broad – that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in through it. 14 Because the gate is narrow and the way is hard pressed?which leads to life, and there are few who find it. 15 But beware of the false prophets,?who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are savage wolves. 16 By their fruits you shall know them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 So every good tree yields good fruit, but a rotten tree yields wicked fruit. 18 A good tree is unable to yield wicked fruit, and a rotten tree to yield good fruit. 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20So then, by their fruits you shall know them – …” 2021 SEPARATION BY FEAR or BY FAITH Leviticus 11:44-45; 19:2, 20:7-8, 26, I Peter 1:16, Revelation 22:11b: “Be set apart as I am set-apart,” says Yahuwah…let the set-apart be more set-apart.” The word in Hebrew for “set-apart” is “kodesh.” In Isaiah 6, the seraphim fly throughout the throne room of Yahuwah proclaiming “set-apart, set-apart, set-apart” in the language of heaven, as Isaiah describes. PLEASE READ I Samuel 1-8 for background information and personal revelation from the Teacher – the Spirit of Yahuwah. This brief study will let you know where you stand with Yahuwah, where your heart is, and where your trust and dependency lies. Taken from a revelation given in a message by Bishop-Pastor Michael McQueen, December 30, 2020 from the Prayer Center. I Samuel 1-3: Samuel/Shmu’el’s birth and raising in the Temple in Shilo (Shee-low) under Aaronic Priest Eli. Samuel was trained as a Levite, a prophet, and as Ruler of Israel at the close of the time of the Judges. From about age 4, Shmu’el/Samuel, the miracle baby, was trained as a prophet, who became judge of Israel, guardian of the counsel of Yahuwah among His people.I Samuel 3:19-21: “And Shemu’?l grew up, and ???? was with him and did not let any of his words fall to the ground. 20And all Yisra’?l from Dan to Be’?rshe?a knew that Shemu’?l had been established as a prophet of ????. 21And ???? continued to appear in Shiloh, because ???? revealed Himself to Shemu’?l in Shiloh by the word of ????.” In I Samuel chapter 4, the Philistines attacked. The people greatly feared. They trusted in the Ark as an amulet, something to ward off the enemy supernaturally. Yahuwah is not a good luck charm when we need Him!!! Israel had many judges of varying quality over the years, and yet each man “did what was right in his own eyes.” Yahuwah had fought for Israel, as with Deborah in Judges 5. But during the time of Samuel, they feared greatly because the Philistines had risen up to attack them. The people trusted in the Ark itself. They trusted in the Ark more than in Yahuwah whose Presence was hidden in Most Set-Apart place of the tabernacle over the Ark from the days of Moses. Moses entered into His “glory cloud” and basked in His Presence, but that was a long time ago. Even then, the people would note when Yahuwah’s Presence would descend over the Ark and were afraid, but Moses stood there basking in His Presence. In that day, there was Moses and there was Joshua and there was Caleb and Phinehas. But, then, there were millions of the rest of the people. In our day “the few” are so small, they can be numbered out of 7.5 billion people on earth (Revelation 3:7-13; 7:1-8; 14:1-5; 22:3-5, Daniel 11:32). The tabernacle of Moses had been set up at Shilo where the basics of Leviticus were carried out under the Aaronic priesthood. At the time, Eli was in that position. Frightened people went and got the ark out of the set-apart place and took it into battle with the Philistines, not respecting Yahuwah or His power, but putting their hopes in the Ark to save them. Yes, the Philistines were frightened of the Ark’s presence also, respecting the power of Yahuwah more than the Hebrews did. I Samuel 4:1-8: “Thus the word of Shemu’?l was to all Yisra’?l. And Yisra’?l went out to battle against the Philistines, and encamped beside E?en Ha??zer, while the Philistines encamped in Aph?q. 2And the Philistines put themselves in battle array against Yisra’?l. And when the battle spread, Yisra’?l was smitten by the Philistines, who killed about four thousand men of the army in the field. 3And when the people came into the camp, the elders of Yisra’?l said, `Why has ???? smitten us today before the Philistines? Let us bring the ark of the covenant of ???? from Shiloh to us, so that He comes into our midst and save us from the hand of our enemies.’4And the people sent to Shiloh, and they brought from there the ark of the covenant of ???? of hosts, dwelling between the keru?im. And the two sons of ?li, ?ophni and Pine?as, were there with the ark of the covenant of Elohim. 5And when the ark of the covenant of ???? came into the camp, all Yisra’?l shouted so loudly that the earth shook. 6And when the Philistines heard the noise of the shout, they said, `What is the noise of this great shout in the camp of the He?rews?’ And when they knew that the ark of ???? had come into the camp, 7the Philistines were afraid, for they said, `Elohim has come into the camp!’ And they said, `Woe to us! For it has never been like this before. 8 Woe to us! Who shall deliver us from the hand of these mighty elohim? This is the elohim who smote the Mitsrites with all the plagues in the wilderness.’” They did not realize that Yahuwah was One – singular – Shaddai, Elyon – the Father, the Supreme “God.” It seems that they thought of Him as many gods, rolled into one. However, even with all their fear of the gods and the Ark, the Philistines captured the Ark. Word went back to Eli that the Ark had been taken and his two sons killed in battle. Eli was 90 years old, fat, and weak. Upon hearing the bad news, Eli fell back off his chair and died. In I Samuel 4:19-5:1 we have the story of Ichabod. The wife of Pinehas was 9-months pregnant and near time of the birth of their son. Upon hearing of the death of her husband and seeing the death of her father-in-law, she went into labor. She brought forth a boy, whom she named Ichabod. All Hebrew names have a meaning - have “etymology.” “Ichabod” means “the glory has departed.”For more in-depth revelation on this singular event, and its application today, please read “Ichabod”/Mikvah of Present Reality. Today in 2021, the message of Ichabod is more relevant than ever before! I Samuel 5: The Philistines took the Ark and put it into the temple of their fish-god Dagon. We read the humor of this--how Dagon fell over and part of his fish-anatomy was knocked off. This freaked-out the Philistines. In I Samuel 6:21, we see that the Philistines brought the Ark back to the Hebrews. It was put into the house of Hebrews for 20 years. This is unusual to us who have studied the Torah. The Ark was passed around, not as the Torah taught the Levites to carry it, but as man decided he should do it. Finally, after the Ark was brought to Jerusalem by King David transported on a cart, which is totally against the Torah (instructions and teachings of Yahuwah), it ended up in King David’s backyard tent for 40 years. Please read “Worship: The Journey of the Ark/Mikvah of the Spirit. Also, as an introduction to this article, or forerunner, refer to: “Let us Be Like the Nations”/ Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance. Again, the idea of the Levites taking the Ark from place to place on long poles, instructions given to Moses by Yahuwah, and then it being transported at the time of David being King on a cart, and Uzza reaching out to stabilize it and being struck dead by some unseen force within the Ark, we wonder why all this violation of instructions being disobeyed early on and later. Think about it: Yahuwah’s Presence over the Ark brought into battle with Philistines by scared carnal, sinful, man? Then one man tries to keep it from falling off a cart and he is struck dead? No answers totally … Perhaps His Presence departed from the Ark when it was taken into battle as an amulet, a good luck charm, and that is why the Philistines were able to capture it. It was at a time, similar to now, when the book of Judges says “every man did what was right in his own eyes.” Samuel gave conditions for returning the Ark to the Tabernacle of Moses. This is a longways away from the building of Solomon’s Temple! Notice the people’s game-playing with the mandate of Samuel for Yahuwah to protect them. It is surly as it is today among the religious, the fakes, pretenders, who appear righteous but have ulterior motives for acting so. Notice that Samuel is dealing with the House of Israel/Ephraim/Ya’cob, the ten northern tribes, before their total dispersion out of the land after Solomon, in 722 BCE. The tabernacle was at Shiloh, not Jerusalem. King David brought the Ark to Jerusalem, to the “City of David,” Mount Zion. II Samuel 5:7: “David captured the stronghold of Zion, the “City of David.” “Zion” is NOT Mount Moriah/the “Temple Mount.” That is clear from I Kings 8. Dating is calculated in Ezekiel 4 and Leviticus 16, giving us the exact dating of the extent -- beginning to end - of Ephraim’s punishment: 2,730 years. The final exodus from Samaria of the 10 northern tribes of Ephraim/Israel was 722 BCE. Do your math. The end of Ephraim’s punishment was September 13, 2007/2008 Yom Teruah. Yes, I was in Jerusalem to proclaim that, and 17 other things, at the Wall at sunset that evening. I did not know it, but learned it at Sukkot, that the Orthodox Jews were ecstatic about it, heralding it with great celebration as the end of Ephraim’s punishment. I, and 15 others with me, experienced some of their jubilance, since the Old City and Jewish Quarter were flooded with Ephraimites from all over the world in celebration. I Samuel 7:2-9: 2And it came to be, from the day that the Ark remained in Qiryath Ye?arim, that the time increased, it came to be twenty years. And all the house of Yisra’?l lamented after ????. 3And Shemu’?l spoke to all the house of Yisra’?l, saying, `If you return to ???? with all your hearts, then put away the foreign mighty ones and Ashtaroth from among you, and prepare your hearts for ????, and serve Him only, so that He delivers you from the hand of the Philistines.’ 4And the children of Yisra’?l put away the Ba?als and Ashtaroth, and served ???? only.5And Shemu’?l said, `Gather all Yisra’?l to Mitspah and let me pray to ???? for you.’6And they gathered to Mitspah and drew water, and poured it out before ????. And they fasted that day, and said there, `We have sinned against ????.’ And Shemu’?l rightly ruled the children of Yisra’?l at Mitspah. 7And when the Philistines heard that the children of Yisra’?l had gathered together at Mitspah, the princes of the Philistines went up against Yisra’?l. And the children of Yisra’?l heard of it, and were afraid of the Philistines. 8And the children of Yisra’?l said to Shemu’?l, `Do not cease to cry out to ???? our Elohim for us, that He would save us from the hand of the Philistines.’ 9And Shemu’?l took a suckling lamb and offered it as a burnt offering, completely, to ????. And Shemu’?l cried out to ???? for Yisra’?l, and ???? answered him. Do you see human nature? Samuel scared them with the truth. They complied – just long enough, hoping Yahuwah would save them from the enemy they feared. But, when He didn’t, they threw away their faith. In other words, religious fakes always pray vigorously when in trouble for God to deliver them. If He does, they go on their way smug and proud. If He does not, they rail on Him as mean and cruel, or reject Him as their God. He’s supposed to be manipulatable, a “fairy godmother,” an amulet against the Draculas of this world. If He doesn’t do what He’s supposed to, his supposed worshippers get mad at Him and lose faith in Him. It is no different in 2021. The test of loyalty is in process. Who worships Yahuwah because it is right, and who supposedly worship Yahuwah in hope He’ll protect them from the bad guys? Let us look carefully at this. Samuel led the nation, not just to repent, but to get rid of their gods they had worshipped so that they were totally set-apart to Yahuwah. It is not enough to say “sorry for my sins.” Yahuwah demands total separation. “Come out from among them and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you,” Apostle Sha’ul wrote in II Corinthians 6:18. The people feared. The Philistines had risen up against them after 20 years of peace. They ran to the one man of Yahuwah in the whole nation, it appears, because they knew he had clout with Yahuwah. He had a relationship with Yahuwah. They did just what he told them to do – because they were afraid not to – not because they wanted to serve Yahuwah, but because, as with the taking the ark into battle, He was their good-luck charm. People live carnal lives all their lives, believing in “God,” but doing nothing to have a relationship with Him, then when circumstances heat up and they get afraid, they run to their good luck charm, via someone they know knows how to pray, and He has “tongue-in-cheek” mercy on them, however, He knows their heart. Samuel, being a Levite, a trained prophet, sacrificed a lamb and cried out to Yahuwah for help. “Our help comes from Yahuwah who made heaven and earth.” Who is the Yah who made heaven and earth? The Lamb – Yahushua (Yahuwah is salvation). It was His Word that spoke His Father’s decrees into existence and brought forth substance. Samuel understood the role of the lamb before getting favor with Yahuwah! The lamb stands between us and Him. Without the Lamb of Yahuwah, no human can reach Him. Now let’s concentrate on I Samuel 8, which Brother Michael McQueen emphasized regarding set-apartness to Yahuwah vs the choices of man. Samuel faces the reality about his own two sons, and the hearts of the people he has shepherded so much of his life. What a heartbreak for him! As we have entered 2021, we see the condition of the people, as I wrote recently in “Incapable”/Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim regarding the disconnect with reality - on earth and reality in heaven, the inability to know Yahuwah and Yahushua, understand the Word, make decisions based on the Word, understand the infilling and power of Yahuwah’s Spirit within, the ability to understand how to hear from Him, and how to obey Him. Life in the Spirit via the re-born spirit is almost never taught in churches or congregations, thus the people are anemic, weak, faithless, scared, and ready to join with anyone or anything that will take away the fear. As a whole, mankind is set up for the “project blue beam” alien invasion and perhaps fake rapture, for the mark of the Beast, for the Beast rule, and a non-human existence hooked up to A.I. with non-human DNA. I Samuel 8: And it came to be, when Shemu’?l was old, that he made his sons rulers over Yisra’?l. 2And the name of his first-born was Yo’?l, and the name of his second, A?iyah, rulers in Be’?rshe?a. 3But his sons did not walk in his ways, and turned aside after own gain, and took bribes, and twisted right-ruling. 4And all the elders of Yisra’?l gathered together and came to Shemu’?l at Ramah, 5and said to him, `Look, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now appoint for us a king to rule us like all the nations.’ 6But the word was evil in the eyes of Shemu’?l when they said, `Give us a sovereign to rule us.’ So Shemu’?l prayed to ????. 7 and ???? said to Shemu’?l, `Listen to the voice of the people in all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from reigning over them. 8 According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Mitsrayim, even to this day – forsaking Me and serving other mighty ones – so they are doing to you too. 9 And now, listen to their voice, but you shall certainly warn them, and shall make known to them the ruling of the sovereign who does reign over them.’ 10And Shemu’?l spoke all the words of ???? to the people who asked him for a sovereign, 11and said, `This is the ruling of the sovereign who does reign over you: He shall take your sons and appoint them for his own chariots and to be his horsemen, and they shall run before his chariots, 12and appoint commanders over his thousands and commanders over his fifties, or to plough his ground and reap his harvest, or to make his weapons, and equipment for his chariots. 13“And your daughters he is going to take to be perfumers, and cooks, and bakers. 14“And the best of your fields, and your vineyards, and your olive-trees he is going to take and give them to his servants. 15And a tenth of your grain and your vintage he is going to take and give it to his officers and servants. 16And your male servants and your female servants and your best young men and your donkeys he is going to take and use for his own work. 17A tenth of your sheep he is going to take, and you are to be his servants. 18And you shall cry out in that day because of your sovereign whom you have chosen for yourselves, but ???? is not going to answer you in that day.’ 19However, the people refused to listen to the voice of Shemu’?l, and said, `No, but let a sovereign be over us. 20Then we shall be, we also, like all the nations, and our sovereign shall rule us and go out before us and fight our battles.’ 21And Shemu’?l heard all the words of the people, and he repeated them in the hearing of ????. 22And ???? said to Shemu’?l, `Listen to their voice, and make them a sovereign.’ And Shemu’?l said to the men of Yisra’?l, `Each of you go to his city.’ Yahuwah will give us what we cry and plead for that He knows will destroy us.He lets us have our free will! He’s just not going to give us what He can give us if we gave up our will to His wisdom and guidance. The story is the same for us in 2021, especially in America and other western nations--so full of the House of Judah and the House of Ephraim/Joseph/Israel. The players are the same, only with different names. The Philistines are now the hidden hybrids of today, the Nephilim, the giants in disguise, who are controlling the world behind masks of cloned familiar faces, who dictate to their army of human lackeys what to do to us. We, as Yahuwah’s children, are in one of two camps, as in the days of Samuel. Samuel represents the “few” of today’s remnant. As the world back then in unity called for a king, so the world now in unity calls for a king. The chapters that follow tell about the choosing a tall, handsome Sha’ul/Saul. In I Samuel 15, we read of Sha’ul disobedience to wisdom in not killing king Agag. King Agag was a hybrid, a Nephlim. His lineage later went into Babylon, and into Haman, an Agagite who almost wiped out the whole of the House of Judah, and Israel, inside Babylon. The book of Esther/Hadassah gives that story clearly. Abba helped her save the people via her husband – a good Persian King. In I Samuel 15:16:17, we learn that Yahuwah rejected Sha’ul from being king because of his disobedience. He remained on to rule, as commander and chief of his army also, until I Samuel 17-18 when we’re introduced to a young shepherd-boy by the name of David/actually Dawid, who became the King that united the House of Judah and the House of Israel. From his lineage, King Josiah also united the House of Judah and a remnant of the dispersed House of Israel together in the greatest Passover since Exodus 12. Messiah, coming from the lineage of King David through his son, Nathan, through Miriam, died on the stake to redeem the spiritually lost ten tribes of Israel to unite them once again with His Father and with Himself as children of Abraham by faith. (Matthew 15:24; 10:5-6) Refer to: “Who are the Ten?” and “Are You a Gentiles”/Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim. I Samuel 18:14-16: “And Dawi? was acting wisely in all his ways, and ???? was with him. 15And Sha’ul saw that he was acting very wisely, and was afraid of him. 16But all Yisra’?l and Yehu?ah loved Dawi?, as he went out and came in before them.” Humans who are not right with Yahuwah and Yahushua fear those who know Them, who obey Them, who flow with the Spirit of Yahuwah, who is Yahuwah. They fear the “few” who know Them more than they fear all the hoards of evil men. Children who are pretenders, not being truly born again, not being Spirit-filled, not only fear greatly those that walk in unity with Father and Son, who know Their Word taught by Them, who are favored highly by Them – that fear often takes from in great cruelty and evil, slander and gossip, and character assassination. This is what the tribulation time is all about – separating the fakes from the few who are genuine. We see that in the passage of Daniel 11:31-35. This remnant goes forth to do exploits in the power of the Spirit during the time of the Beast’s rule (Daniel 11:36-45, Revelation 13). The fearful will do as they are told to get what they want, but then, they revert back to what they want to be as soon as all is well. This is why the fearful and the cowardly will not have eternal life (Revelation 21:8). In The Scriptures version, it speaks of the cowardly and untrustworthy. The fearful, as we see from I Samuel, only appear to do right because they are afraid, but are not trustworthy to continue doing right to honor Yahuwah. America 2021: We’ve had a lineage of leaders who go back into what became called in the 1700s, the Illuminati bloodline, a Nephilim bloodline that has also ruled Great Britain, Germany, Netherlands, and other former Greco-Roman countries of Europe. America’s “secret destiny” has brought on incredibly evil leaders, as well as, like in ancient Israel, a very few righteous ones too. Refer to: “America’s Secret Destiny”/Mikvah of Preparation. The ancestor of King David is soon to return to reign over the earth: Yahushua ha Machiach is coming soon. In the meantime, the world is crying “give us a king.” America is in the midst of a Communist coup - a Chinese Communist coup. In a few days, we’ll find out what “King” Yahuwah is allowing to rule America – for a while, to continue the move towards one world government, a new world order. Yes, America will get their King – by whatever name he’s called. The entire world will soon get their king - the Beast of Revelation, the Apollyon of Revelation 9:11, the little horn of Daniel 7, the fierce ruler of Daniel 8. “Antichrist” to the Christians. Sha’ul represented the flesh, appealing to the carnal nature of man – young, strong, handsome, and yet incredibly weak as a leader, full of carnal desires and imaginary thinking about his own power over the people. He had no concept of obedience to Yahuwah, and neither did the people who claim him as “their king.” Abba gave them what they wanted. This was what happened in America, 2016. A puppet of the ultra-Zionists (not Judah) - Illuminati, Hidden Hand, hierarchy over the nations was put into office, and told what to do. He did some good stuff, and some very bad stuff. He actually, without trying to, allowed Yahushua to loose the four seals onto the earth, all the horses are riding now. It was during the reign of President Trump as king of America that Yahuwah bit His lip one more time and extended mercy to those who could care less about Him. They wanted a king to rule them. However, President Trump really did not rule. His puppet masters of the Shabbati-Frankist ultra-hierarch Elite with their Nephilim overlords, have ruled. Now, they’re tired of Trump and want their puppet man, Joe Biden, in bed with China, to rule. Human beings as we’ve known some good ones in the past are not ruling the planet anymore. Most chief leaders are either not fully human, having been replaced by clones, or Nephilim lookalikes, or they are simply human puppets of Nephilim and fallen angels. More powerful than governments are the rising militaries of the world. Carnal man wants man to rule! Christians and Messianic/Hebrew Roots religious want man to rule, to teach them, guide them, comfort them, and take over the transformation of their mind. While to know Yahuwah is almost a zero thing with most, and to know Yahushua is a zero thing with most. They love their human teachers. The idea of yielding 100% to Yahuwah’s spirit is repugnant, just as the people rejected Him in the days of Samuel. Samuel was a single person in a world of weak and pitiful fearful and untrustworthy people, idolators, and game-players. Today, a small remnant is being separated out unto Yahuwah for the last-days exploits. Their training has been intense, but is now more intense, for they will defy the Beast to his face. The world is soon to have illusions so strong that most will easily follow the Beast himself, son of Satan, drubbed anti-messiah/antichrist. The earth is crying for a world ruler to unite them in peace. He’s on his way faster than you might think. Today the people are voting for him by compliance to the CDC, the WHO, the dictates of those who have exalted themselves as the gods of the world to be obeyed, like Fauci-Faust …both sold their souls to the Devil. Sha’ul became jealous of David. He tried to kill him. Jealousy is based on fear of losing favor and power with people. The Pharisees were so envious and jealous of Yahushua’s favor and power with the people that they sought to kill Him in the first few months of His ministry. King David represented the heart of Yahuwah. Our King is coming. Yet, the world’s people will soon cry out for a world ruler. However, we cry out for Yahuwah’s world ruler – His Son, Yahushua Messiah, King of kings, and Master of Masters. Revelation 11:15: “The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there came to be loud voices in heaven saying, `The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Master and of His Messiah, and He shall reign forever and ever.” An old expression is: “Those who do not consider and learn from the past are destined to repeat it.” It’s true. We are repeating the days of Samuel before King David came on the scene as King! The non-thinking among the people of Yahuwah, the pretenders and the religious fakes, are a majority. Yet, not too far down the road the son of David is returning as King of kings and Master of masters. He will rule on the throne of David. Are you ready, or still clinging to ways of escaping tribulation? In His love, blessings, YedidahJanuary 3, 2021 January 4th: Happy Birthday Pearl Anderson - my dear and precious true friend who has been home in heaven for a lot of years. She was always full of faith, always full of joy, even in the worst of circumstances that she lived with and through. I was there to go “through” them with her. Her faith only got stronger. You were a great testimony and great blessing to me, Pearl, and to my children! You once said I was your best friend. I didn’t think I was. But you were mine. Pearl passed away at 108, blind, in a nursing home, yet mentally strong and healthy - still smiling, laughing, and full of “the joy of the Lord!” ................

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