
Name: ____________________________

Physics TAKS Review

Many of the physics problems that you will encounter on the TAKS test will be calculations that will require the use of your formula chart.

Here are some helpful hints for solving these types of problems:

Solve the following problems by calculating speed, acceleration, momentum, force, energy or power.

The Law of Inertia

The Law of Inertia (Newton’s 1st Law) states:

An object will stay at a constant velocity until acted on by a net force.

Another way to say it is:

If an object is moving, it will keep moving in the same direction until something pushes or pulls on it, OR if it is still, it will stay still until something pushes or pulls on it.

More __________ means More Inertia

(The bigger an object is, the harder it is to move it.)

The Law of Action and Reaction

The Law of Action-Reaction (Newton’s 3rd Law) states:

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Mechanical Advantage and Efficiency

A _______________ is a device that makes work easier.

No machine is 100 % Efficient.

Energy is always wasted when a machine does work.

This is because there is always ___________________.

Friction generates _____________ (thermal energy).

The Law of Conservation of Energy

The Law of Conservation of Energy states:

Energy cannot be _______________ or ________________.

(Energy can be converted from one form of energy to another,

but energy never just appears or disappears.)

ALL living things store energy in the form of ________________ energy

Plants convert __________ energy from the sun into _______________ energy.

When energy is lost, it is often lost in the form of _____________.

(thermal energy)

Heat Transfer

___________________ is the transfer of heat by the direct contact of particles.

____________ transmit heat by the process of conduction.

_________________ is the transfer of heat through a fluid.

Fluids transfer heat by convection because they can ____________.

The Sun transfers heat in the form of ____________________.

(This is also how microwave ovens transfer heat)

Insulators __________ heat flow.

This keeps heat inside hot objects and away from cold objects.

|Effect |Amount of Energy per |

| |Second (terajoules) |

|Solar radiation reaching Earth |173,410 |

|Radiation reflected back into space |52,000 |

|Radiation heating atmosphere, |81,000 |

|landmasses, and oceans | |

|Radiation producing winds and ocean |370 |

|currents | |

|Radiation used in photosynthesis |40 |

|Radiation resulting in evaporation of |? |

|water | |

|Container |Initial |Final Temperature|

| |Temperature (oC) |(oC) |

|P |90 |83 |

|Q |90 |76 |

|Substance |Specific Heat [J/g•oC] |

|Water |4.184 |

|Wood |1.760 |

|Carbon (graphite) |0.710 |

|Glass |0.664 |

|Iron |0.450 |


Properties of Waves:

Electricity and Circuits


To solve these problems:

1. Find the appropriate equation 2. Plug in the correct quantities 3. Solve for the unknown

Some information will be found in diagrams, graphs and tables.

If you are asked to compare the speeds, momentums, etc. of different answer choices, then you have to perform the calculation for _______________ choice.

Some questions will contain _____________ information. If there is information you don’t need in a question, just ignore it.

If the quantity you need to plug in to an equation is NOT in the question, then you are probably working on a _____-_______ problem. You’ll need to use a second equation to find the missing quantity.


due to



(If you are missing acceleration in your problem, this is what you will use.)

If you need to find the distance between two points in a picture or diagram, use the __________________ that is located on your formula chart.

1. A frog leaps from its resting position at the lake’s bank onto a lily pad. If the frog has a mass of 0.5 kg and the acceleration of the leap is 3 m/s2, what is the force the frog exerts on the lake’s bank when leaping?

A 0.2 N

B 0.8 N

C 1.5 N

D 6.0 N

For some questions, you will have to ___________________ the equation to solve for the unknown variable.

3. A ball moving at 30 m/s has a momentum of 15 kg(m/s. The mass of the ball is –

A 45 kg

B 15 kg

C 2.0 kg

D 0.5 kg

4. A mechanic used a hydraulic lift to raise a 12,054 N car 1.89 m above the floor of a garage. It took 4.75 s to raise the car. What was the power output of the lift?

A 489 W

B 1815 W

C 4796 W

D 30,294 W

7. How many newtons of force does a 50 kg deer exert on the ground because of gravity? Record your answer in the boxes below.


2. Observing an approaching thunderstorm and using a stopwatch, a student finds that it takes 8.40 seconds for the thunder to be heard after a lightning bolt strikes. The student has learned that it takes 3.0 seconds for sound to travel 1000 m. How far away is the storm?

A 119 m

B 185 m

C 2800 m

D 8400 m

8. Which bike rider has the greatest momentum?

A A 40 kg person riding at 45 km/h

B A 50 kg person riding at 35 km/h

C A 60 kg person riding at 25 km/h

D A 70 kg person riding at 15 km/h

5. An ant crawled from Point A to Point B in 4.0 seconds. To the nearest tenth, what was the ant’s speed in centimeters per second? Record your answer in the boxes below.




9. How much force is needed to accelerate a 1,300 kg car at a rate of 1.5 m/s2?

A 867 N

B 1,950 N

C 8,493 N

D 16,562 N

10. According to this graph, what was the bicycle’s acceleration between 6 and 10 seconds?

A 0.0 m/s2

B 0.65 m/s2

C 1.6 m/s2

D 6.5 m/s2

100 m

95 kg

11. What is the potential energy of the rock?

A 59,900 joules

B 64,600 joules

C 93,100 joules

D 121,600 joules

6. A car traveled 150 km in 2.5 hours. What was its average speed in km per hour?

A 375 km/h

B 60 km/h

C 75 km/h

D 25 km/h









12 km/8 min

14 km/12 min

15 km/9 min

11 km/15 min

14. The diagram represents the total travel of a teacher on a Saturday. Which part of the trip is made at the greatest average speed?





12. How much work is performed when a 50 kg crate is pushed 15 m with a force of 20 N?

A 300 J

B 750 J

C 1,000 J

D 15,000 J

15. If a force of 100 newtons was exerted on an object and no work was done, the object must have –

A accelerated rapidly

B remained motionless

C decreased its velocity

D gained momentum


13. The weight lifter used a force of 980 N to raise the barbell over her head in 5.21 seconds. Approximately how much work did she do in raising the barbell?

A 380 J

B 982 J

C 2,000 J

D 10,000 J

6. How much heat is gained by a 20 gram piece of graphite that changes from an initial temperature of 21oC to a final temperature of 66oC?

A 14.2 J

B 639 J

C 900 J

D 1320 J

16. It takes a weight lifter 4.0 seconds to lift a barbell 1.5 meters. He exerts a force on the barbell of 1500 newtons. About how much power does the weight lifter use to lift the barbell?

A 375 watts

B 563 watts

C 2250 watts

D 9000 watts

17. In which of the following is the greatest amount of work done?

A Pushing a crate 9.8 meters with a force of 10 newtons

B Pulling a wagon 5.2 meters with a force of 50 newtons

C Pulling a sled 2.3 meters with a force of 90 newtons

D Pushing with a force of 150 newtons on a car that does not move

18. A gardener lifts a bag filled with compost. If the bag has a mass of 36 kilograms, what is the minimum amount of work the gardener must do to lift the bag to a height of 0.5 meter?

A 36.5 J

B 72.0 J

C 176.4 J

D 352.8 J


Figure 1

The truck in Figure 1 was left unattended and is now rolling toward a brick wall. Draw an arrow indicating the motion of the crate in the back of the truck as the truck hits the brick wall.

1. During a test of vehicle safety standards, four different vehicles were driven at a test wall at 35 km/h. Which vehicle would most likely hit the wall with the greatest force?

A A bicycle

B A motorcycle

C A two-door sports car

D A four-door family car

2. Safety restraints in cars help prevent passenger injuries that would otherwise occur as a result of passengers remaining in motion during a car’s abrupt stop. Which of these laws predicts that an unrestrained moving body will continue to move?

A Law of inertia

B Law of reflection

C Law of universal gravitation

D Law of conservation of momentum

3. Which factor would most likely cause a communications satellite orbiting Earth to return to Earth from its orbit?

A An increase in the satellite’s forward momentum

B An increase in solar energy striking the satellite

C A decrease in the satellite’s size

D A decrease in the satellite’s velocity



Action-Reaction forces work in pairs. The object doing the action pushes a second object. The second object reacts and pushes the first object back. You can think of it as the forces going in a circle.





1. The illustration shows a student about the throw a ball while standing on a skateboard. Which illustration below correctly shows the skateboard’s direction of motion after the student releases the ball?

2. Which of these is the best description of the action-reaction force pair when the space shuttle lifts off from the launchpad?

A The ground pushes the rocket up while the exhaust gases push down on the ground.

B Exhaust gases push down on air while the air pushes up on the rocket.

C The rocket pushes exhaust gases down while the exhaust gases push the rocket.

D Gravity pulls the rocket exhaust down while friction pushes up against the rocket.









Work = Force x distance


If you want to decrease the force you have to use,

then you must increase the _________________.



1. Which lever arrangement requires the least effort force to raise a 500 N resistance?


2. The diagram shows an electric motor lifting a 6 N block a distance of 3 m. The total amount of electrical energy used by the motor is 30 J. How much energy does the motor convert to heat?

A 9 J

B 12 J

C 18 J

D 21 J

3. What is the efficiency of an air conditioner if there is a work input of 320 J and a work output of 80 J?

A 4%

B 25%

C 240%

D 400%

1. Which of the following is an example of solar energy being converted into chemical energy?

A Plants producing sugar during the day

B Water evaporating and condensing in the water cycle

C The sun evenly heating Earth’s surface

D Lava erupting from volcanoes for many days

2. Fuel cells powered by plankton from the seabed can be used to operate instruments that monitor ocean currents and water temperature. These fuel cells get their energy by converting –

A chemical energy to electrical energy

B electrical energy to mechanical energy

C hydroelectric energy to geothermal energy

D mechanical energy to chemical energy

C6H12O6 + 6O2 ’! 6CO2 + 6H2O

Glucose Oxygen Carbon Water


3000 kJ 300 kJ 200 kJ 150 kJ

3. Why is the sum of the products energy in this → 6CO2 + 6H2O

Glucose Oxygen Carbon Water


3000 kJ 300 kJ 200 kJ 150 kJ

3. Why is the sum of the products’ energy in this reaction less than the sum of the reactants’ energy?

A Energy is given off as heat.

B The products absorb available energy.

C Energy is trapped in the reactants.

D The reactants’ energy is less than the melting point of glucose.

Here is a poem to help you remember:

Solids make the best conductors;

That’s how they transmit heat.

And metals make the best of all;

Heat goes through nice and neat.

Fluids like convection best

‘Cause gas and liquids flow.

And where convection currents travel,

The heat is sure to go.

2. The primary way liquids and gases transmit heat is by the process of –

A reflection

B conduction

C radiation

D convection

4. A man who was sleeping wakes up because he hears the smoke alarm go off in his house. Before opening the bedroom door, the man feels the door to see whether it is warm. He is assuming that heat would be transferred through the door by –

A conduction

B convection

C radiation

D compression

3. Heat convection occurs in gases and liquids. Heat convection does not occur in solids because solids are unable to –

A absorb heat by vibrating

B transfer heat by fluid motion

C emit radiation by reflecting light

D exchange heat by direct contact


1. Assuming the chart contains all energy transformations in the Earth system, how much solar radiation goes toward evaporating water?

A 40,000 terajoules

B 92,410 terajoules

C 121,410 terajoules

D 133,410 terajoules

2. The moon’s surface becomes hot during the long lunar day because the sun transfers heat to the moon. The heat transfer is accomplished entirely through the process of –

A convection

B refraction

C conduction

D radiation

3. Container P and Container Q each were filled with 0.5 liter of water. The water was heated to 90 oC. The table shows the temperatures after both containers were allowed to cool for 3 minutes. Compared to Container Q, Container P is a better –

A conductor

B absorber

C radiator

D insulator

Temperatures of Water in Different Containers

4. How much heat is lost by 2.0 grams of water if the temperature drops from 31oC to 29oC? The specific heat of water is 4.184 J/g(oC.

A 4.0 J

B 6.2 J

C 8.4 J

D 16.7 J



5. About how much heat is lost by a

10.0 gram piece of glass that undergoes the temperature change shown above? Glass has a specific heat of 0.664 J/g(oC.

A 6.44 J

B 15.1 J

C 26.6 J

D 159 J

Initial Temperature

Final Temperature

To find change in temperature (ΔT),

you ________________

initial temperature from final temperature.

ΔT = Tf - Ti

4. An inventor claims to have created an internal combustion engine that converts 100 kJ of chemical energy from diesel fuel to 140 kJ of mechanical energy. This claim violates the law of conservation of -

A momentum

B inertia

C energy

D mass


1. In which container is the substance unable to transfer heat by convection?








6. What would be the wavelength in centimeters of this wave if its frequency were doubled? Record your answer in the boxes below







_______________________ is when a waves bounces off of an object.

_______________________ is when a wave bends as it travels through mediums with different densities.

______________________ is when waves overlap. (This can be constructive or destructive.)

_______________________ is when an object absorbs energy at its natural frequency.

___________________ is when waves only vibrate in one direction.


Frequency and wavelength are like two sides of a teeter-totter. When one goes ____, the other comes _________.

In a sound wave, the higher the frequency, the higher the _________________.

Frequency and Wavelength

1 second

What is the wavelength in cm?____________

What is the frequency in Hertz? ________________

__________________________ or _________________________ Wave.

3. The pitch of a sound made by plucking a guitar string is determined by the -

A frequency of the vibration produced

B strength of the plucking force

C distance between the strings

D shape of the guitar body

1. When trying to spear a fish in the water, a person needs to take into account the way light bends as it moves from water to air. The bending of light as it passes from one medium into another is known as –

A reflection

B refraction

C diffraction

D polarization

2. One tuning fork is struck and placed next to an identical fork. The two forks do not touch. The second tuning fork starts to vibrate because of –

A interference

B the Doppler effect

C resonance

D standing waves

4. A student remains stationary while a classmate moves two speakers closer together. The student notices that the sound seems to become noticeably softer as the waves overlap. What is causing this effect?

A Polarization of the sound waves by electromagnets.

B Interference between the sound waves of each speaker.

C Reflection of the sound waves off of the speaker boxes.

D Refraction of the waves as they enter the listener’s eardrum.



Electricity must have a completed or ______________ loop to travel through or it will NOT move. Electricity will not travel through an open circuit.

7. Which wave has the greatest velocity?

5. Which illustration best demonstrates compression waves?


Series Circuits

Series circuits only have _____ loop for the electricity to travel through. If any part of a series circuit is open, the whole circuit will stop working.

Parallel Circuits

Parallel circuits have ____ or ________ loops for the electricity to travel through. Part of a parallel circuit can be broken and the rest of the circuit will still work.


Conducting Wire

Light bulb

Light bulbs


Conducting Wire

1. How much current is flowing through this circuit?

A 0.32 A

B 3.1 A

C 4.0 A

D 12.5 A


2. Which switch, if opened, will cause the lightbulb to stop glowing?





V = 4.0 V

R = 12.5 ohms







3. Which circuit is built so that if one lightbulb goes out, the other three lightbulbs will continue to glow?

4. The circuit above can be made into a closed-series circuit that will light both bulbs by touching the loose wire to Point –






5. What is the current in a copper wire that has a resistance of 2 ohms and is connected to a 9-volt electrical source?

A 0.22 amps

B 4.5 amps

C 11.0 amps

D 18.0 amps

6. How much energy is being used by a 60 W light bulb every 30 seconds?

A 0.5 J

B 2.0 J

C 1800 J

D 3600 J

7. How much power is an electrical appliance that has a current of 120 amps and a voltage difference of 12 V using?

A 0.1 W

B 10 W

C 132 W

D 1440 W



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