For the United States | 2021–2025

National Strategic Plan

for the United States | 2021?2025

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The United States will be a place where vaccine-preventable diseases are eliminated through safe and effective vaccination over the lifespan.

Vaccines National Strategic Plan: 2021?2025


Acknowledgments: The Vaccines National Strategic Plan: 2021?2025 (Vaccine Plan) was developed through a robust process that included gathering feedback from stakeholders across health care and related fields. Partners throughout the federal government, as well as hundreds of nonfederal stakeholders, including state, tribal, territorial, and local governments, researchers, health plans and providers, community groups, and national and local organizations, have helped shape the goals, objectives, and strategies contained in the Vaccine Plan. The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) and its Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, sincerely thank all those who contributed to developing the Vaccine Plan.

Additional information regarding the Vaccine Plan and associated activities may be accessed at vaccines.

Suggested citation: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 2021. Vaccines National Strategic Plan 2021?2025. Washington, DC.

Vaccines National Strategic Plan: 2021?2025



Executive Summary......................................................................................................................................................1 I. Introduction.4

A. The Need for the Vaccine Plan.4 B. Progress Since the 2010 Vaccine National Plan and Challenges and Opportunities.6 C. Scope, Approach and Development of the Vaccine Plan ....................................................................... 12 II. Vaccines National Strategic Plan ........................................................................................................................ 14 A. Vision ......................................................................................................................................................... 14 B. Goals .......................................................................................................................................................... 14 C. Objectives and Strategies. 14 III. Implementation and Accountability ................................................................................................................... 25 A. Implementation ......................................................................................................................................... 25 B. Accountability Including Indicators to Measure Progress...................................................................... 25 Appendix A: Process/Metholdology for Developing and Adopting the Vaccine Plan. 27 Appendix B: Federal Steering Committee and Staff ............................................................................................... 33 Appendix C: Acronyms ............................................................................................................................................. 36 Appendix D: References. 38

Vaccines National Strategic Plan: 2021?2025


Tables, Figures, and Boxes

Tables Table 1. Number of Reported Cases of Measles, 2015?2020, United States........................................... 9 Table 2. Definitions Included in the Vaccine Plan .....................................................................................15 Table 3. Indicators and Targets for the Vaccines Strategic National Plan 2021?2025.26 Table A.1. Federal Departments and Agencies Represented in the Interagency Working Group.27 Table A.2. Organizations That Submitted Comments ..................................................................................28 Table A.3. Number of Commenters Who Directly Addressed Each of the Five Proposed Goals ..............29 Table A.4. Stakeholder Categories Represented in Individual and Group Interviews.30

Figures Figure 1. Exemptions permitted to school and child-care immunization requirements, ...... United States, June 2019. 9

Boxes Box 1. A Snapshot of Vaccination Coverage in the United States.10

Vaccines National Strategic Plan: 2021?2025



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