
Name _________

Parallel Journey’s

by Eleanor Ayer

Chapter 1

The Power and the Glory

Pages 1-9

Time Line

1920 Germany is broke due to WWI

Jan 30,1933 Germany made Hitler their leader (Alfons was 6 years old)

Main Characters

Alfons Heck (P.2)- One of Adolf Hitler’s chosen people, the Master Race. He lived with his grandparents on a farm in Rhineland, Germany.

Heinz Ermann- Alfons friend who started school with him but quickly told to leave.

Herr Becker- Alfons teacher


Volksschule (p. 1) –Elementary School

Aryan- (p.1) – Non Jewish

Hitlerjugend (p.1)- Hitler youth

Unternemschen- (p.2) – Lower class citizens

Mein Kampf -“My Struggle” (p. 4) Hitler’s outline for the Nazi Party

der Fuhrer- (p.5) The leader

Reich Chancellery- (p. 6)- The Government Headquarters of the Third Reich.

1. Describe the types of people who are part of the “master race”?

2. Describe the type of people who the “lower class citizens”?

3. What was the Treaty of Versailles?

4. Why is Germany so poor?

5. Hitler dreams of leading Germany back to power. Whom does he blame Germany’s current situation on?

6. How did Hitler restore pride in Germany?

7. How did Hitler make these miraculous changes?

8. What was the, “For Protection of the German People”?

9. Why do you suppose Hitler planned to wipe out Christianity?

10. What types of books were burned?

11. What point did Herr Becker make very clear to the German students about the Jewish kids?

12. How is the Hitler Youth described on Page 8?

13. There were 2 beliefs that young people should live by

14. Describe the feeling Alfons (and all who lined the streets) the first time he laid eyes on Adolf Hitler.

Chapter 2

The Tightening Noose

(Pages 10-18)


April 1933- Nazis announce a boycott of Jewish shops.

June 1934- Helen and Sigfried were married

June 1935- Helen and Sidfried moved

September 15, 1035- The Swastika became an official part of the German flag. AND The Nuremberg Racial Laws Passed. All Jewish people lost their citizenship.

(January) 1937- Helen and Sigfried learned that they would have a baby in October.

January 30, 1937- (4th Anniversary of his rise to power) Hitler declared that the Germans would no longer make payments to the Allies.

October 28, 1937- Helen and Sigfried’s daughter, Doris, was born.


Martin Luther- an anti-semite Christian. Called Jews “the Christian’s most vicious enemy” and encouraged followers to destroy Jewish homes and synagogues (churches)

Helen Waterford- The second main character. A young Jewish girl living in Frankfurt, Germany.

Sigfried Wohlfarth- The young Jewish man with whom Helen fell in love.

A.G- Seigfried’s friend

Ilsa – Helen’s friend

Ab Reusink- A contractor Helen met; he will play an important role in Helen’s life someday.


Anti-Semites- (P.10) The hatred of Jews)

1. Why were Jewish people hated?

2. What did Helen want to do with her live that was the exact opposite of what her mother wanted?

3. When Helen decided she wanted to get married to Sigfried Wohlfarth, why did his parents not approve of this marriage?

4. What exactly did the “boycott” include?

5. List some of the things that made Helen and Seigfried’s move “difficult”.

6. What was the Nuremberg Racial Law?

7. What did it mean to be “Judenrein”?

8. Why was it hard for Jewish people to find other places (countries) to live?

9. Helen talks of a “life and death” decision that she and Sigfried had to make 4 years from the present time in the book. What do you think it is?

10. What declaration does Hitler make on January 30, 1937 to “thumb his nose to the Treaty of Versailles”?

11. In September of 1937, Hitler called for additional living space for “The Master Race”. What was his reasoning for this?

12. Helen says on Page 18 that only 4 of the 14 people in her circle of friends would be alive 8 years later. Can you make a prediction as to who will and won’t be alive?

Chapter 3

“Serving Mein Fuhrer”

(Pages 19-26)


March 12, 1938- German troops cross Austira’s border and took them over. This acquisition added 9 million people and a lot of land.

April 20, 1938 – Alfons was sworn into the Hitler Youth

September 10, 1938- The Day of Hitler Youth.

October 1, 1938 – Germans invaded the Sudetenland (the Czechs) adding 3.5 million people


Jungvolk- The Junior Branch of the Hitler Youth

1. Alfons joined the junior branch of the Hitler Youth. Describe how he feels about that.

2. Could parents keep their kids from joining the Hitler Youth? Explain why?

3. What experience bonded Alfons to Adolf Hitler? (The Day of the Hitler Youth)

4. How was Hitler able to so easily attain so much land?

Chapter 4

Kristallnacht: The Night of the Broken Glass

(Page 27-35)


Heinrich Himmler- Second in command to Hitler

Reinhard Heydrich- Second in command SA (the Brownshirts) “The Blond Beast”


January 1940- Helen’s family enters the United States

1. What happened on the night of November 9, 1938?

2. How many synagogues were set afire? How many completely destroyed? How many shops had been ransacked?

3. Why do you suppose the police didn’t stop the Germans from this destruction?

4. Were Helen and Sigfried able to rescue the rest of the family from German?

5. How did Helen’s family manage to get into the United States?

Chapter 5

Marching Down the Road to War

(Page 36-43)


September 1, 1939- Germany invades Poland. The World War II had begun.

October 6, 1939- Poland was defeated

1. Why do you suppose it was important for Hitler’s Youth to follow orders no matter how foolish or harsh they appeared?

2. All youth eventually made it into the “Hitlerjugend” whether or not they volunteered? Why or how did that happen? How did parents feel about this?

3. Perspective: Page 38 “It was a time of great hope and promise for millions of young people”. Alfons says. How do you think Helen is feeling at the exact same time in history?

4. Was the taking of Poland a challenge for the Germans?

5. Did Poland get any ally help? if so, who?

6. What happened to the Polish people after Hitler won the invasion?

Chapter 6

The Nazi Ne Ensnared Holland

(Page 44-51)


May 10, 1940- Germany invaded Holland

May 14, 1940 – Holland surrenders

June 14, 1940 – Germany enters Paris

July 2, 1940- Germans invade Britain (Operation Sealion)

August 25-26, 1940- Royal Air Forces struck back.

September 15, 1940 The Battle of Britain Day

1. Helen and Sigfried decided that Doris could not go into hiding with them? Why? What will they do with her?

2. What was Operation Sealion?

3. What was different for the German troops when they invaded Brittan?

Irony: Hitler’s reaction to the killing of HIS people?

4. Why did Ab refuse to be Doris’s guardian?

Does this seem silly to you?

5. What is Auschwitz?

Chapter 7

Disaster in the East

(Pages 52-58)


December 18, 1940- Hitler speaks to his top staffers and explains “The Final Solution”

June 22, 1941 German invades Russia

September 12, 1941 Harsh winter started Hitler ordered troops to stop drive toward Moscow and head to the Ukraine.

1. What happened to Frau Ermann (Alfons childhood friend’s mom)

According to Frau:

According to Alfons:

What do YOU think happened:

2. What was Operation BARRAOSSA?

3. Alfons explains what the German Youth and most of the Germany troops did and didn’t know. Why do you suppose the planned extermination (death) of the Jewish race was kept a secret from most of those fighting under Hitler’s command?

4. Explain how the attack on Russia is coming along toward the end of Chapter 7.

Chapter 8

A Dark Look Into the Future

(Pages 64-70)


December 7, 1941- Hitler issued the “Night and Fog Decree”

December 7, 1941 – Japan bombed Pearl Harbor

July 1942- Extermination camps were ready to receive victims


Adolf Eichmann- a lieutenant colonel in the SS. The mastermind of the “extermination” of the Jews.

1. What is the “Night and Fog Decree?

2. The US Congress declared war on the Axis powers: Japan, Germany and Italy. Who was on The United States side?

3. Was Hitler concerned about the US entering into the war? Explain your answer.

4. Describe Adolf Eichmann.

Chapter 9

The Kingdom- Forever and Ever?

(Pages 71-77)


Early 1942 British troops defeated the Germans in the Sahara Desert.

October 1942- The German Army (Wehrmacht) was fighting for its life in Russia

February 3, 1943 The Germans were defeated by Russia


Hermann Goring- The leader of the German Air Force. And the number 2 man in the Reich (under Hitler)

1. Describe how Alfons is feeling at the beginning of Chapter 9. How do you think Helen is feeling at the exact same time?

2. Why does Alfons say, “I knew I would never become a priest”.

3. Things are looking badly for the German Army. Why?

4. Describe how Alfons is feeling at the end of Chapter 9.

Chapter 10

Heading Into Hiding

(Pages 78-84)


July 1942- Helen and Sigfried received their orders to report for “Resettlement”

October 22, 1942 – Helen and Sigfried give Doris to another family.

1. What crazy thing did Helen and Sigfried do to buy themselves 2 extra weeks before they had to report for “Resettlement to the East”?

2. The top of page 80 reminds me of a saying, “Divide and conquers”. How does this saying apply to what the Nazi’s have done to the Jews?

3. Who are the gentiles and what part did they play?

4. What would happen to a person who was caught helping the Jewish people?

5. Do you think Helen and Sigfried made the right decision when they gave Doris to another family? Explain.

Chapter 11

Germany’s Youngest Top-Rated Glider Pilot

(Pages 85-92)


Mid 1943- Things are starting to change for Germany.

1. Things are starting to change (mid-1943) for Germany. Explain what is happening with:

The German Air Force (Luftwaffe)

The German Children

The German Women

The German Men not already part of the war

2. What does Major General Adolf Galland mean when he says, “I don’t have to tell you this isn’t 1939”?

Chapter 12

Discovery and Deportation

(Page 98-108)


April 14, 1943- Warsaw Ghetto Revolt

Late 1943 – The Big Three Allied Leaders meet to plan a major attack.

June 6, 1944- The D-Day Attack

August 25, 1944 Allies reach the French Capital of Paris

August 27, 1944 Helen and Sigfried are transported to a camp

1. What happened in the Warsaw Ghetto?

2. It seemed that Hitler was more concerned with killing Jewish people than with the war effort. Can you explain why? (Page 104)

3. What is D-Day?

4. Explain the train ride from Westbork to the camp where Helen and Sigfried were going.

Chapter 13

A Meeting With Mein Furher

(Page 109-120)


July 20, 1944- An assassination attempt was made on Hitler

Sometime in 1944- Alfons was promoted and in charge of 150-190 boys.

October 1944- Alfons was promoted again and in charge of 2,800 boys and 80 girls.

1. At the age of 16, Alfons had been promoted. He was in charge of 150-190 boys. Why was he chosen?

2. What happened at the convent?

3. How does Alfons react (behave) with his new found power?

4. Explain the assassination attempt on Hitler and how it played out.

5. Irony: How can it be treason to discuss Germany’s position in the war? (Page 119). How can planning and strategy be planned if the war is being looked on with “rose colored glasses”?

6. Describe Alfons meeting with Adolf Hiter? Describe his feelings.

Chapter 14

Our Journey to Heaven

(Pages 121-130)


August 1944 – Helen and Sigfried enter Auschwitz

October 28, 1944- Helen leaves Auschwitz

1. What did it mean if you got the “right thumb” or the “left thumb” during the selection?

2. Describe Helen’s first day at the concentration camp

3. How long was Helen at Auschwitz?

Chapter 15

The Christmas Air Attack

(Pages 131- 142)


Early December 1944- Allies broke through the West Wall

December 15, 1944 - German’s final attack began

December 24, 1944 - America attacks Wittlich (Alfons’ hometown)

January 1, 1945 – Luftwaffe launches their last ditch effort attacking their allies

January 30, 1945- Hitler (the 12th anniversary of his rise to power) gave his last radio broadcast.

February 13, 1945 – Allies launch an air attack on Dresden killing 125,000

February 1945 – Alfons reaches his highest rank in the Hitler Youth. 6000 troops under his command.

1. What is the Volkssturm?

2. Why was Alfons leaving the West Wall?

3. Why was this called the “Battle of the Bulge”?

4. Alfons talks of 96 people dying and how that was a “tremendous loss in a small down”. Compare that to the mass murder he described on page 134.

5. What is the controversy that surrounds the Allies attack on Dresden? What do the Germans say, what do the Allies say?

6. Irony: Alfons talks about his animals being “innocent victims” yet never describes the Jewish people that way or talks of any sympathy for them. Why do you suppose that is?

Chapter 16

Small Signs of Hope

(Page 143-151)


November 28, 1944 - Gassings at the “death camps” ceased.

1. Describe Helen’s first impression of her new home, the work camp.

2. Why did the SS destroy the crematoria?

3. What happened when the Red Cross visited the work camp in which Helen was staying?

Chapter 17

Decline, Fall and Capture

(Pages 152- 161)


March 7, 1945 – Alfons accepted Germany’s defeat.

1. Based on what happened at the check point (page 153) and the orders from Hitler to shoot deserts regardless of their age…. what is very obvious about the German Soldiers?

2. On page 156, we see another example of Hitler’s ruthlessness aimed at his own men. Whom does he say will pay the price for a soldier who “sacrifices his honor”?

3. Why did the Americans ignore Alfons when he was face to face with them?

4. Alfons remembered the advice of his friend Hans and made what decision?

Chapter 18

The Long Trek Home

(Pages 167- 179)


May 7, 1945 – The German government surrendered

May 9, 1945- Prime Minister Winston Churchill declared the war in Europe over at 11:01 pm

May 9, 1945- Helen is set free from the camp.

1. What happened to Adolf Hitler?

2. Explain how Helen got around and how she survived

3. Why had Helen not run across many Jewish people in her first few weeks after her release from the camp?

4. Did Helen’s daughter, Doris, survive the war?

Chapter 19

“You Will Be Executed By A Firing Squad”

(Pages 177-185)


Summer of 1945- the Germans spent their time rebuilding their lives and homes.

July 5, 1945 – The French arrived in Germany

July 5, 1945- Alfons was arrested by the French

1. What were the living conditions on Alfons farm?

2. What does the term “rubble women” mean?

3. What was the purpose of making the German residents view the prisons and the mass graves?

4. Page 180 debates whether or not the German people were aware or not aware of what was happening to the Jewish people. In your opinion, does it really matter? If they did know could anyone have done anything about it?

5. On page 183 Alfons says, “Why me? What have I done?” Can you answer that question?

6. In the end, what was Alfons punishment?

Chapter 20

One Day At A Time

(Page 186-193)


Summer of 1946- Doris spent the summer at a camp for malnourished children

January 31, 1947- Helen and Doris left Holland, headed for the USA

February 10, 1947 Helen and Doris arrive in New York

1. Helen has now found Doris but is faced with a very tough decision? Do you think taking Doris was the correct decision? Explain

2. Was the adjustment easy for Helen and Doris?

3. Why had Helen made the decision to move to New York?

Chapter 21

Oceans Cannot Put Ghosts to Rest

(Pages 194-204)


October 1, 1946 Hermann Gorman (second in command to Hitler) sentenced to death by hanging.

1. What were the charges against the Nazi men on trial?

2. Describe Alfons mental state as you read the end of chapter 21.

3. Page 203, Alfons discusses how children under age 14 were presumed innocent. Yet, he saw these boys in a completely different light. Explain.

4. Alfons considers himself a ‘victim’ also to the Holocaust. Do you? Explain.

Chapter 22

Coming to Grips With The Past

(Pages 205-212)

1. Why had Helen refused to fast for the Jewish holiday, where fasting is customary?

2. Why did Helen feel the need to “tell her story”?


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