
05-16-1975IWDM Study LibraryRemake the World(Parts 1)By Imam W. Deen MohammedIn the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful: Peace and blessings upon His Servant and His Messenger, Muhammad forever. AmenAs-Salaam-AlaikumTo the many dignified guests here with us today; to Minister Jeremiah Shaheed Muslim Shabazz; to all the Ministers here with us today from the Nation of Islam; and to you, our brothers and sisters in the audience. All of you according to our religious teachings are born honorable. So I greet all of you honorable people in the greetings of peace, the greetings of every Prophet from Abraham to Muhammad, As-Salaam-Alaikum.I would like to first thank Brother Abdul Rahman Osman and I ask him to carry my personal thanks to Dr. Rauf, the director of the Islamic Center in Washington, D.C. I thank Brother Osman for coming and bringing me a gift that is indeed in my heart, the most valuable gift that anyone can give.That is the gift of the Word of Almighty God, the Holy Quran. I also thank him for his lovely gifts of the beautiful reflecting pictures of the Holy Mosque and the surroundings there in the Holy City of Mecca.Being once here in Philadelphia as a resident and as a minister over the Temple of Islam No. 12, I feel at this moment a bit heavy-hearted, almost lost for words, being received as I have been received here today. We were met at the airport with a motorcade that was so long that I thought that some other important person must have been in from of me somewhere.Then I come here and see this rostrum increased in dignity by the presence of Mrs. Goldie Watson the Deputy Mayor and by Mr. Clarence Farmer, chairman of the Commission of Human Relations, and by Mr. David Coleman, Commissioner of Records. The only people from the city government that I met personally when I was here before were the police.This is really a big change. All I can say to Muhammad’s Temple of Islam No. 12 under your great Minister Shaheed Muslim Shabazz is “keep on keeping on”. We don’t believe in spooks, but I can truthfully say that the Honorable Master Elijah Muhammad and Sister Clara Muhammad are happy right now, and that one stranger that introduced them to this way of life, Master W.F. Muhammad is happy right now.You Are Big Enough for This JobWe have a subject for you today that we have to explain because we don’t want to be taken for showoffs. The subject for the day is: “Remake the World.” I know that subject sounds big for us. One in his own thoughts might say, I wonder if that man has really thought over this subject?” How are these outcast, these poor and weak of this world, these small world Muslims, how can they get the nerve to come out with a subject like that?”Brothers and Sisters, we are by nature brothers and sisters whether we recognize it or not. We are of the same creation, we are of the same biological family. We speak the same language, and we share one common history. Our suffering is one, so if we aren’t brothers and sisters, I would like for somebody to teach me what being brothers and sisters means.First, we should say something on the need to remake the world. If the world has been made right, there's no need to remake it.But if the world has been made wrong, then it needs remaking. I’m a kind or unorthodox preacher or minister or speaker, or whatever you want to call me today. So bear with me and have patience. If I should do something or make gestures or move around in a manner that suggests that I don’t know the proper formality or etiquette for this kind of pulpit or this kind of gathering, then you just excuse me because I was brought up in a different school.The white man's modern inventions invite our intellectual curiosity, but they don't in any way appeal to our need to worship something. We worship only that that is supreme and superior, and his inventions to us are products of a grafted world.The white man is like a big child whose body makes us think that the child must be adult because he's grown so tall and materially he weighs so much, six sextillion tons. But we know something that weighs more than that. We adopted the Caucasian mind a long time ago and turned the physical world over to them. Their advanced inventions show us that they did learn something about it.We didn’t only leave with them a great sign of material know-how in the pyramids and in other great city systems that they found buried under the sands. These signs revealed that we had technology long before we turned our world over to them. We also left them wisdom and knowledge that was designed to develop and preserve civilization.A Social System Supported by SlaveryThe white man rushed out of the caves and hillsides of West Asia (called Europe) as little children mentally, morally, and spiritually, and picked up those things that attracts little children, such as iron and stone. They began working with those things forming weapons for physical war. Suddenly when we looked around we noticed that the newly arrived man on the scene of civilization was not in fact a man, but a grown up in physical form with a child’s mind.But when the general population of black people discovered this, it was too late. Our wise leaders had allowed these children to come into material power. The material power at that time was mainly a power for war.They came with gunpowder from the Asians, and with steel and with iron and they won a battle or a struggle with us for rule in the earth. They got Africa, which was not then called Africa, and put the name of two of their great men on that continent: Africanus, the warrior who battled Hannibal and Africanus, the explorer. They put their men's names on the continent of the Black people that they had subdued. Then they cut up the land and put their own names on it and divided the people into nations that were really one Nation and put increased hostility among the families of Africa.During that same time, they brought our fore-parents from that land and put them in physical bondage here in North America, in Central America, and even in South America, but mainly here in North America. In North America they established a whole social system or community supported by slavery: the plantation life. They stripped us of all the knowledge that we had of our motherland and people. As soon as the parents gave birth to children for slavery, they cast the parents away and saved the children. They separated the parents from the children so that the parents wouldn't be able to teach the children a knowledge of their land and their people.I’m Here to Kill HatredIf you are cut off from the knowledge of your people and then someone also cuts you off from the traditions of your people, you are helpless to find your way back home. You can't find your way back home because you don't have books to read and you don't have traditions passed down from your mother and father to follow. So, all you can do is just live the life that you're in. The life that they put us in was a life a little below the life of monkeys, horses, mules, dogs and chickens and whatnot.I'm not here to teach hatred, I'm here to kill hatred. Sometimes we kill the creature and leave the eggs unharmed. Pretty soon the house is infested again with germ-carrying pests because we killed the creature but ignored its potent, fertile eggs. The slave history and the slave mentality still hang on in the total makeup of our people. It is a troublemaker in the subconscious. Unless we bring it up so that the conscious can see it and deal with it, we'll still be here a long time in slavery.They Have Exposed ThemselvesThe worst form of slavery is not the form that you understand: to weigh a man or woman down with yokes and chains. The worst form of slavery is the enslavement of your mind. Many men and women go around thinking that they are free while they are mentally a slave. The wisdom of this world is so deceitful. It has the power to escape your recognition and to enter your mind without you observing it. There are books out now on the market about subliminal suggestion (seduction). If you haven’t read them, you should read them because this is our job today. Our job is not dealing with the visible, our job is dealing with the invisible. These books tell you how pictures are relayed on television so fast and in such a way that your physical eye never catches the picture.But the mind being faster than the eye catches the picture and the picture goes into the mind without the mind’s recognition or awareness. With this kind of commercial poisoning and exploitation, they direct your behavior. I’m not telling you what we wrote, I’m telling you what they have written. They can make you eat more when they want you to eat more. They can make eat the things that you don’t want when they want to make you eat those things. They create the appetite in you and send you out blindfolded, not knowing what has happened to get those things that they have created a hunger for in you.This is not our language or our knowledge. This is their trick, their scheme, their plot and their language. They have exposed themselves.Why has Almighty God allowed this to come out? To help His Chosen One that is dealing with a problem like this and having a hard time reaching you because you’re so far from the tricks of the world. Your knowledge is so far from theirs and they have kept you out so long that you’re just too far away from the sophisticated world of mind manipulation. When we talk you, we have to talk over and over again on the same thing hoping that maybe you’ll get in on the second time around or the tenth time around.Almighty God being present today has manifested His Presence not just to be present, but to rule. This is His day. This is the Sabbath: not Saturday, not Sunday, but everyday.The CrucifixThe one for whom the Sabbath was made is here. So, it’s no need anymore to have a sign or religious ritual or service telling of something to come because that something is here.Brothers and Sisters, do you know what seduction is? It comes from the word “seduce”. The biggest object that you can find of subliminal seduction is the so-called white Caucasian crucifix. You would be amazed if we could tell you this afternoon just how much that crucifix is loaded with messages that come to your mind without your knowledge and without your observation. It directs your behavior, not in the way of God, but in the way of the big devil himself.We don’t have time today and we haven’t included it in our talk. I only wanted to mention it to you while going into our talk for today and that is the subject of “Remaking the World”. I mentioned it for this reason: there is wisdom that can unlock the chains on your mind, but that wisdom itself has been locked up with symbolic language that you can’t understand without someone to show you the correct interpretation of that language.The Graveyard of Our People Is The BibleWe want to begin this talk today on calling to you to remake the world with some reading from Bible Genesis. I’ve heard some say, and it’s nothing new, that we don’t need a lot of religion. They say that that’s been our problem: too much religion.The Honorable Master Elijah Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that the graveyard of our people is the Bible. If you are to be raised from the grave, you must be raised from the grave of the Bible. That work is not over because the Bible is still a graveyard. If you don't believe it, maybe you've been away from the church people for a while. Go back around the church people, visit them in the churches, and listen to what they are saying.If they have an appeal or if they attract you, most likely it is because they have left the old church language and have taken on the language of the Nation of Islam. It's not good to leave a thing that has possessed you without understanding it. If you leave it without first understanding it, you haven't really left it. You have only brought about a physical separation between yourself and the thing that once possessed you. But that thing is still working in your hidden thoughts and it's still making you behave in the way designed by that thing that possessed you.The Devil’s Jesus ChristChrist the prophet was a good man, a righteous man, the greatest of the prophets to come to Israel or to the Jews as they are called. But the Jesus Christ that the average black man and woman have in their hearts and mind is a devil.I’m not saying that your Jesus Christ is a devil. I’m saying that the devil’s Jesus Christ is a devil. The devil gave him to you, he was not yours. I’m not calling white folks “devil”. In fact, I’d like to see some white folks. I’ve never seen any white folks in my life.If you’re talking about the people who sometimes come maple – colored pink – colored red – colored red and blue, colored gray – colored high yellow – colored, who come often with blond hair and blue eyes, I’m not calling those people “devil”. I’m calling the mind that has ruled those people and you “devil”. It ruled them for their glory and ruled you for your shame and damnation. Understand that I mean, it is their collective mind (their common mind) that they have inherited from their great ancient father, the Satan, the devil himself. Go back and read the words of Jesus. He said that if the Jews were the children of Abraham they would love him. He said that he knew their father, he was a liar and a murderer from the beginning. He said that their father was the devil and the work of their father they would do. Why “they will do” the work of their father? It is because their father’s mind still rules in their body. How can they do any work except the work of the father when they don’t have a mind of their own? They have the mind of their father.I repeat brothers and sisters, the devil mentality (the germ that ruled in the Caucasian body) ruled them for their glory and power over the world. The same they passed on to you and it ruled in you for your shame and your destruction.Jesus, The Caucasian ImageThe strongest arm or messenger of that Caucasian mentality is the crucifix that they teach you to love and cherish in the Christian church. It has on it the image of a Caucasian man. They have made the Caucasian image to arouse in you sympathy, pity, and tears for that particular Caucasian image.He has thorns sticking into the scalp of his head, nails driven though the palms of his hands, nails driven though his feet, and a bleeding wound that was made be a spear that went into his heart.On top of that you are told that he was driven up to his place of crucifixion. They beat him, they stoned him, they spat on him, and they placed a heavy weight on his back for him to carry all the way to the place of his crucifixion. That weight was the heavy cross.You sit in the church and you just get all upset. Your little old sinful heart just starts trembling inside your chest. You say, “What kind of people would do a sweet man like they did this man?” You accept him right away into your heart, into your arms, and into your home. You put him on your wall and he’s the only thing on your wall or in your heart that you don’t curse at.Get Out Of The Color SlaveryNo matter how good a Christian most of you say you are, when you get mad you’ll come out with all those big unwritten adjectives. As black as you say you are in your mind with your natural hairdo, you pick up the world “black” and throw it at the members of your house. This shows us that you still think it’s an ugly word. You can’t wake yourself up; God has to wake you up.It’s time for us to get out of the color slavery. That’s why the great Master W.F. Muhammad told the Honorable Elijah Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) that the so-called white man is not really white. He said that he’s so-called white. He said that what he really is, - is a colored man. What did he mean by that?In the white man’s language of white supremacy, white meant pure, divine, godly, of the family of the son of God (Jesus Christ) – the yellow-haired, pale-faced, blue-eyed man on the cross.That’s what the Ku-Klux-Klansman is telling you when he tells you he’s white. He’s telling you that he is God. “Can’t you see I look like Jesus, we are one flesh. If you don’t bow down to what we’re telling you boy, I’m going to bring the sign of my Christ (the cross) and burn it on your lawn and swing you up a tree.Let us now think on color problems. I was never raise to think white meant anything special, so I never had any color complexes or inferiority. The color of a person never meant anything to me. If he was pale-faced with blue eyes and blond hair, but behaved as a human being, I respected him and I was not afraid of him. But I was always suspicious. I never accepted him until he proved to me that he was not untrue to the label. I hope you understand.The Muslims didn’t call them white folks. They gave themselves the name white folks. The history of white folks is the history of a devil. So if there are some that are not true to the devil mentality that has ruled in their bodies and made that devil history, then they have to show me. I’m not going to take them on face value. This is wise. No wise man picks up snakes without knowing them. Some are poisonous and some are not, but you have to know them, stay away from them.I am not here to humor you, I am serious. What I am going to say now might be a little humorous. In fact, it’s just outright funny.I remember as a child I used to observe people all the time. Once I saw two girls arguing. One girl had straight hair and was as light as a white person, but she didn’t have keen features. They were cursing each other out. The light girl was getting the best of the black girl. The black girl didn’t have any terrible white adjectives to throw back at the light skinned girl. (This was back about 20 years ago).All the black girl could say was, “The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice”. But the light girl was throwing so much on her that she was about to start crying. She just kept saying, “the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice”. What made it so pitiful was that the black girl was too small to whip the big, ugly light-faced girl.So I stood at a distance, looking to see which one was telling the truth. I had never had that color problem because my parents didn’t raise me like that. I was born in Islam. When I started examining the light skinned girl’s face, I saw that she looked like a shaved orangutan with its lips turned inside out. She was so messed up that she had to be light to hide the mess up.Since she was not born in this time period of black awareness, it was a mercy that her ugliness was hidden with lightness. She looked like something you could bring out in the dark, turn a light on quick, and frighten an army off their post. She looked like every artist had a hand in making her and all of their intentions were to destroy art. For some of you, light colored skin and straight hair are the only marks of beauty.We Live Black InferiorityWe have a color problem brothers and sisters. It has been bred into our minds so long from generations down to generations until now we just live black inferiority. We can talk black superiority, but because of this being the core of our minds and spirit, we live black inferiority. It’s time to wake up.How often have you seen the black flag wearing brother or sister in our community? He is the one who even wants his dress shirt to be black, red and green. He wants his socks to be black, red and green. He’ll come out with some water – glittering shoes that are black, red and green. He wears a knitted cap, black, red and green. He’s black, black, black, through and through. Yet when he talks he says, “Yes, she’s got good hair. She’s so fine.” What he means to say is that she has nappy hair or kinky hair when he says that she has “bad Hair”. He means that she has straight hair when he says she has “good hair”.I don’t see people when they’re buying fabric in the fabric market picking up materials and saying, “Give me a piece of that bad carpet” or “Give me a piece of that bad cloth”. They say that they would like to have this woolen nap rug. It’s not bad when they’re referring to it off their own bodies, but when it’s on their own bodies they say that it is bad hair. Who has taught you that it’s bad? What is bad about it?It’s good strong hair and it protects your head. The Book says of Christ that his hair was white like lamb’s wool. But the Christ on the cross that we see and cherish has straight, stringy hair.Why do you say your hair is bad kinky? You should stop using the white man’s comb. He made that comb for his hair. Go get yourself a comb for your hair.You’ve neglected your hair so long that it doesn’t even look healthy for you. It’s just like a nice, beautiful, attractive, nappy rig that you go to the store and buy today that you care nothing about. If you leave trash on it, if you let anybody walk in off the dirty street and track mud all over it, and if you never vacuum it, preys soon it is going to be ugly and unattractive. When you brought that nappy rug, it was pretty. You nappy head is also pretty when it comes here, but you start neglecting it.I don’t care how nappy your hair is, if you would clean it and take care of it, and give it half the attention that you give the Caucasian hair, it will be clean, pretty, becoming to you, healthy and strong.Your hair is not made for the kind of climate that the white man is used to. Your hair is made for the climate that you were brought up in. That climate was a hot and humid climate. Your hair is tight together like a mat. What happens is this: when moisture forms in your hair, your hair holds the moisture. It’s not stringy, so the moisture doesn’t just run down and drop as it accumulates. It fills up that sponge that you have for hair. That serves to keep your precious head cool in the hot, humid weather.Water is a coolant. We’re just talking about this, kind of a reasoning with the color problem before going on to our subject.Color with The Color Of RighteousnessWe have to first see what is wrong with the world to understand the subject: “Remake the World”. Let’s take a look at nature itself and see if we have color superiority in nature. The earth is many colors. I have been blessed to travel outside of this part of the world into the east and into the south in the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia.I have looked at the soil and I found some soil black, some gray, some even white, red, and different shades. I came back home and thought it over. I said that the Honorable Master Elijah Muhammad’s wisdom is truly great. He says in one of his books that the color of the universe is the sun. Being himself a creature, or a product of the Divine Scripture, he spoke with a language that was the same as that language we find in the scripture. He spoke in the language of symbolism, but he spoke great wisdom.He’s telling us in that book, that the sun gives colors to the earth and all the colors are in the sunlight. We know that when we see the rainbow after that rain. When the sun is still shining and the clouds have passed but the mist is still in the air from the heavy rain, we see in that mist by the penetration of the sun rays a rainbow that reveals the six basic colors. When we look at the soil of the earth, we see the gift of the sun.You may say, “Black is not a color.” No, black is not a color. Black is the effects from colors being absorbed into each other or taken in. What we call white is the effect of color being collected all together. In the creation in the earth we see white and we see black. In the color scale we see the colors of the rainbow, which are the colors of the sun revealed to the physical eye.Again I thought and reflected on the Holy Quran where it describes how the colors run together at the top of some mountains in the rocks.. Then I saw a great lesson and great beauty in this from the Holy Quran, but I won’t go into this, Ill keep moving.Then one day just for the fun of it, I decided to just think on colors in nature. Right away I asked how the white man could thing that everything white is pure. Maggots are white and no white man would tell you a cup of maggots is pure.Then I thought about the fly. I said, “I’ve seen black flies and white maggots.” I have told you these things to say this: It is not the color of the material, it’s the color of that, that lives in, rules over, and directs the material. We’re told both by Holy Quran and Bible to color ourselves with the color of righteousness.The Nature Of ThingsIn the Book (the Holy Quran) we are told that God made man to rule. After making a man, God taught the man the nature of things. We must read the Holy Quran with an adult mind and come away from the baby mind because we are no more a baby nation. We are a young adult nation. We have old grown ups now looking to us for guidance and strength among the nations of the world. They see now that this is no baby over here in the black community of America.If we expect to keep this respect and recognition that we have gained by the hard work and sacrifices of the Honorable Master Elijah Muhammad (may peace and blessings be upon him) and by the hard work and sacrifices of those that followed him until the end of his time among us, we have to prove to them that we are adults and not still babies.What is meant by the nature of things? It means the true identity of the thing. How can I be sure that I have rightly identified a thing? I can only be sure when I have seen and understood that thing’s nature. If there is a devil or an enemy mentality ruling in Caucasian people, then I can truthfully say that the Caucasian people are the living devil on the earth. But If I can’t prove that there is an enemy mentality working and ruling in the Caucasian flesh body of the earth, I can’t prove them to be a devil because I haven’t been able to identify them.The Word Took On FleshA thing may take on several and different natures. If you are raised in the jungles without human beings as parents, you might come up as a wolf or as a monkey. You might even imitate their sounds. I’m not telling you what we think, I’m telling you what we know. You might bark and make sounds live wolves. Why?Because the human creature is different from all the other creatures of the earth. We are not made when we’re physically made. You come into the world from your mother’s womb as an empty vessel. The world that you are born in has to fill the empty vessel with a mind to rule and to dwell in the kingdom we call the vessel.The Scripture tells us in plain language that we have been so far from the right track that we can’t understand it even when we hear it. It says to us that in the beginning there was the Word and the Word took on flesh. What does that mean?It means simply this: what comes into our flesh body when it is delivered from the flesh womb or body of our mothers is the thing that forms us in our flesh body and that thing was before our flesh body. When did man start thinking in the earth? No history tells us. When did the first thoughts come into existence? No history can tell us. So we as an inward person or a real person ruling in the flesh have no birth record.If you have patience and listen you will get understanding.God Himself Makes UsYou can be born identical twins and grow up to be more unlike each other than any other brother and sister in the family. It doesn’t mean you’re going to be alike because you’re physically alike, although many times twins also look alike in their minds and in their spirits. That’s because they liked each other and perhaps there was nothing happening in the house to make them dislike each other. But if one twin senses that the mother is trying to force it to be like its brother or sister, it will begin to rebel against this knowing that it is an individual too.It might come up resisting the influences that the other one accepts. The result will be that these people will be far apart as persons although they have been close as flesh. What does this tell us? This tells us something that might be too strange and too heavy for your mind to hear. It might be too foreign for your imagination, but it’s the truth and you’ve been hearing it in the church all your life.Allah the God Himself makes us. We are only born physically from our parents, but God Almighty make us. He allows some of us to be made with different materials. He allows some of us to come up like our mothers and some to come up like our fathers. Some come up being neither like mother or father. Some may be like uncle or aunt or grandfather.In the Beginning We Were Formed RightDon’t think of yourself as a physical creation because you were before the physical creation. The physical creation comes up from the earth out of the earth. The earth produces minerals plants and flesh. The earth produce your flesh so that you would have to dwell in a place to come into.In the beginning, we were formed right according to the Holy Quran and Bible. But we went off from the right way of thinking and began thinking foreign to the way of our very nature. Once you begin thinking foreign, strange, or unnatural, you begin to entertain foreign, strange, and unnatural ideas and thoughts. What comes about when this happens is a new language. The Holy Quran and the Bible say that once the people were one people and their language was one language.What does this mean?It means that once they had truth coming to them. Once their society (their community) was filled with the language of truth. It was the language of truth that formed them in the vessel we call the physical body. So they walked aright because they were formed rightly.But something happened and they went astray from the right course and lost their ability to speak right language. Their language was no longer the Word of God. It was the word of grafted creation. When the word of the grafted went into the vessel coming from its mother, it made a grafted person in that vessel. Jesus said that as a man thinketh, so is he. If we could take the time we could show you and bring you to agree with us that every person is formed, created, or made in the physical body by words (language).Select the Things To Go Into Your MindWhat do we mean by language?Look at the number “1” and the number “2”.You may not call these words, by in God’s wisdom I am writing words. Those numbers are seen as words even in the wisdom of the wise of this world. A word is that which brings a message to your mind. Everything that I am doing is bringing a message to your mid. You don’t call these “words” but they are. What you’re doing now is getting words.When the baby comes from the mother, the eyes open and the baby sees something when the eyes are open. Without a word being spoken to the child, the child has received may “words”. The images that the child sees are words going into the mind of the child.Everything in your environment is words speaking to your mind, forming you in the body. The books you read, the language of your parents, the talk you heard in the home, the words you heard in the streets, the physical things that you looked at and thought about, the physical things that you looked at and didn’t think about are all words.All these things have acted as words, gone into your mind, formed you, and they are forming you for as long as you live in this word. The process of making or forming human beings never stops, it goes on all the time. If you don’t want yourself to be created in ill, weak, bad, ugly or diseased forms, you have to get wise in the language of the environment and start selecting the things that you want to go into your mind. All praise due to Allah.Thank you for honoring us with your time to read these few words.As-Salaam-AlaikumW.D. MohammedSupreme Minister ................

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