Name: __________________________________________Period: ________Unit 2 Study GuideDefinitions: Define the following terms.1. Tributaries-2. Meanders-3. Floodplain-4. Wetland-5. River Source-6. Main River-7. River Mouth-8. Point Source Pollution-9. Non-Point Source Pollution-10. Run-off-11. Pesticide-12. Biome-13. Microhabitat-14. Biodiversity-15. Extinction-16. Ecological Succession-17. Pioneer Species-18. Climax Community-19. Natural Disaster (Catastrophe)-Biomes/Biodiversity:20. What are the characteristics of a biome?21. What happens when you remove species from the ecosystem?22. Why is it beneficial to have a lot of biodiversity?23. Which biome has the most diversity?24. Which biome has the least biodiversity?25. Which biome has a cold harsh climate and short growing seasons?26. Which biome has permafrost most of the year?27. Which biome has all 4 seasons?28. Which biome covers 75% of the Earth?29. How do humans negatively impact biodiversity?30. How can humans positively impact biodiversity?Succession:31. What is the difference between primary and secondary succession?32. Which species are the first to colonize a new area?33. What are the steps (in order) of primary succession?34. Secondary succession?35. What types of natural disasters could cause primary succession?36. What types of natural disasters could cause secondary succession?37. The final stable state of a succession is called the ___________________________community.Catastrophic Events:38. What is the cause of each of the following natural disasters?Tornado-Wildfire-Tsunami-Earthquake-Volcano-39. What are some effects of the following catastrophic events?Hurricane-Drought-Tornado-Wildfire- ................

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