
Name: ________________________ Day _____ Block ______

Date: _________________________ Chapter 4 Summative Project

3-D Map of Ancient Egypt

As one of your summative grades for the ancient Egyptian unit, you will be required to create a 3D map of Ancient Egypt. This project will be completed at home and is due DAY 1: Tuesday, March 18 DAY 2: Wednesday, March 19! Projects will not be accepted after this date. REMEMBER…This is 80% of your marking period grade!!!!

What do I need to do?


• Create a map of Egypt that looks realistic.

• Include:

o Nile River

o Nile Delta

o Lower Egypt

o Upper Egypt

o Red Sea

o Mediterranean Sea

o Western Desert

o Eastern Desert

o 1 pyramid

o An arrow showing the direction of the Nile River current

• Use items to make these look attractive and presentable

ex: clay (simple home recipe below) , playdough, legos, blocks, pipe cleaners, ect…BE CREATIVE!!!!! Food is NOT allowed.

• You may create your map on either a foam poster board or in a shoe box.

• Make sure ALL items on the map are clearly labeled.

• Map will be 3-D.

• Put your name on your project


Write a paragraph on an index card summarizing how the geography of this region helped to advance the Egyptian civilization

Questions to ask yourself before you turn in this project.

o Does your map look realistic?

o Is your map 3-D?

o Did you include all of the required elements?

o How much effort did you put into this project?

o Is the paragraph complete, informative, and well written?


1. Accurate map _____

2. Labels:

o Nile River _____

o Nile Delta _____

o Lower Egypt _____

o Upper Egypt _____

o Red Sea _____

o Mediterranean Sea _____

o Western Desert _____

o Eastern Desert _____

o 1 pyramid _____

o An arrow showing the direction of the Nile River current _____

Modeling Clay Recipe (OPTIONAL)

What You Need:

• 3/4 cup flour

• 1/2 cup salt

• 1/2 cup cornstarch

• Some warm water and a bowl to mix in.

What You Do:

Mix the flour, salt and cornstarch in bowl. Gently add warm water until the mixture becomes slightly hard. Knead the mixture and create small sculptures. Once dry, you can paint your creations.

|Map of Ancient Egypt |

| |Possible Points |Points Earned |

|Requirements: | | |

|I have included ALL 10 required elements on my map |10 | |

|I have labeled everything on my map correctly and legibly |10 | |

|I have included my paragraph summarizing how the geography of Ancient Egypt helped to advance the |10 | |

|Egyptian civilization | | |

|I have used proper punctuation and spelling |5 | |

|My project is neat, presentable and on time ~ |5 | |

|“Fridge Hanging Worthy” | | |

|Total |40 |_____ |

| | |_____% |

Name ___________________________ Day _____ Block _____

Date ____________________________ Egyptian Map Project




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