1. Should the orphanage system be reestablished?

2. Is DNA fingerprinting reliable?

3. Is America's drinking water safe?

1. Is colonialism responsible for Africa's problems?

2. Does United States foreign aid harm other nations and/or the U.S.?

3. Are labor unions still necessary?

1. Is violence in the workplace a serious problem?

2. Are wetland regulations fair to property owners?

3. Is there a date rape crisis in society?

1. Is animal experimentation justified?

2. Are living wills beneficial?

3. Do sex education programs prevent teenage pregnancy?

1. Does Islamic fundamentalism repress women?

2. Are stronger child pornography laws needed?

3. Should the international ban on ivory be lifted?

1. Will immigrants and minorities revitalize America?

2. Should the war on drugs (domestic or international) be abandoned?

3. Should physician-assisted suicide be nationally legalized?

1. Do hospices provide the best care for the dying?

2. Should racial matching in adoptions be encouraged?

3. Should society sanction gay partnerships?

1. Should the federal government offer school vouchers?

2. Is alternative medicine safe and effective?

3. Can chiropractors help heal many ailments?

1. Should the United States embrace diverse cultural influences?

2. Is rapid introduction of electric cars a good strategy for reducing air pollution?

3. Should illegal immigrants receive free medical services?

1. Is emphasizing racial diversity productive?

2. Should welfare programs be turned over to the states?

3. Should employees be tested for drug use?

1. Are children of divorced parents at greater risk to be abused?

2. Does the "three strikes" law deter crime?

3. Are weight-loss treatments harmful?

1. Should school programs stress the acceptance of homosexuality?

2. Does day care harm children?

3. Should violent juvenile criminals be tried as adults?

1. Do talk shows exploit society's victims?

2. Was the Mexican War an exercise in American imperialism?

3. Should "hate speech" be tolerated?

1. Should pregnant addicts be prosecuted?

2. Is advertising liquor on television and radio irresponsible?

3. Should transracial adoption be encouraged?

1. Should the United States force democracy upon other nations?

2. Can the conflict in Darfur be resolved soon?

3. Can orphanages be beneficial for needy children?

1. Does community-based policing prevent crime?

2. Is multicultural education helpful?

3. Should humans be allowed to receive animal organ transplants?

1. Should flag burning be banned?

2. Will the war in Iraq have long-term effects on U.S foreign policy?

3. Does the criminal justice system discriminate against blacks?

1. Should the Palestinians have their own nation?

2. Are modern attacks on Christopher Columbus justified?

3. Should men and women share domestic responsibilities?

1. Do working parents harm children?

2. Should the United States eliminate aid to Israel?

3. Is hunting animals morally acceptable?

1. Is fetal tissue research moral?

2. Is subliminal persuasion a threat?

3. Has athletes' greed marred professional sports?

1. Should the welfare program be reformed?

2. Does violence in the media cause violence in society?

3. Have historians overemphasized the slavery issue as a cause of the Civil War?

1. Was Christopher Columbus a hero?

2. Does multiculturalism benefit students?

3. Is Hispanic poverty caused by racism?

1. Is it time to abolish the minimum wage?

2. Should college athletic programs be reformed?

3. Is domestic violence against men a problem?

1. Can competitive sports be unhealthy?

2. Should China be condemned as a violator of human rights?

3. Will building more prisons solve prison overcrowding?

1. Is the tobacco industry to blame for leading people to smoke?

2. Are vitamin supplements beneficial?

3. Are illegal immigrants harming America?

1. Should America admit all immigrants?

2. Should the military accept homosexuals?

3. Is the extent of homelessness exaggerated?

1. Should tough laws target gangs?

2. Do zoos preserve endangered species?

3. Should government funding of the arts be restricted?

1. Can curbs on cigarette smoking advertising help prevent teenage smoking?

2. Do fathers have legitimate reasons for refusing to pay child support?

3. Is an open adoption policy preferable to a closed adoption?

1. Did European unification strengthen Europe?

2. Do prisons create a criminal personality?

3. Will an aging population be harmful to America?

1. Is compulsive gambling an uncontrollable disease?

2. Will genetically altered animals benefit humankind?

3. Are courts overburdened with frivolous lawsuits?

1. Is sexual harassment in the workplace exaggerated?

2. Are curfews effective and constitutional?

3. Should schools distribute condoms?

1. Is the Endangered Species Act effective?

2. Should Internet pornography be censored?

3. Does China still need the one-child policy?

1. Are homeopathic remedies beneficial?

2. Can shelters help the homeless?

3. Should executions be televised?

1. Should women serve in military combat?

2. Is global warming really a serious threat?

3. Should the insanity defense be abolished?

1. Does China represent a threat to the U.S?

2. Is juvenile crime a serious problem in the schools?

3. Should disabled children be mainstreamed?

1. Should social security be rescued?

2. Should the Battered Women Syndrome be a legal defense?

3. Are movie ratings effective in curbing violence?


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