Middle School Tournament



Starred toss-ups require calculation and are allotted 10 seconds.

FIRST PERIOD: Ten Toss-ups worth FIVE POINTS each.

*1. Round 264 to the nearest hundred.


2. What is the common name for solid carbon dioxide?

Dry ice

3. How many points can a football team earn with a safety?


4. What is the Greek (and Christian) name for the first five books of the Bible?

The Pentateuch

5. How many US states have a Pacific Ocean coastline?


6. What Broadway musical and movie includes the characters Maria and Captain von Trapp?

The Sound of Music

7. What two-man sport is depicted in George Bellows’ painting Both Members of This Club?


8. What is the name give to the white fluid within a chicken egg?


9. In what year did an American first walk on the moon?


10. What fictional character’s alma mater has the motto “Never tickle a sleeping dragon”?

Henry Potter


Middle School Tournament



SECOND PERIOD: Ten Toss-ups worth TEN POINTS each and Ten Two-part Bonuses worth up to TWENTY POINTS each.

*1. In terms of pi what is the volume of a cone with height of 12 and diameter of 8?

64 pi

Bonus: Mary used 7 1/3 feet of material for a project. She started with 12 ¼ feet of material.

A) How much material did she have left?

B) How much more will she need to use if the total project calls for 10 feet of material?

A) 4 11/12 B) 2 2/3

2. This group of artists was regularly rejected by the established art society. Their aim was to capture light as it is directly perceived by the eye reflected from objects. They used short brushstrokes of pure color. Some of their members include Pisarro, Renoir, Degas and Monet. What name was given to this group of artists?


Bonus: Identify the artist who painted each of the following.

A) Mona Lisa

B) The Scream

A) Leonardo da Vinci B) Edvard Munch

3. Who was the stern, cruel slave dealer in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin?

Simon Legree

Bonus: Answer these questions about the poem “The Charge of the Light Brigade.”

A) In which war did this charge take place?

B) What English poet immortalized this charge?

A) Crimean War B) Alfred, Lord Tennyson

4. This American document declared that any further European colonial ambitions in the Western Hemisphere would be regarded as threats to US peace and security. Name this document written in 1823 by the fifth US President.

Monroe Doctrine


Bonus: Identify the US state in which you will find the following sites:

A) Big Sur

B) Acadia National Park

A) California B) Maine

5. His efforts resulted in a dramatic reduction in the death rate during surgery. Who was this doctor who pioneered the use of antiseptics?

Joseph Lister

Bonus: What do you know about birds?

A) Which flightless marine bird of the Southern Hemisphere lives in rookeries?

B) Which bird feeds with its head upside down and its beak held horizontally beneath the water?

A) Penguin B) Flamingo

6. This British rock band formed in 1965 had Syd Barrett as one of its founders. Name this group whose albums include The Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall?

Pink Floyd

Bonus: Name the two largest salt-water lakes in the United States.

A) Great Salt Lake B) Lake Pontchartrain

7. If a company sets up an operating system that prevents its competitors from competing with it, it violates the law. What is this type company called?


Bonus: What do you know about Alabamians who played baseball?

A) Who was the first baseball player, a Mobile native, to break Babe Ruth’s home run record in 1974?

B) Who was the Heisman Trophy winner form Auburn who made a name for himself in both professional football and baseball in the 1980’s and 1990’s?

A) Hank Aaron B) “Bo” Jackson

8. His book was made into a movie starring Judy Garland. Who wrote The Wonderful Wizard of Oz?

L. Frank Baum

Bonus: I’ll name a short story. You tell me who wrote it.

A) “The Fall of the House of Usher”

B) “A Christmas Memory”

A) Edgar Allan Poe B) Truman Capote


9. In a human during the development of offspring, what connects the fetus to the mother’s placenta?

Umbilical cord

Bonus: How good are your eyes?

A) Which of the retina’s cells distinguish between different wavelengths of light and provide color vision?

B) What is the name of the third tissue layer of the eye that sends impulses along the optic nerve to the brain?

A) Cone B) Retina

10. What American composer wrote Oh Suzannah, Camptown Races and My Old Kentucky Home?

Stephen Foster

Bonus: Answer these questions about government.

A) Who was the only President since World War II to hold office without ever being elected on a national ticket?

B) What is the title of the US official responsible for foreign affairs?

A) Gerald Ford B) Secretary of State


Middle School Tournament



THIRD PERIOD: One Twenty-Question Worksheet with each correct answer worth FIVE POINTS each.

Hand out two copies of the worksheet to each team. Remind each team that they may turn in only one copy of the worksheet and that each copy should have the school name printed neatly on the back of the sheet. Each team will have TWO MINUTES to complete their worksheet. The timer will warn each team when one minute remains and every fifteen seconds thereafter.


1. Dutch

2. Devil

3. Debussy

4. Drama

5. Defendant

6. Dash

7. Dalai Lama

8. Dreiser

9. Digestion

10. Dictator

11. Depression

12. Diode

13. Desert

14. Disc

15. Diaz

16. Darwin

17. Decade

18. Deer

19. Dependent

20. Debs


Middle School Tournament



PERIOD FOUR: Ten Toss-up Questions worth FIFTEEN POINTS each.

*1. If the measures of the angle formed by each consecutive pair of legs of an octopus are the same, what is the angle measure?

Forty-five (degrees)

2. What is the name give to flowering plants whose embryos have two cotyledons or seed leaves?

Dicot ( accept dicotyledonous)

3. He is credited with describing the 1920’s as the “Jazz Age.” Who is this author of The Great Gatsby?

F. Scott Fitzgerald

4. Because he considered himself to be unjustly treated, he turned against his country. Name this American general who gave the British the opportunity to capture West Point.

Benedict Arnold

5. In the Bible who parted the River Jordan with his cloak?


6. To what phylum do oysters, clams, snails, and squid belong?

Mollusk (accept molluscia)

7. What name is given to a statistician who calculates life expectancy, etc. for an insurance company?


8. Phobia is the root for various kinds of fears. What word commonly refers to a fear of open spaces?


9. In 1663 the English crown granted this colony a charter guaranteeing freedom of worship. Name this state, founded by Roger Williams, the smallest US state.

Rhode Island


10. How many apostrophes appear in the following sentence? It’s their job to polish Mary’s shoes and wax the boss’s car because they’re earning money for a Six Flags trip.



Emergency toss-ups:

1. This Nobel prizewinning, Indian-born, English poet and writer emphasized moral viewpoints. Who was this man whose works include “Gunga Din” and The Jungle Book?

Rudyard Kipling

2. In 1973 the controversial Proposition 13 to cut property taxes was passed in what Western state?


Emergency bonus:

Who wrote the following works?

A) Then Again, Maybe I Won’t

B) “The Ugly Duckling”

A) Judy Blume B) Hans Christian Anderson


________________________1. Language of the Netherlands

________________________2. In the Christian church, the source of all evil

________________________3. French composer of The Afternoon of a Faun and Children’s Corner

________________________4. A work written to be acted on the stage

________________________5. In court, one who is sued; the accused

________________________6. The punctuation mark used in writing to set off interruptions

________________________7. Spiritual leader of the people of Tibet

________________________8. American author of Sister Carrie and An American Tragedy

________________________9. Process of breaking down food by mechanical and chemical means for

body absorption and use

________________________10. A term for a leader with absolute power

________________________11. A region of low atmospheric pressure

________________________12. A device that allows electric current to pass in one direction only

________________________13. Geographic regions where annual rainfall is less than 6.5 centimeters

________________________14. Flattened, rounded cushioning tissue between vertebrae

________________________15. Explorer who rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 1487

________________________16. Author of Origin of the Species

________________________17. Ten-year period

________________________18. Animal family in which Moose is largest member ________________________19. Another name for subordinate clauses

________________________20. Man who ran for US President five times between 1900 and 1920 on

the Socialist ticket


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