Chapter 10

Gender Inequality


After reading this chapter, students should be able to:

1. Define sexism, explain the intersections between gender and other discrimination, and distinguish between the concepts of sex and gender.

2. Describe global variations in gender inequality, including how gender inequality in the U.S. compares with gender inequality in other nations.

3. Describe examples of how both males and females are victims of gender inequality in the United States.

4. From the functionalist perspective, explain the reasons for gender inequality in early societies and how and why industrialization changed gender roles within the family.

5. Explain historical reasons for gender inequality from the conflict perspective and contemporary beliefs that maintain gender inequalities.

6. Explain gender socialization and gender roles from the symbolic interactionist perspective and feminist theory.

7. Explain structural sexism in education, including illiteracy in the world and higher education in the United States.

8. Describe women’s participation in the world force throughout the world and structural sexism in the work force, including the devaluation of women’s jobs, occupational segregation, differential opportunity structures for men and women, and the effects of family responsibilities on work choices.

9. Explain the gender gap in wage earnings between males and females in the United States.

10. Describe and explain the underrepresentation of women in politics in the United States.

11. Describe legal acts and rulings regarding gender-related civil rights and how illegal gender discrimination continues to exist at both the institutional and individual levels.

12. Explain cultural sexism in family relations in the United States, including gender differences in socialization and the household division of labor.

13. Describe how cultural sexism exists in America’s schools, including in textbooks, curricula, testing, extracurricular activities and teacher-student interactions, and explain particular academic problems of boys in school and how gender of the teacher affects educational outcomes.

14. Explain cultural sexism in the American media and language.

15. Describe cultural sexism in religion.

16. Explain how traditional gender role socialization creates social problems, including the feminization of poverty, social-psychological and other health costs, and conflict in relationships.

17. Describe how grassroots movements, including the feminist movement and the Men’s Movement have responded to gender inequality.

18. Explain public policy efforts in the U.S. to address gender inequality, including policies related to sexual harassment and affirmative action.

19. Describe international efforts to address gender inequality.


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